City Streets: Gang Rivalry

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Uh ok then one question...where in New Angeles should I put Ace's working place?
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Uh ok then one question...where in New Angeles should I put Ace's working place?

You can put it in any mall, strip mall, vine street, or main street. Or you can tell me where you want it to go and I can edit it to the map!
You can put it in any mall, strip mall, vine street, or main street. Or you can tell me where you want it to go and I can edit it to the map!

Well considering malls are war zone pretty much, main street it is :).
But wouldn't a war zone be a perfect place for buisness?? ;)

Hmmm...hold on hold on you might be the question is...put it in the enemy territory for a better spying place or...nope! Spying place it is. Thanks. I'll go with east mall then. They can't do anything about it. Legit working place :V
Except demand payments just like from every other shop. Failure to do so would have meant rejection long ago.
Well he is technically swimming in cash, so no problem there. Like a rent lol.

And the plot thickens

Okay and here's a question:
Should we have gang leaders for each group? So a head boss person? Whether they be the best fighter or just the person in charge? Originally I didn't think we should but maybe we do. Just because bosses can give out orders and stuff and so we are more organized instead of freelance everyone. If so these bosses would have to be messaging me and stuff and working all together to move along the RP. So to much hassle?

Yay or nay?
Yay here, I don't mind.
I'd say nay. Joy is going to issue orders often, but Victoria and Bella have just as much right to do so. They're equals.

But hey, if the Sons need a boss, they can have a boss.
Yay here, I don't mind.
1 for Yay

I'd say nay. Joy is going to issue orders often, but Victoria and Bella have just as much right to do so. They're equals.

But hey, if the Sons need a boss, they can have a boss.
1 for Nay but...

Good point. Good point. You guys do seem to be working together well.

Maybe the Sons should all have a conversation going too, like the FA apparently are having. They probably have our demise down right now. ;)
Yeah. I already figured the "specials" will have a bit more of a leadership role anyway, the werewolves and vampires, only because they are much more menacing. But I don't think that gives them the right to be "leaders" necessarily
Yeah. I already figured the "specials" will have a bit more of a leadership role anyway, the werewolves and vampires, only because they are much more menacing. But I don't think that gives them the right to be "leaders" necessarily

Agree on that though. It should be someone mentally capable of thinking straight at any given moment, not just being brute and stuff.
I agree with all of you.

Okay, so I don't think we should have specific leaders. I think it will come naturally to know who to look up to and who to respect, who calls some shots and who calls others. Whether it be the "specials" (as Kitty put it) or just somebody who can think straight in any situation.

Okay. (:
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We definitely need some form of organization I would think. I've seen too many good role-plays go down the drain because it was just anarchy all over the thread. I think we've done a good job keeping everyone on a relatively same page so far though. If this isn't too much to ask, do you think we can add the times of when our post takes place? Time progression really messes me up sometimes :P
Time organization would be a great idea, I agree.

I also have the news on the front page to keep organizations. We can add on the news page individual news events for each group. So say one group decides on an attack or ambush or something, we can add the time and date of that on the front page so we all can keep track.
Time organization would be a great idea, I agree.

I also have the news on the front page to keep organizations. We can add on the news page individual news events for each group. So say one group decides on an attack or ambush or something, we can add the time and date of that on the front page so we all can keep track.

sweet, thanks <3
I'll post later too. But my girl is pretty tied up with being in the shop until nighttime. Vampires ya'know.
Time Stamp as of right now: 9:30 AM (Somebody said earlier that it was very early for a Saturday morning or something. So I figure that would be a good idea.)

I'll post later too. But my girl is pretty tied up with being in the shop until nighttime. Vampires ya'know.

Remember she is a half-vampire, and so if you want she might be able to survive in day time. But it's completely up to you!
She will survive in the daytime but feel uncomfortable in it. She prefers night.
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