Credits for Freaks: Gifted Slave Sales

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Re: Oldschool Gifted

I apologize, everyone. I'm going through some serious real life stuff right now, and won't be able to post for a few days. At least until my emotional bullpoopie is done and dealt with. I'll be back as quickly as I can. Sorry. / :
Re: Oldschool Gifted

No worries. Everyone has something to deal with and can't be on all the time.
Re: Oldschool Gifted

Take all the time you need, and I hope you everything gets better for you.
Re: Oldschool Gifted

-Thinks- Please let her have cute clothes, please let her have cute clothes...
Re: Oldschool Gifted

I'm still excited about this. I've always loved playing as Faye.
Re: Oldschool Gifted

-bump- ? It feels like this thing has died. It shouldn't die D:
...And I feel like I'm talking to myself...
Re: Oldschool Gifted

are you still going on with the cloths XD
and im waiting for it also
*pokes at the thread to see if its alive*
Re: Oldschool Gifted

I promise you all will have a post from me by the end of Saturday. D: I am so sorry to have kept you all waiting. Just been uber busy for a while. ):
Re: Oldschool Gifted

Its fine its fine :) take your timee
Re: Oldschool Gifted

Yush. Take your time. I don't mean to make you feel like you're being rushed Dx
I just get impatient sometimes if I'm really looking forward to something. Like my freaking PS3 my uncle is getting me D:<
His best friend offered a free PS3 to him, WITH GAMES, and he is hesitating to take it. My grandma and mom keep telling him it's the perfect birthday present for me since it's the only thing I want right now.
Re: Oldschool Gifted

Re: Oldschool Gifted

I want one of those to but my mom will only get me one system for now...Since the PS3 is free, that's the one I'm getting. I hope she surprises me on Christmas with an Xbox360 though >.>
Re: Oldschool Gifted

Re: Oldschool Gifted

Sorry, it was my turn, I didn't realize it in time. There's a post up, and Melody has been brought up to the lounge from the cellar.
Re: Oldschool Gifted

whos being auctioned off first?
Re: Oldschool Gifted

She just said it was Melody. Dug got all excited for her xD lol
Re: Oldschool Gifted

Ha that was pretty funny. xD Poor Dugles...
Re: Oldschool Gifted

Well now we'll see who gets who. It would be strange for Dugles to suddenly lose interest in a gifted.