Everyone Wants to be Loved

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What Lilith just told her frustrated Rayne. If only humans can hear it then why was he hearing it? This just made her more confused and she was beginning to get a headache from it. "I'm going to be here for him and I'll be with him as long as he wants me" she told her with a happy undertone to her sad voice.
"Yes. Just be with him. I hope you guys be okay. I've never seen him so happy." she smiled sadly at her in return.
Tomoya watched them walk in and sat down on the grass. He felt torn. He loved Rayne but yet why did feel so torn apart as if he was loving another. He fell onto his back looking at the stars, "They sounded so sad..."
Rayne smiled back at Lilith, glad that she was making him happy. She finished drinking her hot chocolate and got up to put the cup in the sink. I'll keep him happy as long as I can. She thought to herself. It might tear her apart to think he may love someone else but she loved him and knew that he does love her too. "He is mine, and I will fight for him" she didn't mean to say this out loud, nor did she realize that she had, but she meant it. No matter what it took.
He could barely hear what they were talking about inside but he heard Rayne's voice call out saying he was hers and she would fight for him. He smiled but disappeared as he recalled that sad and lonely voice he had heard in his head. He wanted to help because he had that nature but he didn't know where they were or who it was.
"Good." she smiled at her resolved. "You go up while I'll clean here. And I'm gonna talk to Tomoya." she said as she cleaned up the things in the table. Afterwards, she went out and saw Tomoya sitting. She went to him and kicked his back. "Yo, idiot. What's up?" she started. "What happened, huh? Rayne told me you heard a voice? What's wrong?" she peered at his face.
A little confused as to why Lilith had said good she looked over at her with a questioning expression on her face "hm? Oh um, alright" she left Lilith to talk to Tomoya and walked upstairs to his bedroom. She sat on the edge of his bed and sighed sleepily, getting worked up like that made her tired and she layed down, curled up into a ball and bagan to drift off to sleep.
He peered at Lilith confusion in his eyes, "When myself and Rayne had been in my room I was explaining my project when I heard a female's voice in my head..." He sighed and closed his eyes for a second before reopening them, "I can recall what they said clearly. They said, 'I'm here. Listen to my voice. I'm waiting. You're heart will lead you to me. Come..'" He smiled softly, "I don't know who said it but it had the magic of a fallen angel in the words." He shook his head there had such a deep sadness it nearly tore my heart..."
Her eyes widen at his reply. "Y-you sure? Hell, Tomoya. That's not funny!" she said as her control is slowly slipping away. She started to transform. "No. It can't be..." she said unbelievingly. Her hair grew to body-length and her wings became jet black and shimmered like the stars. "Tomoya...No.." she backed away from it. It can't be, she said in telepathy. "Tell me your lying!" she yelled at him.
Rayne was startled awake by hearing Lilith yell, she fell off the edge of the bed as she jumped awake. "Ouch" she whispered and stood up from where she had fallen. She walked downstairs toward the front door but stopped about half way there, she could see Lilith and Tomoya from where she stood. "Lilith?" Her voice was soft and concerned. "Is everything okay?" She stared at Lilith noting her hair and wings. "What's going on?" She moved toward the door again as she asked.
Lilith saw Rayne coming out. She looked at her and saw her flinched. Her eyes were black so it's no wonder she flinched. She blinked and it went back to normal. "Rayne. You shouldn't be here." she said with her voice full of sadness and pain. Her voice was a melodious one but with a dark undertone since that's the true voice of a fallen angel. "I'm sorry." she said as she suddenly flew away. She had to get away so that no one can see her crying.
There was a deep humming sound, that slowly grew louder and louder. The air itself began to ripple slightly at the vibration of the sound, and all of a sudden there was a crack. Yes a crack on the air, and peeking through it's seams was a dim purple light, and a black fog began to leak out of it. Slowly cracking open more and more the purple light got brighter, and the silhouette of a person began to slide out of the now gaping opening that was in the middle of the air. Before long, the person fell out of the crack in the sky, covered in purple smoke, and the crack instantly vanished as the person's entire body left it's void. Falling fast the smoke being left in the air behind him, his body was now a purple light diving towards the ground. His eyes opened halfway, his eyes were bright yellow, with purple pupils. His body was limp as he fell helplessly.
As she flew away, she saw something falling off the sky. She didn't look back at their house. She flew faster and saw that the falling figure was a man. She grabbed him and flew towards a nearby hill. "Hey. You okay?" she said, forgetting that she hadn't transformed back yet.
The bright purple aura that hugged his body faded away as his eyes fluttered open. The purple aura now gone revealed his full appearance. He had shoulder length silver hair, parted down the middle. A blue metal forehead protector kept his hair up out of his yellow colored eyes with purple pupils. A purple feathered scarf coiled around his neck, and draped over a tattered blue vest that covered his brown skin. The vest was open revealing his toned , but scarred figured. A large scar was slash right across his abdomen. He wore baggy blue pants with two yellow stripes on each side going down to the ankles and dark blue combat boots. He grunted and blinked for a moment, his eyes darting to whom or whatever had caught him. He heard noise but couldn't quite understand what was being said.

"W-what ... ? "
"I said who the hell are you? You fell from the sky." she told him since he seemed to be disoriented. "What's you're name? I'm Lilith." she said crouching in front of him.
He sat up, his right hand gripping his forehead protector. A sharp pain seared through his skull. He couldn't remember anything. His hand that was supporting his sitting position clenched into a fist, grabbing a handful of grass as he did. 'Ugh ... what ... what am I doing here ... ? Wait ... who am I ?'

He frowned, and snarled slightly at the girl baring his sharp teeth. " I ... I don't know who I am. "
He snarled at her baring his teeth. "Ooh. Feisty, are you? You have a nice set of teeth, too. So you don't know you are, huh? That's too bad. Let me help you." she said smirking at him. She approached him and tried to check for injuries. "You seem to have lost your memories. You don't have any serious injuries, though." she told him thoughtfully.
He instinctively pulled away from her a little bit, eyeing her cautiously. "W-wait. Don't touch me. What are you .. Lilith ... ? "
She rolled her eyes at him. "I'm a fallen angel. Haven't you seen one before? Don't worry. I don't bite. If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't still be here talking to me." she smiled at him.
He raised an eyebrow in question. "Angel? Sorry, my memories may be somewhat foggy at the moment, but one thing I know for sure is that I'm not from this realm. And wherever I'm from, there are no Angels." He snarled at her again, baring his teeth once more., before jumping to his feet and gazing down at her. "I also get the feeling you shouldn't be making jokes about killing me, my instinct is telling me you couldn't if yo-" His sentence was cut off shortly by the sudden intrusion of a purple smoke suddenly spiraling around his body. It solidified into a purple skinned woman with blonde hair and bright green eyes , and pointy ears. She latched onto his shoulders gently and pressed her cheek to his. The lower half of her body was just purple smoke that coiled around him, in a hugging fashion. She looked at him dead in the face, and pouted playfully. As she spoke it was as if she was echoing. "Now now Azriel it seems someone had an accident, you've seemed to have forgotten your roots my dear."

'Azriel ... ? I'm guessing that's my name ... I don't feel threatened by her for some reason ... ' he thought to himself.

She caressed his cheek gently with one finger. " You're right to say that you're not of this realm or this world, or even this universe, my darling. You are from the existence that is the fine line between life and death, and even thinner than that. You come from the plane that is between soul, and death. Honey you can't die, or live, you're neither a spirit or being. You are just an existence, forged by forbidden love itself. Your father was a Spirit who had the ability to become man, and your mother was a Shaman, who had ...per say let your father..." she made air quotes " Possess her."

'What ... ? Then what am I really ..? Who am I supposed to be ... ? Is my existence really so ... simple ... and... foul? " he frowned in distaste as he wondered. "Look, I don't know who or what you're supposed to be to me bu-" he was cut off again as she cackled somewhat maniacally.

"My dear I am but you're servant, while you are neither man nor spirit, I am a spirit, forever bound to your will as every other spirit that has and will ever come to be. You can see souls, touch them, consume them, stretch them, change them to your will. You can manipulate emotions and even pull the life out of a man if you wanted t- "

This time he cut her off. " Blah blah blah. All I'm hearing is a bunch of over controlling mumbo jumbo, and if you are my DEAR servant, then be a DEAR and shut your trap so I can think for a second. "
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