Essential Beings

Matchtal, Dismorigan

Back home, Leo worked all night to take his mind off of what had happened back at the Dragon's Blood tavern. He could've died back there, any one of the visitors could have. Luckily nothing happened, it was three against one, and they all knew how to fight. All except Leo. He mentally facepalmed at his act of stupidity from the night before, what would that have accomplished besides reminding that villain of his presence?
"Never. I'm never leaving home without you again." He said to himself as he looked over at his sword that sat neatly in a weapons rack, then removed it from its scabbard to admire his own craftsmanship. It was one of the few things Leo was proud of making, and sat right next to the thing Leo was least proud of. A weak attempt to clear his conscience of what he's done, for it haunts him to this day, and makes him nervous whenever someone asks about his past.
Leo put the sword back into the rack, then retrieved the spear, looking at the head. The memories came back to him, and for a moment he swore he could feel the guard's blood splatter on his skin. He averted his gaze from the spear back to the sword.
"No. No, I could never kill another." He murmured weakly, as if telling his sword not to kill anyone.
Just then, a knock came at the door. Leo quickly put the spear back and rushed to open, only to see Rora standing there with an entire legion of guards behind her. She raised a hand to point at him. "This is the one. He's repsonsible for the damage in the Dragon's Blood, he stole the owner's money, he's an essence user and he is the murderer of Jeremiah many years ago in Basul." She said. The guards nodded, grabbed Leo by the arms, then dragged him outside, around the corner, where an executioner was already waiting for him. They promptly placed his head upon a block and held him down whilst the executioner raised his axe and..

"NO!" Leo yelled and jumped out of bed, covered in sweat. He wiped his forehead, trying to remember what actually happened last night through the slight headache. He got home, doused the fire in his forge, removed the sword that was tempering during his night out and went to bed. He was too shaky to do any work after the event in the Dragon's Blood, and still was. Seems like whoever had ordered something from him would have to wait a while longer, today will be a day off.
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Thiele Misu Vantera(Kayetta Misu)

Tym, Dismorigan

Having been welcomed and offered a place to stay the night, Thiele was grateful to the kind woman. She hadn't noticed a man in the house and somehow that put Thiele more at ease. Most men assumed her to be very unchaste by her attire, but the opposite was true. However, appearances were usually what decided the unsolicited judgement of strangers and Thiele had mostly resigned to that.

When the rider came and announced his message, Thiele realized once again the sheer cruelty of the tyrant of Dismorigan. Something in her mind clicked and she found herself less and less passive about her feelings towards the man who deserved the worst. But what can I do... I could join the rebels...

Despite finding the underground organization set on overthrowing King Truitt being the most logical step, Thiele couldn't help feeling some resentment towards them. If only they didn't involve my father... just to let him take the fall while they escaped... WITH HIS WEALTH...

Calming herself, Thiele decided to just back away and take her mind elsewhere. There was no point in dwelling in the past nor the future, since fate had mysterious motivations. She looked at the woman who took her in for the night and felt bad. The crestfallen face was dry and her eyes had a flicker of determination, but in the end it was quite easy to read the mixture of fear, sadness, and resignation. Thiele was startled to realize how similar the woman's eyes were to Thiele's when she looked in the mirror years ago and thought something was odd about her eyes.

"I... have something to tell you and ask of you later on... after the town meeting."
Outside Matchtal, Dismorigan

Ariette slowly opened her eyes, squinting at the sharp rays of sunlight coming into the room. She covered her eyes with a hand and sat up. Her throat was dry so her voice came out in a cracked, uneven tone. "Where are am I?" She eased her legs off the side of the bed she occupied and steadied herself. The room was nice, too nice to be an inn's. She wracked her brain trying to remember what had happened last night. "We were Gifvoshu!"

She was alert now and slowly got to her feet. Her limbs felt weak but she would muscle through it. She walked out of the room and into the living area. "There was a woman with us. Rora, she brought guards to the taverns and Calix-"

Said person gave a weak groan and his face contorted in pain. There were bandages wrapped around his head and and back. His shirt was open to show his hurriedly done dressings. Ariette sighed as she walked across the room to him. "Calix, you are quite resilient regardless of your appearance." She gently touched his head.

His eyes opened but remained half lidded. "Did we stop him?" Ariette shook her head. He sighed then inhaled sharply as pain jolted through his boy. "I was going to say something...hah...but I think you would feel better if I held off on the smart remarks for a bit. Only until tonight though."

Ariette shook her head then walked to the door. If she had remembered correctly then they were in Rora's home. She ventured out to find her, hoping they had not scared her into some type of seclusion. Walking out into the living area she heard on goings in the kitchen and decided to investigate. There she found Rora. She swallowed and attempted to speak. "I am glad to see you are unharmed." Her voice still sounded hoarse but she ignored the sad sound to attempt a weary smile.

Matchtal, Dismorigan

The streets were full once again and vendors were hawking their wares proudly, offering discounts to lovely ladies or handsome gentlemen. The shoppers paid little mind to the damaged tavern and continued about their day. Guards talked amongst themselves and to some of the shoppers. No one had seen hide nor hair of this mysterious attacker from the other night. It was almost enough to suspect some ill meaning trickery if they had not seen the man hanging through the wall that night or the woman shouting his name.

For the time being the incident was kept between the guards in Matchtal, there was no need to alert the king if it was only a general brawl. Someone had to pay for the damage one, however, so there was a reward for his capture. They asked vendors if they knew anything but they only gave curt, uninformative answers. Guards standing around their carts drew customers away and so they wanted them there no longer than they had to be. They also questioned resident shop owners.

None knew the danger of whom they were searching for. Of course, they would never find him. They couldn't. Nonetheless they searched. Two guards walked up to one of the few blacksmith's shops in the city and banged loudly on the door. It seemed to be a lax day for this blacksmith, as there was no pounding of steel or hiss of molten metal to be heard. It was odd, but not unheard of; a blacksmith deserve a break just everyone else did.

They knocked again and called loudly, "We are city guards wishing to enter. We are in search of the individual who has devastated the Dragon's Blood Tavern."

Tym, Dismorigan

The woman who associate with Thiele turned to look at her but could not stand to see her young face for more than a minute. "I... have something to tell you and ask of you later on... after the town meeting." She looked confused but did not ask. She took Theile's hands between hers. "You should leave here while you can," she said solemnly. "There is no reason for someone like you, so young and capable, to stay here in this town any longer. I would hate to a young woman so beautiful subjected to the king's miserable decisions."

The city was still buzzing all around them from the news the messenger had brought and not the least bit happily. What was this man that they called king? What immunity did he offer? ll the more troubling was this talk of war. How long had this threat of war been looming over the kingom? Most were afraid the caravans would not be allowed to come into the city for fear of spies or an ambush. It was also noticed that there were no guards being sent into the city like what had been done in Matchtal.

It was insulting. They were the capital city, the place that would be the final resistance before an enemy reached the castle and they were treated like less than that.

Rem, Basul

Isuza sat on the edge of one of the beds in their room and sighed. She was obviously still shaken from the encounter. It was completely unexpected that they would take such a forward stand as to attack them head on. They had no way to know what move would be made or by who. A head on attack was the last thing they would have thought to happen. Isuza was convinced it was to make them fight back, to draw attention to them in this kingdom of the paranoid king. They were more likely than not seen by one of his many spies.

She wrung her hands nervously as she stared out the window. "I believe there is food being served downstairs," Arx said to break the silence. "You should eat something to get your strength up. Worrying on an empty stomach causes nausea."

Isuza nodded. She followed him out and back down to the bottom floor. There was food and chatter alike. Usually it was calming to the Quampo woman but now it made her anxious. Arx let her find a table while he went to put in an order. She picked a table back against the wall and nervously waitedd for her partners return. Arx took his time getting their food.

As he stood at the counter he felt something that drew his attention from the inn keep. He looked over the crowd with narrowed eyes. There was someone there with essence flowing through them. It was faint, but his sense for it was strong so he picked it up easily. The queen was correct in her assumptions then? There are those, even here, that can still have essence. Impressive. The user must have been very good then, to be in a kingdom of this sort and be able to hide his essence so well. The old man was rather excited to see this person.

He spotted someone coming from the same floor as their room with a strange aura about him. This was the essence user. He smiled knowingly and looked the man over. Just what type of manifestation did he have? Arx had to stuff down his want to approach said person and take food back to his nervous companion. Perhaps this news would ease her a bit.


The news of heavy smoke from the west had traveled fast, as did the smoke. It had almost all but dissipated by the time it reached the island but it could still be smelt in the air. Some wore masks, all the children wore wet cloths over their mouths and noses. Those with sensitive senses stayed inside for the most of it's passing. There was a light grey tint to the scenery as well. Shiera had to cover their mouths and noses and muscle through the day.

Guards now occupied the towns as well, which caused some unease in the citizens but for the most part they ignored the caution. The smoke from the industrial kingdom was much more worrying. Many started to truly believe that the Gifvoshu had returned with so much smoke it must have been a very large fire. No one paid much mind to the smoke in the forest since the island was experiencing so much. The sea breezes only seemed to stir it up more.

From her balcony the queen watched the smoke come to smother her island in a thin veil of grey. "I wish there was a way to get rid of this smoke," she sighed. "They have attacked two one of the most powerful kingdoms of the west. I fear it may be us who are next visited in the night." She turned to walk back into the corridor to join her adviser. "My scouts have been openly attacked and I cannot stand the thought of Garrett getting a hold of them. I am almost tempted to send another out to bring them back..."

"Would they not be in more danger, Your Highness?"

"I know. There is no time for these thouhgts, I have my own kingdom to prepare for an attack. When it will happen is up to opponent. I can only hold my breath and pray that they see fit to let us hope we have been overlooked." She shook her head with a wry smile set on her lips. "Come, let us prepare for battle."
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Voranimor looks around at the gray tinted scenery and wrinkles his nose, glad that his sense of smell is quite weak compared to his other senses and he squints, trying to see properly, hating his vision being distorted by the traces of smoke. "What is this from...?" He asks himself in almost silent questioning, his voice only a whisper and he looks around the building in an attempt to see if there is a fire. He sees none and he frowns deeply. He smooths back his peculiarly styled hair and walks through the town, watching the children and adults rush around, some with masks or wet cloths and he raises his brow, wondering if the smoke is toxic, but he was never one to grow anxious with worry, he would just ask someone about it if he received the chance.

He continued to walk through the town in curiosity, noticing guards throughout the area and he peers at them with distaste, wondering if they would attempt to disarm him. He had a passionate hatred for guards, they always tried to push their superiority upon him due to his size and he caught the occasional glare from them as he looked to and fro. Perhaps even the small challenge which came in packages like spit and the kicking of dust on occasion.

He begins to lose himself in thought and comes to the idea of a job. "Hm, perhaps this city would be in need of a mercenary some time..." He thinks to himself and nods a bit, curious as to where it would be that he would go to join such a cause. "It's always good money, especially for people of my stature." He says, "In fact... I wonder if they are about to go to war.... That makes it more interesting." He thinks to himself in silent thought.
Rora heard the soft footfalls before she had seen the owner. Bent over the fire she kept herself busy making porriage and boiling water for tea. That is until she heard a voice from the entrance to the hallway. Turning she did no speak right away, merely looked Ariette up and down with a calculating gaze that was her own brand of concern.
"Sit. There will be time enough to stand later." she said with a nod towards the table. Turning back to the fire she ladled some of the porriage into two bowls and pulled the kettle of boiling water from the fire and brought all three items to the table along with spoons and mugs.
"I've been through worse fights." she said once she had sat down and began cutting a slightly shriveled apple into her portion of porriage. Almost shyly she paused in her task and added "but you two took the brunt of the attack. I am glad to see you no worse for wear." for a long while she was silent, using breakfast as an excuse to gather her thoughts. The only interruption was when she offered Ariette some tea. When she had thought long enough and had stalled long enough there was a heavy sigh before she finally spoke.
"So what is going on? And don't take me for a fool, I know a targeted attack when I see one." she could think of no other way to ask without it being blunt. But she just hoped that a blunt question would get a blunt answer. The fact that they were all essence users would prehaps provided them with some common ground, at the very least it stopped Rora from getting guards involved beyond the initial questioning. It would be suicide on her part to tell them what actually happened and she wasn't keen on handing Ariette and Calix over even if they were almost complete strangers.
Matchtal, Dismorigan

While his stomach couldn't handle a lot of food with him being so stressed, what little he managed to eat did bring back some colour to his face. The sunlight coming in through the window caressed his back, and Leo began to finally calm down, perhaps he could still finish that one sword today, it just needs some paint afterall. He walked over towards the weapon's rack, filled with everything that is not for sale: His own sword, the spear, and the stuff he's still working on, including that strange flower-sword.

Just then, a knock came at the door. "No.." Leo whispered under his breath. It was his nightmare all over again, only this time in real life. Drops of sweat formed on his forehead again, and his hands began to shake. "No.. No.. Just customers.." He comforted himself, trying to force a chuckle as he slowly made his way towards the door, but stopped when the guards called out. His face turned pale, and his gaze flicked over to the spear.
"Guards.. Guards.. No, no, calm down. They're just looking for that criminal.. Not you.. Calm.." He mumbled, then switched his gaze back to the door, walked forward, and opened it with as sad an expression on his face as he could. "Hello." He said slowly. "So. I take it you haven't found him yet? Come in." He told them and opened the door wide.
Inside, the guards found themselves surrounded by all kinds of metal objects. From cutlery to candleholders and even a full suit of armour. All sorts of swords hung on the walls, both decorative and for murder, and inbetween them some paintings could be seen as well.

"A real tragedy what happened last night. I'm still too shaky to work because of it." Leo showed his shaking hands to prove that statement. "It's too bad. I was almost done with this one piece. Ah, but the incident.. I can't really tell you anything, I was hiding behind the counter, fearing for my life. You should probably ask Miss Rora. She was fighting the individual, and she ran out to call for help."
Lune Quain
Rem, Basul

Lune caught eye of an older man observing him. He paid no attention, people look at him all the time. Probably because he doesn't dress like the usual city fellow. Lune took a gulp of his coffee, which was extremely hot and extremely bitter. Lune makes a generally silent yelp. "HM!" the taste lingers for a while before subsiding. Lune excluded the plan of finishing his drink early and instead finished his meal.

"Ugh, I wonder why dad loved this stuff…" Lune stares at his drink for a good while, then takes a sip now recognizing the "colossal power" that is caffeine.

"…either that actually is good, or I'm becoming my old man… either way, It's still bitter…" Lune cleaned up and headed upstairs. He decided to pack up four hours early, so he could relax for once, the fears of things done to secret holders who quit unannounced made a hollow spot in Lune's spirit, He feared someone would recognize him, and throw him in a cell. That's the main reason Lune wanted to leave Rem, that, along with the vice the capitol is poorly hiding, and the feeling that something was watching his every move. Great… now I'm thinking about that dream again. Lune finished packing up and wrapped up his sword. He then took off his coat and stuffed that in the bag too, that was probably what got him all that attention anyway.

The train outside began to head for Matchal. It looked like some sort of supply shipment, nothing too out of the ordinary. "Time to go out and breathe in that "tremendously healthy" air." Lune sighs. He takes a map out, making note of last time's mistake: He had no barking Idea where the heck he was going. Of course… the map didn't really have landmarks on it, unlike the modern day one, that has too many. Oh well, he considered just walking to town and seeing what he could do there, he also considered going to an open field and trying to see if he could finally use his essence. Lune chuckled at himself, freaking out over a dream. He couldn't even control his essence… well, and it's not exactly like he tried either; Best to do that when he's a little closer to the lower cliffs …as long as he doesn't accidentally slice it in two.

"I'm considerably better with a sword anyway…" Lune stepped outside to look for some useful goods he can find here in Rem before heading back to his home in the outer portion of basul, catching the old man looking at him again. He was talking to a woman with white hair. She didn't look that old though, perhaps she was "blessed" with good genes. (Valkyria joke, I'll be quiet now…) Upon leaving he hears a man whining about a freight, apparently the one that left earlier.

"I'm pretty sure that king here's an idiot, he keeps on sending our shit to Dismorigan!"

"Liam, watch your tone! You never know when an official is listening"

"Just because we bring stuff to Rem doesn't mean they can ship it right off to that shit hole. These minings came straight from Gassah, (don't mind me, just making up area names) the king has no authority to send our materials there!"

He's lucky I was the only one listening, a lot of Dismorigan inhabitants come to vacation here… Lune couldn't help but look at the wreckage the fire caused, and now he felt guilty again. Maybe he'd just get a god forsaken souvenir and end it there. Lune made it to the hub of the city, this time not getting stolen by a crowd of people that had no barking Idea where the heck they were going. Now he was familiar with the city's layout, he's been here countless times before, he used to work in the Basulian Guard. Of course he'd rather not waltz into the castle, with that paranoid as hell king.
Matchtal, Dismorigan

The guards entered at Leo's invite and looked around. "It seems no one has seen this man since last night," the first said as he looked over his tools. "We won't keep you but Tain has us searching in case he is hiding or may be a citizen here. His features sound foreign but then many come to the border to trade."

"I did hear that Rora was involved," the other guard said as he searched the room. "We will look into that once we are finished here." They went through his shop and looked around his living space as well. Their interest seemed weak but they did look diligently. They were not so concerned with finding this individual as they were pretty sure he was nothing more than an angry drunk and saw no real point to this search besides him possibly being a foreigner.

After a few minutes they left the blacksmith to his business but not without a warning, "If you remember anything that may help us to find this disruptive individual then please find one of the guards and let them know. Thank you for your cooperation." They nodded then moved on the next house.[/soild]


The smoke was still prominent though a little lighter now that the wind had kicked up from the seas carrying a mist to drag down the irritants from the air. Voranimor recieved some stairs from the people but they were more curious than judgemental. It was not much of a big deal to see an unfamiliar face or someone with strong features of another country or even wearing the colors of another kingdom. Most were wondering where his origins laid. He had very strong features and such a large build compared to most of the Shiera and even humans that came to Weithala.

No one would approach the man though, however curious they were. They quickly looked back to the work if he glanced their way and some of the kids stared without averting their eyes. A merchant offered some of his recent catch to the man, free of charge. "Please, take it," he said as he held the slightly wet cloth sack out to Voranimor. "It will help you keep up your strength. I've not seen your face around here before but if you aren't a knight then you should very well be one. We may need strong men like you to protect this kingdom. There may be a war on our shores very soon." The merchant shook his head sadly. "It's sad what some will do for power. Well, good day to you, sir."

Outside Dismorigan

Ariette quietly obeyed, not wanting to speak much at the moment. She settled into a chair and sighed aloud heavily. Her back and head were still rather sore but she would have none of that wailing for injuries that didn't stop her from moving about. Ariette looked into the bowl of porriage curiously. She had not eaten anyone's food but the chef's back at the camp in Weithala for so long... Before she could muster up the will to try Rora's breakfast she was offered tea. She accepted the tea and held the warm cup between her hands.

When the question finally arose Ariette nodded. She took a sip of tea before trying to speak. "Of course you do, I can tell you have a warrior's soul. I do not like to decieve and there is no reason to do so at this point." Her throat was soothed by the warmth as she took another drink. "That man that attacked us last night was one of the Gifvoshu. There are five in total and until the other night no living person had seen one. They are all equally dangerous though the man we encountered is of far more concern than the others. The only thing we know about them is that they are ancient beings seeking to destroy the peace that has been created within the world."

Ariette tried a spoon of porriage and found it quite edible. "Calix and I are scouts sent from Weithala to keep an eye on the situation in the other kingdoms. I do not know if the legend is so well known here as it is in Weithala, but it foretells of their return." She stopped there to let Rora take it in. If she decieded not to believe her then it would not be surprising. It was almost impossible to believe. She was not so accepting when the news first came to her, but the evidence was astounding. Last night was the last of it. She ate more of the porriage and was grateful for the comfort it gave her stomach. "Do what you will with that information." She sat in wait for some response, good or bad she would say nothing unless there was room to do so.

Rem, Basul

"That man," Isuza whispers to Arx, "there is something strange about him."

Arx nodded as he bit into a piece of freshly baked bread. "I noticed it as well. He has the ability to use it. It is strong within him but I can not sense how strong. Either he is very skilled and can keep it well hidden or it is very weak."

Isuza stared at the door long after he exited. The other part of their mission insisted they find those in the other kingdoms capable of using essence and gain their trust. When the Gifvoshu would make there move, perhaps the next, those with essence may be their next targets. The mundane were easy to manipulate but those with use of their essence could resist corrupted influence almost naturally. They could only be seen as a threat. It only takes one rebellious soul to start a revolution.

"He is the only one so far," she said as she lifted her cup to her lips and tilted her head back to take in all of the drink. "We mustn't lose him or he may be caught badly the next time they decide to cause trouble." She stood from the table, pausing just long enough for Arx to do the same then hurried out of the inn. "At least he will not be hard to find," she sighed as she walked briskly into the madness of Basul. It was all very confusing for her, the layout of this city.

Arx stayed close behind but made sure to let her keep distracted with this search. They ended up in the busiest part of the city and quite confused, at least, Isuza was. Arx took her wrist and led them closer to their target. "There he is. Now, how to approach him..."

"Allow me," Arx said then cleared his throat. He didn't want to draw attention and so moved to stand only ner the man. "May I bother you for a moment of your time?" he asked calmly. "There may be something I would like to speak with you about."

Isuza stood further away, nervously glancing around. She did not want anyone getting into trouble and so hoped that his words did not hint at either's essential abilities nor seem to plot. This would have to be done carefully unless they could get him inside of a place with less eyes and ears though she doubted a place like that was common courtesy in Garret's kingdom.
Voranimor frowns and trudges on, not sure where exactly he is going as he is hailed by the man holding the fish and he smiled kindly, accepting the fish, "Thank you." He says and then pauses so as to listen to the man's information. "Oh?" He asks, 'Perhaps I will take up that offer." He says and nods once to the man, "Thank you." He says as he walks away and then frowns again, not sure why he chose to be nice to the man. He thought that it may be possible he missed talking to people when he was left to himself is the question he was left asking. He looks around for news of a palace or anything of the sort and is given signal of one and he walks in the direction of it eagerly, glad his job course was so easily accessed due to his size.
Lune Quain
Rem, Basul

Lune rubbed his head, suddenly getting another headache. "Maybe I should've just rested at the Inn, all this heat and smoke is hurting my brain." He had the impulse to look to his left seeing a man attempting to catch up. He decided to slow down to see what he wanted.
"May I bother you for a moment of your time?"

Lune squinted his eyes the man sounded like he wanted to sell something, he had no interest in dealing with silly merchants. Lune looked at the man, his face now showing surprise, this was the same man from earlier.

"There may be something I would like to speak with you about."

"May be?... I assume it to be most important, It's not usual in this age for one to approach strangers."

Lune heard a snort from the old man. He wasn't sure if it was because he found Lune's reply humorous or if it was somehow repulsing to the old man. He saw the woman off in the distance. It was actually kind of obvious due to how she constantly looking in their direction. Plus, even with the head wrap she was the only one with that hair color around...

"Oh, it is, my friend."

"Okay, what's the reason then, Mr..." Lune asks almost anxiously.

"Arx" The old man leaned in for a whisper. "It's about your essence."

"What are you on about.." Lune closes his eyes and crosses his arms. "What makes you think I even have an essence, friend?"

The old man gives a slight chuckle."I have my ways, but if you don't have one I guess you won't be curious as to why-"

Lune cut's the man off in fear of accidentally giving a risky answer. "Ok, ok, I'll bite, really. I don't want a speech about my curiosity, Mr. Arx. My uncle gave me plenty already." Lune glances toward the castle, his voice becoming less haughty. "It nerves me... my curiosity that is. I don't really want to talk about my core out in the open, I doubt the king- I mean, I'm not really sure who's on my side."

Arx pats Lune's back. "Yes, It would be smarter to go somewhere the king isn't listening toward, hmm?"

Lune nods. "I'd probably have to get my stuff from the Inn before my time is up." He motions backwards. "We could probably talk there, or I can meet you, both, somewhere else, I have time to kill until the train comes."Lune says both to hint that he saw someone else, even though he wasn't sure if there were more than just two. He begins to walk back, but then stops. "Is the situation urgent?..."
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"Certainly sirs." Leo answered as they left for the next house. "As if I'm going to tell you about our ability." He thought to himself, then shut the door behind him and sighed in relief. The nightmare was over again. The guards didn't hold him responsible for anything nor did they accuse him of anything or show any signs suggesting that. As long as Rora and her friends remains quiet, everything should be fine and the subject will quickly be dropped.
"But can I trust her?" He said to himself. "What do I know about her, really? She lives out town and she can create things like me, and those friends of her, and that one guy. It can't be a coincidence, he was targeting us. Or them, at least. Or is it the other way around?"
Too many unanswered questions led Leo to hire a horse for the day and head out towards the little farm near the river.
Outside Dismorigan

At the name Rora let out a light hiss, her lips momentarily contracting in a snarl before listening to the rest of what Ariette had to say. She was at least thankful that the girl was being honest with her, but she wished dearly that what the girl said was nothing but lies. But the look in her eyes, there were no lies hiding there no matter how hard she searched for them. When Ariette finished talking there was a lengthy silence as the weary soldier rested her chin upon her clasped hands her mind racing to try and process what all this could mean. Why would they be making a move now of all time? Or perhaps their plan had been in motion for a long time and the arrival of these Weithala spies were setting something off. There were far to much that was unknown and Rora did not like it.

"The people of Dismorigan are to miserable to remember." She finally said her voice grim but her gaze steady. "But being raised a mercenary has it perks. Information was my family's life blood."

Agitation was starting to make that same buzzing feeling that had plagued her yesterday vibrate through her palms, so to try and release some of that energy she pushed herself to her feet and started to pace the kitchen. Every few seconds her hand would drift down towards her waist, a nervous tick, her hand automatically reaching for the familiar handle of a sword although there was none to be found. It was another long while before she stopped, facing the window that looked out onto her little plot of land she placed her hands on the counter.

"Do what I will with the information." She echoed before letting out a single dry laugh. "I am on the Kingdom's watch list because one of my friends was caught practicing with the same energy with. To some in the city I am only a step above a traitor the fear runs so deep. The only reason I can keep them at bay is because I was very good at making friends. To attempt any kind of help would mean taking chances I can't afford."

The silence was deafening. And Rora used that brief space to glance over her shoulder before turning her gaze back to the window and continuing softly. "But, if I was to help with anything I would need to know what you are going to try and do with this information."
The little building in the distance came close, and nothing too soon. Leo was in a bit of a hurry, but wasn't used to riding a horse so his back began to hurt already. Would they know what yesterday's event was all about, would they even tell him anything if they did? Leo began to doubt his decision of coming here, perhaps not getting involved was the better choice. Sadly, the building was there, and the horse slowed its pace. Leo inspected the building for a bit before getting off his horse and towards the door.

As Voranimor approached the path to the clearing before the castle, he was stopped by the queen's guards. A large man with broad shoulders, standing a few inches above him appeared from the busch. "It is unusual to see anyone approaching the castle from this point...and with no escort. What business do you have along this path?" He listened to the explanation of the stranger with trained indifference. "Then I will be your escort to the queen. I'll tell you now that if I suspect you of any ill intent I will not hesitate to kill you."

He lead him along the almost invisible path to the castle. It was made in a way that those unfamiliar with the forest would not be able to easily find their way and those not nature savvy would be lost and found by the guards. "The earth in thd forest has been giving off a strange, dark aura," the bear of a man said. He was quite like a bear, even his voice was a low growl. "You came from the town, did anything seem out of place?"

He spoke every now and then, letting the silence fall in when it would. They reached the clearing where the castle stood about thirty to forty-five minutes later. The bear-like man walked him up to the guards standing outside the large doors, decked in full armor. "This man wants to lend aid to our efforts and wishes to see the queen."
"The queen is in a meeting of sorts," one of the guards answered.

"I'm afraid we cannot allow anyone inside whom the queen herself has not sent for."

The Queen walked out onto the balcony and put a hand to her forehead. She did not notice the commotion a few feet away, for she was too busy thinking over the information she had just received. An evil aura was present in the forest. Someone had paid them a visit and she was not pleased with the gift left behind.

Rora's Farm, Outside Dismorigan
"Do what I will with the information." She echoed before letting out a single dry laugh. "I am on the Kingdom's watch list because one of my friends was caught practicing with the same energy with. To some in the city I am only a step above a traitor the fear runs so deep. The only reason I can keep them at bay is because I was very good at making friends. To attempt any kind of help would mean taking chances I can't afford."

"The king will not be much of a threat if he and this kingdom have been leveled by enemies he could not hope to defeat." Ariette put down her tea cup and sighed. "Should we manage to convince the king before things get any more out of hand then your essence may be the last thing on his mind. It will be those able to control their inner power that can tip the scale in this war. You saw what that man at the tavern was capable of with just his physical strength."

Ariette stood from the table and went to stand beside her. A knock on the door snatched her from her train of thought. She glanced toward the living room then went back into the bedroom to check in on Calix.

Rem, Basul
Lune nods. "I'd probably have to get my stuff from the Inn before my time is up." He motions backwards. "We could probably talk there, or I can meet you, both, somewhere else, I have time to kill until the train comes."Lune says both to hint that he saw someone else, even though he wasn't sure if there were more than just two. He begins to walk back, but then stops. "Is the situation urgent?..."

"More than you know, for now. We have a room in the inn as well. Meet us there." Arx returned to Isuza's side and told her what had been discussed. She looked horrified when he explained they would be discussing further at the inn.

"Of all the places- There is certain to be someone there hidden in plain sight," she protested as they walked back as well. "I must put everything I have in trust to your word, Arx, but I am hesitant this time."

There was no safe place for the conversation they were about to have. It would be even worsse should they be sneaking about tryingto find a place. Arx had thought of moving and talking but that would completely expose them to anyone looking and listening to for suspicious activity after the other day. They could control the room much easier than the entire town. There would be no one there but them and Isuza's ability would be very convenient.

When they returned to their inn room Arx took off his cloak and put it aside, revealing the Weithala mark on his upper arm. Isuza tensed.
"What are you doing? What if someone sees you?"

"Stop worrying and set up a barrier around the room. It distorts the sound inside of it does it not?"

Isuza's eyes lit up when she suddenly realized what he was doing. She nodded and her eyes began to glow light blue. A large barrierer was released from her palms and extended to the room's dimensions. Arx nodded his approval. When Lune came stepped over the threshold he would realize the air in the room was very cool. There was also a slight echo.

Herzius looks up at the guard and he smirks, not used to seeing men larger than he. "I assumed as much." He says in response to his mentioning of his unusual presence, "As you wish." He says and walks through the forest with the largely sized man, thinking that for once his speed would be an advantage against this foe, thinking it highly possible that he could kill this foe regardless of the threat aimed at him. "The only odd thing I have seen was the screen of smog." He says with a shrug, "Though.. There is an odd feeling of the place, not my place to say such things though, I merely kill, I don't ask questions." He says with a shrug.

He nods to the two armored guards and watches them with a stern gaze, glad that he is once again taller than most people in the group, "Surely I can wait for her majesty to finish?" He requests and then nods, "Oh, I see.. Well, I suppose I can venture to another city in hopes of work, though... It'd be unfortunate to war with a city that I was trying to work with. All because her majesty's guards would not even allow me the chance to have an audience." he says, slowly turning on his heel, "Good day." He says, walking forward, knowing the bulky man would follow suit with or without his request.
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Outside Dismorigan

Although Ariette stood right next to her Ren could feel the chasm that spanned the space between them. A gaping space that threaten to swallow her up with the poison of uncertainty. And yet...and yet there was something that kept her root from pitching head first into that open maw. It had been years since she had felt this tug, believed that the simple everyday life of Dismorigan had crushed what remained of that feeling that had let her lead her men through times when they should all have died. For the first time in many years she felt a bit of hope. And in that moment she opened her mouth, to try and bridge the gap, when a sharp knock cut her off.

Mouth closing shut with a snap she glanced at Ariette and was relieved to see the girl move back towards the guest room. Call her paranoid but she would rather have it look like she was alone, the fewer questions asked of them the better. With a few quick strides she reached her little table and plucked the extra cup and bowl up and deposited them in the empty wash bin, out of sight. As she headed towards her front door her hand dragged along the surface of the table and found the handle and a knife that had been left there. Without thinking she tucked it into the back of her pants as she straightened herself up and then slowly opened the door.

"Yes?" She said. Peering out the crack that she opened the door Ren's face was an interesting mix of confusion, curiosity, and slight hostility. That is until she saw exactly who was at her door. With a wide sweep the door was opened the rest of the way and Leo found himself being hurriedly beckoned inside. As soon as the door was locked shut again she spoke her eyes searching Leo's face for any trace of a lie or mal-intent.

"How much have you told them, and how much do you know?" Ren's words came fast and hard as she took a step closer to Leo. Perhaps she thought that if she hit him hard and fast with questions she might shock a good answer from him.
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Leo backed away a little when Rora took a step towards him. "Funny, I wanted to ask you the same." Leo answered and chuckled, but quickly stopped and cleared his throat. Now wasn't the time for joking. "I didn't tell them anything because I don't know anything, which is also why I came here." He continued and looked around at the interior. It wasn't exactly what he expected. He did consider breaking in here once, but after hearing about her from the townsfolk, Leo decided it would be best for him not to try and get on her bad side.
"Where are your friends? They're not from around here, are they? What are they doing in Matchtal? I'm sure they'll know more about that fellow at the tavern." Leo bombarded her with questions, even if it seemed like he was the one being interrogated at first, Leo had more questions still unanswered. Hopefully, the answers would be reassuring that everything is fine, an adventure isn't desirable.
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Lune Quain
Rem, Basul

Lune arrived at the inn after contemplating whether or not just to ditch them and go home, of course deciding not to because that'd be rude, and being rude is usually against his ways. He first went to his room first to get his stuff, then headed out the door. But wait... Arx didn't tell him what room they were in... Maybe peeking through the door cracks could help.

Peeking through door cracks, as creepy as it was at hindsight, proved helpful, as after 5 empty rooms and an awful peek at a lady changing her clothes he finally found a familiar attire. He knocks on the door ".... Hey it's me, Lune..." After a while Lune suddenly remembers that he never told this Arx guy what his name was. "The guy you met earlier today." Lune adjusts his equipment so that his bag hides his sword a little more.
Outside Dismorigan

Rora almost sighed, of course he didn't know anything she hardly knew anything and while they appeared to know more than both Rora and Leo, Ariette and Calix gave off the sense that there was much that was still a mystery to them. There was to much in the unknown and Rora disliked the way they were slowly piecing this puzzle together, waiting for each new piece to be handed to them by the enemy. She was pulled from her dark thoughts by a sudden barrage of questions. The quick fire way in which they were asked almost threw her, and for a second she opened her mouth as though to answer. Then her caution caught back up to her and her mouth closed decisively as she stared at Leo with a strong measured glance.

Considering the threat that was baring down on them Rora's first instinct was to gather allies, people that could fight, survive, or be taught to do so. But the matter was much to delicate for her taste. The fact that they were essence users could easily turn the tide against them and make then targets to be labeled traitors. But perhaps that was one of the reasons that she finally decided to answer, they were all users, a little trust was long over due.

Instead of telling Leo outright Rora glanced meaningfully over her shoulder towards the back room where Ariette and Calix had spent the night.

"They are from Weithala." She finally said moving back towards the table where she and Ariette had been sitting only two minutes beforehand, gesturing at the free chair for Leo to sit. "As to what they are doing, they are trying to prevent an all out war with the Gifvoshu."

Picking up her forgotten mug of tea she took quiet sip before bothering to speak again. "And now that you know that you should be able to figure out who that man was in the tavern." Another long pause broken by a long swig of tea.

"I plan on escorting them to the palace to seek an audience with the King." This last statement slid off Rora's tongue before she had time to think it over. And while her own heart thudded slightly at the words she refused to take them back.
Outside Matchtal,

As he had feared, the answer was anything but reassuring that everything was fine and he would live his peaceful life like nothing ever happened. Not just that, but a war was underway. A war with.. "Gifvoshu?" Leo thought to himself, letting the name rest somewhere in his memory. The man at the tavern was one of them, and while Leo was hiding behind the counter, even he knew the raw power the man had and the destruction he was capable of could only be guessed.
"I see how that would be problematic. A handful of them could easily take over town in a day's time." Leo said, more to himself than her. He followed behind Rora and sat down.

Leo stared at Rora's mug as she sipped her tea. Should he run? Should he stay and pretend nothing happened, assisting Matchtal in their defence should the predicted war occur? Should he accompany them?
Luckily, his thoughts were interrupted, he didn't feel like thinking about this.
"The king? Are you sure? He's not exactly the friendliest person in the land."