Embers Of A Shinobi Burn Brightly

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Genken waited for his student to arrive. He saw Kikyo's temporary replacement and decided to introduce himself. He knew that Shisuzen would be disappointed that Kikyo wasn't joining them on their mission, but there would be nothing he could do about that. He noticed Cypher getting close to the entrance. He was happy that his students had the deceny to show up on time. That would be key into getting the mission completed as swiftly as possible.
"Hello, you must be Miho Kunugiyama. Am I correct? I'm Genken Otora. Your sensei for the time being."

Sereza saw that Hotaru was the first to arrive. She smiled and gave her a friendly nod. Hana was running to get to the entrance, but Sereza had no idea why. She was probably trying to beat Kiro here or perhaps see Sosuke, but Sosuke's team wasn't dispersing from this entrance. Well no one ever knew with Hana and she judged that from the bags she had brought some ramen along with her. She smiled. Hana never ceased to amaze her that was for certain. "For the record Hotaru, Hana is a loud mouth." Sereza said playfully.
She was hoping to break the ice with her new student so that she would feel welcome.

Hana came running to her team. She saw that she had beated Kiro and that was a reward to her all in itself. She started to walk when she realized this.
"Hiya Hotaru!" Hana said rather loudly.
Her voice was just like that. There was nothing she could really do to change that, but she didn't care. Hana was just... well Hana. She did things that may be a little odd and maybe even suggested odd things, but she always had good intentions. She just wanted to start the mission already and she hoped that Kiro would hurry up and get here. However, Kiro had an entire thirty minutes left and Hana was just early because she was extremely excited. She was practically bouncing up and down from excitement and she wanted to ask Sereza-sensei a lot of questions, but that could wait until they started traveling.

Sosuke arrived at the entrance to see Liceus alreay there and waiting. This person seemed to have an even more potent arrogant air about him, but Sosuke didn't it mind it so much. This guy was much older than him and was probably irritated to find out that he would be taking orders from someone considerably younger than him. He sighed. Sosuke didn't ask to be the leader of the group it just kind of happened that way regardless of what anyone else said.
"I didn't get to properly introduce myself, my name is Sosuke. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to introduce myself to you yesterday." Sosuke said casually, hoping he didn't offend the other. Sosuke offerd Liceus a polite bow before sitting down and writing even more strategies in his book. He waited silently for Emiko.

Shinichi looked at May. What on earth made her think that he need her apology. Her personality had done a complete one eighty. Whatever their master said, it must have been quite harsh. He didn't take her hand as he wasn't too keen on contact, but he politely bowed to her and offered her another one of her fake smiles. He avoided her question.
"I am glad that we have come to terms with each other," Shinichi said.
The dark circles around his eyes faded a bit. They seemed to turn darker when he was fighting, but he had not yet discovered the reason why. However the reason he was helping Yasashii was so Shinichi could get to Sosuke. For some reason Shinichi wanted to find out how far Sosuke could go with his hate. It reminded a lot like himself. He smiled to no one and headed back to their master.

Yasashii was rather impressed with pair's performance. Shinichi had only used a few jutsu today and already he had proved himself as a worthy ally. He was proud of the talent he had found. He met the pair half way and the remaining shinobi followed the three of them loyally.
"It seems as though the two of you have changed a few minds." Yasashii smiled.
The shinobi of each village were dropping like flies. He was rather enjoying the destruction. It made him happy beyond belief. So for now, Yasashii was in a good mood. He would soon have the two of them take down the leader of this village too and he would be no easy enemy to take down.

Miho bowed to Genken. She not really good with words so she said nothing. She was eager to meet the temporary members of her team. She loved to meet new people even if she couldn't exactly get words out most of the time. She was curious as to why their sensei always wore a mask and no one had ever seen his true face and according to the rumors, Genken himself had forgotten what his own face looked like. That must be most unfortunate to have to cover your face all the time. She waited quietly. A mask covered her the lower half of her face as well, but that was because she just liked the way it looked on her.
May returned back to her master thinking of the boy he was a little wierd like he had no emotions, the feeling of emptyness in this boy was huge, he only smiled and his smiles were fake that was the good thing, his eyes they were consumed by darkness when he was fighting, actually killing, May saw that when she appeared next to him. May thought if she could be right, could Shinichi really couldnt feel, she couldnt be certain but you could feel the emptyness when you are around him.

"Master what do we do now" She said looking at the boy, May was just very intrigued in the boy he had big potential and his personality actualy the lack of it, she was just amazed and wondered if she could fill his holes with emotions, but it didnt look like he will allow her.
She turned to Shinichi and asked him
"Shinichi why are you eyes turning dark when you kill" May wanted to know more about him, but her master was there and she thought if he will shout at her again.
Hiroshi looked at Genken and smiled. "I don't know. But he'll come around. I have to get going now." He said before leaving Genken alone to watch over his students. Hiroshi arrived at the gate to see Sosuke and liceus waiting. They had a bit of time left. Though Emiko was still m.i.a. He didn't bother with that though, she'll be there. Hiroshi walked over to Sosuke. "Sosuke, here. I want you to have this. Use it as a neck guard." He said, hanging over his sisters old protector, the leaf symbol cut straight across the middle. "This was my sisters and she said it brought her good luck. I wish to give it to you as a gift. I hope it brings you luck and fortune." He said, giving a smile. Hiroshi was planning on giving Emiko a matching one, but from his brother-in-law. They were meant as gifts to for shoeing their excellent team work. Which is why liceus wasn't give one.

Shisuzen arrived at the gate, noticing a new face along with cypher. He ran up to the new girl. 'Who are you?" He asked. She wasn't as pretty as Kikyo. No one was pretty as Kikyo. "Where's Kikyo, Genken-sensei?" Shisuzen was confused as to what was going on. He needed someone to explain.

Kiro saw Hana walking to the gate. She was running already and was catching up. She didn't want Hana to beat her so she ran faster to her sensei and her new teammate. Passing by slow Hana, she stuck her tongue out and ran faster. "Haha, Hana. I beat you." Kiro said, teasing her. Then she looked over at Hotaru. Noticing the gourd, she had a look of puzzlement on her face. "What's with the gourd?" She asked. She was excited. Normally, she was quiet, but only when Sosuke was around. Now she was being herself. Which is why she asked a lot of questions.
Liceus finished his drawing of the city and somewhat admired it as he re rolled the scroll, noticing sosuke liceus simply shot him a glanceing look saying hello briefly before putting away his scrolls and leaning against the gate. He despised waiting, hence why he was always late. Better late and yelled at, than waiting for hours and being bored to death. Soon after souske's arrival hiroshi-sensei appeared. Liceus sighed as he arrived handing out the for-head protectors. Just two though, Liceus couldn't help but feel a little slighted still he let it slide. Still far to early to show off what he could do. Better to show your powers once. Than rely on the constantly.
"So where our third member? After all I'm usually the late one, and i appear to have tarnished that record." Sitting paitently and still not drawing atention to himself other than negative. Liceus began to flip through all the jutsu he knew mentally, just making sure his aresnal was wide enough for most situations.
Genken looked at Shisuzen.
"This is Miho Kunugiyama. She will be filling in for Kikyo. Since Kikyo will not be joining us this time." Genken said these words slowly and gently.
He wished that there was more he could say to ease things, but he could not think of any. He sighed. He didn't know how Shisuzen would take the information and he was hoping that he would be accepting of Miho. Genken was completely aware of Shisuzen's attraction to Kikyo and the fact that she might be absent for a while probably hurt Shisuzen a little, but Genken could not be sure.

Sosuke looked at Hiroshi with uncertainty. He didn't really want to take it, but out of politeness he should. "Thank you, Hiroshi sensei." Sosuke said politely, "I'll take it with me, but I don't want it to cover up my brother's necklace."
He indicated the necklace that he never took off. He never mentioned it until now. There was picture of his brother on the necklace and it was very important to him. He pulled out a small container made of class that had a leather cushion inside. That was where he put important things. He set the gift inside and then closed it up and put it away in his bag. Sosuke sighed. Even though he had just received a gift from Hiroshi, he still hated him. A feeling like hate could not easily be shaken off. He respected Hiroshi little and did not in the least feel that it would change. First impressions are important and Hiroshi had messed it up. There were do overs and if Hiroshi could just accept the fact that Sosuke hated him, they would move on from there.

Sereza was happy to see that her students were finally all there.
"Well, now that we're all here. I guess it's time we took are leave. Kiro, there will be time for questions while we travel." Sereza said smiling.
She was happy to have a team of girls. They were never late and always on time which was more than she could say for Sosuke. Sereza started to head out leading her team to the Sand Village.
"Well let's get going!" Sereza said excitedly.

"Shut up Kiro!" Hana said coldly before breaking into a smile and following after Sereza sensei.
She was so excited. Hana was actually starting her first mission right now! Hana nearly jumped out of her skin once again with excitement. She didn't if Kiro had beat her. Sosuke wasn't there to see so it was okay. This would be a loss Sosuke wouldn't ever have to know about. Hana thought to herself. Hana was also curious about her team member's gourd, but she didn't think it polite. It probably carried something like her gourd. Hana had a sand gourd with at all times. There was hardly ever sand where she went. She just got lucky that they were headed to the sand Village. This meant that her jutsus would be even more powerful. She smiled to herself. Too bad Kiro wasn't from the Sand Village or her jutsus would be strong there too.

Miho smiled warmly and Shisuzen and bowed to him. From the looks of it, Ryoma-sama had not told everyone that she would temporarily be replacing Kikyo. She felt bad and hoped that she could get along with everyone. She was still not good with words and she didn't say anything to Shisuzen either. It wasn't that she was rude, she just didn't know how to talk to people. She was always afraid that she'd say the wrong thing and make enemies. She feared that she had made some enemies already by replacing Kikyo of Team 2. Miho sighed, but still smiled from behind her mask.

Shinichi looked at May in confusion. "I don't know." He answered.
Shinichi was unaware that his eyes had changed colors at all. He shrugged it off and followed Yasashii closely. He could feel his chakra from here and it was insane. There was more hate there than Shinichi had ever felt. It excited him for the oddest of reasons. He wondered what other emotions he could feel from other people. From May he felt uncertainty, but neither of them were as interesting as Sosuke which is why he wanted to get close to him. Someday he would make his way back to the Leaf Village and learn what he can about Sosuke.

"You will follow me to the village leader..." Yasashii said simply and lead them to the leader of the Hidden Rain Village...
Emiko was actually late for once which was odd for her. She found herself strolling to he meeting point. She wondered how her first mission would go. More importantly she was scared to have to rely on her teammates. She didn't want to be a burden which was one of the reasons she spent all night developing and strengthining new jutsu. But anyways how hard could It be to catch a spy. In Emiko's head this was a normal recon mission. She would rather do something like protect the Kazekage. Something much more important. She walked with her head hung low while thinking over every outcome of today.
She was taken from her thoughts when she approached her team. Even Liceus was there before her. Emiko brushed her bang to the side and wiped her eyes in an attempt to keep awake and focused. "S-Sorry I'm late. We can leave right away" She said avoiding eye contact with any of the team.
Cypher starts to notice a couple of people looking at him weirdly. He has not yet covered his face, eyes and hair.
His hair wasn't that bad really, quite long and spiked. Maybe it was the unnatural color, he often thought to himself, or the eyes. It bothered him though, he couldn't help who he was but he was judged so strongly by people who didn't either know him at all or ever want to talk to him. He never liked any girls because... really he couldn't, they'd just reject him anyway. He had learned over time, starting out as friendly and out-going, hyperactive maybe. He soon learned though t hat nobody liked him and he sank into being a loner and having a ton of false rumors about him.
Cypher tightens his arm wraps before approaching sensei... "Sensei" He whispers quietly "How long until we leave?" He asks.
Hiroshi smiled at Emiko. Your not late Emiko. I said one hour till we leave. That was 59 minutes ago. Now we can leave. But before we do, I'd like to give you a gift for your strength and how well you worked with Sosuke." Hiroshi handed her the second guard with the same mark on it as the one sasuke has. "This was my brother in laws. My sister believed it to be lucky. I hope it brings you luck and fortune." Hiroshi smiled before walking in the direction of the village hidden in sound. "Your in front Sosuke. This line formation will be a strong one." He waited till everyone formed the line before sprinting.

Shisuzen looked at his new teammate. He didn't know what to think. So he bowed respectfully and started walking in the direction of the village in the mist. His shoulders were slumped and his normal smile wasn't on his face. He'd soon get over it, but for now he'd sulk.

Kiro soon fell silent. She felt she was over talking and didn't want to scare her new teammate. So she started walking in the direction of the village of sand. It was Hana's hometown and she was pumped. But kiro didn't want to go there. Her techniques didn't rely on elements so they were always powerful. Now she was ready to show her true power. "Come on Sereza-sensei, we need to move on so we could learn more and train."
Emiko gave a small smile realizing she technically wasn't late. A small blush added to the smile when Hiroshi sensei presented her with a neck gaurd that was from a relative. Emiko gave a curtious bow showing her appretiation to her sensei. She put the neck gaurd up before linning up in formation behind Sosuke. She looked back at Liceus who had just finished drawing something. She never got to formally introduce herself to him but figured she would find time for that later. She used to think Sosuke was just a slacker but her opinion on him had done a complete 180. So maybe the same would happen with her and Liceus. Emiko could only hope as they're mision began.
Genken smiled behind his mask at his students. "We leave now!" He said excitedly.
Now that everyone was present his team could disperse out on their mission. He headed off first thinking his team would follow. He was excited to be going on this mission with his team and the Mist Village would not be let down. It should take them about a day to get there, but he wanted to train them before all of that happened. It was essential that they knew how to walk on water and walk up trees or doing other missions might prove difficult. On top of that, there was a lot of water in the mist village and chances were that the quickest way to get to the gravesite was to walk across a giant lake. Genken did not want to travel a mile around just because his students didn't want to walk on water. That would be too time consuming. He smiled again behind his mask. His team was going to have no problem being sucessful in this mission.

Sereza smiled at Kiro.
"You're Kiro, we should get going." Sereza said before dashing off ahead into the trees.
This was it. Sereze had taken her team's first steps on their first mission as a team. She wondered if her student were as excited as she was. Sereza was felt like she could live in this moment forever, but of course good things have to end eventually, but who said that they couldn't become could good memories she could refer back to.
"Come on, Hana, Kiro!" Sereza yelled behind her.
The wind blew in her hair and she was loving it.

Sosuke nodded at Hiroshi's words and headed off into the forest leading the team. He thought it was kind of cool to be leading the team's first mission, but he didn't have the motivation he needed to really get into it, but he was hoping that would change over time. Sosuke didn't really like the Sound Village all that much. It was full of shady characters and the fact that a spy was there did not surprise him. Now he would need to find out who the spy was working with. That would be the key to this being a sucessful mission and in a way, his team mates' lives were in his hands. He shook the thought away and tried to concentrate on thinking of a strategy for catching that spy. He wracked his brain. He would have two days to think of a fool proof plan and he wasn't sure he could do it, but at least two of his team mates had faith in him. He was hoping that Liceus had faith in him also.

Hana followed after Sereza. She was all too excited.
"Kiro aren't you pumped!? And what about you Hotaru? Aren't you also excited!" Hana said loudly.
She was extremely excited and her voice was even louder than usual. Hana couldn't help it. She had just taken her first steps in her first mission with a team. She was actually risking her life to protect something that would benefit the Leaf Village and the Sand Village at the same time! It was so exciting! Hana nearly tripped on a branch because she had so much on her mind. She was thinking about all the ninja stuff she'd get to do and the jutsus she'd get to practice and show off to Sosuke. She was hoping that he would be impressed with something that she herself came up with. She had every intention of outdoing Kiro.

Miho looked at her other team member. He had not yet introduced himself, but she politely bowed to him and said nothing to him. She liked his odd hair color. It reminded her of her silver eyes. She smiled behind her mask at him before following Genken out. She wanted to say something to other member, but she figured that he wouldn't want to talk to her. Miho wouldn't blame him. She was bad at talking as it is. Miho would say something to her teammates eventually when she had the courage. Her voice was kind of quiet from disuse and she was very introverted. She didn't have a lot friends, but that was because she never bothered to make any, but she did like to play an instrument. She was from the Sound Village and most of her jutsus involved the instrument she carried around, but there was more to her that met the eye. Miho hoped that her teammates would be kind to her like Genken had been.
Hotaru looked over to her teammates as they made their way over, taking not at what her Sensei had said and smiled slightly offering a small chuckle. She could tell that much from Hana, she seemed eager, almost too eager, as Kiro was happy to play along as her rival. The silver haired girl wondered slightly what caused the two to compete, but left that question for another time.

As Kiro approached, her question entered Hotaru's ears, which caused her to smile politely, she didn't mind these types of questions, just as long as they didn't get too personal. "I'm taking a gourd for water. Most of my jutsu I have learned over the years are water based, if we are going to the Sand Village I thought it would be best if I had brought it with me." She replied before Sereza had led them off into the forest to begin their adventure.

She quickly followed along, her mind determined to finish their mission and to succeed in doing so. She looked over at her two other teammates as they travelled alongside her, exclaiming how excited they were.

'It seems you are stuck with childish teammates...' he stated casually, 'Pity. I sure hope they know what they are getting into and how to deal with it. They will have to kill other ninja.' He reminded, then coyly added, 'But you know how that is, don't you?'

Hotaru frowned, her eyes narrowing slightly as she ignored him. Sometimes she wished she had never had this burden put on her.

[[OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner, I won't be on after this and my phone wasn't sending me notifications of these posts! >:( I will be on tomorrow norming though! Sorry again!]]
Hiroshi followed Sosuke, running through the tree line. He allowed the others to get ahead. This was a simple yet strong line formation. Best suitable for small to medium teams, they allow quick travel with higher guard than other formations. As long as everybody did as told, they were fine. Hiroshi had faith in his team. He didn't mind risking his life for them. He was a shinobi and that's what he did. He risked his life for his village and his fellow villagers. That was his ninja way. He was a guardian. This showed in his jutsu. To seal away the demons that dared try to harm his family of konoha.

Shisuzen looked at his new teammate miho. She was shy and still hadn't said anything while they were running. He realised that he didn't properly introduce himself. "My name is Shisuzen." He said, giving a polite nod since he couldn't bow while running. "What jutsu are you good at." He asked curiously, wanting to know her strength and how he could incorporate it in his team. She seemed capable, she also looked like Genken. In a way. Wearing that mask. Shisuzen wasn't very good at talking and his thoughts ran wild.

Kiro ran alongside Sereza. She didn't mind being on the same team as Hana at the moment. She focused more on Hotaru. She was quiet and held a gourd full of water. She had to be real strong to carry it evdrywhere. And great at focusing, as not to spill it if the top pops out. She stopped worrying about the other girls strength. Kiro's own rivaled a sanin. With more practice and training, she could reach that level. Already, she could lift a full grown oak tree. It was tough, but she could eventually do it after a few tries. She was also great at taijutsu and medical jutsu. This made her a huge threat. But only to her enemies.
Emiko slowly trailed behind her teammate. She could feel her own heart pounding through her chest. Not because she was excited for her first mission as a shinobi or even fear of getting hurt during the mission. It was because she was looking at Sosuke. She could tell he was lost it thought. Leading team 3's first ever mission had to be stressfull. It was left up to Sosuke to develop a streategy for catching this spy by himself. He only had about two days to do so. Emiko beleived he could do it but for some reason she didn't like seeing him like this. She wanted to offer him help or even just kind words but was mich too afraid of rejection. She blew her hair out of her face and just kept running.
May followed her maseter, she and Shinichi were going to face the village leader, May was a little worried but they could probably take him down she had Shinichi help, she couldnt do it alone or maybe she could, she didnt knew what the village leader can do, but she was about to find out. Killing the leader won't be that easy, you will have to think when you fight with him not just attack. May didnt have that many chakra left she never rested from her previous mission, so she will have to spend it reasonably, Shinichi will be more of a help in the battle she was a little tired from her previous mission so she will have to rely on his abillities. May walked next to Shinichi, but didnt said a word to him, she just walk with them to the leader of the village.
[A good day's travel later, meaning your team will rest soon because I don't know how entertaining running through trees is...]

Miho realized that the one called Shisuzen had asked her a question. She thought for a moment and then indicated her odd looking instrument. It looked somewhat like a flute, but that's obviously not what it was. Miho then smiled at him behind her mask when he introduced himself. She thought herself lucky to be on team with such nice people. Her voice was to quiet to be heard over the speed in which they were traveling. She felt bad that she could not speak but she had a feeling that the team would stop soon because Miho was getting a little tired. She made a hand gesture to her throat and then pointed downward as if to say, "I will talk to you when we stop to rest." Miho would probably not say much as she was just a shy person. She hated that she couldn't hold a conversation or know what to say, but she was good at other things... Hopefully Shisuzen or the other member wouldn't mind her silence.

Genken slowed the team down to a slow stop.
"We're going to take a break and rest here. I will teach you how to walk on water and walls now." Genken said indicating the lake and the trees were more than high enough to get a good chakra walk going.
Genken jumped down to an open area where the four of them could easily rest. He put a genjustu around them so that enemies or wandering people would not accidentally stumble upon them. He wanted to make sure that his team was safe at all times even when they slept. He wondered if Miho ever took off her mask. Genken never took off his mask. It had become a part of him. However he did not mind it so much. There was a story behind his mask. He didn't just wear because he thought it made him look cool.

Sereza decided that it was time for a rest. They too had come across a lake (not anywhere near Genken's team). This was good so her team could practice walking on water. Sereza was certain that Hotaru would have no problem succeeding seeing as she seemed to spend a good deal of time with water. She jumped and put a genjutsu around the area so that anyone who stumbled nearby would simply fall asleep and not remember walking anything they had done in the past hour. She waited for her team to meet her below the trees. They would suffice for teaching them to walk up walls. She smiled. Her team was doing well already even though they had only run through the forest for hours on end. Sereza had to admit, even with Hana on their team, they were getting a lot done.

Sosuke realized that it was getting late and that his team would need to rest soon. He didn't want them to overwork and so he slowed down before jumping below. The are was wide enough to fit the stream and there was a river there for them to get water if they needed. He sighed and started scribbling in his strategy book right away. He went over the goals of the mission in his head several times. Sosuke had a small problem however. He had no idea what this Liceus guy was capable of and he was highly doubtful that Liceus would show him anything, but it was worth a try. So he waited down below for the rest of his team and then he would ask Liceus his question. For some reason, Sosuke got the impression that the guy had a short temper. He wasn't sure if that was true, but the guy seriously looked like a ticking time bomb.

Hana saw Sereza stop and jumped down to follow her. When she saw the lake, she was completely amazed by what she saw. The water was so beautiful and who knew it was only a day's travel away from the Sand Village. Hana ran over to it. It was going to be awesome to be able to walk on it. That would be the coolest thing she had done all day. Hana waited down at the bottom for the rest of her teammates. She wanted them to hurry up and get down so she could start practicing walking on water. Man that was going to be so cool. The fights that could possibly happen while she walked on water seemed even more cool. Sosuke would be impressed once they got back to the Leaf Village.

Shinichi had spotted the Village leader first. He was not guarded by anyone or at least that's what it looked like. He looked at Yasashii for permission to continue. His master nodded in approval and Shinichi's body blew away in the wind like sand. He infiltrated the leader's building with ease. However he had made a mistake as the leader sent to water bullet hurling towards him. He dodged the first to, but the third one sent him flying through the side of the building. Shinichi was angry. He didn't like to be played.
"Sand Style: Sand Prison!"
Shinichi yelled. The leader became in cased in sand, but Shinichi grew horrified as he watched water seep from his sand. It had only been a clone. Where was the real leader?
May ran where Shinichi was, he spoted the leader but it didnt seem like he did a good job fighting with him, May took her katana from her back and closed her back with his watching for the real leader, where could he be May couldnt feel his chakra that was odd she could feel anybodys chakra if they were close, May looked at Shinichi and asked him "Do we have a plan Shinichi" she said with a serious tone in her voice, it won't be easy, it appears that the leader had very fast reflexes, he used mainly clones for protection as Shinichi. May formed a sign with her hands trying to feel the leader chakra flow, in about a minute she found where he was, May grabbed a explosive kunai from her bag and threw it at him, she couldnt hit him with this but that was not her intention.
Following the group was easy enough Liceus kept up with easy though he kept look out he kept quiet, nothing to see nothing to tell. As night descended upon the group Liceus noticed noticed sosuke acting weird. Almost likehe wanted a chat with him. After all he hadn't show what he was capable of, at all. If sosuke asked, Liceus would show him only his most basic techniques, plus a few more advanced ones but his special ones he'd keep under wraps. Particularly his Hikariton. Only the people of the Lux clan even had access to it. and more importantly it was one of the most versatile styles being immune to all elemental weaknesses but as powerful as each of them. Just thinking about it made Liceus' eyes brighten with a otherworldly glow. A side effect of using Hikariton techniques was that the user's eyes brightened to the point where they would seemingly glow. Stopping at the rest camp with all of them Liceus prepared himself for any talks about his powers, and silenced the glow in his eyes.
Emiko kept thinking throughout the whole trip. She didn't ven notice how late it was until Sosuke stopped for a rest break. Emiko stopped and stretched standing behind the rest of the group. She was scared to relax in front of the guys. More importantly she was waiting for the oppertunity to sneak away from the group. Emiko wanted to stay up again and practice special taijutsu and ninjustsu she created. Then Sosuke turned to Liceus. He seemed to want to talk to him about something. Which was a little awkward seing as Liceus hadn't really held a conversation wit any of the group since his arrival. Emiko did see Sosuke scribbling in his strategy book for awhile now. Maybe he was trying to factor Liceus's worth? Emiko began to wonder how highly she was factored in these notes and how highly she would be factored if her team found out about her secret. Emiko shrugged it off and continued to watch the two waiting.
Sosuke bowed to Liceus and to Emiko, "I'm sorry to bother you, but it would benefit the team if I had sample of what you could do. I haven't been able to see anything and our plan may not work if I don't know what you're capable of. Would you mind showing or telling me a few things?"

Sosuke said all of this with more of a business tone so that he would not offend Liceus, by blatantly asking something like this. Sosuke had not shown everything he could do either and he was sure Emiko had some things that he had not yet seen either, but at least he had gotten a sample. Sosuke had his strategy book in hand. He was waiting for Liceus' answer. If it was a yes, then perhaps the two of them could become acquaintances and should Liceus allow it, friends. Sosuke utterly despised Hiroshi and making friends with his other team members may prove highly beneficial to him and his team.

Shinichi looked at May. The leader had dodged her attack without even flinching and on top of that there two of them coming out of that hiding place. Shinichi was starting to get a little irritated with Hidden Rain Leader. Why couldn't he just fall like his worthless shinobi? Shinichi let off a few hands signs.
"Sand Style: Sand Whip!"
Sand came pouring from his gourd and formed eight sand tentacles around him. He was just going to grab them both and then perhaps May could kill one of them. At Shinichi's will, two of the sand arm erupted towards the leaders, chasing him around the room. He caught them eventually and they were left dangling in the air.
"I wonder which one of you is the real one." Shinichi said slyly, "Constriction!"
One of his tentacles squeezed tightly around a water clones body. Water dripped to the ground.
"So it must be you!" Shinichi yelled and he tossed the leader across the room with his tentacles.
"Well if you need the knowledge for your book of play by plays. My elements are fuuton and katon, my specialties are; taijustsu, ninjutsu and fuuinjutsu. That is all, your going to get from me, as i'm not going to waste my chakra showing off my techniques just in-case i need it later. Though i will tell you one jutsu. it'll take me a while to set up but it has power equivalent to a B rank. Katon: Roku Ryu. Six seals placed form a fire based cage. it's useful for holding someone mostly because there is no escape without taking damage. Though as i said it dose take a while to set up. I let you know this as it may prove useful to you, and your book of strategies." Liceus faced sosuke, that other worldly glow reappearing in his eyes. Pulling out his scroll Liceus brought out his tent and sleeping bag, as well as a small brush and sketch pad to draw the scenery on, all from the seal on the inside of the scroll. Rolling the scroll back Liceus took a pleasant spot and started to draw. Just jotting down the scenery as the sun began to fade into the horizon.
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