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You'd think our teachers would have a bit of sympathy as well, NOPE HOMEWORK FOR DAYS EHEHEHEHEH.. I hate high school
It'll be over before you know it and then all of a sudden you'll be graduating from college and wishing you could go back to the "simple life" of homework. Then again, you probably hear that from a lot of adults. lol
-slaps hand- Bad, Lady, bad! Becoming a nosy adult already!

Koero is adorable.
Aww but I love you *huggles*

Haha she's so naive xD
Yay! I'm loved! I'm loved! -huggles back- I remember everyone telling me in AP classes that we were a bunch of slackers and would NEVER survive in college and that classes were SO MUCH harder. My AP classes were approximately 5x harder than any college course I ever took. Of course, I also majored in journalism. So yeah, looking back, it was all easy and I stressed out over nothing.

Not saying you should slack off or anything, missy!
I'm trying so hard not too >.< But my AP class is kicking my ass..
What are you planning to go for in college?
Oooooh! Then yes, you are definitely allowed to gripe about school! I sincerely wish you much luck in finishing out this school year. You can do it!:D
But you'll have this summer to recuperate! And AP Gov, in my opinion, is one of the harder classes and you'll have that done!
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ACT is rough. But your writing certainly didn't reflect how drained you are- it was beautiful!

APs and homework are rough, my friend. I sympathize with you heartily.
Wow, okay, sorry for my disappearance- I had an all-day thing Sunday, and yesterday was scarified for driving.

While I do plan on posting today, you're certainly welcome to beat me to it if you find time!
Hullo, hullo! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. :)
Hi! ^^ I'm here. Just waiting for someone else to reply before I do... so I can have Ren be a stick in the mud some more XD
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