Children of Royal Blood IC

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Jackie grinned at him as he looked around confused and not noticing it until his pants fell down. She giggled loudly before she tilted her head "Oh, yeah.. I play dirty!" She said with a large and sly smirk. It was then that she was hit and knocked to the ground. She hit the ground and gasped before narrowing her eyes "Yes, I will fight dirty!" She said before twisting her body around making flames propel her in a spinning motion before she lands on her feet. She raised her hands again and began to giggle. "Let us fight dirty then!" She said before unzipping her jacket and letting it fall to the ground. She ran a hand through her hair and let it fall across her back and shoulders freely. She had a Black T-shirt on underneath it "This is better.. I can move better like this." She said before readying herself.
Jared had just gotten his motions down as her jacket came off, and his competitive smile became more intense. "Alright then little princess, show me what you got!" he said intensely, crouching down and propelling himself forward using a slab of stone to increase his speed immensely. He leaped up over her and rammed into the ground just in front of her, creating a shockwave in an attempt to knock her back.
Jaklyn narrowed her eyes just as he began to move. She jumped back as he slammed into the ground in front of her and nearly lost her balance. She snarled as she used her fire to keep her balanced. She crouched down and launched herself over him. While flying over him she grabbed a hold of his shoulders and gripped a hold of them. When she landed she tried to force him up and over her shoulders. She realized just as she was about to try it that she wasn't strong enough. She just let a second go by and kicked the back of his knees before flipping away from his back. She took a deep breath and went to a knee to regain her strength.
Jared almost had her with the shockwave, but she had gained her balance just in time. He didnt have time to react before she flipped over him and tried to move him, but instead kicked his knees, sending him to the ground. He flipped over with his hands and kicked into the stone, and underneath where Jackie was kneeled, a platform popped upward in an attempt to send her flying toward him where he would put her in a lock, holding her so her feet wouldnt touch the ground should the idea work.
Jackie screamed as she was propelled into the air and began to go towards him. She gasped but in mid air she took a deep breath and blew fire out of her mouth making her fly backwards and into one of the walls. She hit it hard and fell flat on the face. She groaned before rolling over and beginning to laugh "That was awesome! Oh my god! Jared do that again-!OW!" She cried out before stumbling to her feet giggling. She raised her hands again but looked dazed slightly from the impact. She blinked and shook her head before standing up straight once more. "Well! Lets use elemental abilities then!" She called out as the gauntlets began to turn red and ignite. "These are tempered with a metal that... Well I have no idea what it is but I can push the limit and they wont melt." She said before readying herself again. It was obvious that she was in slight pain from the last impact.
Jared was concerned she had hurt herself badly until she started to laugh. Soon enough he started laughing as well, seeing her get up. She wanted to try with elements now, but he noticed that she seemed a little pained. He looked at her with concern before saying "You sure you dont wanna take a break? That fall looked like it hurt"
Jackie let out a sigh of relief when he asked her if she wanted to continue. "Yeah... Im done..." She said before falling to her knees. She began to laugh as the pain surged through her. "That really, Really, really hurt.." She said before looking up at him. The gauntlets seemed to cool immediately and she shook her head "I tried something I never did before and I blew myself into the wall hard enough to bruise something.." She staggered to her feet and whipped her hair over her shoulder. She looked at him and feigned a smile "I'm alright.. I think I just bruised something.. don't worry about me.." She said but her voice gave her away easily.
Concern washed over Jared and he walked over to where she was. He kneeled down to her level and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes. "where does it hurt?" he asked her, not wanting to leave her in pain like this. His knightly conduct forbid him to leave an injured person, especially royalty, but he was also genuinely concerned for her.
Raythar had been waiting for his chance to get in the ring but seeing Jackie go down changed things. He raced to her side, asking "Is there anything I can do?" He had seen too much injury in his days to ignore it.
While Lin and Vince argued about what was technically healthy, Logan slipped away. He wanted some time to himself and although he thought Vlad was a great body guard and knight, he was sometimes too good. Logan slipped his hands into his pockets and wandered around the great walls. He could smell the lunch that was being cooked and so he found a different route to the cafeteria. Along the way, he spotted all sorts of classrooms and he couldn't help but grin to himself. He would actually be attending a school with other kids rather then just one a tutor. He took a deep breath of the crisp air before releasing it slowly. He walked through the oak doors and into the cafeteria. There were kids all over, talking to each other in excited low voices. Logan waved to a few that he recognized before getting in line. Remembering what Vince had said about a feast later, Logan only took a few things before sitting down and starting to eat.
Jaklyn looked at them both and nodded slowly "I think I am alright.. Im.. Uhm... Who am I kidding.. I think I knocked my arm out of its socket again." She said before looking up at them both. She began to laugh lightly "I need one of you to try to force it back into place.. I would be able to do it on my own but I cant get the gauntlets off without both of my arms." She said before standing up all the way. She looked at Jared "You look strong enough to do it fast.. Or Raythar.. If you know anything about Medicine you do it please.. Just do it.."she said and closed her eyes tightly.
Jared nodded and moved to her injured arm. "Just... grit your teeth" he said gently before taking her arm. Remembering the times he had popped limbs out of sockets, he knew how much it hurt. He began to turn her arm as he was taught, suddenly jerking it into the socket with a loud pop. He had taken care of plenty limbs like this, so he knew the quick fix for it. He braced himself for a yell of pain as the limb went back in place
"Sodium is better than fat, right?" Lin asked, wrinkling her nose, then shrugged. "I'll just have a snack then, if there's a feast later." A large snack, but still just a snack. I should try to ditch him... She looked around suddenly. "Hey, where'd Logan go?" she asked. When Vince looked away from her she took off, sprinting down the hall towards the cafeteria.

The doors were open, and she dashed inside, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. "After that sprint, I deserve a cookie," Lin muttered, before regaining her poise and walking calmly and swiftly to a large buffet. Her eyes scanned the various choices, then she grabbed a tray and began piling food onto it.

A muffin... lemon? And oooh mini sausages! Hmm and I'll grab and orange to please Mr. Healthy, and they have donuts! Oh my gosh, this place is like heaven!

Eventually she decided she had enough food, and found a secluded table in the corner to eat her food. Lin bit into the donut, the cream filling squirting out around the edges onto the tray. "An Vimch issim 'ere to 'ell me 'ot to," she mumbled around the mouthful of food.
Cheyenne met her roommate and her roommate's brother within the matter of minutes. She thanked her roommate, Karina, for the compliments on her hair then watched as she dragged her brother out of the room, leaving her to unpack her belongings. She sat down on her bed with a sigh then thought if this academy was really for her. She misses her life back home but she had to be sent here for a reason.

After she finished unpacking, she heard a chattering of people outside her room door, which made her gasp with a slight jump. Cheyenne got up from her seated position and walked out to the hallway then down the stairs and went over towards the cafeteria.

She wasn't really hungry but had fixed herself a small plate anyway. Her eyes fluttered up as she hoped to see her sister, Charlotte but instead her eyes were glued with other people as she lowered her head fast then walked to the nearest seat and sat down. Cheyenne didn't pick her head back up because she didn't really want to eye the wrong people.
Jaklyn gritted her teeth and groaned as her knees nearly gave out below her as the pain of her arm being put back in place shot through her. When it was done she took a deep breath and looked to Jared. She suddenly Hugged Jared and smiled at him "Thank you.. Also, Thank you Raythar for helping me when I needed it. I feel a bit better now" She said before moving her arm around. "My arm is numb but that is normal at least." She said to them both.
When Charlotte awoke she was feeling 110% better than before. She no longer felt nauseous, but instead she felt a lack of food in her system. As she rose and stretched she looked over to see the dress was gone and her room tidier than she remmwbered. Her mind went instantly to Max and a small smile tugged at her lips. She replaced her shorts with a pair of jeans and the over larger shirt with a t shirt depicting her kingdoms logo. She also wore a pair of blue converses and pulled her curly hair into a high ponytail, leaving some sections to hang loose and frame her face. She decided to head to the cafertia and refill her stomach, not much but enough to not feel so empty. She made the short trip down by herself, except the servant that followed her at a slight distance. The moment she got to the lunch room her eyes landed on the one person she could talk to about anything, Cheyenne. She notice Lin as well and decided she should go say hello later. Hurting up to Chey she leaned down behind her and whispered "is this seat taken?"
Rose dug through her first aid bag.
"Miss Yamato, let me get you some painkillers and you should get that on ice as soon as possible!" Rose squeaked, reading labels on various bottles of medicine. It's a good thing Rose was here in case someone got seriously injured. She unscrewed the lid to the correct bottle and poured two pills into her hand.
"Here, I'll go find you some water," Rose said, looking around, "Don't dry swallow them that can burn the tissues in your throat..." Oh man where in the world was she going to get water? She didn't have any cash on her and she didn't think there were any vending machines nearby anyway. That really was a terrible design flaw... They really should have put water fountains or something so the students training wouldn't get dehydrated!


"What- Where'd he- LIN!" Vince yelled after her as she disappeared down the corridor, "Those twins will be the death of me, I swear." He pinched the bridge of his brow and stalked towards the lunch room. That girl was going to have a heart attack at twenty seven if she didn't learn to eat better... Vince arrived in the lunchroom to see Lin scarfing down fatty foods; there really was no hope in getting her to eat healthier, was there?
The knight snuck up behind Lin, abruptly clapping his hands on her shoulders.
"You are going to ruin you appetite, m'lady," he sighed, face splitting into a devilish smirk, "Don't blame me when none of your dresses fit." He, of course, knew that both the Neemi twins had a ridiculously high metabolism, which is why he didn't worry too much about Lin's eating habits. Logan, however, worried Vince to no end; that boy ate like a bird and he desperately needed to put some meat on those bones if he wanted to be capable to defend himself when Vince was unable to. Lin at least had enough muscle and wasn't afraid to play dirty if she had too (or so Vince had presumed, he'd rarely watched her train), but Logan was not only slim but surprisingly lacked powerful elemental powers. Vince wouldn't know what he'd do if Logan got hurt... It was his job, his duty, to protect the heir to the throne after all.
Cheyenne gasped when she heard her a voice whisper behind her. She shrugged her shoulders, turning around and seeing that it was her sister, Charlotte. "Charlie!" She jumped up and wrapped her arms tightly around her sister's neck. "Oh my gosh! So, I know you have some tea to spill." She giggled lightly while sitting down and patting the seat beside her for her sister. "So dish, girl. Who you got your eye on, for one?" It may have been the first day but she knew her sister had her eye on someone already. Cheyenne leaned in with interest as she waited for her sister to start rambling on and on.
As Avani stood by Raythar's door, she was beginning to wonder if her presence was even necessary anymore. Raythar seemed to be doing just fine without her assistance, and with Jared around, the only purpose Avani could have was to clean Raythar's room. She had no idea where he even was right now. If he got injured at some point while she'd been standing in the hallway, she would undoubtedly be glad to get fired.

Then Avani remembered the notebook and pencil she kept in her pocket in case she needed to write something down, which she usually used when relaying messages. She tore a paper out, took out the ribbon she used as a bookmark, and used it to tie the message she wrote down: I apologize to both you and Sir Jared for not making it to lunch. Straightening my room up took longer than I expected it would. I'll be sure to be on time to lunch tomorrow. Your servant, Avani

Finally relieved, Avani walked back to her room, surprised to find luggage on the other side of the room. So her roommate had come by after all, then. Oh, well. With no other goals at the moment, Avani decided to take a quiet stroll through the campus, for the sake of enjoying the beautiful day.
Charlie giggled, getting the exact reaction she had hoped for from her sister. Her arms wrapped around her twin sister and hugged her. "I'm gonna guess that it's a no?" She said with a large smile on her face as she sat down. A mock look of confusion crossed her face as she said "Tea to spill? Why sister what ever do you mean?" An evil smile quickly replaced the confused one as she sat down next to her sister and picked a piece of food off her plate. Charlotte leaned in giggling. "Welll... Nobody really." She said with a wink. "But I did meet a cute guard named Jared from the earth kingdom, and a cute servant from the fire kingdom though I never got her name, and then I met the fire princess Jacklyn.. she's beautiful too.. and then well.. Max.." She said in hushed tones. "But I'm on the lookout for you too, no worries sissy" She giggled. "But tell me about you day! Is your roommate nice? Did you see anyone cute? With a smart mind?" Charlie asked her sister, knowing she preferred intelligence over a certain gender. "I came buy earlier but someone said you might have fallen asleep." She said with a knowing look to her sister.
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