Don't Want Your Sympathy

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Alejandro smiled, and then leaned his head against Zack's shoulder. "I knew you would like it." Alejandro then slowly slipped away to let Zack stare at the mural and so that he could talk to his teacher quickly. After speaking with his teacher, Alejandro turned to go back to Zack, and caught someone standing in the doorway of the art room, so he stopped to see who it was.
Zack barely noticed Alejandro walking away. His focus was in the mural. It was amazing. Even vague it had detail and depth. Something many artist didn't have especially at Alejandro's age. He finally turned to look for the younger man. He smiled when he saw him by the teacher. He headed in that direction paying no attention to anything else.
Alejandro was a little shocked to see his friend at the door. "Oh hey Jamie." Alejandro looked at Zack when he came up next to Alejandro, and then pulled his cellphone out to check the time. "I think we should go." Alejandro said, and peered over his shoulder at the mural before heading for the door. Jamie stepped backwards and then held out a wrapped box to Alejandro. Smiling Alejandro sat down on one of the hall benches before opening the box. Inside of it of course was a brand new sketch book, but it was a hard cover sketch book. "You said you needed one, so there you go." Jamie said.
Zack smiled when Alejandro took the gift. "You must be Alejandro's friend. He has mentioned you." He offered Jamie his hand. "It's nice to met you. Alejandro is going to be painting murals for me and my brother." He didn't mention that the younger man would be living with them. If Alejandro wanted to mention it that was his choice. "We are thinking of having a get together tomorrow if your interested in joining us."
Jamie nodded. "That sounds nice." Alejandro stood up and then said goodbye when Jamie said he had to go, and then looked at Zack. "What's next on the list of doing things?" He asked, curious about if Zack had anything planned for him. Alejandro shifted on his feet holding the hard cover sketchbook that Jamie had gotten him at his side, he already had plans for what he was going to use the sketchbook for.
"Let's see. We went to the job site. We went to the school." Zack listed. Oddly he wasn't tired. Which was good it meant that he was almost healed. He was glad. He hated being house bound. "Next we should get to supplies you will need to paint the murals. You can point out a few things that you would like to receive as birthday gifts. Then we can make a cake or buy one."
Alejandro smiled. "I think baking a cake would be more fun." The thought of suddenly being covered with flour, looking a ghost popped into his head, and made him smile slightly. Alejandro remembered something similar happening when he was hanging with his grandmother one weekend, and it caused his smile to disappear. "Use to bake cakes with my grandmother... She let me lick out the bowl after the batter went into the pan..."
Zack wrapped his eyes around Alejando. "If you want to bake a cake with me. Then I would be honored to share that experience with you. But if you need more time than we will buy a cake. Either option is fine with me."
"No I want to bake a cake. In memoriam of my grandmother." Alejandro held his head high, and then allowed himself to walk with Zack back outside to the car. Alejandro was glad that Zack was finally out of the house, it meant that they could experience more things together, but Alejandro also knew that with that happening he didn't want to intrude and stay forever in the house with him and Griffin. Alejandro decided that maybe moving into his grandmother's old apartment would be a good idea for him, lot's of space, plus if he really wanted to, he could invite Zack over.
"Alright. Then we will bake together." Zack Tod him as he guided Alejandro back towards his car. He was looking forward to making a cake with the younger man. It would be a good memory for them to share. He opened Alejandro's door. He waited for the younger man to get into the car before going around and climbing into the driver's seat.
Alejandro quickly climbed into the car, and buckled up placing the skecthbook into his lap. Shifting in the seat, Alejandro brought one of his legs up and stuck it underneath his other thigh finding it slightly more comfortable than sitting like a pin in a pin cushion. Alejandro watched Zack climb into the driver's seat before leaning his head against the side window.
Zack smiled at Alejandra. He carefully pulled out if he parking lot. He headed towards the art store. He would get what ever the younger man indicated he needed to paint the murals. He would also take note of anything that the boy looked at longing. It took them about ten minutes to get to the store. It only took a few minutes to find a paring spot.
Alejandro climbed out of the car as soon as he could, and then waited for Zack. Once they went into the store together Alejandro went for the paints finding the ones he would need, and several paintbrushes. After that he wandered the store looking at things but not for a very long time. It took him a bit to find something that he actually pulled off of the shelf and looked at. What Alejandro had found was professionally made pencil crayons. The metal tin contained about a hundred different pencils, all different shades of colours.
Zack followed Alejandro through the store. He looked around curiously. He hasn't been in this store before. He had never been good at arts. He was too detail ordinated. He smiled as he took the pencil case from the younger man. "My gift to you." He expained. He wasn't sure where his relationship where Alejandro was going but he wanted the younger man to have something fro hi. m
Alejandro looked at Zack for moment, before a smile broke across his face, and wrapped his arms around the older man's waist. "Thank you!" Alejandro might not have been very strong but his hug was like a grizzly bear giving a teddy bear a hug, and it was almost crushing if it hadn't been for Alejandro's weak strength.
Zack laughed. He was glad to see the younger man so happy. "You're welcome. I am glad to have found something that your wanted so much." He leaned do and brushed his lips against Alejandro's. It felt good to make the younger man so happy. It meant alot to him that he could do something to make the boy's birthday special.
Alejandro closed his eyes when Zack brushed his lips against his. He wanted another kiss like earlier, but knew that it might not come. Alejandro felt like Zack was teasing him, though it might not be on purpose. Alejandro unwrapped his arms from Zack, and then smiled. "Shall we go now?"
Zack kept the kiss light for two reasons. He wasnt sure how Alejandro felt about public displays of affection. Some people liked them. Others didnt. The second reason was that he didnt want to rush the younger man. Alejandro had been through alot and might not be ready for a serious relationship. He smiled at the boy's question. "Yea lets head home. We can make that cake."
Alejandro smiled, and then followed Zack up to the front counters so that they could pay for the stuff, and then leave. It was once they were in the car that Alejandro looked at Zack. "I think chocolate would be good for cake. Usually everyone likes chocolate. We could stick strawberries on top!"
"As long they're on top it wont be a problem." Zack assured him. "But we will have to stop and get the strawberries. I know we dont have any in the house." There was no reason for them to be in the fridge. Although he loved the fruit he wouldnt risk it. Griffin was allergic to strawberries but that didnt keep his brother from being tempted by them.
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