Change of Heart

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When she started and stopped, his heart leaped and plummeted in the same beat - a rather odd feeling - and he swallowed past a dried throat, waiting with baited breath for whatever she might say. He wanted to brace himself for rejection, for mocking words and maybe even harsh ones, but Nik forced himself to stay open in that moment, as vulnerable as he'd been walking into this situation. He had to trust her. He had to trust that even if she said no, that Lyra would not be cruel. He didn't believe that of her anyway. It was only the past that made him think that way and he refused to think such about her.

Still she said nothing, but rather she moved and Nik found his fingers digging into his thighs, his pale gaze searching her own before her expression changed to something softer and Nik felt the first flutters of hope ignite in his chest. Her words made his brows rise just slightly but then her fingers were on his skin, raising goosebumps along his arms and her lips were against his own and nothing else mattered anymore. The world melted away as his own hands found first the small of her back and then the other her cheek, sliding back to cradle the back of her head. Light seemed to explode behind his eyes, such happiness flooding him it was hard to breathe past when she pulled away and spoke once more and Nik smiled back, grinned really as he searched her face.

She loved him!

A short, breathless laugh exited his mouth and then Nik kissed Lyra again, kissed her like he'd wanted to kiss her for weeks and when he drew back, it was only to rest his forehead on her own, the backs of his fingers coming to brush over her cheek tenderly. "I love you and I don't think I will ever get tired of showing you that."
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The first day she felt as if she had committed herself to a dream. Everything with the man seemed to take on a new life, wafting and falling on light air that had her quirking smirks more often, seeking like a hound his attention letting out an more affectionate tender side that she had kept private for no eyes.

She paid more attention to the smaller details, taking a delighted turn to them and letting her gaze watch him in a casual play. It was welcomingly strange. It was hard to fathom not wanting him around, not wanting him to grace his features with her own though she was certainly not flaunting in any means nor clingy to him.

Little eyes were staring at her with a curious wonder; tugging on her arm gently pulling her focus back now; Lyra glanced down to the young girl. Mira grinned in return as they said nothing. It wasn't hard to tell she was enthralled with the white haired man though it seemed the time for them to spend with one another in contentment was few for the while. He had to return to his training and she had began to start bringing her body back into the world of the military. The day was later than normal as Mira had recently come back from visiting her father. "Demons are strange, my father even more so." she hummed a little as the child spoke. "He seemed nervous to have me there."

"You were only a baby last time he seen you Miralyn, it is with good reason he was nervous. He is a full demon and you are partial. I doubt he wanted to make you uncomfortable."

"That's true, but... I like being at home with you and Mothis."
Nik had never been happier in his life and that wasn't an exaggeration. Every moment spent with Lyra was heaven. To be able to whisper at night that he loved her as they fell asleep together - nothing happened but sleep where neither of them were plagued with nightmares - and hold her was nothing short of miracles to him every time it happened. Every touch and smile, gesture and word held new meaning, held its own kind of wonder and even their bickering had taken on a different tone. He'd never thought to find someone like Lyra, to love someone like her and be loved back with the same passion and loyalty.

It was more than he had ever asked for even in his wildest prayers.

Not even getting back into training and spending less time together dampened his affection for her, the joy he felt at seeing her at the end of the day and it was that thought that put a smile on his face now as he headed home after being knocked in the dirt a few times by his teacher. He was getting better, but was still no where close to matching the elf. Nik didn't mind. He was working just as hard as he ever had for Zen and he was making progress. It was enough.

Nik was currently returning through the woods. It had been a time since he'd visited the wolves and doing so now had done them all good. He'd left them to hunt and now was looking forward to being home. It was the cracking of a branch that made him still and look to his side. He would forever wish he hadn't as his gaze came in direct contact with frigid brown eyes, eyes he knew very well as the rider came through the trees. Nik's heart stopped as his father reigned his horse in and his brothers did the same, their guards around them and ready for any order. How they'd found him was no mystery. The werewolves had blood-bound themselves to the Sidhe and the Sidhe could sense the wolves just as well as the wolves could sense them. They'd only had to follow the canines to get to him.

"Niklomaus." His own name made the white-haired halfbreed flinch and his father continued, fury seething in his voice. "You are to come home immediately by summons of the King." Finnbheara looked to a guard then and the male brought an extra horse forward, causing Nik to shake his head, eyes wide as he stepped back. "What? No."

Brown eyes narrowed dangerously. "What did you say?"

Nik looked up, clear defiance in his face and his voice was steady. His time with the elves had started to change him, give him confidence and it showed plainly now as he faced his father down. "No. I am not going back. My place is here. What are these summons for anyway?" His voice was firm in the face of his father's growing rage and it was Taraghlan who answered, tone snapped. "It matters not the reason! You've been summoned, cur, and you will obey!" His voice was raised and Nik knew in that moment why they were here. They knew. They knew he'd shown his power, had revealed what he was. Somehow word had gotten back and now they were going to drag him before the King for punishment.

Nik took another step backward, nothing in his mind now but to bolt. He didn't know where he'd go, but he couldn't go back. He couldn't. His mind flew to Lyra, to Jak and Zen, Amara and the werewolves. If he could just get to any of them, they'd help him. It gave him hope, courage to know that, but the halfbreed never got to even turn as his father raised a hand in a silent signal. The guards converged then and the halfbreed fought like mad to get away from them, even managing to break free for a moment, but in the end there were too many for him to take on at once and he was exhausted as it was from training and the time he'd spent wrestling with the pack. They subdued him, gagged him rather effectively - it wasn't the first time they'd had to wrestle him into compliance - and had forced him on the horse, tying him there, in no time.

The Sidhe rode back the way they'd come then rather quickly and it was only when they were several miles into the woods that they stopped and Finnbheara raised a hand, signalling someone to come out of the trees. A cloaked figure appeared on a horse and Nik's eyes went wide in sheer terror he couldn't hide as a slender hand pulled the cowl back and red hair and red eyes were revealed to his gaze. She smiled coyly, her words soft, taunting. "I told you we'd meet again, Nik."

The halfbreed felt like fire erupted in his mind then, a quick burst of pain and he didn't even get the chance to cry out before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he slumped into nothingness.

Red eyes met brown ones then and the Crown Prince dipped his head in acknowledgement before spurring his horse into action again and the rest followed, taking Nik with them.
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Her armor had been freshly cleaned, repaired from the gaping hole that the damn lancet had pierced replaced with the pale green jewel that was their symbol for Faradar; but this was not a day of rejoice. No, she was seething a whole new level of raw fury curling and spiraling like wildfire in her entire essence. Touching spirit and soul alike. And she was not alone.

It had been days since Nik had suddenly just disappeared. Up and vanished and it wasn't just him. The wolves had mysteriously just disappeared as well. She knew something was wrong that first day but she chose to give the husband the benefit of the doubt that he would be home soon. That was one of the most heinous of lies she had ever told herself and she regretted every little bit of it. One day turned into three and three into six! Her stomach turned with a sour bile as she curved the white blade into its scabbard, eyes flying across her shoulder looking at Kauity fitting Jak into his full war armor. Much like hers it held the green diamond on his chest plate, his face was torn into a fellow fury that easily matched her owns. She hadn't seen him so heavily armored in years and honestly it made her proud to know that he was just as angry as she was.

To his side Zen stood ready, armor more similar to that of Jak's taking less of his second in command status with her but the Commander of the Elite army. Various other men had been dressed in their full gear, weapons polished and sharpened rested in their comforts. This was a deadly day to be in the realm of the elves.

Feeling a slight hand touch her shoulder causing her gaze to turn back and towards it, Lady Rhelic gave her a soft squeeze, not even the Head Fore was excused from the military today. No it had been suggested though the drow had politely yet passionately refused. Leather and plate bound to her ashy skin, feral eyes were narrow into a feline point she nodded slowly.

Reporting to her elder kin the odd happening of Nik just flying the coup an order went out quick and fast to all available parties to search the lands for something of the Prince. It took longer than she ever wanted and honestly she might have preferred it that way. It had been Rhelic with her fores that had found the traces of sidhe in their woods, not to mention something that only made her sick to her stomach. The dreamer was there, how Rhelic knew she didn't ask. She didn't care. Word came back quick and Jakson was the one to last out first. Being able to sense the others with their aura abilities, Rhelic had pinned down that it was Nik's father that had stepped into their lands in secrecy with his son's and armored hands to help. They couldn't overly pin down what all happened but she knew better. Nik was forced back for what reason was beyond her understanding and she didn't give a flying hoot about it. This was straw that broke her back.

Gritting her teeth the door to the ward opened causing her gaze to slide back open first in annoyance that turned into sheer surprise. She was not the only one. Unison of hands clapping to their hearts, her head bowed as the Regent had finally made his presence. She had not seen the elder man in ages and that was no word of a lie. The long silver high top hair draped down the length of his back, tarnished brown steel armor clacked and creaked as his two attendants were close on his heels, both wearing dragon plated mail like no bodies business. "I thought it was a rumor but my old eyes do not deceive me." Well that couldn't have been any more of a stretch of truth. It wasn't hard to see that the Regent was blind, had been since birth but he had mastered his own ability in ways that allowed him to see in a whole other worldly sense. His voice was strong, vibrating through her chest yet it held that soft composure that made almost all of them feel as if they were merely his own flesh. He was not a cruel man, never had been but he was certainly ruthless when he needed to be. "Colonel Bloodworth," he lifted his hand causing Jak to straighten his back and lift his chin proudly, unwavering in meeting the foggy eyes of their lord.

"Regent Lord," a tender smile touched the wrinkled face of the man before he turned to look at them all.

"I do not come to reprimand my army, no I came to applaud them for what I have heard." his attendants were grinning softly, "In our times of old and in our times of new, we have not faltered from our goals. We are head strong and we do not leave our kind to fight alone. And yet today I have heard many say that the Sidhe- the ones we have made a treaty with- break that very bond." his face went from pleasant to a full on scowl, ugly and temperamental. "Instead of coming into our lands with good intentions, they had snuck in like the rats they are and not only did they bring their own kin, they have brought the very creatures that we have been desperately trying to save our innocents from. Dream witches, monsters in the form of flesh. I have sat by patiently hoping that their kind would see reason of their own but it has become disgustingly clear, theses Sidhe have no honor, and no value." His voice started softly was growing into a powerful bark, "They have taken one of our own! They have taken one of our flock, a part of our everlasting family and that turn of events will not be forgotten. As of this day, the treaty has been dissolved and we are the elite of the elite, we are strong and proud. We elves, declare war on those who dare to harm one or many of our blood be them natural or welcomed. We do not take prejudice against others and we welcome diversity in our city, today the Sidhe will find that they have made the wrong judgment to our kind and we will, we will, take back our missing lamb with vengeance and glory!"

Leave it to the Regent to strike an overwhelming passion into them all. A cheer went up to deafen the skies as she grinned darkly to the whole thing.

"Today War has begun! We will show the King of the Sidhe that he has overstepped his boundaries! Let the city burn and spare those innocent of the monsters hands. Destroy the dreamers!"

The Regent turned to look at her as he nodded slowly, "Lady General, do you agree?"

"Let the royal family parish by the hands of elves!"

If Finnbheara thought it would be easy to harm Nik again, he had another thing coming. No he had the Elven Elite Army - an army of over twenty two hundred men and women coming to take back one of their own. It would be a dark day for the sidhe.
Paws pounded the earth in uneven intervals, stumbling, tumbling, but the wolf didn't stop. Her breath came in ragged pants, cold air biting at her lungs and her body screamed protest at every ounce of strength she forced herself to squeeze from her failing will. Blood left streaks on the plants she passed and the she-wolf stumbled once more, rolling, flying through the leaves where she stayed, her own heart beat roaring in her ears. A whine escaped her throat before she struggled to her feet once more, staggering before she started to walk and then trot, pushing herself into a dead run again.

That's how she felt. Dead.

She wasn't even sure when he ears picked up the sound of marching and armor, horses. All she knew was that when she finally burst through the woods, it was to falter to halt, weaving on her feet as her double, hazy vision tried to make sense of the spectacle before her. Shrill sounds of startled neighs reached her ears as she dropped, having nothing more to spare, nothing more to keep her going. Her form shifted and grew until she lay in a humanoid heap on the leaves now growing bloodstained.

There was only one thought in Nyaisah's mind in that moment, one thought that had driven her for three days straight without rest or pause as she slowly bled out. Lyra. She had to find Lyra. And it was the only word that spilled from her mouth now in mumbles.
Noble shook his head, having not been properly fit for his own armor in quite some time she encouraged the horse with a patient pat to his writhers, thanking him for his own dedication. The Regent Lord was set up at the front, herself and Jak on either side alongside with Rhelic and Zen accompanying; the forest was rumbling with the thundering sound of hooves and men who did not have high enough rank to ride. There was pride in her heart and sorrow in turn. It amazed her really how much the army had felt the need to rise and strike out at the empire beneath the soil. Even with the Regent Lord, it was already impressive.

Their loyalty was to their own, be then born, brought or made a home in Faradar, they were still part of the family that existed there.

Horses flicked there ears, many except for the Regents old war mare, whinnied loudly putting a halt to the progression. Reigning in Noble as he dared to rear up; Jak was the one yelling out for the army to halt before even that of the Regent.

"Nyaisah." Lyra swung herself off Noble's back, Rhelic reaching over to grab his reigns making sure that he didn't go trotting off due to the startling and the blood smell coating the air. Armor clacked as she looked at the louve laying upon the ground; "What happened to you, where's the rest of the pack?"
Her vision focused with wavering effort and Nyaisah found herself looking up into the face of the person she wanted to find. Needed to find. The question the she-elf asked brought a faint, wolven wail of grief to her throat and the she-wolf snarled, fury in her eyes to mingle with the raw feeling of loss. "Dead! All dead...all dead....they killed them!" Nyaisah struggled to raise herself on shaking arms then, every word from her mouth a bloodcurdling growl. It was the need for vengeance that had driven her this far and it would be that rage that would keep her alive despite her wounds.

"They took Nik and we followed. We didn't have a choice. The blood-oath....Marsin's pack swore it to the Sidhe, not Nik. I didn't, I joined three years ago, swore to Nik. They had to obey King Donn. Their oath was sworn to him. He ordered them to die! He killed them!" She whined in her grief again and then her silver eyes met Lyra's then with an untamed fury. "They made him watch. They made Nik watch. He fought them, but she was there, the dream-caster. She stopped him. He told me to run, told me to find you. They've hurt him, Lyra. So badly."


He'd barely felt the pain to his own body for the first day or two. The ache of grief, the horror of watching the deaths of the only family he'd ever known growing up had consumed everything else. It still did, but now other pains demanded his attention, too. His grandfather - could he even call the Sidhe that anymore? - had handed him over to Cuchulainn. For the crime of disobeying, for bringing shame to the Sidhe race, he had lost what was closest to him. The wolves had defied their orders to follow him and that could not be tolerated. And Nik's defiance of the Sidhe and their laws - and his outright defiance in fighting them - definitely could not go unpunished.

So they handed him over to his half-brother, a Sidhe cruel in every way. Nik could barely feel his hands anymore he'd hung from his wrists for so long, feet barely able to sustain any of his weight as they barely brushed the floor. He hated this place. The dark rock walls around him and the tell-tale screech of the dungeon gate when admitting his tormentor once more. Blood ran down his legs from the raw mess of his back, his body healing faster than a humans, but not nearly as fast as a Sidhe. His throat was torn from screams he'd not been able to choke back any longer. Cuchulainn took great care in his work and Nik had been worked over thoroughly, but never enough to kill him, never enough to bring him too close to that edge.

No, just enough to make his will fade, break away slowly at his resilience and the hope that still wanted to sputter weakly within his breast. His pack was gone. His family of childhood was gone. But that didn't mean everyone he cared for was dead.

And the red woman had been very interested in that, very interested in the fact that she'd been tricked. Cuchulainn could hurt his body, make Nik scream and writhe and beg, but she caused a terror in him that he could not shake. She curled through his thoughts, causing agony Cuchulainn never could as she dragged up the memories most traumatizing to him, made him relive that which had hurt him most. And when she and his brother worked together at the same time....Nik was close to losing his sanity.

She claimed she wasn't working with the Sidhe, had her own agenda, but the halfbreed hardly cared anymore. He was finding it hard to care about anything anymore. They wanted to break him, completely this time, and they were succeeding.
Patting Nyaisah gently on the head, she rose from her knees. "Someone heal her." her tone was monotone, unfeeling, unrelenting, immoveable. "Rhelic, your assistance is required."

"Lady General what do you wish to accomplish?" The regent asked gently, she grinned darkly letting the demonic side of her own essence appear as she chuckled softly almost mockingly. Flicking her hair back to look leisurely across her shoulder, golden irises gleamed behind the shadow of her face. He was unmoved but it was Jak cursing.

"Simple." Rhelic brought Noble with her forward upon her own horse, "Souls need to be persecuted for their sins." it was eerie, there was no anger but a twisting mirth of holy and bane magic swirling in her vessel. What was to come was nothing short of a nightmare.


Casting up the shield over the elven woman's head, the army broke through the front lines being lead not by the Regent - though he was in tow- Rhelic stood at her right hand side; golden eyes drawn forward looking at the looming castle in the short distance, the blood red smile never ceasing to fade from her face.

The fores had spread out casting their defense barriers to protect the heads of the Sidhe innocent - stretching their own strengths further than normal, the stomp of horses came forward in a steady draw.

She said nothing, Rhelic worrying feverishly for the state of translucence ascended; they marched forward. Whomever decided to take their stand against the advancing army quickly found them less than willing to bestow mercy. Blood spattered across the front of her arm, as she flicked the white blade aside to cast off the gore that had been rent through; they continued.

It wasn't until they stood upon the steps of the looming structure that Lyra tilted her head to the nervous guard beneath her sights. Lips curled further into a cruel grin, looking him over. "Before you go and wet yourself, tell that monster on the throne we've come for blood."
All was chaos and blood, screams and the clatter of steel upon steel. The Sidhe were a proud race and they fought tooth and nail for their home, but they'd been unprepared for an attack. And the she-elf leading that attack was a fate worse than death. They could sense it around her, see it in her golden-hued eyes, feel it in her cold demeanor and if there was one thing the Sidhe grew nervous over, it was power they did not understand. It wasn't long before their ranks were pressed back, a few hours, but nothing more and when Lyra finally reached the guard, word had spread like wildfire of her prowess in the fighting and the ruthlessness in which she killed.

He could feel for himself the power that exuded from her and the Sidhe was more than glad to get away from her if only to deliver a message.

It wasn't long before King Donn himself appeared, his son and grandsons at his side. Finnbheara looked thunderous and Taraghlan with him, but Donn looked rather calm - this was certainly not his first siege, nor battle with the elven people - and Cuchulainn...well, he just looked smug and he seemed to be wiping something from his hands. Something that stained the cloth a telltale red as he outright smiled toward Lyra, something dark glittering in his eyes. It wasn't him that spoke, though, but the King.

"What is the purpose of this attack? Do not our people have an alliance with one another? You will explain your purpose here."

"Oh, that is rather simple, Sidhe-king." The voice was feminine and the red woman moved down the steps to join the Royal Family who looked taken aback by her presence. The King looked like he would have liked to strike her down for speaking out of turn at all, but the dream-caster didn't appear phased as she looked down at the elves with a secret smile upon her lips. "You've come for Niklomaus, have you not, Aelyra?"

"Niklomaus? That is what this attack his about!? My grandson is not worth this! Go back to your homes. He will be returned to you if you desire his worthless hide so badly." The disgust in his tone was more than clear and Cuchulainn chuckled. "Well, what's left of it."
Lifting her hand up to her mouth listening to the king, her gaze shifting over the entire family, Rhelic was the one to stiffen when the dream caster appear.

Holding her hand there, she started to outright laugh. Throwing her head back, Lyra laughed until she couldn't anymore, wiping away the tears never letting the smile falter from her lips. She had literally lost her mind!

"Treaty? What treaty?" She opened her hands, the golden irises humming into a glow Lyra stepped forward with her sword in one hand. "You came upon our lands without our consent or for that matter the balls to take someone who is part of our clan. Take dear king is a breach in the treaty, even the most simplest of fools would have known that." Rhelic kept foot with her, her magic strong to hold this dream caster out with very little trouble. She was the head fore, for this precise reason. "But that would be giving your pathetic genes some credit, I never thought you had an ounce of intelligence, no that would be an insult."

The Regent stepped forward looking at the group before them, his face unmarred by any emotion. "You should've known Donn we hold bonds closely in the elven race, Niklomaus is one of ours and you have overstepped your boundaries. If you wanted a fight so bad, you have done so. I will not retract but as we continue to bring more into your lands to exterminate this corrupt crown for the freedom of the innocent Sidhe." A hand raised as the army started to motion forward, fores increasing their abilities.

"You know what I love the most in all this?" Lyra was looking at the dream caster like a wolf hungry for blood; "The proud race of Sidhe had to have the help of someone beneath their own status, how pathetic, how merely amusing. And you think that she will not turn on you all after she has had her fun with my husband? Stupid mortals." Glancing down one would be able to see the shadow from the pale light of the underground city, under her feet wasn't hers. Rather it was alive, moving and twitching with a desire, reaching forward as she made her footing move towards the dream caster. Tilting her head woodenly to the woman ignoring the king, her sword raising upwards, "Dream caster, you should have killed me when you had the chance. Did you know that even nightmares are afraid of something?" A shadow lunged out grabbing the womans' leg and pulling her into it, the cold deathly grip clawing upwards. "Now I'm going to be all of yours. You do not mess with a paladin and you do not mess with one who is part demon!" Irises flared, the pupils turning into thin slits as she grinned darkly to the King, slowly looking to his sons and such. "Have you not heard of me, The Demoness General? You took the wrong person to mess with and I'll be happy to bathe in your blood until he is freed!"
If the pale Sidhe could have gone any paler, they would have. The creature before them had suddenly morphed from a simple she-elf into a legend, a night-terror given true form and for perhaps the first time in their lives, they had the first inkling of understanding of what true devotion was....and true fear. The battle had started once more, but the Sidhe didn't even seem to realize what they were fighting for. A halfbreed they didn't even want? They faltered with this lack of motivation and were cut down like chafe before the scythe. It didn't take long at all for King Donn to come to a decision and his voice rang above the fray, commanding that Nik be retrieved.

He would not have his entire race wiped out this day for a child he'd never held any kind of care for at all. Finnbheara would be more than willing to be rid of his son so there would be no protest there. Cuchulainn was the only one who looked defiant to the idea, but he obeyed his grandfather and raced away toward the dungeons, the elven army barely held off by the Sidhe one. They were only just keeping the elves from advancing on the palace but even that was a tentative hold and they knew it.

And on a more personal note, the dream-caster finally looked scared, unable to get away from the chilling grip of the shadow on her leg, now over her hip and crawling up her side. She had no power against this, no way to fight it and so she was forced to play her last card in hopes that it might keep her alive. As Lyra advanced, she screeched. "If you kill me, I'll shatter his mind beyond anything you can repair! I have my claws in deep, she-demon! Who do you think has been stopping his power here!? Don't think I can't do it!"

For once, she wasn't lying either. It was her fail-safe should something go wrong and this was definitely something going wrong.


He heard the din up above as if through a dream. It didn't make sense and it didn't register as something to be figured out in his mind. Nik was on fire. Everything hurt, everything burned. Even his mind cried out in agony and breathing was a struggle. He barely noted when the door screeched open and banged on its hinges, his body already flinching from the presence of his half-brother, but lacking the strength to even look up. He didn't have to as his chains suddenly went slack and Nik hit the ground with a hoarse cry past cracked and bleeding lips. He was hauled to his feet then by hands that didn't care about the wounds upon his body, had inflicted them, and the halfbreed found himself being thrust into the hands of two guards who pulled more than helped him toward an unknown destination.

When Nik saw the battle for the first time, he thought it untrue, a hallucination like the many before it. This couldn't be happening. The elves would not go to war over him. This was a dream, a cruel taunting glimpse at hope that didn't exist anymore. His vision started to fade to black then, but Cuchulainn, suddenly at his side again, ran a harsh and purposeful hand down his whip-marked back. Nik released a choked scream, pain flaring through his body like molten lava and his mind came back to awareness even as his knees buckled.

It was in that moment that he realized he wasn't dreaming, though.
Letting the war rage, watching those sidhe who were fighting for the monsters who ruled their realm plunge them into harm's way, Lyra turned her attention to the frightened woman.

Another pull on the shadows drew her further, Lyra turned to bend down looking at the woman square in the face. Lips pressed softly into a smile, something otherworldly something not completely sane and not exactly daring to care either. "Oh I don't doubt you could kill him, but you would have done that ages ago if he didn't mean something to you." her hand snapped out around the woman's throat, pressing her fingers closed, "But can you kill him when Rhelic blocks your mind?" Seeming to snap into awareness the drow grinned about as darkly as the demonic elf. "Or perhaps you care to test my limits and my speed to kill you before you kill him?" speaking in a sickly sweet tone, the glove palm squeezed further letting the shadows pull her into the ground another inch. "Rhelic, be a dear and rip her mind apart!"

Swinging around, physical skin melded into vapour as the drow dared to reach her hands forward to the dreamers crown, pushing her hands into her skull to invoke exactly what she had been doing to Nik, brining the woman's most painful and agonizing memories to the surface. Lyra kept her grip on her never ceasing barely letting her breath enough to keep her alive; Rhelic rubbed a fanged tooth across her lips. "Oh she is a cruel one, murdered many helpless souls," hands unseen within the woman's skull picking and plucking nerves and cords striking making the pain more overwhelming to force the red woman's focus from destroying Nik's.

Lyra leaned in nice and close, "Release your hold on him, or I'll leave you with Rhelic to experience all the pain and agony you've caused for countless others while my shadows start to devour you from the legs up. And believe me, they have been festering for years for blood and bone. Yours will do nicely. Test me to see if I'm bluffing. Not to mention, you harm him because your too afraid to die alone, you will witness a hell beyond no other by my hands and I will revel in it."

Jak slashed forward driving his blade into the gut of another as his attention skewed backwards to consider the family of royals with a grim sick smile until he seen that Nik had been brought to the surface. Should they stop? No they had to have him in their grasps first then... then the Regent could decide what to do.

"Give back the son you could not care enough for," The Regent lord tossed aside one of the sidhe men before him, its head lolling off its body forward to land at the king's feet. "Monsters such as yourself know nothing of loyalty or compassion. We fight for our own, and we will not cease until the Prince is with those who care! Return him or else we will keep fighting and I will give Demoness General the authority to unleash on you all." The threat rang true and it only needed a mild push to ne succeeded.
The red woman screamed and writhed, trying to escape the agony in her mind. Her powers worked against Rhelics, a battle of wills, but her attention was divided between herself and Nik, and for a time she would not release her grip on him. It was a testament to how important she believed her task was, but in the end, her own mind crumbling around her, the dream-caster released a furious shriek and broke, setting Nik's mind free and in turn the block on his power. Such a thing would have been disastrous had Nik been healthy, but as it was, he did nothing. The dream-caster, however, fought like a thing possessed to get away then, but Lyra's grip on her was relentless and Rhelic's the same.

There would be no escape for the female who'd killed for the fun of it and had caused as much pain as she could inflict while doing so.

Nik felt the release on his mind immediately, the burning there stopping, leaving his thoughts in a chaotic jumbled and his memories flying all over the place. He couldn't focus anymore, didn't want to and not even the fingers digging into the knife wounds along his arms, the same carved into the palms of his hands, could make him stir. He heard the voice that demanded his release through a fog and managed to raise his head, glazed pale blue eyes taking in those he could see. He noted Jak vaguely, the Regent he did not know and then his eyes settled on Lyra. They stayed there then, her form flickering in and out past the darkness that threatened to overpower his sight.

She was here. Was she here? He didn't know. He didn't know and it hurt to not know. To see her and not know if she was real.

"Cease this attack on my people, swear to leave our lands and I will give him to you." King Donn countered, stubbornly proud and Nik looked up then, looking toward his grandfather in only name and he mustered the will to speak. Whether he addressed an apparition or the true Sidhe King, he didn't care. It needed to be said. "N-no." His voice was hoarse and raw, cracked and his lips bled along with everything else, but everyone seemed to hear them anyway.

Pale blue eyes, filled with pain and more emotional hurt than they knew what to do with, but also determination and anger met those of his kin as they stared back at him in a mixture of surprise and disgust. "No. You never...never wanted me. Never cared. Have no right to me." Fire flared along his arms then, making the blood there sizzle and boil, but it made the guards release him with cries of pain and Nik wavered, but stayed on his feet as the fire sputtered and died again, his entire body shaking with the effort it had taken to do even that. Spirit burned in his face, though, as he kept his gaze on the Sidhe.

"You are not my family, not my kin and you have no power over me anymore." With that, he turned and took a step and then another and no one stopped him. His vision was starting to waver, though, and a cold feeling starting from his back and moving outward was sweeping over him. A form broke out from the elven ranks then and Nyaisah rushed the stairs to catch him when he stumbled and would have tumbled down. She held him tightly as he lost the fight with consciousness and the werewolf's nose twitched, her gaze sweeping over the halfbreed's back. A snarl broke from her mouth then as she looked up to the Sidhe.

"You've poisoned him!"

Cuchulainn smiled. "Oops."
"She has released her hold," Rhelic giggled softly, "Your orders my lady?"

Lyra released her hand from the woman's throat, grinned wider as she pushed herself to her feet. "Torment her until she passes out. Then bind her powers." Lyra winked to her, "You better start praying for hell to take you cause it'll be a lot more merciful than Rhelic."

Ears prickled her attention shifted with the golden irises, the shadows pulling away from the red woman though she remained rooted in the ground for the time being, a firm hand gripped around her shoulder causing her to look towards the ignorant monsters of a royal family, Zen's gaze seething as blood coated his once gleaming armor.

The Regent narrowed his eye to the King, "You are in no right to negotiate terms, you are letting your people be slaughtered merely because you are all too stubborn to accept your kin as is. And your subjects are watching, listening and soon your empire will fall-" his blind eyes opened slightly as it seemed Nik had more than his peace to interject. Though it wasn't as strong as it could have been when the lad came crumpling down only to be caught by the female werewolf Lyra had demanded be healed.

The army halted, pulling back as her gaze turned wider looking to that of Nik and Nya... her words. They poisoned him. Were they so desperate to want to kill him instead of letting him lose from their cruel reign. No... his grandfather was more than happy to get rid of the half breed, it was the brother.

The tip of her blade drug along the ground, the smile faded from her lips allowing the shadows to rise up from the ground swirling around her frame in a heinous scream; golden irises pinned to that of Cuchulainn. Peering through writhing in an silent agony, hungry for his body to be crushed. "Lyra!" Jak snapped at her only to he held off by the Regent casting his hand out to the side; "Milord?"

"Lady Wolf take Nik back, flee to Lady Amara and Arrah and pray that they can mend the lad;" an audible growl echoing around, her eyes flitted to him briefly. "Make this family feel true pain Lady General."

"My pleasure!" Lunging forward, the shades whipped around jumping up forward to skitter in anguish and screams at the one who had harmed, her sword dropped from her hands. The brilliant ice forming hot and fast into her palm, the half demon slammed her fist forward allowing her shadows to grapple around the man's body, vapour wisp taken form latching fangs into his flesh; the pained growl escaping from her own throat. "I'll destroy you!" a tone once soft turned manic, taking on an edge of feral undertone, haunting and creeping to be the call of the dark, the voice of a demon.
Nyaisah had done exactly as the Regent had told her. She had fled with Nik - a few guards to make sure they got back safely - like the hounds of hell were on her heels. And why wouldn't she? Nik was the only family she had left and he was dying even as they raced back to Faradar. The Sidhe had dealt their final blow and the werewolf prayed it would be their last upon this earth for if Lyra did not kill them, then Nyaisah would. She would not allow such scum that had ordered the death of her kin and the torture of another to remain alive upon this earth.

They reached Amara and Arrah as Nik's spirit started to fade, hardly any life left in his body and from that point on, the werewolf had been made to wait. For the next four days she waited and when the army trickled back into Faradar, and those Nik had grown close to here showed, they had to wait too. The poison was a ferocious kind, attacking every organ system in the body and on top of the trauma, blood-loss and malnutrition Nik had already suffered, it was touch and go for far longer than it should have been for the elven healers to get him stabilized. They did, though. Miracle workers they were, each and every one of them, and they got his body back under control, flushed the poison from his system and then started the calm work upon healing his body of the grievous torture. He would have scars. X marks on his palms and lashes upon his back. Patterns carved into the skin of his hip and side, following the silver lines already there from his birthmarks and stab scars littered everywhere.

But he'd live.

When he'd wake, though, was anyone's guess. It was not so much the damage done to his body that worried anyone, but the state of his mind. Until he woke, it would be dangerous for even a fore or a seer to go inside his head and they would have to evaluate Nik when he came back to the land of the waking. He didn't seem to want to, though, the only signs he showed of stirring, that he was still inside the body that rested on the bed, were the screams and thrashing he unleashed on the healing ward at random intervals, a blue glow under his skin as his power threatened to flare but never did. It was clear he was tormented, but whether that was because he was fighting his demons or succumbing to them was yet to be discovered.

Nyaisah had not left the halfbreed's side, more often than not curled as a wolf on the edge of the bed, over his legs which actually helped when he went into a fit. She was allowed to stay because she was not disruptive and in fact the canine seemed just as subdued and lethargic as the male. She watched closely anyone who came in and only tolerated people she knew Nik had trusted, having to be severely convinced when a new healer came in or anyone else she did not know by sight.

It was hard to reason with the werewolf, but that was because her will was linked to Nik's and Nik was being less than clear what he wanted right now. It was rather easy to gauge what might be going on in his head by how Nyaisah behaved, though. Growling and raised fur from her usually signaled an sleep-attack from Nik and tranquil peace from Nyaisah told them that Nik was doing well.

And so it continued, no change in six days since bringing the male back to the elven city.
She watched them, revelled in their pain soaking it like a sponge when his skull crushed beneath her boot letting the gore slip and stain their great name upon their steps. The King once content and proud in his stature seemed ready to fall to his knees but wouldn't due to his stubborn arrogance. She shook with the anguish of her own heart, knowing what sick torture they put one of their own flesh through. She made them watch in horror as their son was torn asunder by hands and teeth of the shadows swarming mad around him, her own attacks never receding under she could crush him, crush them.

Huffing heavily, a gaze of pure hellish torment looked to them; some effectively cowering away fearing they would be next, she'd leave them to stare at the heinous scene. Let it strike to their bones and let them know the elven army, no their casted off child was not there's to hurt without repercussion. They made the grave mistake of sending him into her hands, into her heart. She would destroy them if she had too, and it was marked on the stone that she could.

Lifting his chin the Regent motioned for the soldiers to start leaving the empire built on blood of others. Releasing the red woman from the stone, Rhelic put a bond around her magic sealing it behind her own fore abilities as they cuffed, gagged and took her as their own personal victory. Jak had plans for her and she was not about to dispute them as much as she wanted to crush the woman with her own hands. All this because he was a half breed, all this because they couldn't see that he was worth more than there petty hearts could see. All this could have been avoided.

They had returned to hear the condition of the former prince, many somber and sending their wishes with. As much as she wanted to tend to her mother and help with any sort of healing; she couldn't. She wasn't sure how long she slept, but by the mess of her hair and how hungry she was, it had been a few days.

Regaining her strength and constantly being chased away by her mother until they were certain Nik was in a better condition, she had finally received word that they would let her enter.

His dark gray hair hung into his face, even in his age he was still something of a force to be reckoned with. Looming tall even over that of Zen, his golden eyes were cast across the city with a reserved sort of look. She couldn't recall the last time she had seen him, it was when she was younger she knew that but him in his human skin? It was even more rare.

An engulfing hand patted to her head as her mother had stepped out for a bit, exchanging small talk with the demon lord, the doors swung shut as she exchanged a look with Nyaisah. The only one to survive... it burned her to no ends that the monster that sat on the throne had murdered the wolves. It was horrifying.

Kneeling down at the side she sighed, giving Nyaisah a warming pat on her skull before looking at the supine man. Fingers dappled upon his brow pushing aside the long tendrils of white, smoothing softly against his cheek lost in ways she could be helpful. She wanted them to fix this, make it well again and yet they couldn't. Rhelic and Arrah couldn't step into his mind without causing further damage, no... he had to fix this himself.

Smoothing his hair back again, pressing a gentle kiss to his brow she was biting her lip. "You're not suppose to hide anymore remember, you have people here that fought for you, wanted you back in the safety of those who care about you. It does exist... you're not suppose to fall in love with me and then give up Nik..." she exhaled shakily, she was still worn out as much as she hated it. "I need you here, come back here with Nyaisah, Jak and Mama... Zen... me. You're stronger than your demons, your smarter than them. They have no control on you, please..."
The wolf whined softly in greeting, but this form she could not speak a coherent tongue and so her tail wagged just slightly before she laid her head back down with a sigh. Her head rested on Nik's knees, her eyes intent upon him, but he did not stir. Not at first anyway. She could feel his mind working - or rather his will. It was complicated. Nyaisah was sworn to the halfbreed, meaning she could sense his state, his health and his vicinity, but she could not read his mind. She could feel his will, what he wanted and what he desired and right now that part of him was stirring at Lyra's words.

Nyaisah's gray ears perked and she raised her head, completely at attention that way as Nik started to jerk, his head starting to thrash but no scream came from his throat. He didn't arch or act like he was in pain this time as his brows furrowed and his fists clenched. Sweated beaded on his forehead and a blue glower started to spiral under his skin, prompting the werewolf to leap off the bed as ice started to frost over his skin.

Nik had heard her. Of all the people that had come in to speak to him, she'd not been present and his mind had not responded. It wanted one thing and one thing only and that was Lyra. It had not heard her, not sensed the one person it could trust above all other, loved above all others and so it had refused to take the last few steps needed to come back to consciousness, back to the world where he would hurt and have to face what had happened. But now she was here. She needed him and he needed her. All the fighting in the last few days was only worth it if he knew she was safe, that she'd not disappeared.

So he fought the last few layers of psychosis that had been wrapped around his mind and braced for the pain and memories and grief that would greet him when he opened his eyes. He realized the moment he did that he'd been fooling himself. There was nothing that could have prepared him for the ache that encompassed him from head to toe, the pain that still resided in his chest....but also the pure, overwhelming relief that came when he looked around, caught sight of Lyra...and realized it wasn't a dream. He was safe. No more torture. No more manipulation. No more taunts and cruel words. Nik wasn't even aware that his eyes had filled until the hot trail of tears made their way down his face, tears of joy and sorrow both.

He was home.
Alarm rang true and loud within upon her vessel as he seemed to be struggling against something unseen, briefly she feared that damn red woman had managed to break the seal was causing hell. But that was hardly a thought to mull over as she leaned back a bit watching as the frost began to form and envelop around his frame force Nyaisah from her roost.

Motioning to that of Nyaisah to at least come close to rest at ease, a tug upon her lips as she grinned to him striving to awaken, Lyra let out a soft huffing laugh brushing her thumb across some of the tears that flooded. "No more fear of them Nik, they won't strike out again if they know what's good for them." Lyra wrinkled her nose stopping herself from joining in the overjoyed emotions, she leaned forward cupping his face in her palms lacing her lips to his own gently. Pulling back a bit letting the azure eyes flick upwards sideways and down again at him, those b******s, how could they cause so much pain to someone who never had the choice of whether or not to be born to them. Who was nothing but a casualty of their cruel ways. No none of that mattered, as much as he might have never thought it possible, they had accepted him, fought to bring him home, and she'd do it over again.

"The boy awakes," his voice soft and gentle, almost grandfatherly as she tilted her gaze back to the Regent Lord, his blind features smiling so softly. "Certainly a good thing, I feared we'd have to chain your wife to the floor if you didn't before she slaughtered those gutter crawling curs."

"Lord Zeph;" Lyra brushed her palm across his brow before leaning back, patting the bed for Nyaisah to jump back up so she could at least show her own gratitude.

His hand raised as he pulled over a chair that she hadn't thought of to sit down, "These ol' bones aren't up to the challenge anymore," he grinned wider patting a hand to Nik's knee allowing the compassion to be shown through even though they had not officially met. "It is good to see you awake Niklomaus. Does an old man's heart well."
Her words were a balm to the spark of fear and disbelieve still inside him and the emotions were smothered completely, simple as that. He trusted her to tell him the truth and if she said that the Sidhe were done with him, then he'd believe her. Lyra's touch made his eyes close in something close to bliss and the taste of her lips brought a slight smile to his face once she'd pulled back. His pale blue eyes opened, watching her and his fingers brushed over her cheek lovingly and he just continued to look at her, not saying anything yet and then not getting to as another voice came into the room.

The tone kept Nik from jumping even though he didn't know who was speaking to him and at Lyra's touch, he relaxed completely again. His mind was mulling over Lord Zeph's words to what he remembered of the battle he'd witnessed when Nyaisah jumped on the bed and Nik's eyes widened. The mixture of happiness and grief that flooded his gaze was reflected in the wolf and when she crawled carefully to lay at his side, the halfbreed wrapped his arms around her neck and buried his face in her fur. He didn't cry. He didn't have the strength, didn't have have enough tears to release the pain inside him. Nyaisah whined softly in his hold, her tail wagging gently, but she didn't move and when Nik finally took a shuddering breath and looked up, he didn't release the wolf, the last of his childhood family.

"Thank you, my Lord, for...for coming for me." the halfbreed whispered, his throat sore and he looked to Lyra then, letting one hand release Nyaisah - who was more than content to stay by his side - to reach out toward the blond, his fingers caressing her cheek and then running back through her hair in a fond, familiar way. "I saw you." Pale blue met azure, both awed and filled with more love than he could express.

"You were beautiful."
Watching the Regent Lord as Nik said his thanks, "Surely you have lived upon us long enough to know that we elves do not turn our backs to our kin. You are part of our fold Niklomaus, we would have come even if you told us otherwise." his palms folded upon his own knee caps chuckling before Lyra would turn crimson red at his caress and words, she didn't think he had been that aware.

"I don't know if you would call being crazed and out of your mind beautiful." an eye darted to the regent lord slowly drawing to look down at Nyaisah and back to him. "They hurt you Nik... I couldn't let that go. I can't fix all that they did but I can certainly put an end to their wrath now, or at least try."

"They'd be truly foolish to try and attack back Lyra, I gave you the orders to see them know the pain of really losing a son and you filled that." he nodded with self assurance, milky eyes turning to look at Nik. "When you are well enough lad, I wish you to come to my office in the council chambers. We have much to discuss about the Sidhe and to make you an official citizen of the elven populace." he winked to him, "Only when your wife lets you out of her sights." Slowly rising, he bent to affectionately pat her head, his attendants appearing to follow behind until she heard the door shut firmly closed.

"We captured that red woman," she mused a dangerous glint taking to her gaze, "Rhelic has sealed her abilities and was... subjugated to torture of all those she killed and maimed. Jak wants her alive to know what her ploy was to be with your family. Though I am certainly they fear the name Bloodworth now."
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