Children of Royal Blood IC

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"Geez, thanks to mom I've already missed the first half of school." Jason Yamato, heir to the fire kingdom, sighed as he scratched the back of his head while walking down the side walk. Turning to glance and wave at the car that dropped him off as it drove off. "But it was worth it, I got to meet some of our citizens." The young man then smiled while throwing his school bag over his shoulder. Noticing it was probably lunchtime, he checked his watch for a moment before walking over to a tree and sat down. "I don't think they'll find if I take a little longer." Pulling out a sandwich, he held it with his right hand and took a bite. While his left hand exploded in an even mixture of black and crimson flames that danced around his arm and hand.

"Even to me it's coloration is unnerving." He chuckled softly, swallowing his mouthful.
Jaklyn turned and saw the others sitting in the cafeteria and looked at them all. She saw Charlie talkign to another girl and didnt want to interrupt at all and she also say a new girl she hasnt talked to and Maxwell. She decided to go and sit by herself at a table and begin to hum quietly. After a minute she got bored of that and sprawled her arms out on the table before makign a flame form in each of ther hands. She clapped them together and created a larger flame that she began to have dance in her hand. Its flickering began to pick up as it went from red and through the spectrum as the heat increased to a white. The heat poured off from the flame to the area around her. She blinked twice before flicking her wrist and making it blink rapidly. She turned her hand and made the fire float up in to air. She relaxed back as it hovered infront of her as she guided it around with her hand. She realized a spot was being melted into the table below her and slowly made the fire change color as the temperature decreased.
Avani sat down as well, surprised but thankful for Charlie's assistance. "Thank you, Charlie, though it does seem wrong that a member of royalty should wait on a servant. You are royalty of the water kingdom, are you not? I believe I heard something along those lines at some point. In any case, I am Avani, servant of Prince Raythar of the Earth Kingdom. I hope we all continue to retain peace among us." She felt compelled to stand up and curtsy again, but she had a feeling that would be going too far. Instead, she temporarily ignored her soup for the sake of the conversation and brought her hand forth for a handshake.
Charlotte smiled and giggled softly. "Oh royalty is only a status. It's all small in the scheme of life." She said as she shook her hand. "Besides if I'm not a nice person ow would I ever rule my people with kindness? It's a pleasure to meet you Avani. I do hope our respective kingdoms will remain at peace, in fact I can promise I will keep peace between our kingdoms if I have any say." She said with a confident smile and nod of her head. "So, do you have any hobbies Avani? I'd love to get to know you better." She saw Jackie out of the corner of her eye and saw her all alone. 'I should talk to her next.' She thought.
Admittedly, as nice as Charlie was, Avani was starting to feel uncomfortable with the conversation. "I...don't particularly have any hobbies. My time is spent serving my kingdom, so while my masters are kind enough to offer me free time, I usually work further. Well, some may not consider holding conversation with the prince to be work, but it is as important of a duty as any of the others. That doesn't mean I dislike talking with the prince, of course; he is a delightful young man, entirely befitting of the throne. His father and siblings are undoubtedly proud to know him."

Avani couldn't help thinking, Oh, why am I saying all of this? Surely she must think I'm really overdoing my praise. She had to change the subject quickly, or there was no hope for her. "Erm, and you, Charlie? Do you happen to have hobbies?"
Rose had finally found a bottle of water, and had spent the last half hour trying to find Miss Yamato. She had gone back to the training fields to find tat no one was there, she then went to Jaklyn's dorm, and upon finding it empty she spent a solid fifteen minutes meandering the hallways before realizing she should probably check the lunch room. She huffed as she burst through the doors. Everybody out of the goddamn way, she's got a pocket full of pills, a skirt full of scurry, and a chest full of pain. Oh jeez. Air, she needed air, like, right now. She stood in the doorway, panting for a good minute before scanning the cafeteria for Jaklyn. As soon as she spotted the princess she made her way over, rubbing her chest as she tried to soothe the burning. It was no wonder Rose was so tiny, with how much time she spent running around, trying to find Jaklyn.
"Miss Yamato," she breathed, sitting across from the princess and setting the pills on the table before opening the water bottle in her hand, "How is your shoulder?"
Charlotte giggled awkwardly. "You're much like Jared described you as. It' nice to see that you are so loyal to your prince. It's quite charming" She said as the girl rambled on awkwardly. "Well.. I like sword fighting, riding horses, drawing, reading. Mostly those things. I also like swimming and walking in nature. I'm a rather boring princess myself." She said with a small chuckle. "Are you planning on attending the banquet later tonight?" She asked, trying her best to make small talk work.
Vince plopped down next to Logan and looped an arm around his shoulder. His dark hair was dripping with water since he had just taken a shower and he had left his leather jacket up in his dorm. Now he was wearing a soft maroon tank top that excellently displayed his biceps, which happened to be slung around Logan's shoulder.
"Miss me?" he grinned, "I don't have to ask Lin since she's so obviously madly in love with me and misses me every waking moment I am not by her side." Leaning against Logan, he lifted a hand up in a mock swoon as he fluttered his eye lashes and pouted his lips.
"Oh Vince, my knight in shining armor!" he cooed in a high pitched voice, which was obviously a terrible impression of Lin, "Whatever shall I do with you surrounded by all these other lovely maidens! My poor delicate heart couldn't take it if you left me for another!"
Avani's smile became a little less nervous. "It may be just my opinion, but I would hardly call your hobbies boring. As for the banquet...I'm not sure. If the prince and Sir Jared ask me to go, I will, but I will probably remain in my room during that time. The banquet is optional, is it not? If the school considers it mandatory, then I can hardly skip it. Do you think you'll be going?" She glanced at her soup, now cold from negligence. It would be best, she felt, to stop the conversation before flies became interested in the abandoned meal.
New Day
The banquet is held and is filled with laughter, food and talking. People dance and make friends and its the first night without any real parents. The party slowly winds down and soon the school is quiet, everyone tired. As the sun creeps up the horizon, the cafeteria starts cooking the first official breakfast of the year and students wake for classes.
Jared yawned and stretched as he slid the covers off of him, his night clothes simply being a pair of basketball shorts and a shirtless torso. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and turned off the alarm on his phone before standing up and stretching, thoughts of the banquet last night filling his head. He smiled as he thought about the chance he had finally got to dance with Charolette, how that girl could move. He grabbed a towel and proceeded to go into the shower, the warm water waking him up slightly more. He got dressed in a long sleeve shit that was solid gray, the kingdoms symbol on the chest. He proceeded to put on his pants and strap his boots on, slinging his battle hammer over his shoulder before making his way to the cafeteria where he grabbed a plate of scrambled eggs, a side of bacon, a couple biscuits with gravy poured over them, and a mug of coffee then went to sit at one of the many open tables and ate, keeping an eye on who would come in next.
I walk into my room, speculate it, and hang up my posters, the first is on the door
, on the door,
, on his side of the wall,
and that on his ceiling.
i admire my handiwork for a little while, then i get set on putting my sheets and blanket on the bed,
, i frown at how i have to tuck it in a little bit more than usual, and i get set to drawing a bleeding heart, a body to go with it, and i take a drawing of my face, and i trace it onto the bed using a bleeding marker, i also add several gun drawings onto the bed, and in the corner, i chuckle and draw a small butt, yeah yeah, i know, childish, but its my bed! (also, its my real bed i just took a picture of \(^_^)/) i break out a can of musk that is caramel flavor, and i spray it around my bed area, i then head out and mingle.
"I'm sure I will. I think I'm kind of expected to be there.. I'm sure it'll be a lovely night" She said with a nod of her head. She chatted on with the young servant girl for many more minutes before pardoning herself to go get ready for the banquet as she didn't think jean shorts and an old t-shirt would be acceptable.

~Next Day~

As Charlie awoke in a tangled mess of her sheets and blankets she groaned and threw the pillow over at Lin and mumbled through her yawn "Lin.. are you taking a shower first or should I?" She asked her roommate without even opening her eyes.

A few minutes of sleep later she pulled herself up from her bed and stretched out her legs and arms as she yawned again. Rubbing her crystal blue eyes as she blinked multiple times to let her eyes adjust to the sunshine that was pouring in from her shared rooms huge window. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty" She joked at Lin as she got up and headed for the bathroom, as memories of last night came flooding to her. She remembered the food was delicious, so many treats from the different kingdoms. The music was nice, and actually modern! She had danced with Jared and Maxwell. She'd also managed to pull Chey out for a dance or two before her shyness took over and she ran away. The night had been a lot of fun for Charlie over all.

The young princess looked at herself in the mirror and laughed. She'd been so tired last night that she'd completely neglected to take any of her make up off and so now she looked less like a future queen and more like a rabid raccoon. She got to work as she washed and moisturized her face before brushing all the knots out of her curly hair, leaving longs loose curls to hang down her back. Simple enough. She applied a little bit of make up and let some perfume grace her skin before walking out and to the wardrobe on her side of the room. Deciding on a pair of black leggings and a light blue flowing tank top she nodded and decided that was probably modest enough for school. Her blue converses topped of her look as she picked up her back pack that dangled from the edge of her bed. "Hey Lin want me to wait for you?" She asked her room mate as she tried to piece the bed back together.
Logan groaned and reached for his alarm before shutting it off and sitting, rubbing his eyes he looked around. Right, he was in the academy. Moments from last night came drifting back, the food had been great and he had danced with Lin for awhile. He stretched before getting up. He glanced over at his roommate an bit his lip, he didn't even know his name, just that he was from the fire kingdom. Logan wandered into the bathroom and took a nice cold shower that helped him wake up a little. He changed into jeans with a dark blue sweater that was a little too big and hung over his hands a little but he didn't care, he liked it. He brushed his hair as much as he could before deciding it was decent enough.

Walking out of the bathroom, he switched off the light and walked back into his room. He grabbed his shoes before wandering over to his roommate. "Uh, hey roomie, I'm Logan, anyway, you might want to get up" He said nervously. He was supposed to be King one day and he could barely talk to someone the same age as him. Logan shook his head thinking 'Your nothing more then a coward, your going to be a failure' He sighed an sat back on the bed to put on his shoes. He made his bed the best he could before grabbing his bag, he decided it would probably be a good idea to wait outside the room for Vince, so that he wouldn't get worried. He stepped out the door and closed it softly behind him before locking it with his key. He leaned against the wall and waited.

Vincent groaned as his alarm went off. He had gotten back late last night, and went straight to bed so he had yet to meet his roommate. If there was one thing that Vincent was not, it was a morning person. He slammed his hand down on his nightstand until he finally shut off his alarm; stupid thing. He needed some goddamn coffee or else somebody was going to lose their head, and whether it was going to be himself or someone else, Vincent was not yet sure. He grumbled and shuffled out of bed, popping his joints as he walked to the bathroom with hair looking like a chicken had made a nest out of it. Whenever he and Logan were little and had sleepovers, Logan always said Vince's bed head reminded him of a bird's nest, and this description still held true even in Vince's late teens.
Jaklyn took the pills from Rose with a smile before lowering her head and sighing. "Thank you Rose.. Now I think I am going to go pass out.. sleep this injury off like a Honey badger." She said before getting to her feet and stumbling slightly before making her way back to her room.

The Next Day-

Jaklyn awoke and stared up at the ceiling before freaking out and fall out of her bed as was routine for her. She noise of her hitting the floor echoed out of her room and into the hall way to the other rooms. She grumbled "Ouch... My arm still hurts.. but it feels a lot better.." She mumbled before getting up and stumbling into the bathroom where she stripped down and climbed into the shower. She turned the hot water on all the way as the heat didn't bother her at all. She got out of the show nearly half an hour later and toweled herself off before taking Black skinny jeans out of her drawers and a crimson silk dress. She put on her bra and under wear before the rest of her clothes.

She had by her bed a red and gold pair of high end pair of Asics. She slid them onto her feet before standing up and falling over like a tower back onto her bed where she passed out again for several minutes. She awoke and tried again with better results. She stayed standing but fell back over and passed out for several more minutes. Eventually she woke up on the floor and stood up and opened her door. She needn't make her hair as the silk like texture of it made it fall neatly down and it never knotted up. She simply walked out into the hallway and slumped against the wall before falling over and fell asleep on the floor again.
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Rose didn't need sleep. She had been up all night, quietly embroidering a dress rather than go to bed. Rose often has issues with sleeping, not that she minded, she always had plenty of energy with or without a night or two of sleep. So when her roommate's alarm went off that morning, she jumped and pricked her finger on her embroidery needle. She hissed and grabbed a tissue to stem the small drips of blood, praying that none got on the dress. Rose was constantly making elegant dresses, usually for Jaklyn since the princess was the only one who needed to wear such lovely gowns. Rose's side of the dorm was cluttered with dress forms and fabric, as well as sketches of dresses pinned to the wall. Back at the castle, Miss Yamato had been kind enough to supply Rose with her own room, just for sewing, but at the school it was cramped. Not that Rose minded, it gave her something else to clean when she had a spare moment or when she was feeling particularly stressed.
Jared looked around as he sipped his coffee, surprised no one else was at breakfast yet. How late was everyone up? Granted he was up for quite a while as well... eh, he was just weird about morning routine he guessed as he ate some more of his eggs. He got up to get seconds as he waited on someone to come in. But then again at this rate, he may be eating breakfast alone.
Jackie opened her eyes to find herself sleeping in the middle of the hallway. She yawned loudly before stretching on the floor. She got back up to her feet and began a slow shuffle out of the hallway and down into another hall way before forcing herself to go into the cafeteria. That was when she stumbled over to a table and fell on top of it. She crawled on top of it and curled up into a small ball before falling asleep again. To many it seemed like she was sleep walking but to anyone that knew her.. it was a everyday thing. It took her forever to get up and it normally took several times until she completely awoke. That was when she turned over and hit the floor hard. She groaned and opened her eyes. Like most morning this is normally how she completely woke herself up.
Jared raised an eyebrow as Jackie walked... well stumbled and fell multiple times into the cafeteria. When she got close enough to his table, he helped guide her to a seat and chuckled, "Too good of a night?" he asked jokingly, sliding his mug of coffee over to her in case she needed it.
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