Don't Want Your Sympathy

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Alejandro stuck his drawing pencil into his mouth holding it between his teeth as he opened his new pencil crayons and started colouring the picture he was working on. He peered up at Zack every once in awhile and would hold up two colours at a time as if debating which colour would be better.
Zack carefully poured the patter from the bowls into the pans. He didn't spill a drop. He set both bowls by Alejandro in case the younger man wanted to lick them clean. He carefully set both cakes in the stove. He set the timer on his phone before he started to clean up.
Alejandro picked up the spatula in one of the mixing bowls and began to lick it after pulling his pencil out of his mouth. He continued his colouring before setting the sketchbook down. He wondered how fast he could fill the sketchbook up with pictures of Zack.
Zack finished cleaning up and putting stuFf back. He made sure everything was in its proper place. He checked on the timer before looking at Aljandro. "We've got about fifteen minutes before he cakes are done. I think I'll make some frosting."
Alejandro looked up at Zack, and smiled. "Frosting sounds good." Continuing to clean out the batter bowls, Alejandro watched Zack clean up the kitchen, and then gather up the other stuff for the frosting.
Zack smiled as he started making the frosting. Again he followed each step carefully. He always paid attention to the details. He made chocolate frosting to go with the chocolate cakes. By the time the frosting was done it was time to check the cakes. He carefully poked both cakes several times with toothpicks before taking them out of the oven to cool.
Alejandro finished cleaning the batter bowls, and slid them into the sink before pulling his legs up onto the counter cross legged. Alejandro watched Zack for a moment before dipping his finger into the frosting bowl, and sticking the chocolate covered finger into his mouth.
Once the cakes where cools Zack began frosting them. He frosted the square on first. One that cake was completely covered he measured it so that he could locate the center of the square cake. He carefully set the circle cake in the exact center of the cake. Then he carefully began frosting the circle cake. He was very meticulous in his actions. He made sure that both cakes were perfectly frosted. The he measured the circle cake before carefully setting strawberries. He made a perfect circle with the strawberries setting the exact same distance apart.
Alejandro climbed off the counter, and then snatched up one of the strawberries from the basket and bit the end off of it before walking towards the dining table, with his sketch book and pencils to draw up another picture since he had another idea. Polishing off the strawberry in his hand, Alejandro set the green top down, and started sketching the new picture.
Zack hid the rest of the strawberries in the fridge. He hoped that Griffin didn't find them. He washed the rest of the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. He always made sure everything was in the exact position. Satisfied that everything was ready for later Zack went in search of Alejandro. He hoped that the evening went well. It would be an interesting crowd. With Griffin's friends, the crew, and Alejandro's friend in attendance. "Is there anyone one you want to invite tonight?"
Alejandro looked up from the picture placing his arms over it so that Zack couldn't see the picture -which was of them feeding strawberries to each other- "Not that I can think of." Alejandro said and then moved his arms slightly so he could get in a few more lines before closing the sketchbook.
"It will be an interesting crowd then." Zack stretched. He was tired. But it was a good kind of tired. He had gotten a lot accomplished. "If your don't mind I think I will lay down. I could use some rest before the party. Griffin should be home in a couple of hours and I'll be right upstairs if you need anything."
"Alright." Alejandro watched Zack before he continued his picture. One thought had crossed his mind, and he had to ask Zack before he completely disappeared. "Would you still like me if I was still a girl?" Alejandro asked, not even looking over his shoulder, just staring down at the sketch on the sketch book pages.
Zack paused at the foot of the stairs and looked over his shoulder. He went back to Alejandro was. "That's a hard question Alejandro. I didn't know you as a girl. But I imagine you weren't that much different personality wise. I've never been attracted to woman. But I can honestly that I believe that I would have liked you if I had met you as a girl. But I can't say if it would have gone beyond friendship."
Alejandro shifted in his seat pushing the sketchbook away from him. He looked up at Zack and then leaned towards him wrapping his arms around Zack's waist. "Thank you for saving me." Alejandro whispered as he gripped the back of Zack's shirt, and closed his eyes as he hugged the older man.
"I'm glad that I was able to." Zack assured him. He hugged the younger man against him. It felt good to have someone pressed against him. Especially someone he found attractive. He brushed his lips across Alejandro's enjoying the taste of the younger man mixed with chocolate and strawberries.
Alejandro's eyes flitted closed, and this time Alejandro didn't let Zack pull away without a real kiss. Alejandro wrapped his arms around Zack's neck pulling him into a deep kiss. Alejandro refused to let go or pull away, and even he knew that the older man would have to pry Alejandro's arms from around his neck.
Zack's moaned low in his throat when Alendro deepened the kiss. He had been trying to take things slow. The boy had been through so much in such a short amount of time. It was natural for his emotions to be all out of wack. He wanted Alejandro to have a clear head if they got involved. But he couldn't pull away. Not until he savor end this moment.
Finally after what felt like forever, Alejandro pulled away and looked away blushing deeply. Alejandro placed his head down on the table when he heard the door open and shut. Biting his lip, and still blushing deeply, Alejandro refused to raise his head to see who entered the house.
"Hello Griffin." Zack said with a chuckle. There was only one person who would walk into the house like that. His brother's timing couldn't have been worse. He hadn't expected Griffin home for atleast another hour. Which rose the question. "What are you doing home?"

"Damn deliver got delayed. Not much we can do until it gets here so I told the men to go home and get cleaned up for tonight." Griffin glanced at them before silently shaking his head and heading to his room.
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