Day One Newbies!

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Larissa stood up with her sister and carefully pulled her hair into a ponytail. She began to walk in the direction the message had suggested, glancing round at the others as she did. She couldn't deny that this place was beautiful, in fact she never seen another place like it though she wasn't expecting to. "Let's just get this over with," she muttered to herself as she walked quickly still wearing her pyjamas. She heard Parker crash to the ground and quickly moved over to help him with a small frown. "Are you alright?" She asked him, her brown eyes assessing him quickly.

@XxGiaXx @Yonsisac
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"Are you alright?" Parker heard a female voice say. He averted his gaze from the mess on the ground to the woman standing in front of him. He examined her brunette colored hair and the other girl who was standing not too far behind her. Parker smiled and bent down to begin picking up the mess he had made for the second time. "I'm perfectly fine," he said, looking down at the ground. Running a hand through his hair, he looked up at the girl, "Parker. And what may I call you by?" The blond continued to stack various items onto the tray.
After grabbing some food, Aileen had an apple in her mouth, and the plate balancing on her hand as she walked towards the table again. Sure. She had already eaten half of it, as she had an extreme appetite being as active as she was, but hell, when the intercom shouted out for them to find the cliff, she stared wide eyed out. Adventure? Cliffs? WOULD THEY JUMP OFF A CLIFF?! That surely could not become any better.
She put the plate on the table and grinned to both Alys and Deliah. "Adventures lay ahead girls!" She didn't really wait for them as they stood up, and instead turned on her heel to see Parker lose his plate again.

"PARKER YOU DILL STOP DROPPING THE PLATE AND JOIN ME IN ADVENTURES!" The tone she held towards her brother had completely changed from earlier, where she had been aggressive, yet now it was full of joy and happiness. So she jogged past, jogging backwards while she watched Her brother and some brunette interact. "Park, Just leave the bloody plate and meet me at the cliff." She didn't wait for longer though, before she returned to her normal way, and started running in the direction they had been told to run, barefooted, yet with Aarons too big shorts and hoodie on her.


Ethan glared slightly around when the intercom spoke, cutting short the meeting with his dear friend. Though, he kept her in his arms as he started to walk out. "They are probaly just going to test our strenght or something" The dark haired guy said with a slight sheug, looking over Cara's shoulder to see where he was going.


Kleo had really not been paying attention, though she had still been paying attention. She had actually been studying them all to figure what sorts of drinks they would prefer. For a persons choice in drinks could tell a fair bit about them.
Though, she sighed when the intercom yelled out for them to walk to some cliff. What were they meant to do? Go jogging? If so they sure as hell better plan for her to do so in high heels, for she was not willing to become a shortie again. She quite simply prefered to actually see people eye to eye, not eye to shoulder.

Yet, she saw that blonde girl with the bikini run off, and chuckled gently to herself. "Run forest, ruuun" she whispered to herself, before she walked out of the cafeteria, a blonde girl with oil in her hair having tagged along. She had arrived late, and though she seemed like the kind of girl that Kleo could chill with.
"Leanne" the blonde introduced herself with a nod, not offering an explanation to why she had walked away wthout waiting for the rest by the table she had sat down by. "Kleo" Kleo greeted her back with, a smile playing on her lips as the two girls walked out to the cliffs. Though soon that smile was replaced and she looked more worried.
"Larissa," she said quietly as she bent down to help him. "But most people call me Lara," she continued with a soft smile. She wasn't used to conversing with new people with whom she had no direct and obvious talking point but she figured that if she were going to be stuck in this place she may as we'll try. "And that's my twin sister Keishla," she said gesturing to her sister as she helped Parker clean up the mess. She wasn't entirely sure what to say next, but she'd taken the first step by introducing herself. For all she knew, they might even eventually become friends and that was fine with her. She needed more of those anyway, even if she was pretty sure she was dreaming.
Keishla was a Little shy right now and nervius,as she stood were she was as well.....this was not gona be good,she dint like being in stuff like this and it was a Little scary too,but atleast she had her sister...cliffs,...Oh boy this was gona be bad,as she would hear her sister introduse her too the man as she would smiel lightli and wave as she pass her hand on her hair "Hello Parker"as Kei would look at the lady talking about the man as she was confuse,well still this might be Interesting so go with it.
Lara. A pretty name. Suiting for the brunette, Parker decided. Parker waved a simple hello at the twin behing Lara. He was about to reply to Lara and explain how he, too, had a twin sister. Then the exact sister came running up to him, yelling at him to leave the mess. Though she very well knew he wouldn't. Parker smiled, watching her run off before looking back at Lara with that same goofy smile. "And that. Is my twin sister," he explained, lifting the plate with him as he stood up. The mess was still evident but it was better than nothing. "Thanks.. A lot, Lara. See you around, yeah? At the cliff!" He began walking away, before turning around and waving a simple goodbye. He threw the dirty food in the trash and dusted off his hands. Sometimes, his sister had acted childish.. Like, worse than the man child himself, Parker. Parker headed toward the exit, still with that stupid smile on his face. Beaming about the encounter with Lara and the tone of voice that explained Aileen wasn't THAT mad anymore.
Anna sighed. She was a little ticked that she hadn't eaten anything, but she would have to manage. If she got hungry enough, there was always that guy who seemed to be annoying everyone out of their minds. She looked over at a man who everyone was calling Parker and let out a soft sigh, pressing a hand to her forehead. "They never change." She mumbled bitterly before moving on, her feet walking across the floor and past a girl who looked very confused.

Fiona was very confused as to why she was here, or what she was doing. She hadn't woken up for a while until the message over the loud speaker had jolted her awake. From small bits of conversation she had gathered what she needed to understand first, but was still slightly confused. She munched on her bottom lip silently as she twirled the end of her braid, her eyes darting everywhere as she tried to find the source of knowledge in this place.

George yawned before stretching his arms high above his head. With a loud exhale, he let his arms drop back down at his sides. He heard Iden say something about anyone having any ice. Being the kind gent that he was, he got up from his seat and went back to the ladies behind the counter. He asked them for a bag of ice wrapped in a paper towel. Mumbling, they gave it to him while shooting him weird looks. He only flashed them a bright smile as he turned on his heel, making his way back to the table full of people. He sat back in his spot and slid the ice over to Iden, muttering a 'here you go'.

It was at this moment that a loud, robotic voice made itself known in the cafeteria. Eyes wide, George casted his gaze up at the ceiling as he listened to the announcement. Well, before Chiron interrupted it, that is. Once the announcement was done, the British teen could only stare at a random spot on the ceiling in a daze. A cliff? Why would they go to a cliff? Does it tie into the training that Athena had mentioned earlier? Oh my God, what if we're jumping off of a cliff or something?, he thought frantically, eyes widening a fraction in slight alarm and fear. His gaze snapped up to the people around him. "You don't think.....we're going to be jumping off of the cliff or anything, do you? Cause that's bloody mental, I tell you." And I'm not doing it, he added in his head. Suddenly, the food he had ate earlier seemed to want to come back up, and not in a pretty fashion.

[ @ForgottenBlood

I hope this is good. >.<]​
Aaron looked at Aileen getting so excited over a cliff and he couldn't help but grin looking at Delilah that was trying to catch up to her. He looked at Eliza and slugged his arm over her shoulder as everyone started exiting the cafeteria. '' Don't worry so much... Everyone is here anyway, '' he said as if he knew them for years. He looked at Aileen leave and smiled looking down after. Delilah looked at him and couldn't help but laugh, '' look at you lover boy,'' she said, '' Quelqu'un est tombe amoureux tres vite! (someone fell in love pretty fast!)'' she said continuing to laugh.

Chiron was far far away waving. He was in front of a huge cliff. She wondered what was up but from first glance, she could see that the cliff prolonged the whole island as if it was seperating it an another world was beyon it.

A shallow figure was already ahead of them and judging from the clothes, it was Jesus.
Oh Gods. Oh Gods. She couldn't very well jump off that cliff.. She probably couldn't even stand there without freaking out. How was she supposed to explain this to Aaron? That she would die if she jumped off that cliff. Thankfully, Delilah saved her from having to say anything. Wait- lover boy? "Vous voulez me dire que mon petit frère a déjà le béguin? (You mean to tell me my baby brother already has a crush?)" Eliza said, the fear exiting her mind as she looked at Aaron with a smirk. For some reason, she had already taken a liking to these two and had noticed she felt a little more at ease with them. When reaching the hill Eliza felt her stomach flip flop and she felt her legs give out as she fell underneath her weight. "This is.. Much higher than I expected."
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Flora stopped writing at the sound of the intercom, "cliff?" she said skeptically, "sweet." As she packed her things up into her small knapsack and tied a bandanna into her windblown hair. She giggled a bit at Chiron's comment and stood up to head in the right direction, before realizing she hadn't gotten the chance to eat anything. With a sigh she reached into her backpack and pulled out some Queen Anne's Lace and began to chew on the roots as she walked towards Chiron with a big goofy grin on her face, and a bounce in her step.
Delilah laughed, '' Je pense que oui... Juste a son regard.'' she said with a chuckle. Aaron looked at the both with a blush, '' Why are you guys speaking french all of a sudden!?'' he asked annoyed by the fact that he couldn't understand. '' What did you say?'' he asked hearing his name. Delilah shrugged and bit her bottom lip, '' I said you looked cute with a blush, '' she said with a wink before turning around.
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Aileen couldn't help but having been one of the first out, excited and all. She had pretty much been running the whole way, almost stumbling in her own feet when she had to stop, ending up with looking out from the cliff, almost like in awe. Would she get to run around there and train? She looked over to Chiron, blue eyed and with slight flush to her cheels after having ran. "So, what are we doing? Anything swimming? Running? Climbing?" She was almost like an wxcited child, ready for the new shot of adrenalin. Maybe she could practise surfing around here?
She bit into the apple, a little more sour than she prefered them, but still, theybwere tasty, looking at him. This really had turned into having the potential to become great!
Eliza nodded, looking over at Aaron. Had he already gotten that smitten over a girl? How.. Adorable! Eliza wanted to meet this girl, to see what was so likeable for Aaron. To Parker's dismay, his suspicions were correct.. There had already been a boy falling for his sister. Eliza watched Delilah walk away before chuckling, "You're going to have to introduce me to.. What's her name? Aileen? After. We finish this horrible thing.. Is Chiron expecting us to jump this?!?!" Eliza said helplessly, running a hand through her curly brown hair.
Chiron looked at Aileen boredly, '' All of that.'' he said ignoring her next comment as he started counting who was there, '' So... 1,2,3,4....'. he said before sighing. He looked at Eliza all nervous, '' You! Your the first up! So stop sweatting sweetheart, '' he said.
Aaron looked at him with narrow eyes forgetting to reply to answer Eliza since they were just rambling non sense.

( Hmmm.... I want to post the ready set go, but I will wait for a bit more people to answer and reach out there...)
Parker finally spotted Aileen through the crowd on the cliff and began strolling over to her. Below the cliff was a waterfall.. If that was the case, then Aileen and Parker should have no trouble getting through this training course or whatever Chiron wanted to call it. Placing his hands on Aileen's shoulders he listened to her ramble to Chiron. Asking him about the obstacle course, it had almost sounded like a child's pestering. He looked at Chiron apologetically, "Sorry about her. She just really likes these type of things." He explained, taking the apple out of Aileen' s hands. "You know eating before a swim is bad," actually Parker didn't know whether or not this statement was true. He had just always grown up with the saying.
Anna soon arrived at the cliff where they where supposed to meet, looking over the edge. She let out a soft sigh, staring out into the horizon. The others seemed to be quickly finding romantic interests and she snorted softly to herself as she looked over the edge. She didn't need a man, in fact, the only way she would even go out with someone is if he could man up and ask her himself. She stood up strait, looking out as a soft breeze blew though her red hair.​
Fiona found one girl with red hair towards a cliff, and she nearly jumped as she got there. "Oh dear god that scared me." She said, pressing a hand to her chest. She sighed and looked at the others, and she smiled. "Well if this is an athletics challenge, I am in!" She said, knowing that with her speed and ability to run, she would most likely be good at anything they threw at her. Hopefully.​
What?!?! Why Eliza?!? What the hell?!? Being Gods and stuff they watched over her, right? If her parent suspected she was one if their strongest children. So they must've known she was scared of heights! Why make her go first. Okay, this was probably a good of a time as any. "Aaron, you're going to have to help me.. Because I am not going to jump off by myself.. Because I am going to die.. Heights scare me," she loudly whispered to her brother, looking down at the water below.
Aileen felt a hand on her shoulder, and glanced sideways at her brother. "Hey, Dill, I can eat my apple if I want. Didn't get the bloody cramps last time" She slapped his stomach with the back of her hand, and took her apple back. She knew she sounded even more like an australian, but what did she care? She was an aussie, and she wouldn't feel ashamed of it. "Karina's boyfriend said it was perfectly safe, and unlike you, he have a medical degree" she huffed before she bit into her apple again, then slid her arm around her brothers waist. Just her little way to say she still loved him. Even if he was a dill.

(Dill= australian slang for idiot)
Ty's ears practically perked up like a little dog's. A cliff? That sounded exciting. He bounded upwards and made his way there, only to see the horse-man, Chiron, singling out a particularly terrified-looking girl from the pack, telling her that she was going first. He felt a little bad for her, but also kind of excited. It seemed like this was going to be a fun challenge.


Biya had also stood up at the announcement, following his instructions gravely. However, when she noticed the other girl looked almost in tears, she stepped forward instinctively, drawing attention to herself to get the centaur's attention off the other girl. "Do you think I could go first?" She asked the centaur politely. She'd worked too much with terrified woman to feel alright about seeing one in front of her. (@Jazz, @XxGiaXx )
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