CROSSED - Nowhere To Run

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Sorry my post isn't surrounded by pretty boxes and flashing lights and such and so.
Name: Jo Marshall
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Summary: A baker and chef with an odd obsession for hunting and killing her meals...The rigs local expert on food safety, kitchen sanitation and ingredient substitutions.


She never dresses too heavily, unless of course she plans to be outside of the rig for long periods of times. Other than that, usually she's in a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled half way and some form of relaxed pants or simple jeans. Combat boots are common, as well as a very old and worn pair of slippers she adores. She has several other pieces of clothing for when she needs to be apart of a supply run.

  • Anne Get Your Gun - Jo's father was in the military and from the deep south, meaning that everyone in the whole family learned to pick up a gun. Though Jo never entered the military, she can take a shot at a man and have it be lethal. Also, she knows how to tell when it's worth the bullet, making better shot choices and wasting less ammo in the long run. She's fine with most guns but not all that familiar with military style weapons, at least not the up to date versions before the Crossed.
  • BAM! - Having gone to school for two degrees, Baking and Culinary, and also worked in several kitchens before the Crossed, Jo knows the kitchen like the back of her hand. She also knows how to preserve food in a number of ways and has taken it upon herself to establish the Rigs Food stash with pickled, cured and smoked everything. Along with that, she's no stranger to cooking the hill billy way, making smokers or curing rigs out of old lockers or boxes. Sometimes you have to take it back to your roots.
  • Listen and Learn - Jo has no trouble taking the time and teaching someone something, as long as it isn't a waste of supplies. She believes that cooking is a skill that needs to be spread and shared, especially now when knowing how to cook over open uncontrolled flames is a difference between life and death. She'll share other skills as well, anything she knows she's happy to teach, in sort of a mothering way usually where mistakes are just smiled at and corrected gently.
  • Hitting The Weights - Jo can pick up some pretty heavy stuff on her own, you have to learn to when you work with 50 lb. bags of flour or full gutted pigs. Those things aren't light. She can't lift a tank, but don't put it past her to drag a human being or a dead animal carcass if need be.
  • I'm Just Big Boned! - Years around food has not made Jo light on her feet. Though not overweight and some of it muscle, she's still heavy and thick and therefore...slow. She's not much of a runner, her endurance being more in standing for long periods of time, not running during them. Also, finding clothing that fits is even harder. Being big in this world is a pain in the butt...literally.
  • Bringing A Spoon To A Knife Fight - She's not very good with close combat, more so because she sees knives as kitchen tools, not weapons to wave about. Along with that, the thought of getting anywhere near a Crossed is just a bad idea in her book and would rather run than try to take one on with direct contact involved.
  • Not So Ladylike - Growing up with only brothers and then working in a career dominated by men, her speech is littered with swear words and sarcasm. Even in her polite speech she's blunt and crass, which isn't very attractive and in some situations can gather a lot of unwanted attention. Her mouth is her own worst enemy at times, easily manipulated by emotion and blurting things out before she had a chance to think.
  • Filling The Silence - She doesn't like silence much, if only because she spent her life filled with noise that to not have any unnerves her, possibly attached to a deep rooted fear. Either way, she'll fill the silence herself even when alone, mumbling things to herself and having small conversations over lists or tasks she needs to do. Like reading a to do list over and over again with her sarcastic and rude commentary slapped into it.
  • Knitting - You need a scarf or sweater? Get her the yarn and you'll have it!
  • Long Hours - Can handle doing things for long periods of time and on little sleep, not all that different from her life back in the kitchen.
  • Book Worm - Can read very well and has very good hand writing.
  • Mental Notes - Ask her to remember something and she will, and she'll let you know about it until you have it memorized yourself.
  • Animal knowledge - She can tell fish apart, as well as most live stock breeds and so on, helpful when trying to figure out if said creature is safe to eat or not.
  • Mechanic - She can make quick fixes to things in her kitchen, such as loose screws or changing out a spring. But anything involving a more complicated set up is past her
  • Medicine - Though she can slap on some burn cream or a band aid and call it a day, anything more deadly or messy is beyond her.
  • Prolonged Silence - Having to be quiet and listen is one thing, but to not hear anything is what she fears. Silence is deadly and frightening, hinting at the fact that you have no idea what could be sitting around any corner, waiting to jump you. Not knowing what is to come is the worst.
  • Loosing Others - She's seen a lot of death, and lost a lot more too it in this year, to loose another person, be it a newly met individual or a long time member of the rig, she'd be heartbroken as they are both a means of safety, survival and companionship. Loosing one is like putting a dent into their well established tower of strength...and weakness towards the Crossed is just to terrifying to think about.
  • Becoming One Of Them - Never, ever would she want to know or experience it. She just hopes she has the heart to kill herself it if ever comes down to it.
General Personality: Though crude, blunt and fowl mouthed, Jo only has the best intentions for all the company on the Rig. She sees them as family in this broken world and tries her best to at least express it in sharing all she knows and has with them, whether its a shoulder to cry on or a meal to eat. In a way she plays mother hen, watching over the other's generally even if they might not notice. Though she might not bother them about it in the end, at times she'll ask a person if they are okay or if they need to talk about something. Jo just wants to be be someones rock when they need it.

Inner Personality: She's as upset and broken as the rest. She's seen a lot and done worse and nothing will ever wash her hands of that. She's done more things in a year than she'd ever thought would happen in her lifetime. Because of it, inwardly Jo feels lost, uncertain of the road that lays ahead of them and fearful of what it may lead them too. Even more so, she regrets being the only of her clan to survive the disaster, feeling that so many other's in her family deserved to be in her spot of survival more than herself. In the end, Jo doesn't share those feelings, knowing that if someone doesn't act like the rock, the small little group they have will shatter under the pressure of all their own emotions long before the Crossed would get to them. She puts up that face to ensure that what she has left doesn't shatter.

What You Did: Worked in several restaurants, Lived alone and lightly dated men here and there. Nothing of great interest or mention.

What You Do Now: Serves as the official self labeled Rig cook and food supply manager, trading off with other's who can cook on occasion. Mostly focuses her work on constantly making something, be it a meal or pickling another batch of vegetables for eating during the not so nice months of the year. Along with that, she goes general chores, like laundry and such, as well as acting as general mother. A second voice of knowledge compared Josh only because she won't shut up most of the time.

How You Survived: Sheer. Dumb. Luck.

Jo happened to be in the right place at the right time of the infection. She had decided to take a nice holiday to the north after having a rough summer of work. Her parents had intended to join her but the infection didn't allow that. Instead she found herself with a rented jeep, a full tank of gas and camping supplies for three while modern society fell apart. Spending much of her time in the mountains after learning of the infection through a news broadcast on the radio, she didn't move much save for avoiding the Crossed that passed by. Eventually the gas ran out and so did the food she brought. With that, she headed further north, thinking the Crossed wouldn't waste their time in underpopulated areas. She was right, at least in the beginning. With that she blazed through Canada on foot and hitching rides in return for cooking anyone involved a hot meal with what she could get her hands on.

Josh found her by change, a party having gone out for supplies at the time. With the promise of a safe place to stay, she offered her abilities...and the knowledge of a fully stocked gun shop she had wandered through before hand. With that, she and the party were flown back to the Rig. She's been on missions here and there for supplies but otherwise hasn't left the rig all that much.
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Hey chums. Sorry for my lack of replies the last few days; shit has been busy, but I'm back home now.

Expect a post up within the next day or so.
A CROSSED RP, Something I've been trying (and miserably failing) to do for ages. Is it still open?
I apologize for my wall of text type post. I know nearly nothing about the codes and such. I'll have Fluffy help me doll it up. Maybe put a gif with boobs or something.

Also, I re-read my posts and may tweak it, so... I hope that's okay. I'm anal that way. I can just deal with it if not.
Boob gifs are always acceptable.

And yus, @ProjectONI616, we are still open for business if you fancy getting involved.
Sorry for the wait on that one, chums. Got distracted by the vidya games, then remembered I had posts due.

That's three more NPCs introduced amongst the inhabitants of the Rig. These ones aren't as friendly as Dominika, though. Someone may want to go save Jo down in the kitchens.
Going to try getting a post up tonight. If I fail to do so, my apologies! Also: I (and Peter, actually) will be absent starting tomorrow. We'll be back this weekend. :3 Sorry in advance if that slows things down at all.

Unrelated note: LOL @ Grumpy's new signature
Shouldn't be a problem. I'll start stirring the pot on Thursday, but there'll still be plenty time for you and Peter to get involved.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Fluffy
Of course it's my character that get's the one asshole NPC.

That'd be my post. It looks like there's more to say, so expect a little bit of an expansion before the afternoon. Just really really busy this morning.
Yay~ I is being saved~ Thanks Mjr. Chaos~ <3 8D
Oh boy. It means I should post soon, huh?

EDIT: @Grumpy needs to update his cast post so I know who's all who and those who have posted and those who haven't and stuff because I like order
Alrighty, to everyone who's joined but has not yet posted (or, to exploit the delicious tagging feature, @CosmicWeinerDog @Mistress), the start of this episode's main plot shall be going up later today. If you guys could chuck something up before then that'd be awesome, but if not then just jump in as soon as you can.

Alrighty, no more sitting around playing offshore oil rig house. Josh and Hoi have spotted a boat bearing directly for the Rig, undoubtedly packed with Crossed. The alarm has been rung, alerting everyone on the platform that the happening is imminent. Down on the lower rungs with Dominika and co, you guys can both see and hear the Crossed. They're a jaunty bunch, to be sure.

But they're also probably not kidding with that song.

Well damn, better get my gun.
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