Digimon Re:Code (Signups/OOC) [Closed]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I'm initiating a 2 post rule. Wait for 2 other people to post after you before posting once more.

I guess that's a good way for an RP that might just explode overnight.

It will turn into that eventually.

Can... Can I have some ?
*Falls over*

Darn it! I'm behind!

*Clicks into high gear*

I know you like posting, but the gm said to wait for 2 posts before you posted again. Im sure its not a big deal right now, I just wanted to tell you.
Sorry for not posting yesterday. I had a lot on my mind and I had a lot of trouble writing posts so I took yesterday off for it. But now I'm back and making a post now.
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About damn time, I'm very sorry it took me that long.

The socially awkward Crest of Friendship. I feel there's lots I can do with this~
Notifications stopped and I missed a few pages. Oops.
That's been a problem a few people have been having. Just need to check it every so often.
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If I may suggest that we don't spend too much time on this tour. The sooner we get to the convention the better I think so more people would be interested to post, and more to post about. Because right now not a lot is going on.
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I'm trying to get people off the bus so they can be sucked into the digital world. They never make it to the convention tbh xD
I think everyone is off the bus. I'm waiting for a reply for my character, but if you guys want to move ahead, I can make it work.
Gonna have to agree. If everyone gets sucked into the digital world then people will start posting. And I do think everyone is off the bus.
My character's just waiting outside. I think he might have been the first one out, Ihadn't posted because I didn't think he'd go back into the bus just to chat with other people. XD
Alright I'll make the post where they are sucked in. I'm not even going to be conspicuous so that the citizens don't see.
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