EquinoxSol x Dedtoo

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Standing up, she said, "I'll go change into something else," gesturing to her nightgown as reason, she leaves, giving him a slight smile before shutting the door behind her. In her room, she changed, pulling on fresh undergarments before slipping into one of her favorite dresses. It was pale green and, like her nightgown, had gone to her knees, but was more for daytime activities than sleeping.
Zar'Le returned Evelyn's smile, before looking down at his pants, wondering if they could be worn for the day. Deciding that they couldn't, he quickly changed into a different set of pants, these being a light brown, together with a white shirt. A simple outfit, for what would hopefully be a simple day. A simple day of leisure, or perhaps some riding? That he would have to figure out together with Evelyn, at some point. But for now, he walked out of his room and waited by her door.
Stepping out of her room, she nearly ran into Zar'Le. Evelyn smiled when she realized it was him, and, leaning up, she placed a light kiss on his lips, before pulling away. "What do you think we'll be doing today?" she asks, looking up into his eyes. Taking his hand, she holds it gently, feeling the scales on his hands against her skin.
"What we'll do today is up to you, dear Evelyn. We could explore the town, learn to ride, worship deities or simply lie around doing nothing but holding and kissing." He said, squeezing her hands slightly and wrapping his tail lovingly around her foot. "We do whatever you wish to do." He smiled widely at her.
"Lying about and doing nothing but holding and kissing sounds wonderful," Evelyn says, smiling playfully, "but I think someone would come looking for us eventually. I want to see the town," she told him, before kissing him once more. Then, she says, "Because I don't think I'm ready to learn how to ride yet..."
"Seeing the town it is then! It's a beautiful town, if I get to say so myself." He held a hand around her waist as he started walking her towards the main part of the house. "We've got everything a town should have. A market, temples, farms... Any part you want to see, we'll go to. And I'll bring some money as well, in case you see something you like in the market." He said, squeezing her for a moment.
"I want to see all of it, Zar'Le," Evelyn said, smiling. She was excited at the prospect of getting to buy something from the market. Although her family was considered rich compared to the other Nymphs in her valley, they had never been able to afford things that weren't necessary often. Only when there was some money leftover from what they sold to the caravans would she be able to get something for her, which wasn't often.
"Your wish is my command, my lady." Zar'Le responded with a grin, before leaning down to her and kissing her. "But I'm assuming the lady wishes for breakfast first? Or don't your race need to eat daily?" His kin didn't really need to eat as often as the warm-blooded races, as they didn't create much body-heat of their own. But from what he knew, they did. And so far, he had truly enjoyed the results of it every time he held Evelyn. Her sharing her heat with him.
"Breakfast would be lovely," Evelyn says, smiling up at him. Her kind could, if needed, perform a kind of photosynthesis, but they needed to have already bonded with a tree. As such, she couldn't yet. Her father, whose life-tree was strong, rarely needed to eat anymore, as long as he had been working outside during the day. Though she wasn't entirely hungry, Evelyn wanted to spend as much time as she could with Zar'Le before they left to explore the town.
"Then breakfast it is." He said, leaning down to give her another kiss. As the approached the main hall, Zar'Le let got of Evelyn, just in case. He wondered how long they'd been in bed, as he didn't see his parents in the main hall, nor the kitchen. He simply shrugged it off, as he noticed a bowl of fruit, probably left out by his mother. She had probably assumed Evelyn wanted a bit to eat in the morning, from her experience with other not of their kind. Zar'Le pulled out the chair in front of the bowl for Evelyn, and said with a overly servantish tone; "Have a seat, my Lady.", giving her a broad grin as he did.
Smiling softly at his tone of voice, Evelyn sat down, taking an orange from the bowl. "We've never gotten oranges in the valley," she told him, her eyes lighting up at the sight. "Only every once in a while if we could afford it." Peeling it using her fingernails, she took off a slice, placing it in her mouth. Closing her eyes, she smiled as she bit into the fruit. "It's as good as I remember..." she murmurs, reopening her eyes and looking to him.
Zar'Le sat down in the seat next to her, simply looking at her in silence, as she ate. "They grow on some of the trees around here, along with many other kinds of fruits, so they're not expensive here." He said, reaching over and getting a orange for himself. He pealed it quickly with one of his claws, before taking a piece off it and tossing it into his maw, swallowing it whole. "We suffer no shortage of food here, nor a shortage of money. Which means we can have whatever fresh food we wish. Especially the kind that grows almost on our home." He said, before picking out another part of the orange and holding it out for Evelyn to eat, smiling as he did.
Smiling, she leaned forwards, taking the orange in her mouth. Before pulling away, she kissed his fingers softly, smiling. She was glad to know that she would be able to have fresh fruit almost all the time; in the valley, fruit was only available in the summer months, on then it was simply berries and whatever grew on the trees. A thought coming to her mind, Evelyn glanced around, making sure no one was there but them, and placed another slice of orange in her mouth. However, before chewing it, she kissed Zar'Le again, pushing half of the orange slice into his mouth. Smiling into the kiss, she bit into her half of the orange, the sweet juice flowing over her tongue.
As Evelyn took another piece into her mouth and leaned towards him, Zar'Le as confused for a moment. As her lips touched his, he understood however. He smiled, and kissed back for a moment, before swallowing the piece he had been offered. Deciding not to stop their little game, he took another piece of orange and took it in his long tongue, holding it out to Evelyn, winking at her as he did.
Giggling, Evelyn leaned forward again, taking the orange in her mouth. Moving closer, she placed her lips upon his, touching her tongue to his longer one. Swallowing the orange, she pulled away, smiling. Finishing the orange in much the same form, she finally pulled back away from him, scooping all the orange peels into a pile. "That's one of the best breakfasts I've every had, Zar'Le," she tells him, smiling.
He chuckled and smiled at her. "One of the best breakfasts you've ever had. So far." He corrected, leaning on one of his arms resting against the table. "Who knows what tomorrow brings? Or the days past tomorrow? I'll make sure it happens as often as possible, that's for sure." He said, gently wrapping his tail around her foot. "Do you want some more food, or is the town calling?" He asked, grinning once more.
"Let's go see the town," she said, smiling. Pushing away from the table, she stood up, giving Zar'Le a long, slow kiss before taking his hand in hers. "Should we clean up before we leave?" she asks, gesturing to the orange peels that now sat on the table. "I don't want to inconvenience anyone."
Zar'Le returned the loving kiss, before he too stood up. He looked for a moment at the orange remains, before shrugging. "I think mother would be more pleased to find that her guest has eaten, than to find a clean table." He said, smiling at her, giving her hands a squeeze. "Now, the town awaits!" He said, as he started to lead her towards the front door.
Leaving the orange peels, Evelyn followed Zar'Le, a large smile upon her face. Using her free hand to rake through her hair, so that it looked slightly less tangled, as she hadn't the chance to brush it yet, she made sure that it looked presentable enough to go into town. Excitement filled her; this would be her first time actually seeing a real town, even if it was in the trees, and it filled her with joy.
As they walked out the front doors of the mansion, Zar'Le asked a simple question. "What part of the town do you want to start with? The market, the temples, the spider or silk farms?" His suggestions didn't cover the whole town, obviously, but he did suggest what was probably the most important ones. Yet, as he spoke, he didn't lead her towards the town, but rather the tree itself. He stopped as they stood next to it, awaiting her response.
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