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Mosaic flings a rubber band at Eric. "Hey! Wanna play?" She asked pointing to the deck of cards. Maybe he hadn't heard her, she was kind of quiet or maybe he didn't realize she was talking to him, either way she was going to get his attention.
With a smirk, Sam took on the challenge of getting past Godfree. "Hey, I'm a magician, I'm good with sneaking." Then, he looked down to his deck of cards. A soft blush of embarrassment came across his face as he glanced back up to Mosaic. "Yeah... 'Ya see, I dunno how to play that... I'm... Just a magician."
Avanna was getting extremely annoyed, she hates loud places. And right now, it was getting pretty noisy around here. Her calmness was disappearing from her face, not trying to hide her irritated face.

Her eyes followed every move of those in the room, seeing how quickly they got used to everyone. Avanna only grunted something under her breath and turned her head away from the others.
Sam raised an eyebrow as he noticed the movement Avanna made. She'd barely been doing anything, so it's natural that he noticed her. He wondered why she was so quiet. It wasn't long until he simply figured that she didn't like people, and from the soft, annoyed mumble she made, he didn't want to interrupt her silence.
"Don't worry Houdini, I'll teach you how to play." Mosaic took the cards without asking and shuffled them expertly. If she ever pretended not to know how to play just to make a quick buck off old drunk men she would never tell.
Mosaic split up the cards while explaining what to do, ignoring the grumpy girl in the corner. "So you gotta get to the number twenty-one without going over. You start with two cards and the rest go face down. You say hit me if you want another card. Kings, Queens, and Jacks are ten, Aces are one, and all the other numbers are...well what that number is. Think you got it?" Mosaic asked picking up her cards. "Oh and if you don't think you'll get to twenty one you can say I fold and that basically means I give up."
With a soft, joking smile, Sam tilted his head innocently and asked, "Can we just play goldfish?" He knew that it'd take him forever to learn something so... Confusing. He was a smart kid, sure, but when it came to card games, he was pretty stupid.
"Lemme see...nope!" Mosaic smiled popping the 'p' in nope. She looked at her cards with a blank face. She frowned tilting down one side of her mouth before heaving a sigh and setting her cards face down. She hadn't folded though she had a Queen and an Ace. "Lemme see what you got. I'll help you out."
Sam took hold of his cards and showed them to her, a slight frown crossing his face. He didn't like new games. His cards were an 8 and 6. "Fine... Well, is this good?"
"It has potential. Less likely to lose on the first try." Mosaic was actually trying to help, not just taking a peek to cheat. "Hit and see what happens?"
Unwillingly, Avanna found her eyes staring at the game going on near her. She didn't really like to play, but she liked to watch. The game that they were playing was not familiar for her though, so she made sure to pay attention. Suddenly, her iPhone vibrated, and she took it out of her pocket to see who was calling. Scowling, she only pressed the red button and returned her attention to the game.
"Okay," Sam said, unsure. "How... Do I hit again?" He tried not to seem like an idiot, but it wasn't working for him; this game was too much.
Rowan watched the game as well with some mild interest. She had a book in her backpack along with a notebook but much preferred all of the human interactions that were happening around her instead. Much more entertaining at least in her mind. She now noticed the other girl as well who didn't seem all that thrilled to be around all of them. She would have to remember to stay quiet around that one.
"Easy. Just say hit me and whoever the dealer is, aka the person who delt the cards which would be me, gives you one card." Mosur picked up a seven. She smirked and showed it to Sam. "And look who just got to twenty one." Mosaic's smirk turned to a smile as she handed him the card. "Easy right?"
Nodding a few times, Sam smiled softly and agreed, "Yeah, I guess it's not too complicated." He took the card and placed it with the other two he had. "So... You wanna try an actual game? I think I'm feeling lucky," he smirked softly, raising an eyebrow toward Mosaic.

Name: Nana Aisaka
Age: 17
Height: 5.5"
Personality: she is rather shy girl, but feels comfortable around cats mostly. Also, Nana is calm usually, a helping person, she can't say -no- to a person and that always gets her in trouble. She is anxious, but artistic in the same time.

Bio:( short bio):
Nana moved to this new city due to her parents business and had to move a lot in her teenage days. She often got bullied from junior High and through her high school days, all the time one of her friends made Nana to do things for her. If she refused, often got beaten up, as one time Nana's friend locked her in the gym, without her clothes,for a whole day because Nana didn't help her with the homework.

However, Nana has no brothers or sisters by somehow she felt comfortable being the only child.
Always Been misunderstood, she always kept quiet around other people as most of the times she was unnoticed even by the teachers, because she doesn't speak much.


One of the worst things that's can happen is getting Detention. For something that you didn't Do.

Nana was one of those person.
Once again she got into trouble because Nana covered her so-called friend and it all ended up with a fight and graffiti onto the girls bathroom.

Her footsteps stomped on the corridor, insecure and holding her head down,with her now wet,long hair covering her face.

Nana's shaking hands touch the doorknob where she was supposed to stay for Detention.
She opened the door, going inside the room while water fell on the flor where she was walking.

Nana kept her face to the ground, gripping her notebooks at her chest. Gulping hard, uncertain of herself mumbled a few words.
" I .. A-am Nana."

And so she went quietly at the second desk, by the window, and tried to wipe her drenched hair using her long sleeves. Her eyes always down, way to scars to look at the people inside the room. She could hear some voices, so it seemed they were playing some sort of game.

Oh, she did love playing Games. Such as video Games or crosswords.
Not that matter anyhow.

Pause. Deep breathing.

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Mosie laughed and nodded. "Sure but let's get more people!" Nearly as soon as the words left her mouth a girl walked into the room. She seemed shy but Mosie didn't miss the way she perked up at the mention of the game. Maybe she wanted to play. "Be right back." Mosaic leaned over the desk to check for Godfree, coast was clear. Awesome.
Mosaic stood and hurried over to the dark haired girl and took the seat next to her. "Hey," she tapped her on the shoulder, "wanna play a card game? We need more players." Mosie kept her voice soft too not draw attention from Mr. Godfree.
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Nana's wet hair was now sticking to her back. Great. Even her clothes will get drenched. As if it wasn't enough of a bad day, she had Detention to.

She sighed deeply, almost jumping of her chair when this person started to talk to her. Nana was totally surprised, having a quick reaction and her body moved fast. In the process, her leg pushed the chair hard enough to make a very loud rattling noise.

T-this talking to Me? This means this .. g-girl sees me!
Thinking to herself quietly.

Her eyes still on the ground, not being able to look at this person in the eyes. She held her hands together, gripping he wet sleeves.
Simply, Nana nodded her hand in disapproval for the game.
If Maya would find out, about Nana making some friends she'll be in deep shit.

Like, literally.​
"Oh." The disappointment in Mosie's voice was clear. "Alright." Mosie eyed Nana curiously before sending her a bright smile. "If you wanna join at any time just come on back okay?" Mosaic smiled once more and stood returning to Sam, Everett, and Rowan.
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Nana watched as the girl spoke to her, smiling in the same time. Suddenly as she came, the girl returned at her original place along with the others.

Her heart was beating at high speeds. A slow gulp go down her throat, parting her lips to say something but it was to late already.

Nana sat back down on her chair, squeezing her hands together on top of the desk. Soon, she opened the notebook and begun to scribble down trying to solve some math problems.

Sighing to herself, a slow turn of her head and gaze at the group behind her which they seem to have fun.

Nana still kept quiet for the time being, as from time to time she wiped her wet hair. No, she didn't had a shower.
Her beloved friend of hers put Nana's head down in the sink, at the girls toilet just minutes ago.

Poor girl.​
Everett found himself spacing out. When he finally came back around another girl had entered the detention room with a soaking wet head, he could only assume it was a form of bullying, and the little group he had been sitting with began a card game. He didn't know which game they were playing, and quite frankly he wasn't that interested in playing card games. Instead his hands itched to be running across the bumpy leather of a basketball, and his ears yearned to hear the familiar 'swish' of the ball falling cleanly through the net. Clenching his fists in his lap, Everett watched the card game with dull eyes, leaning lazily on his arm.
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