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I just caught up, reading all the posts. I'll work on mine tonight.
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Can I post yet?
Wait, no.

I'm so confused.
Can I post yet?
Yes its your go ^.^ and then it is Ash's turn; sorry again for confusion ^.^

(moves posting order into my signature for easy access and kept up ^.^)

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Viola ^.^ !


Gonna work on a banner for us tonight maybe ^.^ But in my next POE post it will get interesting ^.^ We gonna start disbursing to do our own lil jobs to make this heist run smoothly. BWAHAHAHAH
@poe.etic I want to introduce Aaron on the ship if that's alright?
@poe.etic I want to introduce Aaron on the ship if that's alright?
hmm which ship? The GXS that they are gonna steal? Its currently locked up (will explain about that in poe's next post tonight) But yeah you can introduce Aaron later on in the rp if you would like. Or if you like to do the same thing Kingdom is gonna do. Be working on the ship 'Poe's eyes on the inside' so to speak. I believe my salvager character will also be such a character (he won't show up until next go around lol)

@kingdomkeylight 's turn ^.^ YAY -dansu dansu-
@poe.etic I like the eyes on the inside idea
Aight im working on said characters info now soon as my net activates ill get his profile up and we can maybe do them meeting for the first time

I'M BACK BITCHES!!!!!!! YAY NET GOT RE-HOOKED EARLY!!!! -dives into the world and drowns in rp-ness- YAY!!! Working on my new character now ^.^
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NAME | RANK Aryk Alrek (pernounced Aur ric Elric ) aka Ryk

race: dealuthin | age: 17 | Sexual Preference - Straight | Salvager

•• OLD OCCUPATION Was a Brawler on his original planet, which is pretty much the same thing as underground fighting, only the contestants were treated like animals. Well Aryk got out and raised a little hell with his other cell mates before escaping at the simple age of 10. He has had little to no education other than learned through life. Poe picked him off a junker's rig when he was only 13 and the little devil has been working odd jobs for Poe since. So it's no surprise when about a year ago he was asked to take on another job, this one was for the big Creds.



Aryk stands roughly 5'8" tall with a build that is thin but strong, his body is corded with muscles twice reduced from their original state. Daeluthian's actually have three full forms and can live endlessly, or until slain. But Aryk is still a Pup to say the least. Barely into his first generation (first 100 years) he only has control of his humana-form and his daemona form. His race is the barer of the legends of Demons on Relic Earth (our current IRL date lol we be ancients to this rp lOL) Aryk however barely knows what the hell he is. Poe knows what he is of course and has kept the information on him close, perhaps Aryk doesn't want to know. He has a relatively casual look for most of his outfits, but he always wears his jump suit band and can take to OUTTER SPACE atmosphere just about at any time he needs to.

JUMP SUIT: This nifty suit has various plate-disk like contraptions attached to Aryk's actual body, and runs off of the electrical current's produced naturally in living beings. But what this nifty suit does is 'Graphs' to the user and whenever the activation button is pressed the suit practically grows from whatever frabric the user is wearing. Reconstructing it and multiplying its strength with materia from his own body. This sounds painful, but honestly Aryk has had this suit for as long as he can remember and is unaware that the tech is from his home plane of existence. The suit generally appears like THIS! but also sometimes produced a pair of twin saber styled blades. When they do produce however he is ridden with pain along both forearms until the blades are returned. His future has much explaining.

HUMANA FORM: SEE LEFT IMAGE: He looks like a normal teenage boy, well except for that shock of crimson hair sprouting from the front half of his hair, the rest of his hair is purest of whites. His skin has an almost pink tint to it and his eyes are bright crimson pools dipped into sclera of darkest ebony. His ears are pointed, or angled with a single piercing in his right ear. He also has a set of sharpened canines, and a pure white prehensile tail with a tasseled end, the fur moves however like fire in the wind when he flicks it just right.

DAEMONA FORM: In this form his forearms -from elbows to tips of finger tips) and his knees to his toes becomes furred as well, his hands get a rough thick padding along the inner palm while claws form on toes and fingers, his skin and fur are charcoal, and a secondary set of lids blink over his eyes to shield them from light and allow him to move about in lit areas. His eyes remain the same but his ears lengthen some more as to his teeth, is tail is also a bit thicker in this form and a bit more lethal supporting a blade along the tasseled end. Down his spin is a streak of dark charcoal and light charcoal gray fur that appears stripped almost like a tigers.

--Alright so you know that guy who acts WAY to ballzy for his size... -points at Aryk- Yeah Aryk has a SHORT fuse and is a little bit like a dog in the fact that he often moves about on all fours and can sometimes attack and bite like a dog would. Aryk is not without his charms though too! He is sweet tempered to those he trusts and can be one of the most loyal people you'll ever meet. He is a bit destructive though, and given the time he can and will literally take anything apart you ask of him. But putting things Back together ... not so much his for-tay.

-- Abilities / Powers Coming soon!!!


-- This bad boy right here is not only Ryks weapon of choice but also his number one tool for disassembling shit. Its not only a shot gun with highly explosive rounds either, it's also a flame thrower that can melt just about anything (will be more specific to this weapon later brain melt!), hence its naming.

-- Strength: power of strike ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
-- Defense: Power to withstand ✪ ✪
-- Magic: Power to Wield ✪
-- Lifeforce: Length you can endure ✪ ✪
-- Agility: The speed with which you move ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
-- Mindset: The intellect you puzzle ✪

COMING IN THE MORNING! Brain melt lol.​
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eheh I derailed from my new character profile to start work on my post heheheheheh, also plotting out the first steps to ACTION in the rp so YAY! So Will be updating things in OOC while I wait to finish my post. Now in the Galaxies information area is there Planets, Places, Ships anything you would like set in stone like as a known location within a Galaxy like for instence Poe's Planet Mari. Which isn't actually a planet at all. I will also be adding information about our individual races. So if you would like your race to be advertised within the info please put together some basic knowlege of that race. Like what makes them special, different, or alien.
Welp my post is about 50% ready; but I howevet am now drunk so my post will be put up tomorrow lol. Wine is the DEVIL! And I love it so i'm goin to hell in a hand basket LOL -face+desk-
LOL I love mine! Hehe just a lil fact about me I LOVE EDGAR ALLEN POE / SHAKESPEARE / And hehehe all the Sherlock Holmes books eeee Awesome

hehe Supah Turtles image is also fun! And Innocent devils image makes me look at her character more now thinking EVEIL!
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