[DANGEROUS] - Out Of Character

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If the first post is up, why does it look unfinished? o.o

(Also, for any further posts that require tagging, I would suggest not putting them in a spoiler- because, at least for me, the tags don't work in the spoiler. I don't know about others but yeah; I didn't get a mention in my alerts as we would've expected. xP)
If the first post is up, why does it look unfinished? o.o

(Also, for any further posts that require tagging, I would suggest not putting them in a spoiler- because, at least for me, the tags don't work in the spoiler. I don't know about others but yeah; I didn't get a mention in my alerts as we would've expected. xP)

ty for the spoiler thing that explains a lot.



I'm not sure what it should look like im sorry this is new for me :V
I mean, you talked about the West Sector and the Northeast sector... As a member, I was also expecting something for the other sectors. XD That's why it looks 'unfinished'; because you only wrote something for two sectors, but not all of them- unless the Northeast and West sectors are where all the action is going to happen?

I'm still feeling out of the loop with the whole story sadly; The first post doesn't give me a whole lot to work with, unless you intend for this story to be a sandbox with little to no structured plot guidelines. I can definitely understand the difficulty being new to all of it; It's a tough job, being GM, I'm sure you've been told.

I'm just still unsure what I should do after the initial post and I, unfortunately, do not have GM advice worth savoring. ;___;

EDIT: I am wondering though, is Eden going to make an entrance soon?
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Alright, so @Romdeaux. currently what I think @Kit Kat is getting at is that we don't know where are characters are in the setting yet. Are we checking out these events? doing a job? hunting a fellow PC? these are things we need to know.
As long as the players are fine with it, I'd suggest starting us all off with a mission. A bit of a character building exercise.

Edit: maybe also paint the scene a bit. it's down pouring so will people be inside? trudging along with rain-jackets and umbrellas? guards grumbling about being out in the rain?
It depends on the mission I suppose; I don't know what a mission would entail or why we'd be doing it, who we'd be doing it for, what benefit it would have to the plot. I don't believe Afanasiia is part of any thing that hands out missions... She's just on her own with her own job, last I checked? o__o;

This rp doesn't seem like it was built to be a 'mission type' rp. More character development than plot development it looks like but again, I'm still trying to figure out what the plot is, and like Lunar said, where our characters can start out.
Well, The way I see it, Rom left it mostly ambiguous on purpose so that we could start anywhere. If y'all want some way for all the characters to meet up or someway to get the story moving in a way that includes everyone, I have a suggestion. A LOT of the characters we have now are agents of some sort that are more than fit to be running bounties. Xavier and NiX, on the other hand, are rebels, and Xavier almost certainly has a bounty on his head that is... decently large, lets say, for reasons not yet discussed.

Afaansiia is the only one who probably wouldn't be contracted for a bounty, but even that is fixable by just having Xavier stop by her establishment, its easily something he'd do. We don't have to worry about situations where he'd die, either, because he has NiX with him at all times, who is basically a walking arsenal comprised almost entirely of thick metal. Xavier probably also has some rebel spotters keeping track of his surroundings so that he doesn't get shot from long distance. Xavier is also a smooth talker and could possibly even manage to convince some of your characters to join the rebellion. If not, then I'm totally fine playing a sort of antagonist for a little while, giving y'all something to chase around the west sector.

Just a suggestion.
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Well, The way I see it, Rom left it mostly ambiguous on purpose so that we could start anywhere. If y'all want some way for all the characters to meet up or someway to get the story moving in a way that includes everyone, I have a suggestion. A LOT of the characters we have now are agents of some sort that are more than fit to be running bounties. Xavier and NiX, on the other hand, are rebels, and Xavier almost certainly has a bounty on his head that is... decently large, lets say, for reasons not yet discussed.

Afaansiia is the only one who probably wouldn't be contracted for a bounty, but even that is fixable by just having Xavier stop by her establishment, its easily something he'd do. We don't have to worry about situations where he'd die, either, because he has NiX with him at all times, who is basically a walking arsenal comprised almost entirely of thick metal. Xavier probably also has some rebel spotters keeping track of his surroundings so that he doesn't get shot from long distance. Xavier is also a smooth talker and could possibly even manage to convince some of your characters to join the rebellion. If not, then I'm totally fine playing a sort of antagonist for a little while, giving y'all something to chase around the west sector.

Just a suggestion.

Well, to be honest, I quite like that idea. I think it gives us something to start off with (and for me, it helps to fuel some creativity and try and get in the game with cyberpunk, as well as giving me some structure). Thank you for your suggestion; I'd be willing to play it out.
Well, The way I see it, Rom left it mostly ambiguous on purpose so that we could start anywhere. If y'all want some way for all the characters to meet up or someway to get the story moving in a way that includes everyone, I have a suggestion. A LOT of the characters we have now are agents of some sort that are more than fit to be running bounties. Xavier and NiX, on the other hand, are rebels, and Xavier almost certainly has a bounty on his head that is... decently large, lets say, for reasons not yet discussed.

Afaansiia is the only one who probably wouldn't be contracted for a bounty, but even that is fixable by just having Xavier stop by her establishment, its easily something he'd do. We don't have to worry about situations where he'd die, either, because he has NiX with him at all times, who is basically a walking arsenal comprised almost entirely of thick metal. Xavier probably also has some rebel spotters keeping track of his surroundings so that he doesn't get shot from long distance. Xavier is also a smooth talker and could possibly even manage to convince some of your characters to join the rebellion. If not, then I'm totally fine playing a sort of antagonist for a little while, giving y'all something to chase around the west sector.

Just a suggestion.
Sounds good to me. though a few questions: one, is Nix a robot, cyborg, or android? and secondly, Is Xavier kinda like a disc jockey? like one of the guys from fallout, except with more style.
@Lunar Scope You solved my pretty boy puzzle! Yeah, He runs a station from "off shore" using Jasper's (see Xaviers bio) equipment on his boat. Though more recently he's been setting something else up.

As for Nix, he claims to be a cyborg, with flesh under some of the metal and even certain organs.
I need to go through and reread all these characters to get a fresh idea of everything once more. Can't wait to rp with everyone~

EDIT: Oh my god Nix is 'employed' by Zetatech!!! God, this is gonna be great~ And I love the background omg. I'd really love to work that rebellion thing in somehow if that's cool. I'm trying to figure out my own subplot for Afanasiia but I really wanted it to involve her father and Zetatech- the company he works for. *thinks some more* And Xavier is a good kisser; Afanasiia likes good kissers ;D jkjk

EDIT: Jonathan Greer is spicyyy~~~ ;D And he's also been in gang fights and shit, just like Afanasiia lolol

EDIT: I think another big thing that will be part of my character's subplot is that she might want to expand her business or move onto something else, work together with someone... And I think it would be cool if something happened to her, some kind of event planned by Zetatech that makes her do a 180 on her indifference towards Zetatech and be like "I'm taking you guys down" or something.

EDIT: All my ideas come late at night.
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I'll add some more details. I certainly agree on that part.

but i SHOULD explain i think considering the ambiguity everyone's referencing.

This first post, and assuredly the character posts following it for a bit, are meant to be introductory.

I've made it ambiguous on the reasoning that none of the characters, unless discussed in private, are ackquainted yet.

I've designed the first post, and will continue to do so with the added detail, in such a way as to allow for you guys to sort of, insert your characters ANYWHERE, and more importantly, for others to easily note those locations, and the goings-on therein.

the first few posts aren't meant to throw the characters into a plot, they're meant to throw the characters into an environment.

The newer players may not be aware, but take note:

I have structured in my head a dense, living city. the NPCs, militia, environments are all very much there, even if they aren't described as such yet.

I'm very scatterbrained and giving the world up in the roleplay's infancy isn't something im very good at.

my intention as of right now is you let you all start your characters individual stories, display them in the world, and maybe start interacting with each other a bit, before such time as the major plot unfolds.

im hoping that by doing things this way, we can enjoy the story a lot more, by allowing the characters to walk in a very well established environment, that may not be as apparent to you guys right now.
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Thank you for the explanation, Rom. ^^ I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I personally don't do well in a sandbox rp, but with the help of Red, Lunar, and others (if they're willing to hop in), we're getting something started that will help me build a better introduction post and hopefully, once things begin to flow and the world begins to make better sense in terms of atmosphere and what not, I can expand further. :)))
Thank you for the explanation, Rom. ^^ I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I personally don't do well in a sandbox rp, but with the help of Red, Lunar, and others (if they're willing to hop in), we're getting something started that will help me build a better introduction post and hopefully, once things begin to flow and the world begins to make better sense in terms of atmosphere and what not, I can expand further. :)))

its not *too* sandboxxy i think.

maybe i made it sound as such.

or maybe it is.

in any case, i do intend for the story and plot on whole to be instituted as soon as possible. :)

i dont intend to have everyone just running around.

my boyfriend managed to literally slip some weedies into my pasta.

i dont know how, he went culinary school. juust

I'm baked af right now.

i threw out a couple posts, and a recycled eden intro.

those SHOULD do for now.

let everyone sorta get on their feet.

i'll be here to answer questions if anyone wants but im..

im dont for tongiht wriitng. yknow

Lil' Eden and me is gonna go watch some anime or something ciao
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God Rom XD Why

Yes, you are done. Sleep and get that weed out of your system.

Just in case my edits weren't seen (I am self-assured).

@Red crow Oh my god Nix is 'employed' by Zetatech!!! God, this is gonna be great~ And I love the background omg. I'd really love to work that rebellion thing in somehow if that's cool. I'm trying to figure out my own subplot for Afanasiia but I really wanted it to involve her father and Zetatech- the company he works for. *thinks some more* And Xavier is a good kisser; Afanasiia likes good kissers ;D jkjk

@Lunar Scope Jonathan Greer is spicyyy~~~ ;D And he's also been in gang fights and shit, just like Afanasiia lolol

— to no one in particular —

EDIT: I think another big thing that will be part of my character's subplot is that she might want to expand her business or move onto something else, work together with someone... And I think it would be cool if something happened to her, some kind of event planned by Zetatech that makes her do a 180 on her indifference towards Zetatech and be like "I'm taking you guys down" or something.

EDIT: All my ideas come late at night.
God Rom XD Why

Yes, you are done. Sleep and get that weed out of your system.

Just in case my edits weren't seen (I am self-assured).

hey read the eden opst i hope i did her justice.

i want that smokey bones girl with a soft side to her gun you know???
hey read the eden opst i hope i did her justice.

i want that smokey bones girl with a soft side to her gun you know???

Go to sleep XDDD
*wonders if Rom isn't high today*
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