Elite Magical Girl Academy!

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Alright, posted. I assumed that Yukiko would still be in the air by the time she collided with Kaoru, but if that's not the case, I can edit with Kaoru getting squashed underneath by Yukiko.
I was going by this.
I imagined that there were multiple rooms. Matsuri did see Hide though! And is running. I mean retreating. Justicely.
I'll have Hide chase after her then, since Yuki and Kureha are together, and it's no fun to go after one of your own characters.
Ah, that was probably badly worded on my part. What I meant by that was that I assumed that she would still be in mid-air, jumping, when her path intersected with Kaoru's path.
Ahh. My initial idea was that Yukiko would be past Kaoru when their paths crossed, but that would still leave the issue of the ice.

Let's just say they crashed into each other and go with that.
Right, I'll edit in the crash and then Kaoru recovering/running away then.

Edits have been made. Read it over and tell me your thoughts.
I get the feeling Semine is going to be an unflappable and difficult target. But that just means it's time to try harder. Or hold more conversation before taking another shot. It's not like the whole thing has to be a complete melee.
I almost want to have Momoko catch Chiharu's ball for trying to blindside her. >.>

@R-9 Pilot Yeah. That goes without saying that Third years are significantly more experienced than first years, but Semine is pretty large. >__> Use that to your advantage lol
I'll post in a few. I've got the editor up, but I'm about to fix myself some dinner in the form of eggs, since the issue with Kaoru was as yet unresolved.
Ice isn't so slick that you can't stand up after falling on it, unless this is magical, frictionless ice.

Don't see WHY Kaoru can't get up from it, actually.
Mostly taking into account that Kaoru's just a little bit stunned after crashing and the ice is zamboni-smooth, so it'll be difficult, but not impossible.
Yukiko, on the other hand, will be teleported out for injuries sustained.
Nyaaa~~ well i want my share of the idol to :3
Even if that means blind siding her =^.^=
I think since Kaoru is the one coming out and she said she ducked before Yukiko came that that should be how it happens. o.o

@Wolfsbane706 @ERode
@SailorMoon hmm. Just remember that Eile caught Momoka's ball.

@Red Velvet Special who were you talking to in the rp? Eile was also teleported out due to injury unless Akiko was talking to her
How did she catch her ball, when @Wolfsbane706 never had a chance to respond to my post as Victoria. o.O That's not how it works, and by every sense of the word it would be 'auto-hitting'. I don't mind having Momoko taken out of the game, but it needs to be fair.

And just to add, Victoria has a better chance of getting the ball than Eile does for the simple fact that they are on even ground.
Oh, yeah, Sailor, how long does it take for the ball to go back to the owner? Does it fly back to their hand as fast as it was thrown away? Does the ball disappear and then reappear in their hand? Or do they have to go and grab it themselves?
This is starting to get very confusing with people not stating where the hell they are.
They're doing that though, in the headers.

Unless you want a map to be drawn or something?
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