Dragon's Den leader. Sam.

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Sam stayed up all night to make sure that Lola was all right.
In the morning, Lola grumbled and stretched, slipping out of bed. She stood up, walking towards her closet.
Sam looked over and saw Lola awake. "Did you sleep well." He said as he turn around and looked outside.
Lola nkdded quietly, looking over. "Yeah.." She said softly. Turning to look at him, she hesitated. "Can I have another hug?" She asked softly, tilting her head a little.
Sam nodded. "OK." He said as he walked over to Lola. He smiled at her and hugged her.
Lola hugged him tightly, nuzzling his shoulder. She liked it when he hugged her.. He made her feel safe and happy.
Sam smiled at they hug. "Well, I better get out before some one walks in."
Lola sighed, nuzzling his shoulder gently. "Okaaaay." She said quietly, pulling away. "Promise you'll play with me in the garden?" She asked softly.
Sam smiled at Lola. "OK. I will be there." He said as he left her room form the window. He walked around still wondering on what is going on.
Lola smiled softly and changed into a light, simple dark purple dress.
Sam got to the garden and would wait for Lola to get done with everything.
Lola went off to breakfast, a small smile on her face as she entered the room and took her seat, waiting on her parents.
The Queen walked in and set down. "Did you have a good day yesterday?"
Lola nodded happily. "I had lots of fun!" She giggled. "Where's father?"
"He is still mad that you did not show up for dinner last night. Did you go out of the wall yesterday?" She asked as she began to eat.
Lola paused a moment. "Yes mother, I went to my treehouse." She said quietly, taking a bite of her own breakfast.
"Next time tell us. We were worried. What Sam with you at lest?" She asked as she looked at Lola.
Lola nodded. "He protected me." She said happily, taking another bite.
"Well that is good. Next time tell us before running off again. OK." She said as she finish her food. "Now time to get your father to calm down."
"Okay. I will Mother." She said as she continued eating, hoping her father wasn't too mad.
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