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Well, this smells like fun.

I await to see what modification Dreaming will make to her application.
It also occurs to me that Hospitaller and Sayuri's mutual backstory might need to be considerably less dark. If Hospi cut down a family in the Metropolitan Museum (where there'd definitely be security cameras) to force Sayuri & Co. to fight her instead of escaping, she'd be a wanted felon with an un-hidable feature (the metal crown), so she couldn't just walk up and enroll in a new school in the same world without difficulty. That's probably too dark for the Magical Girl genre anyway, right? So Sayuri would have less reason to react the way she did at the sound of Hospi's voice...

I probably won't have time to make the necessary changes until after I come back, so probably plenty of time for me to think about how I'm going to try to fix things. I'm sorry for messing everything up so badly in the first place. :(
Well, to be fair, only Hospitaller and Arthur have demonstrated knowledge of her being a ghost. And she didn't really use any form of telekinesis that I can recall?

Of course, if you were referring to Hospitaller (though I don't think she's a ghost), no one was around when she used magic to put the beads back in place.

@Zarko Straadi
More reading comprehension fail on my part, I guess. I thought that most people couldn't even see Trau, so that the puppet she's using would be floating in the air, and so on. But, if she's manifesting in what seems to be a normal body (so people do see her, but think she's a normal girl), well that changes things. :)
I'm not sure if Sophia will do much, beyond wonder at what just happened and leave if there's nothing much else to do. I can get a post up to that effect later, anyway.
Yeah, when she was in the club, she made herself visible to normal people. When she was looking at Hospitaller and Arthur as they looked into the club room, she wasn't visible to normal people. Sorry about the confusion. I'll be sure to mention when she switches and such though.
I should mention though that if she isn't visible to normal people, but if the puppet is touching something, like a wall or a knife, the puppet will be visible.
I changed Chiyo's bio up a little. You can find what I added below.

When she turned fifteen, Chiyo was sent to this school, which meant that she had to say goodbye to everyone. Even her best friend, Trau. However, shortly after arrived, Chiyo was informed that Trau had died. Chiyo missed a week of school, lost in depression and regret when Ren showed up. He apologized to her for all he did in the past and helped her get back on her feet. Once she was better, Ren went back home and Chiyo went to school.
Were you intending to nerf any of your abilities? If your abilities are deemed a little too powerful for me, I'll put in my own drawbacks during the course of the story.

I guess you guys agreed on the Archangel thing huh.

Alright, I'll look over it later.
So reading through pg 19, I just wanted to make a quick interjection..... So with the government and all of that, what if it was more along the lines of it wasn't hidden, but maybe (for example, Jem and Arthur probably don't watch the news, given their background) each character has a reason why they avoided one thing or another? I mean, if you take an anime like Fortune Aerial, they hadn't aged for hundreds of years, and yet no one realized? I dunno, but there is my two cents before I go to bed.
... Could someone do me the favor of summing up what's going on here with the ghost-sight and powers and news and stuff, because right now I am totally lost as to what this conversation is actually about.
It's basically about how Sayuri and Jonny can proceed. Then ended up Zarko being confused about how the world of this RP worked. After I clarified, some things had to be retconned for Sayuri.
@Crow I was thinking I should add the cons about Chiyo's powers. I mean, every character with powers has to have a con for each power they have, so that the character isn't OP and it makes things better for everyone. I'll make some changes then notify you once I've finished.
@Crow I was thinking I should add the cons about Chiyo's powers. I mean, every character with powers has to have a con for each power they have, so that the character isn't OP and it makes things better for everyone. I'll make some changes then notify you once I've finished.

That's good to hear. Thank you.
Alright, my figuring is that if this is a mash-up world with all of our individual animes happening simultaneously on the same world, our character's roles in their specific animes are such that they would be oblivious to the goings-on of the other characters, while acknowledging and understanding that the world is vast and variable, which is why they all seem to come from different worlds and don't question too much how mages, ghosts, angels, mechs, aliens, magical girls, and mechanically enhanced body parts can all exist in the same timeframe and area, hence the lack of acknowledgement of the bizarrely varied cast of students in both clubs. For example, like TK said, Arthur and Jem likely don't watch the news because they're too occupied with their magic and sword fighting. Sayuri and Jonathan would know nothing about each other's lives because both utilize magic in some form, but Sayuri's anime is a predominantly magical one while Jonathan's is more military and tech based. All of them can exist in the same world (with one of the linking factors being magic) while all of them being entirely clueless as to what their clubmates' (being non-canon to their individual stories but possible to exist in the same universe) lives are like because they don't experience that part of the world.
I agree but at the same time, I don't. It's true that they are all from somewhere where things are different but that doesn't mean they'd be oblivious. As the roleplay progresses and time goes by, wouldn't the characters start to learn about each other little by little? You say that some of the characters are likely not to watch the news but that doesn't mean they won't. The characters might all be different in their good and bad ways, but everyone gets curious by something or someone. You said that other characters would be clueless to what their clubmates lives are like but wouldn't characters eventually get to know each other and find out more and more? Then they'd start to see things from a new point of view and realize just how different everyone is. I just joined but I think that's the best part of this whole roleplay! Everyone comes from somewhere different and when their all put together, they experience and learn new things. They start to see the world differently and learn more about others. It's very exciting, don't you think?

Oh! Sorry if it feels like I'm coming off strong. I tend to always look deeper into things, especially stories and plots. I don't know if Crow was thinking about all that when creating the roleplay and that's her goal, but that's my opinion on the whole thing. Sorry if I offend anyone.
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I'm talking about initially, i.e. right now. Obviously none of them know much about each other's worlds at this point, but I'm not saying they won't learn about it as the RP progresses.
Thank goodness! I thought you meant that the characters would be to enveloped in their own story to care for the others and become apart of their life in one way or another. Sorry for speaking up when I didn't fully understand the situation!
No, it's fine, I should've made it more clear that that situation was just for now, when they don't know anything about eachother. ^^;
Don't blame yourself. It was my fault after all. Please accept this cookie as sign of my sincere apology!

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ummm . . . Johnathans "world" is more sci-fi then magic based o_o[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]If you guys wanted we could all just say what from our stories might be common knowledge or covered up and say how much our characters might know of each others "worlds"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]ie. Johny knows nothing of the outside world but is open minded to all things military or inner power based. While traces of the war in Jura are easy to find national governments and corporations have been paying off the media to not focus on it. No one here should know anything personal about Johnathan.[/BCOLOR]
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