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Name: Barka

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Guild: Titanos

Occupation: Guild Master

Tier: Guild Master


Guild Mark/Location?: Right Bicep



Cold/Short Tempered/Apathetic
Physical Strength/Speed/Experience


Blood Lust


Too Many to List



Physical Combatant: Barka is on par with having almost super human strength and endurance. The man is a walking fortress, able to withstand attacks that would certainly kill lesser men. Despite his size, Barka is extremely fast and agile. The man has devoted his life to conditioning his body, his talents, and strengths to make himself the perfect mage killer.

Static Magic:

Static Charge: Barka charges static electricity through his body. This attack is none physical, and instead boosts his own abilities.

Static Jump: Like a flash of lightning Barka can jump almost instantly from one spot to the next.

Paralyzing Palm: Barka hits his foe using the palm of his hand. This attack is powered by static electricity and although not especially dangerous, it will certainly stun lock an opponent for sometime.

Static Discharge: Barka discharges all his pent up static energy resulting in an explosive force.

Lightning Rod: Barka turns himself into a sort of lightning rod. Any electrical energy around him, be it man made or natural rushes to him. He then harness this energy to replenish his magical reserves.

Thunder Regulus: Barka channels his energy into a single bolt of lightning, that when thrown, is ten times more destructive than a lightning bolt from nature.

Thunder Shower: Barka unleashes a flurry of lightning attacks, though not as strong as Thunder Regulus, these bolts will track and follow their targets until they connect.

Sonic Boom: Barka slams his palms together with such force the clap of his hands break the sound barrier, and coupled with a bit of magic, creates a shock-wave that blows weak foes off their feat.

Power Drive: Barka combines his Static Jump spell and a physical attack to dramatically increase the force at which he can strike an enemy. This attack is strong enough to send foes much larger than himself flying through the air.

Arena Break: Barka unleashes enough energy into the ground to effectively destroy the area around him, and send boulder size rubble into the air.

Static Barrier: Static energy absorbed by Barka acts as a type of natural defense. As opponents draw closer to him, they run the chance of getting hit by a stray arc of lightning that emits from his body.

Lightning Raid: Barka unleashes a bolt of lightning that will arch from one foe to the next until it dissipates. Each jump the bolt makes reduces its overall damage.


(OP)History: To be Revealed.​


Name: Bastion Magora
"It's not even noon yet...don't call my name so loudly."

Age: 18
"Can I go back to sleep?"

Gender: Male
"You got me up for this...? Man..."

Race: Human/Dragon Slayer
"No...I don't have a tail."


Occupation: Guild Mage

Tier: B L U E T I E R - AA


Guild Mark/Location?:
Bright Red - Located on the back of his right hand

Light beige skin tone, dark blonde hair (Length: stops just about his shoulders, with bangs that stop at around his eye level), his eyes are a bright brown, commonly wears a bleak brown hoodie (hood is almost always up), dark brown symbols cover the hoodie (One noticable shape is like a cross shaped dagger over the left side of his chest), a bleak grass green sleeveless under shirt, very worn bleak blue jeans and bleak brown shoes.

For being apart of the top guild in Fiore that is know for being one of the oldest guilds ever founded, Bastion is about the laziest and most lay back seeming person you will ever meet in all of Fiore. He will sleep till noon any chance he gets, takes frequent naps through out the day and even goes to bed earlier than most people. He is laid back in most situations and never truly strives to do anything unless it's something necessary or is ordered to get off his bum by someone who can force him to do so; this is usually the guild master or higher tier wizards in general within the guild. However, Bastion's lazy nature can be quite deceiving and almost scary when considering how instantly he can go from zero to one-hundred in terms of effort, activity and emotion. One moment he could be sleeping under a tree waiting for some low class bandits to stroll by and the next moment he will spring up unannounced and complete his task as quickly as he can. The man reason for this is usually because he wants to get back to his napping and site seeing quickly. He has a very neutral way of looking at things and will almost always try to not get involved or take sides if he isn't already on one side or the other. All of this combined however is why Bastion isn't known to really stride or reach out for greater things often unless he is pushed...or pulled towards such things for his potential is certainly there.


+Good at conserving his stamina/magic

+Easy to please (let him sleep)

+He himself is a hard person to read

+Good natural senses (Smell & Hearing) [Dragon Slayer]


+Close Ranged Combat

+Good against other fire magic users

+Good against things that are weak to bludgeoning

+Natural fighting instincts

+Speed and Power increases sharply when angered




-Bad lair

-Very blunt


-Water Magic

-Any magic that is complicated to understand

-Bad at cooperating with a team

-Very bad at planning or strategy

-Forms of transportation/Motion sickness [Dragon Slayer Weakness]

+Is actually very imaginative and can draw decently well, would be better if he put more effort into it.

Taking naps
Food (Meat Specifically)
Taking in views from high places
Flying (Flight powered by himself)

Having to wake up early in the morning
Staying up late

Being ordered around

-Any kind of magic that will make it so he can't sleep or shut his eyes.
-Being unable to dream
-Being to far away from food for too long
-Wizards who are ULTRA TIER and above

guild members and guild master​


Caster Magic/Lost Magic [Fire Dragon Slayer Magic]

Dragon Force
(Can only enter when he has completely lost himself to anger or rage.)
When a Dragon Slayer enters Dragon Force, they effectively turn into a humanoid Dragon, gaining reptilian scales and traits, such as further elongated, and sharper, canines and scale-like patterns on their skin. Dragon Force greatly increases the damage done by standard Dragon Slayer spells, and grants the user access to more advanced, powerful attacks. It also drastically enhances the user's physical prowess, speed, and considerably boosts their magic power.

(*) Means self made spells

[BCOLOR=#993300]Basic/Low Level Spells[/BCOLOR]

1 Fire Dragon's Roar
The user first inhales, gathering fire in their mouth, and then releases such fire in the direction of their opponent, creating a large, exploding fireball which damages and burns the opponent.

2 Fire Dragon's Claw
The user ignites their feet with flames and proceeds to assault the opponent with a powerful fire-enhanced kick, with the flames greatly augmenting the power of said kick. They can also create flames from the feet, greatly enhancing speed and allowing the user to jet-propel in any direction they desire. This makes it easier for the user to get close to opponents that they wish to engage in close combat. The user can also combine the jet-propulsion capabilities of this spell for use with other techniques.

3 Fire Dragon's Iron Fist
The user engulfs their fist in flames and then punches their opponent, causing, aside from sheer blunt damage, damage from the flames as well. This attack can also be performed with both hands at once.

4 Fire Dragon's Grip Strike
The user rushes towards the target and grabs them with their hand. Whilst giving the attacking arm support with the other, the user releases a vast amount of explosive flames at point-blank range, burning the target.

5 Fire Dragon's Flame Elbow
The user creates intense, bursting flames from their elbow, boosting the striking power of the corresponding bare punch, which they then use to strike the target.

6 Fire Dragon's Sword Horn
The user engulfs their entire body in flames and then propels themselves against the opponent at high speed, hitting them with a powerful headbutt.

7 Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame
The user generates fire on both of their hands and then joins them, creating a unique, larger flame as a result. When such flame collides with the enemy, it creates a very massive and destructive explosion.

8 Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang

The user ignites one of their hands and then swings it in an arc, striking the target with their fingertips, leaving a flurry of flames in their wake.

9 *Fire Dragon's Blaze Armor
The user envelops themselves in their own flames like a protective aura of flaming armor. It can help soften the damage of low level spells and if come one were to physically come in contact with it they will suffer burns and feel a solidness to the flames.

10 Fire Dragon's Roasting Bath
The user engulfs their entire body in flames to heat up the surrounding area within about 5 meters. This is powerful enough to make water reach scalding temperatures.

11 *Fire Dragon's Flame Spin
The user spins rapidly for a moment with his legs above his head as if he was break dancing. Concentrating flames to his legs and feet as he spins on his back and hands, the flames propelling the power and speed of his spinning legs. Usually a defensive move and primarily used when the user is laying on the ground.

12 Fire Dragon's Wing Attack
The user rushes forward against two opponents. While doing so, the user produces a large stream of fire from each of their arms, which, when it comes in contact with the foes, burns them and at the same time sends them flying away behind them due to the blunt force of the produced fire. Such flames take the rough form of a pair of Dragon's wings, thus the name of the attack. This spell can also by employed by first grabbing the targets' heads and then producing the fire to strike them

13 *Fire Dragon's Flame Fangs
The user produces flames at the front of his fists and punches the air with great force with each fist. Each punch sends a fang shaped flame projectile towards the intended target that cause fire and bludgeoning damage. Both of these projectiles can be fired in such ways that they can have great curves to their trajectories.

[BCOLOR=#993300]Advance/Higher Level Spells[/BCOLOR]

14 Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist

The user ignites their fists with large, light spheres and then charges at the opponent, hitting them with a continuous barrage of punches enhanced with Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. Each punch produces a small but powerful explosion.

15 Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade
The user ignites their arms and generates long torrents of flames from them, which move to hit the enemy in a spiraling formation. Each connecting strike generates a powerful, burning explosion.

16 *Wrathful Eruption: Fire Dragon's Deafening Howl
(Only While in Dragon Force)
The user takes in a deep breath, gathering magic into their lungs before unleashing an ear piercing audible roar of a dragon. Will cause unprotected ear drums to rupture and even bleed if close enough to the source of the roar (Close being within sight, far being like a good mile.) Primary purpose is to stun and disorient or intimidate one or multiple enemies.

17*Wrathful Eruption: Fire Dragon's Blazing Assault
The user emits continuous jets of flame from the bottoms of his feet, the palms of his hands and his elbows allowing very agile and reactive fast speed flight and maneuvering. This single move encompasses the use of three lower spells into one combative assault for an extended period rather than just singular bursts.

18*Wrathful Eruption: Fire Dragon's Blaze Wings
(Only while in Dragon Force)
The user creates actually functioning dragon wings made of fire. The wings move and are controlled by the user like additional appendages. They can be used to cover the user's body and block incoming attacks and can be used participate in high speed maneuverable flight similar to that of a dragon. Said wings can also be used to deliver bludgeoning attacks of fire. The total wing span is just over 1.5x the length of the user's own height.

19*Wrathful Eruption: Erupting Flame Hammer
The user envelops both hands in a great value of flames before slamming both fists down into the ground beneath him. The user funnels his flames into the surface beneath him in all directions and after a second or so a 10 meter radius area of flames erupts from beneath the surface in all directions, not only around the user but 10 meters high and 10 meters deep as well. Flames from beneath the ground explode down deep in the earth and pillars of said escaping flames rise into the sky and said ground will crumble and crater, usually creating a big hole or cavern beneath.

20*Ignited Embers: Blazing Flame Wall
The user assembles flames to his left and right as they are clasped together. Then the user separates his hands in a wide arc around himself as the flames from his hands burst out 5 meters from his position and create a wall of flame about 10 meters in length around the user's general area on the ground. The wall will remain there for around 1 minute or until it is destroyed.

21*Ignited Embers: Fire Dragon's Raging Discharge
The user starts this spell by supporting his right arm with his left, holding it about the bicep and extending the right arm out and forwards and palm open with flame accumulating around the right arm as well as the palm. This spell is very similar to "Fire Dragon's Grip Strike" but it has far more destructive force as a 20 meter frontal cone torrent of flames erupts from the user's palm. The user can use this spell from any position like "Fire Dragon's Roar" but the amount of force that this spell delivers will send the user jetting in the opposite direction a good 20 meters if the user is not firmly planted on a surface.

22*Ignited Embers: Fire Dragon's Piercing Gouge
The user rushes forwards, propelling himself with flame jets from the bottoms of his feet before also propelling flame jets from his pals causing him to spin rapidly into a propelling drill of fire projectile. The bludgeoning drilling force produced by this spell can burrow it's way through stone and earth and the spiraling forces make it so it is difficult to stop by both enemies and the user himself until he travels about 10 spiraling meters during this spell.

23*Ignited Embers: Burning Barrage of the Fire Dragon
The user clasping his left hand over his right fist as he builds flames between the two. The user then unleashes the built up magical power by throwing his right arm as if he was throwing a hook but instead a shotgun blast of around 2 dozen baseball sized fireballs with shoot out in front in a loose cone shape. The velocity that each fireball is traveling at is enough to punch a clean hole through a tree along with the burning damage afterwards.


The female fire dragon Magora would stumble across the burnt down remains of a village in Fiore. The dragon would hear the cries of a baby and come across one not even six months old, wrapped in a blanket and tucked into a bucket that hung over the well in the middle of the village. Magora nor Bastion know what tragedy occurred here when Bastion was just a baby but that was the day that the female fire dragon adopted the young human child as her own. She raised him, taught him how to speak, taught him how to read, how to do simple cooking and taught him "Fire Dragon Slayer Magic." She wasn't very hard on him and in fact babied him far longer than she should have for one day Magora was gone and Bastion didn't know why she had left. He cried and searched then cried some more until after a week he had no tears left to cry with. He became distrusting of others due to this as he couldn't believe that the closest person to him would leave without a word. After some time and a lot of traveling Bastion would eventually stumble his way into Castle Drummar, TITANOS' guild hall one day when he was curious about the surrounding area it resides because he was traveling through it. He was reluctant to join the guild at first when he was offered but for one reason or another Bastion agreed and joined the ranks of the TITANOS. It could have been the thought of a warm bed every night under a roof, the smell of good food or maybe the gorgeous view that "The Hanging Keep" possessed as it overlooks the mountain lake. He didn't care that he was apart of the strongest guild (though he'd be lying if it wasn't cool.) What really mattered to Bastion whether he would admit it or not was that he started to feel like he had a home to return to again, even if Magora wasn't here with him.

(Let me know if I missed anything or if anything needs to be tweaked or changed.)
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.::G E N E R A L::.


Blythe Lister

"Short Stuff," "Bly,"



September 3rd [VIRGO]


5' 0"


Mage/Part-time Librarian


.::P E R S O N A L / M E N T A L::.

On her right thigh


One attribute that stands out in Blythe's personality is her level of maturity. As she's only 20, many would consider her to be quite wise beyond her years. This leads others to often come to her for life advice because of her levelheadedness and ability to support others with her thought process. Blythe handles situations with a level of sophistication that others lack and this is why she can be counted during confusing times.

Blythe always bases her decisions on logical thought as she believes that decisions made by emotions are irrational. This can oftentimes lead others to think that she is really blunt when she is only basing her decisions on facts. Blythe's logical thinking came from her large intelligence which she is very proud of. She loves to learn and will jump at the chance to be able to find out something new.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Blythe has developed a short fuse after being teased by her height and appearance multiple times. This can cause her to go off on someone who comments on her physical attributes instead of her mental ones. Often times, this throws people off because of her usually levelheaded and knowledgeable demeanor.

Going hand-in-hand with her big brain, Blythe loves to read and spends most of her free time doing so. She will even read while working at her job in Columba's vast library. This trait seems to make others think of her as a bit of an introvert. Her guilty pleasure is reading romance novels.

Blythe often keeps her problems to herself because she believes it is better to internalize it. This gives her the chance to deal with things in her own way other than having others try and help her. Being so self-reliant can cause her to distance herself from her friends when facing her own obstacles. This doesn't make her any less caring toward her friends, however, and Blythe would do just about anything to help them out.

A side that no one sees very often, Blythe dreams of one day meeting her Prince Charming and often gawks at men she believes to be good-looking or similar to the men in the romance novels that she reads. When men flirt with her, however, she doesn't know how to handle it. This causes Blythe to become extremely awkward and flustered. She dislikes this side of her personality because she deems it as the time when she's at her most irrational state.

- Can distance herself from others when she reads too much or when she is solving her own problems
- Her quick temper can sometimes get in the way of her logical thinking
- Cannot flirt to save her life

- Helping others
- Reading books
- Sunsets
- Coffee and breakfast food
- Science
- Intellectual puzzles
- Historical sites

- Fighting
- Sour foods
- Alcohol
- Cats (she's allergic)
- Anything illogical
- Baking (she burns whatever she bakes)

- Spiders

-Her Columba guildmates

- N/A at the moment


,::P H Y S I C A L / M A G I C A L::.

Amalgamation Magic - Amalgamation Magic is a unique type of Magic that centralizes its abilities around the fusion and transfer of other spells or objects to support the user or allies. For example, if two Mages both used a Fire Magic spell, the user could combine the two spells to create a more powerful attack. It also has the ability to fuse a spell with an object such as fusing a Fire Magic spell to a sword to create a fire sword. In addition, Amalgamation Magic allows the user to combine or fuse himself or herself to various objects or substances and take on its properties. It is a useful Magic that can be used for many different situations, but can also be costly if used incorrectly.

Teleportation Magic - This Magic allows the user to cover very large distances in the blink of an eye. It makes for an extremely fast and effective means of transportation, and can also be used in combat when the situation requires fast actions. In addition, the user has the ability to transport multiple individuals not in their immediate vicinity to a different location.



Fusion Link - The user, after coming in contact with his or her ally, creates a Magical link between the two and fuses their abilities together. This spell is especially helpful when the user is strong, fast, or when the user has a large supply of Magical energy as the ally has access to whatever power the user has combined with his or hers. The Link is capable of being used on more than one ally between the user, but it puts more of a strain on the caster. When the Link is active, the wrists of the user and ally(ies) glow green.

Fusion Break - The user casts a spell which defuses two objects, elements, substances, or spells. This is often used to un-do a fusion created by this Magic, but can also be useful for items that have already been previously fused together.

Fusion: One - The user casts a spell to fuse two minds together, leaving the body of the mind that became fused dormant until the short duration of the spell is over. This spell can also be used to fuse the user's mind with another, but not the other way around. The user has to be in contact with all targets for the spell to work correctly.

Fusion: One with Nature - The user fuses himself or herself to a specific item, element, or substance, and takes on its properties.

Fusion: Imbuement - The user incorporates a spell to an object, giving the object added effects from the spell that it was combined with.

Fusion: Converge - This spell combines two different spells to create a varying or amplified effect. If two things with opposite properties are confused, they will essentially just cancel each other out.


Direct Line - The user is able to teleport to any location in a direct line.

- Support
- Utility

- Higher level of Magic energy
- Very intelligent
- Adaptable
- Tactfulness

- Lacks physical strength
- Needs to fight in numbers to be mostly useful
- Hand-to-hand combat
- Being offensive


* SPEED: 3.5/5

.::M I S C::.

- Blythe is currently trying to learn how to use Healing Magic and improve her abilities with the Magics she already knows.
- Her favorite color is purple.
- She's allergic to cats.
- She knows how to read ancient languages.
- Blythe hopes to one day be the head of the Research Branch in the Magic Council.​
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