Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness (OOC/Sign up)

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Sheet changed! Thank you for all your help, @Ryver Rhine.

Vonz said:
Everyone post their Chrono Asylums character sheets (with the right code) in the characters section which is left to Blogs.

I...what? O.o
No worries, @shylarah. The discussion helped me too. I am still figuring out a lot of stuff myself.

------------- More Announcements --------------​

To clear up the confusion regarding how specializations are selected and why I referred to your personality when I vetted your CS-es this morning, I'll provide a short description I've had in my head for awhile. Please let me know what you think, especially you, @Vonz. =)


These are determined by how your char prefers to operate (i.e. think and behave). Most of the time this can be inferred based on your personality and cognitive ability. Below is a description of some common traits found in Asylums in each group – the traits are divided into positive and negative personality traits and characteristics.

----------- Break Down by Specialization -----------


They are the killers of the team. Trained to be efficient, they will get the job down without blinking an eye. [Basically, they have a strong volition to kill and won't hesitate.]

Common Traits (Silencers)

Negative: blood thirsty, ruthless, sadistic, competitive

Positive: protective (family, siblings, partners, comrades, etc.), focused, decisive


They are the trackers of the team. They can follow in hot pursuit, lay traps or corner their enemies by using the environment to their advantage – what they do is a matter of preference but they are trained to do all three. [Basically, they are the ones you turn to when you need to locate someone.]

Common Traits (Hunter)

Negative: restless, stubborn, lacking in foresight (good short term planning but potentially bad long term planning)

Positive: patient, persistent, resourceful – able to make use of whatever is present e.g. the lay of the land or the materials scattered around


They are the Sherlock Holmes of the group. They are great at finding patterns, planning ahead and cracking codes. [Basically, they are the ones who solve and strategize]

Common Traits (Sniffers)

Negative: arrogant, domineering, overly competitive, morally ambivalent

Positive: highly intelligent, strategic, analytical, observant


They are the generalist of the group. They have above average abilities in all three areas, hence they are unpredictable. However, being a master of none, means that no matter how good they are they are never as efficient as a Silencer, cunning as a Hunter nor strategic as a Sniffer. [Basically, they do everything but never really excelling at one skill; they are the generalists]

Common Traits (Hybrids)

Usually a good mix of traits from all three specializations in additional to being highly adaptable. They are the type to do anything to accomplish the objects whether it is strategizing, killing or trapping. While not really necessary, it helps if they are diplomatic by nature, because that means they can work with anyone.​

----------------- Extra Notes -----------------​

Note: Your char doesnt have to have every single trait in the groups. But this will give you a general idea what we are looking for in each specialization.

Disclaimer: Neither Xodus and I have a PhD in psychology so we are running on the assumption that personality does influence you to act in a certain way.
@shylarah and @Thomas McTavish I have read through your CS-es. Thanks for taking the suggestions and adapting it as your own. Also thanks, Thomas, for explaining what a Contender is. Hahaha I am no firearms expert to be frank coming from a country where guns are banned. ;A;

@Limeypanda @Kiddo I eagerly await to discuss the changes with you. =P Let me know if you have any questions/protests/etc.

@MelodiousLime Please refer to here and here for comments about your CS.

@all: Please bear with me as I triple post. Last post will be all the information done in an FAQ format (I hope).

--------------- Summary of the Asylum Codes ---------------​

1-12: VI (6)
13-20: XIII (13), XIX (19)
21-30: XXVIII (28), XXIX (29) ---> reserved for Mel
31-40: XXXVIII (38), XL (40)
41-50: XLV (45)
51-60: LIV (54), LIX (59)
61-70: LXVI (66)
71-80: LXXII (72)
91-100: XCI (91)

110 - 999: CX (110), CXXIII (123), CXXII (212)

Good site to convert your desired number to the correct numeral -

@Vonz : Is Reri no. 6 or no. 4? I'm confused coz last time she was VI which is 6 and when I checked her sheet she is now IV which is 4. =(

Also, Kirra, I've reserved your numbers for you as well. CX (110) and LX (40)!

--------------- Summary of Taken Specs ---------------​

Gravity Manipulation
Barrier Manipulation
Power Absorption
Electricity Control
Water Control
Acceleration Manipulation
Poison Generation
Silence Manipulation (a subset of sound manipulation)
Vision Control (blinding ability)
Sleep Control
Scent Manipulation

To be confirm Alch-Specs:
Kirra, MelodiousLime

Total Team Count (including Mel and Kirra): 8
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Information for the CS

Basic Information (Name, Age, etc) Section
Asylum Code Questions

Where can the Asylum Code be found?

The code can be anywhere (except under your skin or some cliché like in your eye) you wish. For Reri it is to the left side of her neck. It has to be "engraved in their skin".

How can I figure out what is the roman numerals that matches the number I want for my Asylum Code?

You can refer to this site for more details.

What numbers can I take for my Asylum Code?

Any number above 0-12 which isn't already taken or reserved. 1-12 is reserved for the Chronos whom only Xodus can control. <.< Yes, Ryv wants want too, so yeah. Boo!

Extra Info: Partners seldom have codes that are consecutive numbers, e.g. 19 and 20, because the numbers are always assigned at random. Kinda like a lottery. You can only pick a number that was used by another Asylum if they have been terminated. Thanks!
Age Related Questions

How old can my Asylums be?

They can be aged 18 to 45. 18 is the minimum age for them to become an Asylum and 45 is the age of retirement. However, they must not be more than 5 years apart. This AMRO regulation. Reri and Angel are a special case that will be explained later in the RP.

How do I know if my alch-specs is good enough?

Generally, you'd want a flexible power that can scale from the basic level 3 cast all the way to the omg god mode level 1 cast. It isn't always easy. Trust us, we know! Again don't be afraid to throw up your ideas in OOC and seek help from everyone. Just make sure you read through the banned and reserved list and check out which alch-specs are already taken before you start asking. One last thing – if your alch-specs sounds too similar to someone else's you will have to describe the mechanism of your ability to us, so we can suggest modifications you can make to make sure the powers remain unique.

Why is teleportation not an alch-specs?

There are things known as common Alchemy aka abilities everyone can use, e.g. teleportation or slight regeneration, the exact list can be expanded on as we go on. Why? Well everyone starts off learning the basics when they join AMRO. This means that later on when you are found to be exceptionally good at something, that ability is given as your alch-specs. Now you know the reasons behind us insisting you pick something a little more unique. You can refer to the alch-specs everyone else has chosen to get an idea what we are looking for.

Weapons Section

Why must weapons be concealed?

You are working as a militant unit for a secret organization. So yeah, carrying a weapon around is stupid, because normal people will freak out. Hence you need to describe how you conceal your weapons. If you don't, you will be asked to edit your CS.

What sort of weapons are allowed?

Anything military grade or slightly more advanced, but within stipulated limits, of course. Most of the members here are happy to give you feedback and ideas, so don't be shy to ask for advice. Remember to think how your weapon ties in with your character's fighting style. You may also want to start with more basic weapons which can be upgraded later.

Are there any special bonuses that we can use to make our weapons stronger?

Yes, anti-alchemic poison. This is a substance that will disrupt an Alchemist's ability to use Alchemy once it is introduced into the blood stream. Despite the name poison, it doesn't actually kill. It is the preferred thing you coat your bullets, blades, etc. with. Try to avoid using your own special poison unless it has been approved. The only exception to this rule would be Casca because her alch-specs is poison generation.

History Section

Must I write a coherent character history now?

No. But you must be prepared to create one for your own personal arc later. Also, unless you have already set everything in black and white via PM or Skype with Xodus and me, everything you said that contradicts the rules of this world will be subject to modification. =) We'd appreciate if you can cooperate with us. <3

Information about the World


A.M.R.O is very secretive, its existence is known by a hand few of Government officials and by rogues alchemists and the world's elite who do not fall under A.M.R.O. The only thing stopping these people from revealing A.M.R.O. existence is the threat of A.M.R.O.'s immense power.

A.M.R.O manages and restricts information dissemination about alchemy. As with every new case, they will investigate when they realize someone knows about alchemy in case there is an information leak somewhere. This can also lead to the discovery of new talent and recruitment. However, if the person poses a threat in what so any way, he/she will be silenced. Similarly not all rogues are marked for death, as long as compliance is met, A.M.R.O. will maintain a docile attitude. For normal humans, alchemy is a mere myth, thanks to A.M.R.O efforts of control over the centuries.
Power Structure and Recruitment

A.M.R.O is controlled by 12 Chronos and they fall under the director. In essence these 12 are independent and the world falls under 12 territories which the Chronos protect. Due to this there are often conflicts between territories and even inside A.M.R.O. Due to this A.M.R.O. does not care if an Asylum kills an Asylum. Digits can be replaced. However if taboo or forbidden means are used then death is on the spot.
Killing Innocents (aka non alchemists) Before Recruitment

If a child uses alchemy and accidentally or otherwise kills an innocent bystander, A.M.R.O. will probe the child's mind to understand his/her intentions. And if deemed a prospect they will incorporate the child within A.M.R.O. To knowingly kill an innocent with alchemy puts you on the chopping block.
Recruitment of Children

A.M.R.O has a secret base where Alchemists are taught to be Asylums. It is a place known as Innocence. Usually children from a very young age are brought in and trained. Most will graduate and become full-fledged Asylums at the age of 18. No younger.

A.M.R.O is a world power hidden in the shadows. If a prospect is found A.M.R.O will pursue regardless. If the parents are unaware of alchemy, the child will be kidnapped by A.M.R.O. However this is assuming the child hasn't been kicked out, out of fear. Most non-Alchemists often grow to fear their child's ability the way Muggle parents fear their children's magical abilities in Harry Potter.

However, if the parents are alchemists, they will be killed if they resist. The child or prospect has no will or choice. The child who has the potential to become an Alchemist is a danger to himself and society at large unless properly trained. As you may expect, these children have an above average affinity with Alchemy. Hence A.M.R.O has the right to take these children into their custody and weaponizes them.

Once a child is in A.M.R.O, contact with outside world is limited. His or her only purpose is to act as a cover so society perceives you as normal. Contact with parents is usually only allowed in the case if the parent works for A.M.R.O.
Recruitment of Adults

If an older candidate comes (say about 25) and has the potential to be an Alchemist – rouge or non-rogue, they will also take him to the academy and give him a crash course over 2 years. The time needed to complete the course depends on the person capacity to understand alchemy. [Note: A rouge is always given a choice. Those who land up becoming Alchemists chose to do so voluntarily. If they had resisted, they would have been killed.]
Alchemy as a Family Trait

Alchemy can be inherited, but it can also appear out of the blue. No one knows why, as the A.M.R.O scientists have yet to identify a gene responsible for an Asylum's alchemic abilities. Alchemy carried through the blood line is usually potent depending. The more ancient your family, the more potent your abilities. Any alchemic family going beyond 400 years are referred to as old bloods. However most to all were wiped by the A.M.R.O. Now most Alchemic families reach 200 years. However, alchemic talent is not solely determined based on your family background. You can also find talented individuals outside of the Alchemic families.
How an Asylum Team Works

The formation of a team is formed on the graduation day. While no one knows the exact criterion used to determine their compatibility, most partners often come to realize that their partners were definitely not chosen at random, even though it is widely claimed that they were only matched together to link their sanity. Thus not everyone gets link with their siblings. This only happens if they share the right 'mental chemistry'.

[tl;dr: You do not choose your partner. They are assigned to you. And if your team mate is killed, you will start to go insane as the link between their sanity is severed. In this case termination is the only option.]

The Academy (Location: Classified)

Learning Alchemy at the Academy (Innocence)
Each student is taught various types of Alchemy and the one they are most proficient in is given to them as their alch-specs, which means that everyone starts off with potential to use Alchemy and not the ability to use a particular kind of Alchemy (think Harry Potter learning different types of spells, but being exceptionally good at the Patronus charm and the Protego charm). Students are encouraged to learn as much as they can so they can excel. After all each candidate is supposed to be above average to begin with.

Being Assigned Your Specialization (Hunter, Sniffer, Silencer, etc.)
As you study those in authority will decide what you are suited for and start training you in that area of expertise (it's almost like how you select modules based on your major).
Others Facts

Those who enter the Academy at a young age would know their Alch-Specs and specialization by the age of 10. Teens and younger adults learn faster than children, so discerning their Alch-Specs and specialization won't take that long.

Those who fail to meet the cut will be terminated. Call it AMRO's way to motivate you to study. =P
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@Ryver Rhine I always intended Bryn to be very tall, although 6'5 is arguably a bit much. I will scale down to 6'2

Vonz and I had a little debate about Casca while I was making her, and the decission was that she best fits sniffer because, while she certainly has Silencer-like qualities, she has no Hunter-like qualities. Personality wise, she is similar to Angel, another Sniffer.
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I'm well on my way with my character sheet creation. Hopefully, I can show you all Cadmus and Rio today =3
Since it seems that everyone here is quite helpful, I would like to inquire something myself. How is the mental link between a team created? Can it come into existence naturally or is there a need for outer interference?
@Headphones =) Heyyy I am very happy you want to join us. You can refer to the FAQ I just updated (post above Limeypanda's). Basically the link is formed on graduation day. You are paired with a person who is most compatible with you. How this is determined is unknown. However, most partners find that they compliment each other very well.

@Limeypanda I tried reaching you on Skype, but you seem a bit busy. Do you mind explaining why you chose Hunter in the end, when you specifically pointed out that Casca has 0 Hunter qualities??? To me that makes absolutely no sense. I mean at least if she has some traits deep down which isn't apparent like in Angel's case, then that would have been a different story altogether. @_@ Just my thought at least.... OTL sorry. Other than that, thanks for modifying Bryn's height. =P Your edited version makes sense now. LOL...


I did a tally up of the specializations so far...

I didn't include Seira, Kirra's chars or Mel's chars yet. So yeah, here's the breakdown of the stats.

Silencers (5) - Reri, Sammantha Quinn, Bryn, James and Charlie
Sniffer (3) - Angel, Casca and Christine
Hunter (2) - John and Francis
Hybrid (1) - Cameron

I will probably rethink Seira's personality then see what I can come up with. Hmmm more edits in the morning. I'm going to bed first. Night <3
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Addressing the question regarding the link. This is perhaps A.M.R.O's greatest invention, with that said it is definitely of an artificial design. While in the Academy, upon graduation a pair is formed and they are linked. This link serves to bond the sanity of the two Asylums. The purpose is so that the effects of insannadiction are halted. The creation of a link is done via a ceremony, the exact knowledge of how it is done is classified. Every Asylum within A.M.R.O excluding the Chronos and Lost Numbers are linked.

The Code is a collective synapses of all these Links, only Chrono Asylums (to a minimal degree) and the directors have access to the code. Via the code any Asylum can be located, the details can be extracted and if need be an Asylum can be severed from the Code. The reason why the Chronos can tap into the code is because unlike Asylums, Chronos are connected directly to it and not with a partner. The code exists on a different plane of understanding, hence invasion, corruption is impossible. And it goes without saying Asylums are barred from it.
@Vonz Chronos aren't linked to their partners? So...who are the partners of Chronos linked to? They have to have someone. Additionally, what did you mean by

Vonz said:
Everyone post their Chrono Asylums character sheets (with the right code) in the characters section which is left to Blogs.

because I'm really not understanding what you want here.
There is a reason why partners of Chrono Asylums are called Lost Numbers. It is because they don't share a link and they are not connected to the code. The fact is no one can be linked to a Chrono, the sheer stress would destroy that person. It is because of this reason most Lost Numbers don't live long.

Also by that I meant that everyone post their character sheets to the characters section in this forum, it would make things a little more organized. However that is not needed. I will simply copy the permalinks and put it at the front page for viewing. xD

Also my post is up, though this was just a filler. xP The real deal will start with my next post and we will move to the next phase of this game ;) Right now I suggest the teams familiarize themselves with others.
I updated my CSes with ammo counts and hiding places for their weapons. I switched Malord to Sniffer; he was Hunter because he's more about doggedly wearing someone down (through sleep manipulation), but I suppose he doesn't really fit any of the three specific hunter types.
@Vonz Oh, is that what Lost Numbers are? You never really covered that so far as I saw. Adn they don't last as long because they don't have a link to maintain their sanity? You know, if AMRO is willing to have the Lost Numbers not linked, why not everyone? Alternatively, why not have the partners of Chronos link to other partners of Chronos? Seems a little more reasonable. Why can't a Chrono be linked to another Chrono, though? I suppose it'd make sense if AMRO didn't want to lose two Chronos every time one went crazy, I guess.

What just happened with the Ante Mortem and Fatebound post? I thought time manipulation was a banned power. If time isn't a banned power, then you need to specify who is frozen and who is not -- are all the Asylums able to move about, or just your team? Does it change depending on the circumstances? Also, how did you get rid of the body my team left, and did they see you do it? Could they dispose of a body in a similar fashion? My thought was that making it look like a mugging that went violent was sufficient cover, but if policy is to obliterate the body, then I need to know for the future.

Additionally, are Asylums that make a spectacle of themselves really killed by AMRO? I'd think there'd be some consequence or discipline, but not death.
Yeah, that last IC post confused the hell out of me, too. What exactly happened?
This is my garbled understand of it with loads of clarification and discussion with Shy and Vonz

- Angel and Reri were in the casino gambling
- Rin woke up (other half of Reri) and made Angel leave
- A rogue attacked them in the streets but Angel caught the knife in time
- Sparks gave chase as another team approaches

Limey's Post Onwards
- More rogues appear and Casca apprehended one for questioning while telling Bryn to protect Angel and Reri
- Bryn (still figuring this bit out) kills the guy with a dice
- As the body fell, Angel made it seem like time froze - I'm guessing telepathy coz I don't think Vonz will shoot himself in the foot
- He made a deal with Bryn that he will cover things up in-exchange for something later - the handshake bit
- They acknowledged Taipan and Falcon before vanishing after clearly indicating there will be more teams around

=P yeah... what did you get when you read it, Thomas?
And nobody has told me how teleportation works yet. Especially if it's a form of alchemy, I'd think either there'd be a range limit, set destinations in different parts of the world, or a combination of both. I'd think that, additionally, they'd not be able to teleport to places they've not seen before or don't have a premade landing point. Telepathy can be explained by that link thing that Vonz mentioned, getting rid of range restrictions on it.

If Angel hypnotized people or messed with their mind, time wouldn't have frozen outside a certain range. What would that range be? And did it include my characters?
Time for some explanations >=D Yes my last post was basically supposed to confuse. :p

Also no Angel did not stop time but it's perception. A state of trance if you will. This only included the humans who were present at the Casino who witnessed the havoc and not the Asylums.

I have purposely not explained some stuff as well I will build the story of the Lost Numbers etc.

If everyone is unlinked, A.M.R.O will have no control over the Asylums. I explained the code is A.M.R.O's deadliest weapon.

Also a chrono has unimaginable alchemic talent. They cannot be linked with other chrons, balance will never be achieved and if by accident a chrono were to go insane can you imagine the devastation. It would be apocalyptic. A chrono can not go insane, A.M.R.O and the world can't afford that.

Lost Numbers aren't linked because they are some what of the black ops of A.M.R.O, they operate beyond the law And have various tasks, specifically assassination of their own kind.

Angel only got rid of the body present within the casino and wiped the minds of the people there to make everything return to normal. A body can be rid of various means, disintegration is the easiest or biodegrade the body at an accelerate rate.

A.M.R.O is exceptionally strict when it comes to keeping a down low. If a scene is created, consequences will follow. Your teams usefulness is evaluated and then the decision is made death or pass. Usually it's death, but that is if alchemy is observed by normal people. If a dead body is found with no supernatural wounds or stuff, that is a pass.

There are various forms of teleportation via alchemy. Doing it via deconstruction and reconstruction, passing through rifts (shadows, light) it's basically up to your imagination and well uour specialisation can influence it too. And yes the distance covered via teleportation is limited, a mile or two usually.

Though much of the abilities do not need explanation. Alchemy is not a science it is supernatural. You sacrifice your sanity and with it bring forth change which affects external or internal factors. The only thing is you cannot create something out of nothing.
Thank you very much for the information, everyone. I only have the histories to write down and I'll be done. However, before I do that, Vonz, did you get my P.M.?
@Vonz I understand that it's magic, but even magic obeys its own rules. I like to get a feel for what those rules are, so I can better utilize the magic.

When it comes to the Chronos, I thought alchemy eventually makes everyone go crazy. Is this not true for them? Also, if it's based upon alchemical talent, what happens if there are currently 12 Chronos, but someone with that level of talent is discovered? Since having them linked to a partner would be a problem, are they killed?

Oh, and where do your characters end up? By my team? Which one, or is it both of them?
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Aside from possessing greater Alchemic talent, Chronos also posses an abundance of control over their sanity. To put it simply they are able to bear the strain. Also as I mentioned Chronos are connected to the code, in essence they are linked with the synapse directly, the synapse is made by the collective links of all Asylums. As such a Chrono does not need to worry about going insane.

Whenever a potential Chrono candidate is discovered he or she is taken to innocence for evaluation and training. Then when an existing Chrono retires or dies, the new Chrono takes on the mantle. The Chrono candidate may also become a Lost Number to gain practical knowledge.

My characters are rather far, they are up to their own business. As I said this post of mine was more of a filler, in my next post they will reappear and show what they were up to.

Also Headphones, yes I did. I will reply to you as soon as I get off work.
@Vonz Did they show up even briefly where my characters were? I thought they disintegrated the body of the attacker Sparks killed. Secondly, it's really odd that Chronos are so far above everyone else, and don't have the usual drawbacks. Usually there's a sliding scale of some sort. I can understand if the link with the code keeps them sane, but then that leaves the Forgotten Numbers without a check on their sanity, since they aren't linked to anything at all. Also, I'd think that AMRO'd want to have more than just 24 high-power people on the field total. Has there ever been a crisis where more were needed?