Children of the Night

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Maybe it was her eyes. Maybe it was her hair, her body, her attitude that seemingly turned to caring in the snap of his fingers. He didn't know why he liked this girl so much. Perhaps it was the fact that she wasn't a vamp, so she would hate the blood just as much as he did. He didn't know. He didn't know.....

"I would say my place but it's only the first date." he grinned jokingly "Just meet me at the bottom of the tallest building in exactly one hour, I want to show you something." he stared into her solid blue eyes mesmerized by her existence.
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Vance smiled at her as she gave him the first pick of the victims. "Hmm, I want the guy to the left. He looks like he'll try and put up a fight." He said as he started walking towards the group. "Hello there" he said as he fully extended his fangs.

"Nice costume, now piss off" said the male that Vance was targeting. "Costume, right." Said Vance before he made his eyes turn purple. He felt a smile creep across his face as he prepared to eat. He put a hand on the guy's shoulder and the guy instantly turned to push Vance. Vance countered the push and picked the guy up by his throat with one hand. "You should know that I don't play well with others" said Vance before slamming his victim down on his back, then sinking his fangs deep into his neck.
"You like playing with your food a bit. Duh." she said telepathically. She looked at the other two and grinned. "Hi. Nice to meet you." she said as she leaned closer and bit them. She drank quickly and ran to grab the third one. "So whose is.this? Mine or yours?" she asked Vance, her eyes.glowing.
Vance could see the panic in the third one's eyes. Her face full of terror as she had just watched her friends be killed by vampires. He could hear her heartbeat echoing in his ears. He grabbed her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. His eyes started to glow a deep purple as he erased the girl's memory. She dropped unconscious once he was done and he leaned her against the wall of a building. "Let's go" he said as he began walking
She pouted. "No fun." she muttered under her breath. She followed Vance out to the street.
He was staring into her eyes and she couldn't seem to pull away. When she finally broke the spell and turned her head she was red in the face. Turning back to him she smirked "maybe in your dreams sweetie" she have him a wink "sure tallest building in an hour" giving him a saucy wave and an "until then" she morphed into a tabby cat and hopped onto the side walk and took a stroll. She really needed to get home. Maybe she'd even have time to patch up this bruises and stuff. That'd be better than meeting Sebastian as is. Her tail swished in the cool breeze and her eyes glowed yellow as she made her way back down the streets
Sebastian watched her walk away. He then used his super human speed to rush back to his apartment. He walked in to his sister feeding on some shirtless, muscular boy.

"Can't you be a little less messier?" he said irritably. She flicked him off and kept eating. He went back to his room, opened his drawers to where his neatly folded clothes lay and pulled out a pair of all black dress pants, a colllared white botton down, and a pair of all black Vans. He got into the shower and let the water run through his hair and body, washing the blood off of his hands, litterally. He wanted Evangeline. He wanted her bad. Not to feed off of, to hold, to kiss, to stare into those Ocean- like blue eyes and never have to look away. She was the very definition of flawless. No vampire could ever match up to her beauty. He was scared. His brother was coming back from "vacation" in a few days. Everyone would suffer. But Sebastian was stronger now. He planned to kill him. He would kill him. Sebastian stepped out of the shower and dried himself with the towel, got dressed, shaped up the stubble around his face, combed his hair, put on his watch, brushed his teeth and fangs and walked out of his house. He headed to the nearest flower shop, picked the lock, took a bouqet of white roses and left a benjamin on the counter, paying way more than the cost, and walked out. He headed for the building, taking his time and feeling his feet vibrate with each step.
Scarlet just followed him wherever he goes. She was quite while walking. "What are you thinking?" she asked telepathically.
Vance waited for her to catch up while hearing her speak in his mind. "Nothing, just not hungry anymore."
"Still upset by Seb?" she asked tentatively. She caught up to him and grabbed his hands. She smiled at him. "Let's swing by my favorite coffee shop." she told him still in telepathy.
"No, though that guy pisses me off." He turned to Scarlet and gave a small smile in return. "Lead the way, I'll follow. Though, how do you plan on getting inside? it's bound to be locked this late at night."
"why are you so pissed at him anyway?" she said as she lead him to her favorite coffee shop. "It's not locked. It's open 24-hours, you know." she said rolling her eyes at him. "Want some? My treat." she grinned at him as she went to the counter and ordered.
"It's a long history, we just have bad blood amongst our families. He, his brother, and I have always had a silent rivalry." He said plainly ready to change the subject as soon as possible. He followed her to the coffee shop. "I'm fine, still good from the feeding." He said then wrapped his arms around her waist as she waited for her order
"It's funny really. You're pissed with him while I do with his older brother." she smiled and decided to drop the topic for now. "Nah. I'll order you one. You have to try my favorite coffee." she said as they wait in line and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned on to him and gave him a peck on the lips.
Evangeline climbed up her family's tree and hopped across the distance and landed gracefully on her brothers window. Back when she had first begun dating Charlie her powers were a mess, she could barley morph into the correct animal let alone fight, but Charlie was different. He always knew what he was doing. He taught Evangeline almost everything about shape shifting. She meowed and pawed at her older brothers window until he noticed her and opened the window allowing her to jump in. "Where have you been?" He asked as she morphed back to her human form. "Out, why?" She said as she walked to her room. "Mom and dad were worried again" he stated as he followed her to her room across the hall. "Oh yeah? Why were shape shifters." Her whole family was graced with the gift of animal shape shifting, both her parents, her older brother, her and of course he two littler brothers. She began rubbing the blood off her neck and arms. "what the hell happened to you?" He asked her as he grabbed some cream to rub on her cuts. "I ran into an old friend" she said wincing as he rubbed the cream in. "Charlie?" She nodded. "Oh I see.." She touched up her make up and hair quickly before changing into jeans and a new shirt. "You look cute, headed out again?" Her brother asked as he sat at her vanity. "Uh huh I'm meeting a boy" she smirked. "Another boy? Whore" he joked "Hey I'm still a virgin! I just like playing around, plus, this ones supernatural" she said excitedly "what?!" Her brother turned to her and narrowed his eyes "what kind.." "A vampire I tried to kill him earlier, actually I saw a lot of supernatural creatures out tonight." He got up and walked to her "I'm going with you, I don't trust them.." She waved him off. "I'm 17 Dexter I'll be fine, I'm graceful, sexy, and dangerous" she winked. "If I'm not home by 2 get worried okay? Leave the window open" she said and turned back to her cat form jumping out and running to the building.
Charlie remembered where she stayed. How could he forget. He remembered sneaking into her window many times. He remembered playing with her and teaching her how to use her abilities in her yard. He remembered how they used to cuddle and kiss every time they saw each other. Going back there ruined his mood. Brought back memories. The good and the bad. Their first fight, their first fight, his first violent encounter with her brother. He kept his distance when he saw her return and then leave with in the same minute. He followed her as a hawk. He stayed many feet above her. He knew she could smell him out from a mile away. He was already taking a risk with following her, but he heard something about some other boy when she was talking to her brother. He needed to figure out who that was. He still loved her. And after seeing her again, he wanted her back...badly. If there's another guy in the picture he needed to find out who he was, and if he had to he would fight for her. Hate is something he no longer had towards Evangeline. He loved her again. Fully. He would do anything for her to feel the same way toward him again.
Raura noticed that she was right the shape-shifter went after the girl. For to her it was obviously that he still loved her. She notice that the only person still in the alley was Nick, the werewolf boy. She began to go back into the shadows and let the darkness take out of the alley. 'I better head home. It's been a strange night. I'm luck none of them seemed to want any trouble. I wonder if I'll bump into any of them while heading back to my place?' She shrugged and continued to walk to her apartment.
Charlie was right, she could smell him. Her tiny black and white paws carried her across the sidewalk while a hawk circled her. She stopped suddenly, sat, and looked up at the hawk. Her yellow eyes seemed to glow in the darkness that surrounded her. She was surprised he had followed her, did he want to kill her the badly? She licked her paw as she remembered their first fight, it was over a girl Charlie had been talking to earlier that day. She was overly jealous and she admired that.. To herself, but she was flirting with him and he didn't stop it. Evangeline had been so mad they yelled at each other before she pushed him out of her window. He had morphed and then disappeared but they had made up quickly after that. Her brother was very protective Over her, his animal instincts were just as strong, and one time he and Charlie had gotten into a fight. It wasn't pretty. She didn't want that to happen tonight. Evangeline started back to walking and soon she was under the tallest building in New Orleans. Morphing back to her human form and leaning against it she watched the hawk closely. "Keep your distance Charlie.." She prayed to herself
Vance made a mental note to ask about her and Sebastian's brother but decided it could wait; he didn't want to spoil this time he got to spend with her. He smiled as he felt her lean against his chest and give him a quick kiss. He let go of her as their order was brought to the front counter. "What exactly did you get anyway?" He was never really a coffee person be it never hurt to try something new
"I ordered a mocha frappe with whipped cream. It's nothing fancy." she said grinning at him. She shoved one to his hand and she sipped hers. "C'mon. Try it. It's good." she coaxed him.
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