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Delphinium jumped when Andrew sat in the chair next to her (*haha not at the pool yet, sorry everyone*). She recognized him as another water element, but while she knew he was in her classes, she didn't think she'd ever talked to him before. She laughed at her awkwardness and smiled back at him.
"Hi, Andrew! I'm surprised you remembered how to pronounce my name! You'd be surprised about how many people get the name of a flower wrong. You can call me Del, if you'd like."

He looked confused. Something inside Delphinium twisted uncomfortably. Why did he look confused? She had said something wrong, she decided. She had been too blunt as always and her social blunder would cost her a friend, and she didn't have many of those.
"Or you could call me anything you'd like!" She giggled nervously. Before Andrew could say anything, she asked, "So how are you liking the party? Did you have a good summer? Um, do you like to read?"
Okay, so it was a lot of questions, but Delphi liked questions, and thought they made acceptable small-talk without being too personal. But she also knew that her abrupt "interviews" (as Oliver called them) tended to drive people away more often than anything else.
Maybe that's why she only had one friend back home, Julie.

Yeah, sorry! I'll switch it to the dining hall or something. Sorry 'bout that.
That's alright, we all make mistakes like this :D I just didn't want everyone else getting confused or anything. ♥
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''A party huh?'' Thomas enquired, a pool party. He wasn't much of a party goer, in fact he had never been to a party in his life, but that was because he had never been invited to one. ''Ah, I guess I could come,'' He started ''Well, I mean sure, maybe, I'll come probably yeah, sure... Possibly, but no swimming for me.'' His voice trailed off towards the end of his ramblings. ''You're coming to right?'' He asked Evangeline eagerly.

@EternalMusic @Lazy_Not_Bored

Oliver finally decided to head up to his dorm room. He had already unpacked, but maybe his roommate was there. They had paired him with a boy named Kenneth Quang (@firejay1), a fire element. He'd never been in a dorm room with a fire element before. Usually he was with another Air elementia, but not this year. When he opened the door to his dorm...
No one was there. Well maybe the guy was somewhere else, with his friends or something. Come to think of it, maybe he was so popular, Oliver wouldn't be able to identify with him, or share any common interests. Oliver ran a hand through his hair and tried to think of something that he liked that probably most guys liked.
Video games? He had played Assassin's Creed once or twice, and he was kind of into Skyrim, but he didn't consider himself a die-hard fan or anything like that. But it was all he had, so he'd roll with it.
Heck, if Delphinium could do it, then so could he.
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Out of boredom, Breanne decided to customize her Lilypad. This was something she did when she had nothing better to do, which seemed to be more and more often. She slid her finger over the top of the device, and said, "Wake up, Ceto." She had named her phone after the Greek goddess of sea dangers and monsters. A hologram of a female with water flowing at her feet appeared, and Brea set her Lilypad down on the bed.
Ceto: "Hello, Brea. What can I do for you?"
Brea thought for a moment, and then she said, "I'd like to change the color of my Lilypad, again. Could you bring up all the color variations of purple?"
Ceto: "Of course."
The hologram turned into a color wheel, which then zoomed into all of the shades of purple. Brea touched the hologram, playing around until she found the color she liked best. It was an nice violet color, which she thought was absolutely beautiful. "Select color, Ceto."
Her Lilypad suddenly changed to the color she had selected.
Ceto: "Confirm color change, Brea?"
Breanne thought for a moment before nodding to herself and saying, "Confirm." The color table disappeared, and the holographic female reappeared. Breanne wondered when her Roommate (@Yuuki_Tatsunohi ) was going to show up.

The male couldn't help but smile at the nervousness Coraline expressed about helping to host the pool bash. Honestly, Kyler liked to think of himself as a party-master, as he'd thrown so many before. He wasn't worried in the slightest, so seeing her like this was very amusing. Luckily, Faiht took control, assigning Coraline to get the food, and she would get the music. That left Kyler with drinks, as well as any other party needs. For a pool party, that would be those colorful blow up balls, pool noodles, and maybe a floating volley-ball court. Those were always fun, he thought. He watched as Faiht flew up into the air, chuckling and shaking his head slightly. "She's such a show off," he said as he followed Coraline down the stairs. Once they exited the building they split ways. He started back towards his dorm to gather all the stuff he already had, and make a list of things he needed to get. Just as he got there, his pheonix went off, and he saw it was a message from Zarack. He was about to message back, but he looked up to see that the other male was already in his room. Or, their room? "No way," Kyler said with a grin, walking in and closing the door behind him. "Your my roomie? This is going to be awesome!"

A smile formed on his lips, glad that Farren wasn't upset about him accidentally knocking her to the ground. Theodore was well aware that some girls would have thrown a mini-fit over such a thing, and he was glad she was not one of those girls. His smile faltered ever so slightly as she mentioned a boy... Asbel? He shoved his hands in his pockets, along with the maps in his hand, and continued to guide her through the courtyard. After a moment he couldn't help himself, and so he asked- as casually as possible-, "Asbel? The name sounds familiar. Is that your boyfriend?" Honestly, he didn't even really know why he cared so much. It wasn't like he had formed a crush on her. No, he hadn't even known her for a hour yet. He decided he was just curious, looking around as they exited the courtyard.

Axel decided it would be best for him to just go to the party, maybe make some friends. Besides, he had been working out all summer. Why work for a good body if you are not going to show it off every once in a while. "Confirm invite," he said to his Halo, and it dinged as his invite was confirmed. He then placed the device down by his side, taking a look around the courtyard. There were so many different kinds of people packed into this small space, and yet nothing seemed chaotic about it. Groups of girls chattered between themselves, and he actually made eye contact with one of them, causing all the females to erupt with laughter. Boys and girls skateboarded by, Freshman walked past absently with maps over their faces, shook his head at the fools who bumped into each other. Okay, maybe this place was a little chaotic. But it was an organized kind of chaos, and Axel found a strange comfort in it.
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"Asbel? My boyfriend? No way." she shook ger head vigourously, laughing at the thought. "You should see how he enjoys annoying me. And when he mocks my sense of direction." It was true, Asbel did do that a lot. But he was a great childhood friend. You never really saw any of those in life. "However, he is a great friend when you need him. Deep under his sarcasm, cockiness, arrogance, rudeness, his ego, and etcetera, there's that one tiny drop of kindness." she grinned. "Deep inside. Very deep inside." she coughed.
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''A party huh?'' Thomas enquired, a pool party. He wasn't much of a party goer, in fact he had never been to a party in his life, but that was because he had never been invited to one. ''Ah, I guess I could come,'' He started ''Well, I mean sure, maybe, I'll come probably yeah, sure... Possibly, but no swimming for me.'' His voice trailed off towards the end of his ramblings. ''You're coming to right?'' He asked Evangeline eagerly.

@EternalMusic @Lazy_Not_Bored
Evangeline smiled at Thomas and nodded, "Of course! How else am I gonna show off my new outfit!?"
Giggling she smiled at the two of them, first day back and she was already making new friends. This year is going to be different, I can see that already!
Alice Hayes dragged her suitcase through the girls' dormitories as she navigated the familiar hallways. This was her second year attending this school and she was excited to see her friends again. She passed by a window with a clear view of the courtyard. There were a ton of students already on campus, either milling about or catching up with old friends. She might need to find a new spot to hangout soon or else they'll all be taken again. She watched as a bunch of freshmen boys stopped someone she recognized as an upperclassmen and were directed towards the dorms. Her brother wasn't among them, but she could picture him looking so lost after she abandoned him once they reached campus

Hopefully he isn't having too much trouble, she thought. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to her brother. {Hey, you find your dorm yet?}

It was a few minutes before Soren replied to her. {Yes.}

{You just found it now didn't you?}

{Yes}, was his short reply.


Alice proceeded towards her new dorm, twirling her new key ring around her finger, following the room numbers as they led up to hers. Finally she found it, twisting the key into the knob and opening the door.

Someone was already inside and it looks like they had already gotten settled in, judging by how everything was already organized and set up on her side. A girl with red hair was sitting in her newly made bed, playing with her phone. A hologram of a woman stood in the middle of the room, projected by her purple phone.

"You must be my roommate," Alice said, closing the door behind her. "Name's Alice. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand and smiled at the girl. @Brea


Soren pocketed his phone and turned to the door in which behind it would be his home for the next ten months. This was the first time he would be in a dorm attending school, away from home. Already he had felt so lost, wandering the campus, asking directions and studying the maps to find the dorms. That alone was enough to make him a little homesick, but he was glad that Alice was at here, so he wouldn't be so separated from his family and so alone. Now that he considers it, Alice must have been homesick when she first came here. She was the first one to come here and probably had to navigate and figure things out by herself and he's just fortunate she's there to help him out.

He unlocked the door and entered the dorm. Already someone had settled in, their side of the room already filled with their stuff. He wasn't in the room, but Soren didn't mind. He'd probably meet him later. Soren threw his back pack onto his bed and rolled his suitcase beside it, setting up his side now. He pulled out his clothes and stuffed them in his dresser, covered his bed with bed sheets and set up his desk. He didn't have much for decorations as he was not too picky on how his area looked. All he had was a lamp, a pencil holder, and small flower pot with a seed packet inside. He set all those items on his desk, with the flower pot on the top most shelf. He would need some dirt before he can grow the plant.

He pulled out his phone, rubbing the back of his white bleached head. {Hey Alice, can you go with me and help me find some dirt?}

{......you actually brought the flower pot with you....} There was a pause before she texted him again. {I'll help you out later.}
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Cora nodded and started walking away,
"I'll see you there." She said before she was back on her way. She walked to the on campus store and bought like 5 different types of chips, water, and soda. She paid for it and was suprized to see a lot of school credits were brought over to this years acount. Cora left the store and made it back to her apartment, where she finally met her roommate
"Cora" she lamely introduced.
(@ kuna)
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Time to go back to boarding school, it seemed. He grinned as he walked back to the school he called home most months of the year. The Vietnamese boy exuded confidence. He winked at a few girls, flashed some winning smiles, then pulled out his mobile to find his new room assignment. His things should've been sent there already by his family, so the only thing left was for him to meet his new roommate. He hadn't bothered to check out his roommate yet. It didn't seem necessary at this point. Maybe it was time to. Shoving one hand into his pocket, he opened the door with the other, looking to see if his roommate was in. A huge smile spread across his face as he saw that the boy had already made his way there. @Azalea Pendragon

Maya was singing to herself. First day back, and she was already at the pool, her feet in the water and her hands causing the liquid to coil into fancy shapes around her. Pulling her feet up back onto the ground, she allowed the water to fall back into the pool with a loud splash. Her messy brown hair had been pulled back into a high ponytail, and she was wearing a light blue T-shirt and beige shorts. Rather than head to her dorm room, she opted to take a walk through school grounds. It was her annual "back-to-school" ritual. While she knew every area by heart, now, she still went through the entire campus just once to remind her of the good and bad times she'd had here.

The minute he stepped out of the sleek black car onto campus grounds, he made a beeline for the library. He pointedly ignored everyone else around, but it wasn't like it was necessary at this point. Anyone who'd been here since last year were already well aware that it was just best to stay out of his way. He didn't even bother entering through the large, oakwood doors that were the official entrance to the library, just slipped through a side of the wall that he knew had empty space on the other side, startling the librarian, who hated it when he entered that way. He was the only one who did it usually, since it took a lot of energy and practice to master. "M-Mr. Wikstrom. It's- *gulp - nice to see you again." He didn't acknowledge her presence, just walked to the section of the library he'd last been in, grabbed the latest book and began reading it at a table that had pretty much been labeled his by now.

The French girl made her way through the school, brown hair swinging behind her, chin held high. She walked through like she owned the entire school and everyone in it. Apparently, the others seemed to agree with that, because the minute she came near, they all got out of the way. A couple girls who evidently knew her, cast her poisonous glances as she walked by. This was exactly what Ginette loved so much about this place. Everyone here was good-looking, no exceptions, but not many of them carried themselves like she did. "Gina, darling, it's so nice to see you." One of her worst enemies had spotted over and they exchanged friendly kisses. "Carla, it's been too long." She said, poisonously sweet. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, they said their goodbyes and she headed to her dorm, taking the long way around, to flaunt her style a bit more.
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Oliver turned when the door opened, and found himself staring at a boy (@firejay1) with dark hair, dark eyes, and a huge grin on his face. Oliver gave a crooked smile back and nodded towards the bottom bunk.
"You okay with the top?" He asked. He probably should have started with introducing himself, but then figured it didn't matter anyway. He swallowed his embarrassment and gently coaxed a pocket of air to blow in his face. Though he never really fully appreciated his magical talent, it always soothed his nerves when he used his abilities. But air was air, and everybody needed it. Because of his powers, he was just more comfortable with the breeze, and it calmed his anger when his temper flared. That was his secret weapon whenever he could feel the rage pulsing behind his ears.
Kenneth saw that his roommate had already claimed the left bunk. "No, problem, man." He put his hand out. "I'm Kenneth Quang, but you can just call just call me Ken. I'm a fire Elementia, how about you?" The boy seemed really nervous and he even saw a blush rise on the guy's cheeks. An unnatural breeze wafted through the room only next to the boy. Probably an Air Elementia, then, but it never hurt to be certain. Oliver looked older than him, but he could never really tell anyone's age. They could not have looked more different, but Ken was still excited to meet the guy he was going to be spending the next school year with.
Andrew smiled "Del's a lot easier to say. You can call me Andy if you want" He said and then listened to her talk. "I think i'm going to enjoy the party. Even if i don't, there's gonna be a pool and i haven't really seen any big pockets of water at all this summer." He said and then shrugged "I had an ok summer i guess. Kinda boring with just the family and traveling and stuff, what about you?" He asked before answering her last question "Yeah, I like to read, but don't think i can name my favorite book or anything" He said with a grin.

After answering all her questions, he decided he wanted to ask some too "So, are you excited for your senior year? I've heard thats like one of the best years at this school, whille junior year is like the worst, so yay me" He said the last part sarcatiscally. "What are your favorite things to do?" He asked finishing his questions. He enjoyed being able to meet new people and find things out about them.

Del was thrilled when Andy (@Sashakiki) answered all her questions with a smile on his face. He even asked a few of his own questions! What fun!
"My summer was...fine." She said, which wasn't a lie. She had gone to Yosemite National Park with her family, and her grandparents had drove down for a visit.
"I guess I'm excited for senior year, but also kind of, well, sad. I don't know what's going to happen after this. It should be fun though, and don't worry about junior year. My junior year wasn't that bad." Del smiled, hoping she was successful in encouraging the boy. She was glad that someone understood her longing for water. It was just unavoidable.
"I usually read outside in the rain--don't worry, I sit under a roof so the book doesn't get wet--or I take baths and play around with my element."


Oliver took the Ken's (@firejay1) hand and shook it firmly. "Oliver," he said, "I'm an air Elementia. Are you a senior as well?" Oliver found himself relaxing around Ken. Maybe he wouldn't be completely annoying. He looked nice enough, and had a confident air about him, though that might just have been the fact that he was a fire Elementia. They were usually more self-confident. He wondered if Ken had come with anyone, or if he should tell him about his sister. Oliver cursed under his breath and berated himself for acting like a child. Prying into the dude's life was NOT going to earn him anything but suspicion. He smiled at Ken again, and this time, it wasn't as forced. Ken was nice. It would be a relief to have a nice roommate; one who wouldn't get on his nerves or annoy him all the time like his roommate did last year.
"Woah. You're a senior, huh? Guess I better be warned to keep respecting my elders." Kenneth said with friendly, self-mocking sarcasm. "I'm a junior." His roommate was funny to watch, as his expressions changed rapidly, from relaxation, to self-annoyance, to smiles. He didn't ask what was going through the other boy's head, though, naturally being the kind of person to let secrets be secrets. Instead, he began setting up his side of the room, whistling as he did so. Oliver seemed cool, but then again, Kenneth felt that way about most people, whether or not they felt that way about him. What to say? He had a policy of "like until proven unlikable."
He shrugged "I guess we will see how the year goes, all i know is that i'm glad to be back here" He said and listened to her. She was fun to listen to, and she seemed nice even for an elemental. "I love doing that too! Being around water makes me feel great, its like if i'm not around it for awhile i start feeling run down or something..." He said, hoping that didn't sound weird or anything. Over the summer when his dad and step-mom had decided going to the desert would be fun, he had felt run down and tired almost the entire trip but hadn't dared tell his dad. So when they got back home and finally let him do his own thing, he immediatly went to the pool and just relaxed there.

"It feels so weird seeing all the freshman, i feel like i'm still a newbie here but its like, i'll be gone in two years! do you get what i mean?" He asked glancing around at all the freshman that were huddled in small groups of friends wearing big smiles but if you looked at their eyes you could see how anxious they were and nervous.
With a quick glance at the time Breanne decided she'd wait for her roommate for another half hour, and then she'd see what her friends were up to. Or maybe she'd get ready for the pool Bash, she hadn't decided. "Ceto, will you set an alarm for six o'clock, Monday through Friday?"
Ceto: "Of Course. What would you like the alarm sound to be, Brea?"
The reply came out immediately, she hadn't even thought about it, "Music."
Ceto: "Do you have a particular song in mind?"
This time, Brea considered her answer for a moment. "How about... a new song every day. Just, surprise me."
Ceto: "Applying settings to alarms.... application complete."
"Thanks Ceto, you may sleep." Breanne said, just as the door to her dorm opened up. She looked over to see another female enter the room, bags in hand. She thought she recognized the brunette, but didn't actually know who she was. Alice, Brea thought to herself, trying to remember the name. Your roommates name is Alice. Her brown eyes shifted down to the hand that was extended out to her, and she took it in her own, shaking once. "Brea," she said simply, smiling softly. "Are you going to the Pool Party tonight? there was a post on the school forum."

Before Zarack could say anything to him, Kyler was looking through his bags. He found his summer supplies, finding he already had three blow-up balls with him. That means he didn't need anymore. Then, he made sure he had a swimsuit he liked, and stood up. Kyler looked over at Zarack and said, "Hate to show up just to leave, but I've gotta get some drinks for the party. I'll see ya there, right?" He didn't wait for Zarack to answer before he headed out of the Dorm room. On his way out he sent a message to a kid named Duce. He was that kid that you go to for stuff you're not supposed to have- like alcoholic drinks. He asked if Duce could get him some drinks by tonight, and how much it would cost. Then, he shoved his Phoenix into his pocket, making his way to the on-campus convenience store.

They continued to talk, Farren talking about Asbel, telling him all about the other male. Honestly, Theodore thought the guy sounded nice. Everyone needed a good friend, and so he was happy for that she had found one. Still, he couldn't help but wonder: If Asbel knew Farren got lost easily, why wasn't he showing her to the girls dorm? He was probably busy with other stuff, like unpacking or meeting up his other friends. By the time Farren finished telling Theo about her friend, they were standing in front of the Female Dorm building. "Here we are," Theo said with a smile, coking his head to the side to look at her. "I assume you can find your dorm on your own?"

Axel stood up, decided that he didn't want to sit in the courtyard anymore. Besides, if he was going to the pool party he'd have to make sure he packed his swim trunks. So, he stretched his arms, and then his legs. Once his body was awake he focused on the air particles around his body, making them heavier than his body. As they became more dense, he rose into the air. Flying was one of the first things that Air Elementia's and Awaken Children were taught, but it was also one of the hardest things to get the hang of. This was because the wind was constantly shifting, and you never knew when a bird was gonna come right at you. But, Axel has spent his summer flying everywhere- for practice- so he was pretty good at it. He flew over to the boys dormitory, landing outside of the building. It took him no time at all to get to his room. He pulled his key out, and entered the room, pausing for just a second when he saw someone was already there. "Oh, Hey," he said, trying to be friendly. This must be his roommate. "I'm Axel." ((@SORREN)
"You have assumed right." she grinned. "Thanks for the help Theo- May I call you Theo?" she asked quickly after she thanked him. She didn't want to seem impolite, or rude or- Stop it, Farren. she scolded herself in her head. She was awkward, and she didn't want that to affect if she made friends or not.

Oliver chucked when Kenneth mentioned "respecting his elders." He decided to keep the conversation going. He didn't usually like to talk to people, but it would be nice to know more about his roommate, and it helped that it wasn't an awkward situation as he thought it might be. He casually sat on his bed and picked up his sketchpad.
"I'm not bored with the conversation or anything, I just find it easier to pay attention when my hands have something to do." He explained when Ken looked over at him.
"Elders are the people we look up to. They're the people we aspire to be like when we're they're age. I'm not sure that I'm your elder in this way."


Del giggled and nodded when Andrew pointed out the freshmen, but then she bit her lip. They shouldn't be laughing. She'd been a freshmen only three years ago. She'd been that same, confused girl who sat in the sidelines, watching everyone else who had it all figured out already.
"I get what you mean," she told him. She wiped her mind free of any bad thoughts, then suddenly she laughed. She laughed so hard she nearly fell out of the chair.
"Oh my gosh! We totally just talked about taking baths! That is so weird! I'll bet nobody else talks about that! I am so weird!"
Ken laughed, continuing to take his stuff out. "Technicalities. Someone older than you? They're your elder. How it works where I come from." He said, casually. "You draw often?"
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