Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness (OOC/Sign up)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Dang that's my bad. I really miss that. Thanks for pointing it out, Shy.

Asylums graduate at 17-18, so I'm afraid Kiddo, you'll have to change that information in your profile. =(
@Kiddo ooh, nice powers! I think scent control is probably fine. And when you come down to it, any alchemy is a molecular change. Even transmuting lead to gold requires a molecular change, because they're different elements. I thought asylums graduated at 18, though? You say Christine graduated at 16.
Ugh, true; the info is so spread out in this OOC that I missed that. Nothing an edit can't fix, though!
Yeah, the info is all over. I had to go back and forth between pages when making my sheet. ^.^;
This thing is finally edited & completed. CS is ready! Awaiting the Decision :P


I: Personal Information

Name: Drew "Draw" Nymrod

Team Title: The Ranged Duo

Official Title: Mr. Stealthy, Dagger Lover,The Living Tranquilizer.

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Position: Assylum

----------- AMRO Stats -----------

Specialty: Hybrid (Though when in combat, he prefers to be a Silencer)

Code: XXXVIII(38)

Position of Tattoo: His Left Palm

Alch-Specs: Hecate's Protection(Shadow Manipulation)

Alchemic Style: Vocum (Primary); ??? (Secondary)

II: Weapons:

Drew is an Engineer & loves to tinker with mechanical parts. He loves gore, in which he subjects it to his weapons, loves it nice & messy. Would love a bloodbath in a summer afternoon. So that's why he said: "Why not Chainsaws?" He loves blades too, so he decided to combine the 2 & made a baby with Bloody & Gorey.


Bladesaw "Jasmin"
Drew thought of this masterpiece when he decided to join the Assylum.

III: Appearance

Drew is 5"7, & can be seen wearing a black & red hoodie, dark jeans, dark sneakers, a black & red scarf that reaches only to his cheast. He can also be seen wearing a Neon Headset which he only takes off when something important is happening. He has a hairstyle resembling an emo hairdo & has a clean face. In battle he is usually wearing kneepads & shoulderpads & elbowpads, bandages in his arm & a Vest Hoodie with a Long - Sleeved Black T - Shirt. He also wears fingerless gloves which hides his tattoo.

IV: Personality

Drew is an excitable & a positive guy, his imagination knows no bounds & will relax if nothing is happening. He gets bored quickly & his favorite pasttime is computering, exploring, & drawing. He is patient & has a short temper. He also hides swearing by swearing using related words such as fudge (fuck), sheep (shit), baby (bitch) etc. He also likes to name people according to their names. He may act a little agressive to other strangers but as you get to know him, he can be a fun, protective, & a hilarious guy. He also knows the Best Eateries in Town.
V: History

Can be seen later in the game.

VI: Others

He loves gore, so much that he wasted an entire day watching the whole Saw Series.
He has the very unique power to eat tons of food without getting any fatter.
His experience in video games help him in a mission through sense of vision, alertness, reflexes, & coordination.
He loves parkour, but he is not too big on unneseccary risk.
He loves Cartoons, in fact, he memorized all the songs in Adventure Time.
He has that Rare Magical MP3 player that can download tons of music with a press of a screen.


I: Personal Information

Name: Josh Lilliad

Team Title: The Ranged Duo

Official Title: Mr. Bullets, Snipey, Asshole.

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Position: Assylum

----------- AMRO Stats -----------

Specialty: Hybrid (Though when in combat, he prefers to be a Hunter)

Code: XL (40)

Position of Tattoo: His Right Wrist.

Alch-Specs: Zephyrus' Might (Wind Manipulation)

Alchemic Style: Vocum (Primary); ??? (Secondary)

II: Weapons:

Josh is a Sharpshooter, & a Bounty Hunter. Usually can be seen camping or right behind the allies, his bow & his arrow can always save the day. He loves to kill steal & hardly misses, & usually comes back to the Assylum clean. Casualties are never seen. He applies all his magic to his arrows & a bow. His quiver can hold 100 arrows.

His bow is always in his hands when in Combat, & the Quiver is in his right upper thigh, easy to reach. He has a pocket knife in his left lower thigh. He knows a few spells, but he only uses it for emergencies.


Warlock's Bow
In exchange for a Frog heart, an Alchemic Biologist gave this to Josh. His bow was enchanted to make it more flexible, durable, lighter, & makes his shots move in a rough straight line. But Josh's accuracy as a Sharpshooter covers this setback, for as a kid, he used to hunt lizards with a little bow & arrow. His arrows are loot that he earned when he killed an archer from an enemy assylum.

III: Appearance

Josh has a cowboy look on his appearance, with a black sleeveless vest, & behind that, a long sleeved black & red checkered polo shirt, dark jeans, cowboy boots, he constantly chews on a toothpick, & he has a face resembling Chris Kyle, his beloved hero. In battle, he wears the same clothes, he say that he won't earn a scratch.

IV: Personality

Josh is a laidback & a realist, he has the ambitions & the attitude of a cowboy & will be as stubborn as a bull. His favorite animal is a horse & he loves to paint landscapes & maybe play video games. Long temper but has a lack of patience, & he is not very talkative when he goes to missions, but he is pretty chatty He is charismatic & friendly to strangers but can be very suspicious. He also loves to crack jokes & some corny puns & he makes a mean salsa.
V: History

Can be seen later in the game.

VI: Others

He cherishes revenge & he never forgets past conflicts.
He also has the power to eat tons of food without getting any fatter.
His experience in video games help him in a mission through sense of vision, alertness, reflexes, & coordination but not as much as Drew.
He knows basic parkour, not as much as Drew knows. Due to lack of excercise.
He regularly polishes his guns everyday.
He loves Cartoons, although he doesen't memorize the songs. He loves those Pop & Mellow Rock such as Cherubs by Josh Woodward.
He has a tape player & a tape which contains all of his favorite songs, & has a black headset.
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I can see two problems with your CS - 1) you need to have a team of two and you've only submitted one char; 2) you have 4 weapons when the maximum we can have at any one time is 3. =(

Would you mind coming up with a partner for Drew and then consider only carrying 3 out of the 4 weapons with you at all times?
Welcome aboard Kiddo, and no there is no problem with Scent manipulation. When I banned atomic manipulation that in essence is power such as changing the properties of your own body to a ungodly extent. Say become nova etc. As well causing nuclear fusions causing devastation etc. Also yea there just so much intricacies in CA that I have been unable to sum it all up ine one post. However in the sign up format under age, 17 was mentioned.

Lime, I believe Ryvvy summed it up. You need to create two characters and you can have up to three weapons. However if you have dual weapons that count as one.

Also Limey nice post however Forbidden Alchemy is a completely different league. Ordinary even extraordinary Asylums do not have the knowledge to perform Forbidden Alchemy, that is the sheer secrecy with which A.M.R.O has guarded it. Taboo alchemy however is common and penalty is death. So the cultists may have been performing taboo alchemy however the knowledge of Forbidden Alchemy is highly unlikely.
Also Limey nice post however Forbidden Alchemy is a completely different league. Ordinary even extraordinary Asylums do not have the knowledge to perform Forbidden Alchemy, that is the sheer secrecy with which A.M.R.O has guarded it. Taboo alchemy however is common and penalty is death. So the cultists may have been performing taboo alchemy however the knowledge of Forbidden Alchemy is highly unlikely.
I knew there was something wrong. Stupid lexical mistake...
Oh yes Kira did I forget to mention? xD Your characters will be a lovely addition to CA, welcome aboard for some havoc. >=D

I shall post soon, a little surprise is about to come ;)
The suspense has been killing me this whole time. Thanks! I'll get to work on a post once I get home.
@MelodiousLime I dont know if you copied and pasted wrongly but John's weapons, personality, appearance and others section is like Drew's. :P Please mark it as work in progress to avoid confusion.

Comments about Weapons:

Also I prefer Scorpion as a weapon or Flies because Scorpion fits in better with the type of battles we have.

I also think that you may want to sub the mamba poison for anti-alchemic poison instead. This makes your weapons geared towards AMRO standard (for dispatching rouges).

Finally, I am sorry but I dont believe a throwing knife is ever as efficient as a sniper's rifle. The distance covered is shorter and the accuracy lower. You could always consider John using guns if you feel a little gimped when it comes to ranged precision. :) Just a small suggestion... I am excited to see what you pull off.

Appearance wise:

8'5" is 2.5 meters tall. Approximately more than 2/3 the height of one storey in a multi-storey building which 3.3 meters. So I can see Shy's point. :P 6'7" is about 2 meters on the dot. Still super tall - think Yao Ming who is 2.19 meters.
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@MelodiousLime How does Josh hide his weapons when needed? Additionally, is there something special in Flies to make the dagger able to travel such a great distance (a mile or more) when thrown? How does Drew locate his target for that dagger? Does he have to be able to see them? Most sniper rifles have scopes so they can be accurate over such distances.

@Vonz Ooh, a surprise! I love surprises. By the way, what effect does anti-alchemy have on non-alchemists? I'd imagine it doesn't have any, correct?
@MelodiousLime Also about Flies, the throwing aspect of it -might- work with years and years of training in throwing that particular dagger, seeing as how it appears to be very unbalanced and of not very aerodynamic construction. Even disregarding the need to sight a target from a mile away, the strength and precision required to hit it at that distance, and the need for the dagger to defy gravity enough to even travel that distance at all, it still takes something moving some miles an hour a while to go a full mile. The target would have to be standing the exact same way he was standing when you threw it by the time it hits him for it to actually hit him, with nothing having gotten in the way in the meantime.

As for josh's sniper rifle, where did he get 30 billion dollars for it? Where did he get the ridiculous amounts of money for any of any of his guns, for that matter? The scope sight goes up to 30 miles, you said? So, literally from about Thousand Oaks to West Covina. If he wants to see that far, he'll likely need to be on a mountain and able to see through buildings and trees. The rifle alone would have to shoot accurately through (or around, a la the movie Wanted) all those obstacles, at a distance that would be 17.15x the current world record for longest sniper shot. At a reasonable distance, that's basically killing a fly with a bazooka. Spaking of flies, much like the dagger, Flies, the target would also have to be standing more or less perfectly still with nothing getting in the way while the bullet is in flight. It would also have a helluva kick that would likely shatter Josh's shoulder, arm, and part of his ribcage, simultaneously rupturing several organs. I also find it hard to believe Josh hasn't been arrested for possessing a beyond-military-grade sniper rifle and the rifle confiscated from him, especially with him walking around, holding it in his hands.

I don't mean to sound mean and I apologize if I do, it's just that those details are ridiculously unrealistic.
@Thomas McTavish Well, we do want to take into account magic/alchemy here. I could understand some sort of homing bullet, but I figure he'd have to sight his target. I missed the bit about how much the guns were worth, I just sorta skimmed after noting that none were hidden. I agree that the knives aren't sensibly shaped, but I figure Rule of Cool is coming into play, because they do look awesome.

@MelodiousLime A scientist at an FBI lab would get in serious trouble for selling a gun that was being designed for FBI use. As for the pistols' ammo, unless you have magic bullets or some serious magic on the gun, it couldn't take ammo of varying calibers. For the Shadow, I'd suggest getting rid of the DNA scanner, as I can't really see a way for it to tie into only him being able to see the laser. Instead, go with some form of alchemy that allows only the person wielding the weapon to see it. Additionally, you should remember that the rest of the world outside AMRO is not any more advanced than our world, so obtaining advanced weapons from anywhere other than AMRO shouldn't be possible.
@shylarah The alchemy would help, yes, but that's just sighting it. The problem is the bullet/knife ever reaching the target, and the precision alchemy is only Josh's. I suppose a chemical bond-loosening alchemy on the bullets that allowed them to travel through objects until they hit their intended target would work. There's still the problem of seeing a target through everything in the way, though. And not getting arrested by local/federal law enforcement for it.
There is slight similarity between Hawk's eyes and Raptor eyes. You have to make the difference a little more obvious so that I may consider it plausible. PM it to me please. Cause zooming is a trait for Raptor eyes as well as seeing through someone's eyes.

For shadowfall the price of 20 million will put it out of reach of Asylums. They don't earn as much and they usually do not outsource their weapons. Fact is technology like that will only be available at A.M.R.O. Seeing as A.M.R.O is a 100 years advance in terms of technology.

I do not have a problem with a scope that has the maximum range of 30 miles but the fact is there is no possible way, without alchemy, that a bullet can travel that distance.

Next you cannot state that acertain sniper rifle is the deadliest of all time. The fact is your characters are Asylums, A.M.R.O has secrets and weapons beyond the comprehension of Asylums. Next point, the 20 million seems far fetch the 30 billion is out of the question.

Next, Anti alchemy does not kill. It is not a poison. This is a liquid that has to go inside the bloodstream of alchemists. Once inside via a bullet, dagger etc this liquid disrupts a person alchemy. To put it simply the rogue will not be able to heal himself, or teleport and his alchemic attacks will be flawed.

Also weapons do not have alchemic properties of their own. You can not have a gun with alchemic alloy or something like that. Yes alchemy can be channeled through a weapon but that destroys the purpose of weapons. Fact is these weapons are an alternative to alchemy which A.M.R.O provides.

I'll get a post up after Ryvvy. =D
How does Josh hide his weapons when needed? Additionally, is there something special in Flies to make the dagger able to travel such a great distance (a mile or more) when thrown? How does Drew locate his target for that dagger? Does he have to be able to see them? Most sniper rifles have scopes so they can be accurate over such distances.

@MelodiousLime Also about Flies, the throwing aspect of it -might- work with years and years of training in throwing that particular dagger, seeing as how it appears to be very unbalanced and of not very aerodynamic construction. Even disregarding the need to sight a target from a mile away, the strength and precision required to hit it at that distance, and the need for the dagger to defy gravity enough to even travel that distance at all, it still takes something moving some miles an hour a while to go a full mile. The target would have to be standing the exact same way he was standing when you threw it by the time it hits him for it to actually hit him, with nothing having gotten in the way in the meantime.

As for josh's sniper rifle, where did he get 30 billion dollars for it? Where did he get the ridiculous amounts of money for any of any of his guns, for that matter? The scope sight goes up to 30 miles, you said? So, literally from about Thousand Oaks to West Covina. If he wants to see that far, he'll likely need to be on a mountain and able to see through buildings and trees. The rifle alone would have to shoot accurately through (or around, a la the movie Wanted) all those obstacles, at a distance that would be 17.15x the current world record for longest sniper shot. At a reasonable distance, that's basically killing a fly with a bazooka. Spaking of flies, much like the dagger, Flies, the target would also have to be standing more or less perfectly still with nothing getting in the way while the bullet is in flight. It would also have a helluva kick that would likely shatter Josh's shoulder, arm, and part of his ribcage, simultaneously rupturing several organs. I also find it hard to believe Josh hasn't been arrested for possessing a beyond-military-grade sniper rifle and the rifle confiscated from him, especially with him walking around, holding it in his hands.

I don't mean to sound mean and I apologize if I do, it's just that those details are ridiculously unrealistic.
There is slight similarity between Hawk's eyes and Raptor eyes. You have to make the difference a little more obvious so that I may consider it plausible. PM it to me please. Cause zooming is a trait for Raptor eyes as well as seeing through someone's eyes.

For shadowfall the price of 20 million will put it out of reach of Asylums. They don't earn as much and they usually do not outsource their weapons. Fact is technology like that will only be available at A.M.R.O. Seeing as A.M.R.O is a 100 years advance in terms of technology.

I do not have a problem with a scope that has the maximum range of 30 miles but the fact is there is no possible way, without alchemy, that a bullet can travel that distance.

Next you cannot state that acertain sniper rifle is the deadliest of all time. The fact is your characters are Asylums, A.M.R.O has secrets and weapons beyond the comprehension of Asylums. Next point, the 20 million seems far fetch the 30 billion is out of the question.

Next, Anti alchemy does not kill. It is not a poison. This is a liquid that has to go inside the bloodstream of alchemists. Once inside via a bullet, dagger etc this liquid disrupts a person alchemy. To put it simply the rogue will not be able to heal himself, or teleport and his alchemic attacks will be flawed.

Also weapons do not have alchemic properties of their own. You can not have a gun with alchemic alloy or something like that. Yes alchemy can be channeled through a weapon but that destroys the purpose of weapons. Fact is these weapons are an alternative to alchemy which A.M.R.O provides.

I'll get a post up after Ryvvy. =D

@Thomas McTavish

The CS Sheet is edited. Thanks for the suggestions & for pointing out the mistakes I made.
To Answer each of you's question, I added a Q & A.

Q - How does the Flies reach its Target even though its structure is not aerodynamic?
A - Drew anticipated this when he forged this weapon. He practiced for 2 decades, including memorizing the distance the dagger will cover if he threw it that way, excercising his arms, mainly the shoulders. Just like the information said, he was a Forger & an Enchanter. He enchanted the Flies to move in a zigzag, such as a Flies' movement. Also, its 4 sharp points make it more accurate because there are many more possiblilites of where it can hit the target. The holes make bullets pass through the dagger. Wether or Wether not it gets hit is a roll of a dice.

Q - How does Drew hides his weapons?
A - It is hidden in various body parts, of which the opponents cannot see. It is more sensible because he has 2 daggers each.

Q - Why does Josh's Guns very Futuristic?
A - I am very sorry, I edited the CS Sheet to make it that Josh only has a Magical Bow & Arrow.

I am very sorry for the mistakes I made. The CS Sheet is edited. Everything is done! I'm gonna P.M Vonz about the Difference of Hawk's Eyes & Raptor's Eyes Now!
Urgh I deleted my post but here is a rundown of my initial:

1) I prefer shadow manip for Drew and wind manip for Josh as they scale better at late game. Plus with shadow manip we can have Drew root targets and all sorts of cool things.

2) Fire can be an alternative for Josh. Because it can help generate shadows by producing light. Fire or wind with arrows are nice combos.

3) Please make sure your weapons are concealable. E.g. Bow disguised as an umbrella and knives hidden in leg holsters. State this explicitly in your CS. Your weapon design and how you conceal it is in fact how we weigh your CS. Almost as crucial as your choice of Alch Specs and personality.

Drew's weapons:

4) I prefer if he dual wields hound or a pair of katanas and have a standard poison laced dagger on his person - think Rengar from League of Legends or think of how they fight in Attack on Titans. The dagger is good for sneaky assassinations (so he's our group ninja)

5) If you want to make a splash why not have him wield a chainsaw a la Grell Sutcliffe from Kuroshitjitsu. His other weapon can be a pair of retractable claws as a last resort kind of weapon. This makes it nice and messy.

5b) However if you dont mind gimped range.... have you seen Flame of Recca before? You can refer to Fuko. She has something that is like a wind claw. Modifying that idea, Drew can be the wind manipulator. His claws can shoot out bladed projectiles which can be recalled using sophisticated application of magnetism or sth. These claws also double up as actual claws a la Wolverine from X-Men. This gives you 2 slots for weapons in the future.

8D Archer with shadow manipulation can be cool. You root them then shoot them. High Noon style.

Josh's weapons:

6) You dont have to create a story about an Alchemic Biologist. Coz what I see is that you can request weapon modifications. So yeah... keep it simple. Remember all initial weapons should be upgradeable. :)

7) Josh definitely needs a backup weapon. You cant have that many arrows inside one quiver. So you follow the range theme with twin pistols or if you like the wildwest theme how about tomahawks. Those can be dual wield.

Personality and Specialization:

8) I think Drew might be better off as someone excitable rather than laid back. This would suit his violent undercurrent. Then be can become a true Silencer.

9) I think a Hunter/Tracker maybe a better thing for Josh. Because that would compliment his laid-back and stubborn personality more.

Thanks Mel for being so willing to edit your CS. These are my main concerns at the moment.
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