Colony Galileo

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I just realized this is the first time I allow a character of Deuce tamper with the mind of a character I own. .__.
Not sure if I should worry now that it is going to become more frequent.
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Yes, you should worry. A lot.
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Look below action log for additional notes--your name may be pinged there, as well as in the action log!

Just a list of acronyms and the like. Will be updated as more appear.
Universal Terms

NAT: No Action Taken this round. For the round that a new player is introduced, this is normal. Failing to act in the story repeatedly will get you warned and eventually removed from the RP. I don't like being that guy though, so please don't force me to do so. :sunglasses:
Pinned: Character is pinned. They generally will have to struggle free, or else be knocked out or killed by the target pinning them. Strength is the prevailing trait here, though agility can play a factor.

NPC Terms

Independent: NPC is acting of their own accord.
Under Orders: NPC is doing what a player has told them to do, overriding what they would normally do. (If confronted with multiple orders, they'll generally execute the ones that make the most sense to them at the time, unless they value loyalty over common sense.)
Leader: NPC is the leader of a larger group. (Ex: Militia Sergeant.)
P-NPC: Party NPC. These characters generally have no overriding reason to leave you and will stay with you. Other NPC's may come and go, but these guys are here to stay with you.
Elite: NPC is highly trained and will present a very sincere threat to the group. NPC has flat bonuses against death checks and will instead ordinarily take injuries. Be very wary engaging one unless you have a good defensive position or you can ambush it. Will ordinarily apply only to enemies.
Boss: NPC is absurdly powerful in some way. Only engage if you have no other choice, and expect to see PC's die trying to kill it. Retreat should be your normal strategy against these characters, as they generally won't pursue and will instead send their underlings after you.


North Bellsford, Super-Centre: Currently in a high-tension area, hostiles nearby.
Ariston Tychon (@Azathoth ): Moving out, orders Mellaran with himself and orders the Sergeant to keep an eye on their rear.

Sergeant Max (A-1205) (@Ascendant ): Arms civilians, attempts retreat.

Phillipe Mordante (@Kadaeux ): Moving with the group.

William McCormick (@Helios ): Moving with the group.

Libero (@PCSutfin ): Moves out with the group.

Dr. Gaius Chernev (@Aleksandar ): Introduced.

Morgan (P-NPC): Awaiting orders.

Bao: Small child. Unarmed. Her favourite colour is turquoise?... Don't expect her to help much.

7 Hunter-Killers: Holding position, not far from the group.

North Bellsford, Zinc Road: In the midst of an evacuating crowd, danger in the distance.
Prosper (@Potatocat ): Attempts to cover himself, then waits in a window for incoming enemies.

Norb Chi'Surn (@Jorick ): Norb is staying down in the intersection to fight, taking cover behind a car and expecting enemies from the east.

Ariel Abraham (@Expllo ): Ariel takes cover; places psychic shield onto Leonie, then prepares psionic volleys.

Leonie Valkrich (@Aliceee ): Seven into the left building, fire when suspicious; five + Prosper, into the right building, try to draw attention first; everyone else amongst the abandoned vehicles.

Nikolai (P-NPC): Reveals incoming enemies with smoke.

20 Civilian Militia (Leader is Martello): Weak, but ready to help in any way they can. Armed with standard rifles and side arms. They will listen to orders from Leonie or Nikolai, but may question them from others.

5 Stealth-Scouts: Taking cover after their surprise attack was foiled.

East Bellsford, Red Line: In the midst of attempting to restart the subway system.
Kephart (@Goldmarble ): Helps to close the door, positions by a wall, orders two militia to hide behind him for cover.

Laura Shima (@Herzinth ): Attempts to close door to the power room.

Gilan Thorne (@ChromeHound ): NAT.

Marcus De'Leveyan (@Kadaeux ): Takes cover, prepares for assault. Puts on his stealth cloak.

Matthew Taylor (@Silverdawn ): NAT.

Finnergen Henndrix (@Honorific ): Introduced.

Berry Wilson Jones (P-NPC): Orders everyone to open fire.

10 Vet. Civilian Militia (Leader is Keran): Setting up barricades and getting ready for hell.

1 KEGO: Large creature, heavily covered in armour but slow moving, like a fleshy wall of pain.

East Bellsford, Convoy #4: Fell behind and is attempting to reach Red Line.
Tharvax-8071 (@Jorick ): Tharvax suggests following Ralphs plan and abandoning the tank, offers to be part of the rear guard.

Captain Caitlin Atten, MD (@Seba ): Caitlin says to leave Convoy Five to boost Convoy Four's chance of survival while being as sneaky as possible on the way to the subway. This means ditching the tank and pitching the activated radio as close to the other convoy as possible to perhaps trick the Chrysalids.

Quentin Brant (@Snakey ): NAT. (Keeping their own lives vote.)
  • Drones Deployed (4): Scouting local area...
Gwen Argalla (@Holmishire ): Agrees with Tharvax & Ralph, suggests abandoning tank. Takes lead.

Ralph (P-NPC): Proposes a plan...

3 Medium Tank Crew ("Sabre" class): 3 tank crew. (Driver, primary gunner, commander.) Tank is made for 4, but the secondary gunner is dead. The tank has been abandoned, and the crew are on foot.

45 Civilians: Only ten are armed, but all are scared shitless. The ten armed could be inspired to fight, given the right words.

Additional NPC information here. Don't be afraid to ask more info on them.

World lore update coming along soon. The world lore update will include information about the Chrysalids and any technology or vehicles they may have brought along. It'll also include information on the Sabre Tank, for Convoy #4.

Next GM IC Post will go up Saturday the 12th!
Hopefully the Chrysalids would shoot the two newcomers or the civilians first. If they shot and slowed down Mellaran, Max would have little choice but to throw her over his shoulder and continue protecting their retreat, something he was fully prepared to do.
Oh lord. :rotfl:

@ChromeHound has failed to post this round.
@Silverdawn has failed to post this round.
@Snakey has failed to post this round. (Although I know why: His computer was broken for a few days.)

Oh, and yes @Deuce if the stealthed scouts got closer, your character would have detected them. Just like how Finnergen detected one in the subway.

If there are any questions, as always, just ask. :ferret:
We get information on the Sabre Tank after we ditch it?!

That's it, everybody run back to the tank, we obviously made the wrong choice.
See, told you guys Prosper was a badass. A heartless, emotionless badass. @Goldmarble at some point I am going to have him plug into Kephart and get his mind blown. Its just a matter of time.
Oh, and yes @Deuce if the stealthed scouts got closer, your character would have detected them. Just like how Finnergen detected one in the subway.
Yay, I could have been useful!
My 21st birthday is the 11th, so I'll have to get my post up early. xD

Btw, @Ascendant, it'd be cool if you left stuff like that part about leaving the others behind out, because now that I know exactly how he would react in what would have been a very tense scene, there won't be any suspense. Rather than being shocked that he'd leave a wounded William behind without a second thought, I'll have been expecting it since your second post...
I was preparing for the GM post, what he'd do in reaction if anything happened.
Well Brovo wouldn't need to react before Max took the action, or at least I don't think he would. I'm just saying every detail you tell us now is something you could show us later.
Yeah, its a tricky position to be in. I actually have a character in another roleplay that is totally lying about who and what they are, and keeping that from the other players is a little tricky since I have to conceal my character's thoughts so that the other players don't find out so easily.
Prosper's ability to directly interface with other machines + Kephart being a type 3 AI = Lots of fun and possible evolution of my character.

Gets even better seeing as your character isn't the brightest and Prosper is near Omniscient when it comes to brain power, and with each other interacting with each other on a level of closeness that we as human beings currently have no point of reference for. It'll be fucking amazing, whatever the outcome.
Always remember to get consent before interfacing with another AI. No means no.

You win this round, Kadaeux.
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