Endless Horizons, Chapter 1: Isle of Cage Dreams

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You know I like it when you get all forceful~
I think I'll let you take the lead this time~ ;D
So rune, you gunna give me a delicious character to gobble up any time soon?
I'll have her up either tonight or tomorrow. Most likely tomorrow after my classes~

You can gobble her up any way you wish then~ ;D
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Mith'ral Mythe

46 Human year old



Physical Description:
She looks like a 17 human girl if not for her long years and tail. Her eyes are a bright red. She always wear a maple leaf shaped pendant.

She was born and raised in Aeoni by an ancient, strict but loving family; one of their traditions was to have at least one of the heirs to join society as scholars, while military career was seen as less prestigious even if equally important.
Her older brother (fond of knowledge) kept up his family name in the Keeton society as a brilliant scholar, following the Mythe tradition. During the ascension of the Council (she was 22), her family followed the Royal decisions and accepted the new status quo without complaining. On the other hand, after turning 27 (the rough equivalent 10 years old humans), Mith'ral decided to train and join the Royal guard as, she knew, she would bring more honor to her family that way.
Their parents, upon their decisions, gave them a heirloom each: her brother got a bookmark with a maple leaf shaped pendant while Mith'ral got a crystal maple shaped necklace pendant which made them fully grown Mythe family member.
While training, she learned how to control herself, how to make the most of her senses and her surroundings, in turn, this resulted as a little lack of presence (which is not bad in a combat situation, but a bit frustrating in everyday life) and she tends to go unnoticed even to her family. Of course she studied the basics, but she is more of a dynamic creature and mastered close range combat techniques. After years of sweat and blood on the training floor, she was accepted in the Royal Guards as one of the youngest recruits that corp ever had (44).
She asked to be sent on that ship because she heard the captain was the best mind magic user which she wants to learn in order to be the best guard she could ever be. Her motto was always to improve oneself to be able to protect what's dear to oneself.

She is not very talkative and she doesn't have much of a presence either. She is quiet but always smiling though it's a melancholic smile most of the time. She likes sweets, nature and fluffy things, so under such circumstances she could just become childish. Other than that, she is strict with herself and prefers doing things alone. As common to her race, she wants to learn more things possible; she decided to travel in order to learn so that she wouldn't shame her family and her Queen.
There are few who could claim to have seen her sleeping face, as she sleeps deeply just around someone she could trust, but she is awfully cute when deep asleep. She has a habit to touch her pendant when nervous or under stress, it helps her to focus. She dislikes liars and assassins for their underhanded methods. When provoked she normally ignores it, but if one of her family or her companions are as near as brushed, she could kill on the spot, because saving someone dear to her would surely bring honor to her name.

Magical school of choice:
Mind (especially illusion type magic)

Summary of Physical Strengths/Weaknesses:
She is swift, strong and silent, her hearing and smelling are very keen and her balance is perfect. Also, she specialize in close combat with hidden blades and she is ambidextrous.
She has a weak spot behind her ears but hates when someone touches them or her tail without asking. She is weak against ultrasonic waves and could result a little clumsy when she's hungry. Also, a weakness is her family, if one of them should be in trouble she would just freeze and do nothing from shock.​
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Name: Verusha "Vera" Dalca
Age: 50 Human Years.
Gender: Female
Race: Keeton/Die Jaeger​

Physical Description:
Vera is and oddity, among her kind, many believe its because of her suspected dual parentage. She has oddly colored silver hair that contrasts with her naturally tanned color skin. She is taller than most of her kind, and is quite physically fit, though most people tend to notice her eyes first - they are a shade of icy blue.

Past: Vera's history, perhaps starts with her parents - A Keeton by the name of Mira Dalca, and a Die Jaeger who simply went by the name Varik.
Vera, has never actually been the the Keeton's home Isle. Instead, she grew up in Anmel, the human capitol with her mother, a Keeton who went by the name of Mira Dalca. Her mother had never really told her who her father was, though she said she had once worked as a brothel madame leaving whoever her father actually was up to wild speculation. However, many suspect that her father was in fact a Die Jaeger from the way she looks and her general personality since it differs greatly from most Keeton's. This is closer to the truth than some might actually believe - her father was in fact one of the dark skinned humanoids.

Her mother had once been a brothel madame in Anmel. Her mother never quite told her why she ran one. She simply commented when asked that it was 'fun', much to the horror of the young girl who did not want to imagine her mother doing such things.

Mostly, the people who used her brothel were of the upper nobility, though she occasionally got someone who was of lesser status. Her father was a Die Jaeger who, lucky for her mother happened to be stopping by at the right time. He was a mercenary, having left his home quite some years before, and was in the city simply looking for a place to unwind, if a Die Jaeger can do that.

He had heard a commotion from the streets as he was passing by. Some human nobles were causing trouble for her and a few of her girls. Her father simply intervened because the nobles in question, had denied him payment after a job he did for them. He roughed them up quite a bit, and she hired him as security afterwards. It was easy pay, and a lot more pay than he usually got. He still saw his fair share of action too. A Brothel was a place where all kinds of shady things went on, whether with its owners knowledge or not.

This arrangement went on for about a month, until the nobles he had roughed up decided to come back - with arrest warrants for both of them. Needless to say, that was easier said than done. After killing or injuring about half the guard, thanks to the help of the girls in the brothel the both of them escaped into the cities slums. This is where her father parted ways with her mother, stating that the deal was up since she no longer had a brothel to run. About eight and a half months later, Verusha was born.

Life wasn't easy for her growing up, but her and her mother made do. Her mother decided to not get back into her old business, and instead focus all of her attention raising her. She would have liked to take her back to her homeland, but lack of money prevented that. Vera grew up hard, learning how to take care of herself on the streets at an early age, gaining quite the reputation thanks to her natural strength and abilities, though thankfully she remained mostly out of trouble with the law, side from being in quite the few fights when she was a kid.

As she grew up she began to take an interest in swords and combat, and taught herself how to use a blade. However, despite her stubborn persistence and eagerness, she made very little progress teaching herself. Her luck turned, however when she discovered an old, veteran swordsman living in the slums not far from them.

He refused to teach her at first, stating that all she would do with it was use it to get into trouble. She persisted, though, and he agreed to teach her on one condition. Never use her sword to harm someone out of anger or hate. She didn't really give this much thought at the time, and just eagerly agreed to it to learn.

So, he spent the next few years teaching her everything he knew about the sword - she even had to forge her own sword before he would let her even train with a real one. Aside from teaching her the art of the blade, the two grew close and he ended up becoming sort of a father figure to her. So after about three years under his tutelage, he had taught her almost everything he knew. She wasn't satisfied, however. She wanted to learn more. He said he had nothing else to teach, so instead she should get some practical experience.

It was a tough decision for her, she couldn't leave her mother all alone here, but she wanted to go and explore too. Her mother and him had become good friends during these three years though, and he agreed to look after her if she left. Her mother was supportive of her decision, and that was that.

She traveled the world in search of adventure, honing her abilities, after breaking her first sword, a Katana with quite a long blade during a fight she re-forged the blade into two different swords about equal length and taught herself how to use them both.

After she heard about a trip to some mysterious new land, she eagerly went to join.

If there's one thing Vera likes doing, it's fighting. Whether this is an effect of her Die Jaeger blood is up for debate, but no one can dispute the fact that she loves it, always has and most likely always will. She's incredibly stubborn and doesn't back down form any challenge even if she knows she's gonna lose - even if she could get hurt in the process. She's too prideful and stubborn to do so.

Outside of battle, she's fairly friendly, if a bit promiscuous thanks in part to her mother. She outgoing and won't hesitate to make new friends and will do anything to keep her old ones. Loyalty is paramount to her, and betraying her is just one way to get yourself stabbed. She doesn't think much about her actions, and would act first rather than think.​

Magical school of choice:

Summary of Physical Strengths/Weaknesses:
Adept Swordsman: Despite her boasting otherwise, she still has a lot to learn in this area. Calling her anything other than a novice or adept with a lot of Talent would be pushing it. She strives to become better though, at all martial endeavors. She is currently training herself to wield two swords at once, but she is much better with one sword currently.

Half-Blood Hearing and Sight: She has keen hearing and and the ability to see much better than most other people, thanks to her Die Jaeger and Keeton Blood. She doesn't have the sensory strength of a pure blooded Keeton or Die Jaeger, but a blend of both that she could use to her advantage during a fight.

Die Jaeger Strength: Her Die Jaeger blood grants her natural strength above most of her kind. She's not as strong as a pure blooded Die Jaeger of course, but could match most other people for natural strength. That said, she doesn't rely on her natural strength much in a fight, and would rather rely on her agility in a fight.

Intelligence: While she may be a Keeton, at least partly, she doesn't posses their natural grasp for magic and trickery. While she isn't stupid by any means, she's not clever or a very deep thinker. She prefers things to be easy, simple, and clean. However, if you insult her intelligence, be prepared to suffer being stabbed. Repeatedly.

(there's probably more I could add....but I'm lazy and I'll RP the rest out xP)
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Name: Myrrh Ghyrratino

Age: 67 Human Years.

Gender: Female

Race: Keeton

Physical Description: Myrrh appears to be about 25 years of age in human terms. As with most Keetons her only defining feature are her Beautiful tail and ears, however their is a discrepancy, both Myrrh and her twin sister (yes she has a twin, that is for later though) have Silver hair instead of the regular reddish orange hair keetons are known to have: Image


Myrrh was born to an isolated community at the southern tip of the Keeton's home isle. Her mother was a Hex borne, and during childbirth Myrrh was transferred the Hex borne gene. Her sister however, was not. Surprisingly the small babe did not die like most who gain the mark of the hex this way. Strangely, however, the color from her hair was drained and in it's place was a pale yet alluring silver coat.

This mark turned her into a target of bullying in her child hood years, and because of the abuse she became a rebellious child. She began to feel like everyone was pushing her away, until eventually, she was all alone. He sister left their hometown to explore the other Nations and her family turned their backs on her because of her bad streak. Myrrh began to feel entirely alone, until finally, she lashed out. By this point she had already become a heavy drinker even though her body refused to allow her to get drunk and during a night of heavy drinking she finally decided to give her village what it wanted. She left, stowing away on a vessel that left the following morning.

However, Myrrh's luck had left her that day, for shortly after taking to the seas, the ship she had stown away on was assaulted by pirates from two sides. The crew was taken captive and Myrrh was discovered. However, Myrrh was not to be taken down so easily. The combination of her natural fighting ability and strong mental magic skills won her a spar with the two pirates who had discovered her.

From there she proceeded to search the ship, using small tricks of magic to foll the pirates into giving her the upper hand. She managed to eliminate most of the pirates under the deck, but the pirates above the deck were a different story. Instead of sneaking around she decided to play the bluff card. Myrrh emerged from the underbelly of the ship with a confident stride and announced herself to her enemy.

The pirate captain himself stood before her with a look of confusion on his face. He drew his blade and pointed it in her direction, demanding she bow to him. Myrrh laughed at his face, disarmed, and knocked him to the ground with ease. None of the pirates were Hex borne and for this reason she was able to easily beat their leader.

Myrrh was not aware however, but these particular pirates believed in reward through action and determined their leader by hosting duels between themselves. Seeing their strongest man dropped by Myrrh with such efficiency caused the pirates to gain respect for the Keeton. Due to this the remaining pirates presented her a deal, she would be allowed to live if she did not interfere with the raid. Myrrh agreed and soon found herself aboard their ship.

After some time it was clear that Myrrh's strength far surpassed that of the pirates who had taken her in. After being convinced t ostay in their ranks and join them as a pirate, Myrrh soon found herself at the head of the ship. The former Captain taught her all he knew and with time she surpassed even him.

The tales of Myrrh's raids and venture's are known by most every ear on the high seas. She treats her comrades with respect and gives her enemies no quarter. She is not evil by any means, but she is still a pirate and for that reason their is a bounty on her head.

Today she is revered as a legend, and known as the strongest of all known Mental Hex borne mages.

Personality: Myrrh is a wild girl, she looks for adventure at every turn and never turns her head back. Her policy is "keep moving forward" and she has a reputation for taking action and thinking later. In most cases her magic can get her out of any bind her muscle headedness gets her into. She is a true lover of the sea and is at home on the open waters, she hates the cold and crowded cities. She is kind to her subordinates and treats her allies with respect and love. She is witty and good at thinking on the spot. She is known to be extremely stubborn and curious. Sometimes she forgets to eat.


Myrrh is physically agile and strong, her magic holds up very well too. She is a master at close combat and relies mainly on her fists for fighting. She does carry a dagger, but it is more for dramatic affect than anything, she is useless with weapons. Melee or ranged.
Myrrh can be strong in high stress scenarios but sometimes doesn't stop to think about the consequences of her actions. She is easily distracted by food.

Magical school/Abilities:

Mental Magic, Will work on abilities at a later date.
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Name: Grem Scarborough

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Appearance: Averaging around five feet and seven inches tall weighing around one-hundred and twenty pounds underrates Grem's Y build making his overall appearance underwhelming. Due to his mixed blood he appears to be an ordinary human with the exception of his medium length stark white hair hanging haphazardly over his striking golden eyes, and extended lateral incisors that are short enough to be hidden while his mouth is closed.

A crimson jacket lined with straga fur over a black multi-threaded vest usually hides Grem's torso accented by a pair of blue denim breeches adorned with various pieces of metal to form an unorthodox set of armor, with an iron sword tied off to the waist in an exquisite sheathe with a blue base decorated with various runic symbols and inlaid with golden leaves, and a pair of greaves fitted over brown combat boots

Race: Lucreisan/Human

A half-breed born to a Lucresian mother, Yua Nier, and Human father, Emmet Scarborough, who was ostracized due to the thought of the two races mixing being viewed as indecent; His mother's family viewed him as something less than a person only referring to him as 'It', while his father's side is completely oblivious to his existence due to the relationship between his parents being more or less an affair.
He grew up without any friends spending all of his time with his Mother until he grew tired of the loneliness and left his village in search of adventure at the age of 18.

A few weeks later, he arrived at Caitor, the captial of the province, where he met a swordsman by the name of Pencrest Granze, an older man easily twice Grem's own age. The man took an interest in the boy offering to take him under his wing and teach him the way of the sword, but Grem turned him down continuing on a journey with no destination in particular.
It wasn't until four years down the road and several companions later that the Lucresian finally took the old man up on his offer. While Grem's strength was refined and beyond that of the average person his skills with a sword were crude and non-existant, even after months of training it wasn't until fairly recently that he began to make any progress.

The people of this land have a system where individuals are ranked in their respective fields of expertise, when it comes to Swordplay Grem is nowhere to be found, however, he is ranked as the 33rd strongest fighter and listed as one of seven up and coming individuals referred to as 'The Seven Titans'.

Personality: Grem is an resolute individual who is outwardly viewed as a slacker and plays it up not giving 100% in anything and only truly becoming serious in situations where he deems it completely necessary. However, once serious he becomes a totally different person as he picks up everything at a substantially faster rate; Most notably once Pencrest informed him of the possibility of becoming a scout his training finally started to progress.
Due to an absence of friends during his childhood and only recently being around others extensively has he really taken part in social interaction, so most of his conversations are short and to the point, anything past that becomes drawn out fluff.

Magic: Spiritual


Improved Senses: Grem possesses a sense of smell ten times stronger than a human's, his hearing around four times, and his sight allows him to see farther and more clearly as well as giving him night vision.

Improved Strength and Agility: A strength tied to his Lucresian blood, Grem is more powerful than an average human and his training with Pencrest only helped to develop it even further as he relies on it more so than his actual skill with a blade. While his agility is more of an inherent trait from the wolves his people were believed to have descended from in times past, as displayed by his erratic fighting style composed of leaping back and forth performing flips and twists fluidly linking them together.

Novice Swordsman: Calling Grem a swordsman would be an insult to true warriors, but he possesses the most basic knowledge of wielding a sword that allows him to get away with the title. When it comes to actually using a sword, haphazardly slashing away trying to keep on the pressure while dodging incoming attacks is the most one can get from him.
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First, I had no idea there was a hentai named after me and I demand to know who used my name/ or likeness without written consent. Secondly, a number of things inspired my name to be honest. In 8th grade I read a book called 'Helter-skelter' which was the biography of Charles Manson and I thought the word was pretty cool, then a couple of years later I played the game No More Heroes which has an at the time, unnamed enemy in one of the opening cutscenes named 'Helter Skelter'. I thought it was funny how I kept bumping into the word and thought it sounded pretty badass, so I took up the latter spelling as my online persona.
I actually found a lot of thing entitled with your name, such as songs, books, people and that sick hentai series and I was curious which things enspired you for your name, cause they were A LOT. So, yeah XD Thanks for the information~
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Name: Josef "Bo Dato" Marx

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Die Jaeger

Physical Description:

5' 8" Carries arrows with tips made from various materials. Mostly steel. Carries this sword on his hip
He also has several throwing knives tucked in his belt. he never removes his mask near others and thus I will not describe his face until a later date.

Past: Born into Die Jaeger, Marx is a trained hunter and soldier. While others in the group chose to expand their knowledge of upfront combat, he went for the ranged alternative. His life has been boring and bland up until now and thus when his Kommandant asked who wanted to take a trek to unexplored lands, he jumped right on board. Now he is on the ship with the rest of the group, waiting for adventure.

Personality: Eager and ready for action while simultaneously patient enough to wait for great rewards. Marx craves great adventure and glory and is willing to do much in order to find it. He is willing to work with any one and with any means to achieve the goals he sets for himself.

Magical school of choice: Body

Summary of Physical Strengths/Weaknesses: Unmatched tracker and in archery. He is smaller and weaker than most other Die Jaeger, but quicker and more agile. He is skilled with a blade, but does not hold the same natural skill that he does with a bow.
Sorry if about the minimalistness of the CS. I have ideas for the chars history and personality, I'm just bad at describing those things like that.
...Our characters seem like they're going to be fairly similar Anri xP
Not sure whether that's a good thing or not xD
And Vera's done~

May want to limit the number of Keeton's we get simply for balance sake since we already have three of them xP
I feel so special right now. Grem is the only character going to use Spirit magic. XD
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