Day One Newbies!

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Parker followed Aileen's gaze and spotted the crocodile that was heading towards the two twins. Then he felt Aileen kick him and turned his gaze back towards her. She had already began swimming again. Following suit, Parker began swimming, quickly. He didn't know if those crocodiles were real or just some trick Chiron thought up but he wasn't going to take that risk. He followed Aileen, she was heading toward some tunnel.. He pushed her foot with his hand to nudge her forward. This could've been the way out. But it couldn't have been that easy, could it?
When Biya reached the top of the trees, her head seemed to burst out into the sun and the deep blue sky. For the briefest of moments, she simply allowed herself to be stunned by the beauty of it, then she turned her head back down to look at what was ahead of them. She was standing on a wooden platform, from which stretched a nightmare of a course. Wooden logs crudely attached to wires to make a rudimentary ladder, zip lines, a net you had to shimmy across, and a strange set of three wires that appeared to be arranged such that you needed to walk on the lowest one, with the top two supporting your weight with a harness. As if that wasn't enough, the equipment seemed downright abysmal and the whole course spanned across a deep chasm not far off, the only way to get across, where another road was waiting for them. Climbing as quickly as she could back down to where the man was waiting, she relayed this information to him, noticing his change in wardrobe, but making no comment.
Aileen looked to her brother when he nudged her foot, and pointed forward again. She would not let them stop if there was just the slightest chance of that being the right way to go.
So she continued to move fast forward, side by side with him. True, others could be following, but there was no way they were faster than the two. Not with how much they swam, how long they had been training for it, or with them being instructors and guards for swimming. Everything was in the cards for them to win the race to the tunell, though her brother was a little faster than her, and she saw him swim in before her, their heads coming up from the water.
"Ok. That horse probaly has something weird planned again" she whispered, looking as others followed along with swimming.
Ty was looking around the tunnel curiously. Despite the closed tunnel entrance, he could still breathe just fine. He had ventured further into the cave, lured in by strange, whispering voices. He almost held his breath, trying to be as quiet as possible, in case there were cannibals or something inside. The cave suddenly expanded and he found himself in a room full of gold. He reached out a hand to touch one curiously, but as a general rule, if you find gold lying around, it hasn't been taken for a reason - usually that reason being fatal. Instead, he pressed on, deeper in. There was a gate. A way out! He rushed forward, and in his haste knocked over a golden vase. Green gas began pouring into the room, filling the air. Oh crap... He ran to the gate helter skelter and slammed through it, shutting it behind him and praying the gas wouldn't go through for some reason, any reason. Through the gate, there was a dark, underground lake, the dark water looking positively evil. That said, it couldn't be much more evil than that green mist seeping through the gate moments away. Taking a great big breath, he practically threw himself into the water, finding an underwater tunnel he was obviously supposed to go down.
She couldn't and as the ground started crumbling Eliza ran into the forest, her arms and legs hurting. Badly. Before she had even realized it, her foot had slipped and she had fallen in mud. Picking herself up, she continued to walk through the mud, her feet trudging through the mud. Her legs were killing her already. But she had been through worse.. There were things worse than trudging through mud. Yeah, she just had to think positive. She ran for a living, for Christ's sake, she could trudge through a little mud. She was athletic, she was strong. She could definitely do this. Finally, reaching some tree pattern thingy, Eliza began to climb. She climbed up and up and up. Yeah, she was getting the hang of this.. This really wasn't all that bad.. Probably better than what those other demigods were going through right now. Suddenly, the climbing came to a stop and Eliza reached a golden gate. Stepping through the golden gate, Eliza found herself climbing through numerous stairs. Finally, she stepped into a room..Which had ironically been filled with wine and gold. Why would there be wine and gold.. In a obstacle course? Because they were a trap.. Possibly. Eliza looked at the wine.. She'd never really been much of a drinker. She'd always hated the taste of alcohol.. From her 18th birthday when she was finally allowed to drink.

The girl lifted herself up to her feet and finally walked through all of the rooms. She entered the next room and immediately, it was closed off.. The door's all shut off and everything turned dark.
Parker slipped through the tunnel, Aileen by his side and found he could breathe. But there was gold everywhere.. He hadn't known why there was gold there but there was. Parker walked up to the gold, examining it and reached his hand to to touch it. "Look, Ai! It's gold!" His hand touched the metallic smooth surface and instantly, the tunnel filled with a green gas. Looking back at Aileen, eyes wide, he spotted another underwater tunnel and pulled Aileen towards it. Parker swam through the tunnel and pulled at the gate that it had lead to. There was another demigod there and Parker looked at him before turning his attention back toward the gate. There was a lock on it.. They needed to find a key. Parker looked at Aileen and the other male and motioned toward the keyhole.
When Biya reached the top of the trees, her head seemed to burst out into the sun and the deep blue sky. For the briefest of moments, she simply allowed herself to be stunned by the beauty of it, then she turned her head back down to look at what was ahead of them. She was standing on a wooden platform, from which stretched a nightmare of a course. Wooden logs crudely attached to wires to make a rudimentary ladder, zip lines, a net you had to shimmy across, and a strange set of three wires that appeared to be arranged such that you needed to walk on the lowest one, with the top two supporting your weight with a harness. As if that wasn't enough, the equipment seemed downright abysmal and the whole course spanned across a deep chasm not far off, the only way to get across, where another road was waiting for them. Climbing as quickly as she could back down to where the man was waiting, she relayed this information to him, noticing his change in wardrobe, but making no comment.
Jesus looked at her and nodded. He was definetly muscled up, but not overly. It showed he was like Bruce lee but whiter. '' Where is the equipment? '' he asked as he followed her up the ladder not thinking twice. They had to finish this course.

Meanwhile, Delilah and Aaron were finally in the cave with a girl they didn't know. Aaron coughed up and looked at Delilah, '' Shit... I got so scared for you, '' he stated and she just looked at him, '' I was more scared for you falling like that. But I didn't get it how, '' she admitted as she looked around. One road foreward and there was something really shynny at the end. There was obviously a few people already inside. Probably the twins but there was others, '' I think we have to go that way, '' she stated as she started swimming towards that direction. She wasn't exactly the best swimmer, but she could manage.

In the inner waterfall tunnels, the water were calm and their was nothing but glowing blue walls of rocks and what seemed to be diamonds encrusted in the glowy rocks. It was beautiful and it seemed to have fish under. None of them could reach the bottom since it was so deep, but they could see it. At the end of the tunnel, there a room with gold and great artifacts that the world never saw. There was wine, exquise and fresh food fixed, pottery of ancient civilization and art such as Van Goht Starry Night.
It was dark down here, but somehow, Ty could still faintly see. He noticed when the other two demigods, one male one female, entered the tunnel and found the lock. He nodded to show he understand that they needed to find the key and began scouring the ground for signs of one. "C'monnn..." He thought to himself. "I just need a glint, something, some sign." But as good a swimmer as he was, he couldn't hold his breath any longer than normal people. Almost half a minute passed, and he was beginning to see white spots over his eyes, with no sign of the key. He'd been in here maybe ten seconds longer than these two. Ty was losing consciousness and he knew it. He felt himself falling and his eyes closing, and then... THERE. His eyes flashed open and his hand stretched towards a glimmering golden key at the bottom. There it was, but too late. His muscles, deprive of oxygen, refused to move anymore, and he blacked out.


The first thing was the zip line. Biya grimaced and pointed. "It looks like this is it." In place of a proper harness, there was a couple of very old-looking leather belts sitting on the platform next to them. "You want to go first?" She asked, skepticism in her voice.
"Parker haven't you read the fuc-" the blonde was stopped in her words as green mist started to fill the room after Parker touched the gold, and she could not help but glare angrily at him. Had he never read a bloody fairytale?!
He would get his ears full of it later.
Yet, she followed under the water, blowing out the water she had caught in her mouth when she was dragged down, before they entered a new gate, though she saw another demigod there. And even though she wanted to breath, she saw no chance of it.

Thank god for practise in swimming, she thought, and saw that parker pulled at the door with no use in it. So she started to swim around, looking for the key.
Parker had already begun searching for the key. He was digging through dirt and moving rocks, and getting even more frantic to find this stupid key. He turned to look at the others and had just noticed that the male demigod he hadn't known the name of was on the tunnel floor and didn't seem like he was going to be moving anytime soon. Parker swam toward the male, he had fainted. He turned to Aileen and made a sort of panicky face that had showed her that they really needed to hurry up with the key finding. If not then blood could be on their hands. God, this horse man was brutal.
The air around them seemed to be turning green and Aaron immediatly swam faster. He wondered what happened to his friend Eliza. He felt so bad and would go back to help her, but he was about to die here now. He saw a man drowning and immediatly dived to grab him and he saw something shinny. He was about to reach when his body was sucked in a whole. The water rushed towards that hole like a vacuum and he couldn't see anything, but he felt a piece of metal touching him or at least, that touched him. He couldn't catch it.

Delilah was sucked in with Fiona and she forgot to breath. She closed her eyes focusing on her little breath when suddenly, the water around calmed down. But there was little air. She wasn't the only one out there. Aileen, Parker, Aaron and Fiona. There was also this boy but he had passed out.

There was one gate and no keys. She panicked. This was it right? This is where they would die?
Was her brother really this much of an idiot? He was trying to make her panic too now? That bloody little fool!
She saw something shiny, by them, and when she saw aaron try to reach it, she took a second to breath, but suddenly something happened, and she got confused. So she swam over to the boy, and her brother, while keepig an eye on the metal key.
Shaking her head quickly, she then swam to the key, taking it quickly before swimming to the gate, unlocking it.
Holding it open, she waited for the rest to swim through, while she covered her mouth with her hand, needing to move up to air and breathe soon. She had been under water far too long without taking a proper breath first.
Aileen came over to the two boys and Parker furrowed his eyebrows, confused. What was she doing? Then she grabbed something from the floor and Parker realized it was the key.. Wow... he was right next to it and he hadn't noticed. How dumb could Parker possibly be? She unlocked the gate and Parker grabbed Ty by the arms and started his way toward the now unlocked gate, ignoring the people who had just entered the tunnel. Coming upon dry land, he dragged Ty onto the surface. Parker dropped his arms and looked at Aileen, "So... do we just leave him?"
Delilah dragged Fiona off the water and left her next to Ty. She looked at the guys and waved at them, '' Hey..Nice to see you here again, '' She said with an awkward frenchy laugh. Aaron looked at Parker like he was stupid,'' Leave them here? Why would we do this? There not even breathing, '' he stated a bit frustrated he didn't even check as he pushed him a bit aside to see if Fiona was breathing

Wow. Was this guy's job to pop out of nowhere and start commanding Parker like she was his mother? Was he purposely trying to annoy Parker? Parker shrugged aside the feeling of annoyance, "Well, I'm not going to drag him to the finish line and I'm not going to wait here until he wakes up. But if you want to.. Be my guest." He smiled kindly, so naturally his words seemed sweeter than they actually were. He turned to Aileen, stretching his hands over his head and yawning, "So, are we going to finish this thing?"
Ty coughed and began breathing again. He hadn't thought he would. Water began spewing out of his system, and he was pretty sure some bile was coming up with it. His lungs burned and his whole body felt useless even as he twisted it on his side to help cough up more water. He blinked uncertainly and looked around him after almost a full minute of throwing water out of his lungs. A peacock strutted out of a nearby forest and came up to him, nudging his face gently.

((Okay guys, I gtg now))
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The first thing was the zip line. Biya grimaced and pointed. "It looks like this is it." In place of a proper harness, there was a couple of very old-looking leather belts sitting on the platform next to them. "You want to go first?" She asked, skepticism in her voice.

'' I don't really care to be honest, '' Jesus said with his soft angelic voice as he grabbed the leather belts. He strapped it around him and hooked himself in the zip line. He immediatly jumped and with a sharp noise, he zipped down towards a tree with laders up. Why were they even going down? He didn't understand but he continued. He finally got to the other tree with the platform and hooked his harness to a rope on top of his head. He had to climb up now this ladder to reach out another rope to swing from.
Aaron looked at him, '' Sure. I won't leave someone behind for some stupid obstacle course. '' he stated as he sat next to them until they wake up. He would never leave someone behind.
(Should I leave Aileen to take care of Ty or Delilah? )

( Where did the forest come from ? XD They are still in the tunnels...just no water xD )
Fiona was most certainly breathing, but she had gone into a brief state of shock while she was swimming and swallowed some water. She turned over and coughed violently, pushing the water out of her lungs as she tried to breathe again. She cursed under her breath, sitting on her side for a while before she weakly got up into a sitting position. "Worst, test... ever." She managed, still coughing.
(Geze you guys post fast =.=)
Aileen glared between the two guys. Who would have thought guys Who were meant to be adults could act such like kids? Even though her lungs were burning after having been kept under water without oxygen, she moved over to ty, sitting on her knees not far as he started coughing up water. "You go Parker. I can stay behind and make sure he's alright. She didn't particularly like dealing with people who were ill for diverse reasons, but she couldn't leave behind a team member. "I'll catch up, you know I will." She gave her brother an encuraring smile.
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