EquinoxSol x Dedtoo

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She kissed him until she started feeling lightheaded, upon which she was forced to break the connection to Zar'Le. Breathing heavily, she didn't take her hands from him, instead smiling up at him. "I can't wait until we get married," she whispered, holding him close.
"Neither can I, Evelyn. Neither can I" He whispered in return, holding her tightly to him. He held her there for a while, before asking "On the topic of marriage... How does the Nymphic marriage go? I'm guessing its a bit different than ours? But they come from the same people as you, so it is a beautiful thing, I assume." He smiled down at her, rubbing her back gently with one of his hands.
"Our fathers would share a meal together, with both of us in separate rooms, and once they finished, they have to share blood." Evelyn pauses, looking for his reaction. After a moment, she continues, "My father has a ceremonial dagger, that's what they'd use to cut their palms. Then, we're supposed to declare our love for each other, placing sands or dirt from our homes in a glass vase. Our families would celebrate together, and we're supposed to go to our home and share a night together..." Blushing at the thought, she hides it by burying her face in his shoulder.
A look of confusion came onto his face as she explained. "That sounds a bit odd... Especially the blood sharing... But of course, if that is the wedding you want, I wont say against it." He said, gently stroking her hair. Feeling like he should explain their way as well, he spoke, as he kept stroking her. "Our weddings are different. It mostly takes place in a temple of Slaneesh, like this one, but it can really be done anywhere. The bride wears a special dress, made of the finest silk in a color that has a meaning to her. The couple stand in front of one of the goddess' chosen, each holding a golden ring, with or without anyone else watching. Then they declare they're love for each other, before the chosen uses the powers of Slaneesh to take the smallest piece of each of the two's souls, and chaining the fragment to the ring each of them are holding, before they put it on each other. The rings will give off a slight heat, and are supposed to remind you of your love. Then some hold a great dinner for their friends and family if they choose so, or they can move on to... to the bedroom." He could feel himself blush slightly as he waited for her response.
"I like your way better," Evelyn said, thinking that the way Nymphs marry was extremely old fashioned, and something many other cultures would think as uncivilized. She knew her family would understand, her father being extremely open-minded from all that he had seen in his lifetime, and didn't think it would be a problem at all. Giggling softly at his blush, she kisses his cheek lightly, before settling her head on his shoulder, simply holding him.
Zar'Le couldn't help but to blush slightly more at her response. "If you wish to have that kind, then by all means, do so. I'm sure both the chosen and Slaneesh herself will be honored by it. And, of course, so will both I and my family." He said, keeping his hold of her. "To be honest, it doesn't matter to me how we get married though. As long as we are."
She nods, before finally letting him go. Simply holding his hands, she looks up into his eyes lovingly, imagining in her mind their marriage. It filled her with great joy simply imagining it, and she didn't know how it must feel when they actually were married. Giving him a soft kiss, she pulls back soon enough, before simply wrapping her arms around him, eyes closed lightly.
He looked back into her eyes, seeing the happiness that filled them, filling his own in return. Her kiss was not long, yet it was still more than enough to make his smile wider. After standing there, simply holding each other for a few minutes, he spoke once more. "I take it you like this temple? You seem to be worshiping her quite a bit." He kissed her forehead softly.
She laughed quietly, nodding slightly. "It's very beautiful," she said again, using that as her reason. Shrugging, she said, "We should probably see the other temples, so we're not out too late and your parents start looking for us..."
Zar'Le chuckles slightly. "I'm no child. If they look for us at all, they'll look for Xana rather quickly. And when they don't find her either, they'll understand that I'm showing you something or taking you somewhere, or something like that. They won't be looking for us in hours yet. But if seeing the other temples is what you want, then lets goh, zhr Zahnar." The last part was aimed at two red-scaled ladies he had almost crashed into as he started walking towards the exit. The couple simply gave him a giggling hiss, before continuing to the curtained area of the temple. He looked in front of him this time, before he started walking out of the temple, still holding Evelyn's arm. "That was my sister, by the way." He said in passing, before calling for Xana again.
Evelyn smiled politely, before saying, "She was very pretty." As Xana approached once more, Evelyn was again distracted by the beauty of the temples, the clear blue of the sky above, the midday sun just barely starting to make its descent. Lacing her fingers with his, she smiles widely, gazing around.
Zar'Le got onto the spider, and again he helped Evelyn on as well, before asking "So, what next? Khorne or Nurgle? War or Life?", and wrapping his tail around her. "Nurgle's temple is the one the most like the ones we've been to already. Khorne's temple is... different. It still fits the god, but he is quite different from the others." He was slightly worried if she'd choose Khorne, as that temple was rather macabre, especially compared to the one they had just left.
"You've got me interested now," Evelyn said, smiling softly, as she wrapped her arms around him once more. Kissing his cheek, she said, "I want to see Khorne, if you're alright with that." Holding tightly, but not as much as before, Evelyn felt the same lightning bolt of fear run through her as the spider began moving, and her grip tightened slightly.
"Whatever you wish, Evelyn." He was hoping she wouldn't react badly to it, but he almost expected it. At least slightly.
A short ride around the large tree set them at the entrance to the temple of Khorne, god of blood and war. As they entered the large doorway, the first thing that struck you was the statue in the middle. It was slightly larger than the two other. The statue was, like the others apparently made from enchanted, red stone, though this one had a different pedestal. All around the statue's feet, there were skulls, stacked on top each other. The statue itself was of a giant of a man, holding a large axe in his one hand, and another skull in the other. He appeared to be leaning forwards, roaring in anger, with blood seeping out the sides of his mouth, gathering in a pool around his feet, made by the skulls. It also seemed to have many scars and wounds, some still seeping with blood.
Right in front of the statue, there was a bloody alter, obviously for sacrificing unfortunate victims. All around the rest of the temple, there were puddles of blood and weapons on racks and shelves. Small rings also dotted the room, some of which had people fighting in them, occasionally shouting "Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!", or shouting in pain as they were struck.

Zar'Le squeezed Evelyn's hand reassuringly, awaiting her reaction.
Evelyn's initial reaction was surprise, then wonder, then slight fear. Her people were extremely peaceful, having remained out of wars and blood-shed for almost as long as her father had been alive, and to see so many others fighting, seemingly for fun or competition, was slightly harrowing. Instinctively moving closer to Zar'Le, she didn't know what to say, and was instead gazing up at the statue with wide eyes, her heart pounding in her chest, though this time not from kissing Zar'Le.
Zar'Le put his one arm around Evelyn and took her hand in the other. "I told you Khorne was different." He whispered into her ear. "But you have nothing to worry about. These warriors are honorable. They wouldn't attack an unarmed person unless that person attacked them." It might have been quite some time since the Lizardkin had actually been at war with anyone, yet there were always the occasional monster or bandit group roaming the swamps, and someone had to take care of them, which was the main reason anyone really trained much with weapons at all.
Evelyn nodded, standing close to Zar'Le. Nymphs didn't actively train for battle, knowing that if needed, the older Nymphs could connect with their life-trees, and effectively control their trees' branches and roots. Using that, they could protect the small area of the valley with the trees. However, that's all they did, protect. She had never seen anyone actively hurt or wish to hurt anyone, though she had heard stories. But the stories didn't compare to the real thing, and she felt a mixture of emotions.
Zar'Le kept his hold of her for a while, letting her take it in a bit more. "If you want, we could leave. I mean... this temple is definitively not for everyone, nobody is forcing you to stay, and there is still the last temple?" He had noticed that she seemed a bit uneasy, and had offered her an alternative. He thought she would accept and leave with him, unless she forced herself to stay, trying not to insult Khorne or some reason like that.
Evelyn nodded, before saying, "Yes, I think visiting the last temple would be wonderful." Squeezing his hand gently, she tried not to let her uneasiness show, and was having a hard time of it. Turning back towards the doors, she gave him a smile, trying to tell him she was okay.
Zar'Le returned her smiled and led her back out. "I think you'll find Nurgle's temple more to your liking." Another walk around the corner, and they were in front of the green temple.
The temple could gently be described as green, or overgrown, if you preferred. Small trees seemed to grow close to the walls, a carpet of grass covered the floor, and bushes, flowers and other plants were spread all across the temple. It was almost like walking outside, though it was seemingly more fertile inside than outside.
In the middle, a green statue sat in the middle of the room. This one was green, and sat on its pedestal, where the others had stood. He could only be described as a fat, happy male. Wines seemed to grow up around it, and seemingly moved ever so gently.

Zar'Le smiled at Evelyn. "I'm guessing this is more to your liking?"
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