Disruption in the Order

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Shizaya finally closed his eyes. He fell asleep quickly, breathing softly while snuggled up to his boyfriend.

Once the monday morning sun rose, he woke early as usual deciding to let Brendan sleep in while he got ready. He was dressed and had his hygienic duties complete before he went to wake Brendan up.
He fell into a deep sleep, holding Shizaya to him as he slept. Brendan's eyes opened slowly when he was woken up, and he could see that Shizaya was already awake and ready. "Oh... Am I late?" he asked sleepily, yawning and sitting up.
"No, I just decided to let you sleep in a little," Shizaya said, moving back so Brendan could sit up.
"Did you sleep well?"
He stretched and nodded, "Yup, really well. Thanks." He got up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and reaching for his bag of clothes. "How much time do we have?"
"About forty minutes, you'll be fine," he said, getting up and walking to the door.
"I'll go get breakfast ready," he said before leaving and heading down stairs.
He nodded and got up, putting on some of his clothes. A dark t-shirt and some jeans, and he was ready. He ran down quickly, messing with his hair a little.
Shizaya was busy making eggs. He added in some seaweed flakes and a little bit of wasabi before they were done. He put the breakfast on two plates, handing one to Brendan.
"Nice timing," he said, grabbing his chopsticks and eating fairly quickly.
Brendan smiled, looking at the eggs. "They smell really good," he said. "Where's your mom and dad?" he asked, sitting down and starting to eat as well.
"Not here. I'm guessing mom had a late night so she stayed at the hospital, and dad probably had to deal with finances. He's a businessman. He is a pediatrician, yeah, but he's on the business side of it. He does all the finances, and if there's a problem with the money or equipment he has to deal with it. That's why his business partners came over the other night." Shizaya explained, finishing and putting his plate away.
"Oh," Brendan said, nodding. He finsihed up a little after Shizaya and put his own dish away, turning to him. "Do they work late a lot?" he asked lightly.
Shizaya nodded.
"Yeah, quiet often," he admitted before leaving, getting his bag together for school.
"Are we driving or going on the bus today?"
"Let's drive," he said, going to get his back-pack. "I don't feel like dealing with a bunch of people," he told him, smiling.
Shizaya nodded, getting his keys and looping them around his finger.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yup," he said, nodding and following Shizaya out to his car.
Shizaya got in and checked the time, sighing in relief. Whenever he decided to drive, he liked to be ahead of the bus so he didn't get stuck driving behind one. He pulled out of the driveway before heading to the school.

Before long they arrived and he parked the car, turning to Brendan.
"See you at lunch?"
As the drove along, they passed the bus at a bus stop. The only one who saw them was Harry, and he bit his lip lightly as he watched them go.

Brendan smiled and nodded when they got to school. "Yeah, see you at lunch," he said, getting out of the car.
Shizaya grabbed his bag and locked the car, hooking his keys onto his belt loop. He walked up to the school building and straight to his locker, putting his bag and things away, only keeping what he needed for his morning classes.
Brendan headed off to his own classes, walking cautiously. He certainly didn't want to run into Harry today, he always seemed to have a sixth sense for finding him. Luckily, he made it to his class easily and without interruptions.

Shizaya, however, would be stopped in the hall by a very suspicious looking Harry. "Hey you, what's up with you and Brendan?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
Shizaya sighed, keeping eye contact with Harry.
"He's my friend. Beyond that, it's none of your business," he replied simply before trying to walk around the larger boy.
"'Beyond that'?" Harry repeated, holding out an arm to stop Shizaya from leaving. "So in other words, you're more than friends?" he asked. His face looked like he was taunting, though his tone of voice was quite serious.