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Essential Beings OOC (Closed Signups)

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Hooray! Sorry, it's been a while since I last did a group roleplay.
So how will the time skips be working in this RP? Sorry if this is kind of a dumb question, I've seen timeskips done numerous different ways <_>. Will there be a formal post associated with the time skip or is everybody's next post assumed to take place X hours later?

EDIT: I'm dumb, One round until the timeskip <_>
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Hooray for time skip! ^-^
I was a little worried I'd have to flesh out the play.
I'm here, but I'm not really going to post until that timeskip. Unless you'd like to read up on how I believe swords are made.
Hooray for time skip! ^-^
I was a little worried I'd have to flesh out the play.

I'm here, but I'm not really going to post until that timeskip. Unless you'd like to read up on how I believe swords are made.

Aww! Okay, I'll work on getting that up tonight. Hopefully things are about to get a little more interesting~
I shall add in the Gifvoshu as they are described in the IC. Meaning, if they are only speaking or announced as opposed to how the woman attacking Arx was presented they won't be added yet. So check out the scouts post every now and then for updated baddies :)
Man, things are getting tense. Can't wait to be "introduced" to the other Gifvoshu.
Sorry, I was trying to think of a post to tie in with the change of time and the impending storm.
How to respond.. How to respond... I'm still here, just trying to think.
I'll be working on a post for later tonight everyone. I'll just keep things moving and see how this goes, I know people can be busy. Knives sent me a messenger to let me know he'll be gone for a while but otherwise I'm assuming the above for others.

@jessica2477 You can wait until my post if you want. There was a lot going on in Basul but not so much in Matchtal so it probably my fault for lack of substance in that last post on your end >..< There will be some excitement for you to jump into this next post if you want. I cannot nor will I guarantee anyone's character's safety. That's all I'm sayin'. *walks out*
Hello everyone!

I was invited to join, by our wonderful host, Crimson, and I'm thinking about joining! But before I do, I just wanted to ask what everyone thought would be a good character addition to the story... I'm pretty adept at playing my character, no matter what it may be, but I wanted a bit of input from you guys, because you know what the story is missing!

Let's dream up some ideas, because I'm pretty predictable when it comes to making my own characters... Lol xD

Hope to hear from you all soon!

<3 Lyli

How good are you at being bad...? If you're looking for ideas I think I would be pretty neat to see a low-down, blacker-than-pitch, stone hearted, no good downright despicable snake in the grass backstabbing traitorous sort of character. Ya know, the sort that would stab you in the back, steal your wallet, your boots and then push you into your own grave so long as it meant saving their own skin.

Iunno. I just luuuuuuuv me a great bad guy *_*
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