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Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

I can finally sleep on my left side without fear of pain. Woohoo!
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

The whole house smells delicious. o__o Slow cooking was the best and most torturous invention ever.
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

I had something for today that was more generically makes me happy but it's slipped my mind so I will just say, yay kitties!
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

On the food subject...

POTATOES! Potatoes, man. Another fiiiine food.
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

On the food subject...

POTATOES! Potatoes, man. Another fiiiine food.
What is potatoes?

On a less vaguely-referencing note, I'm catching up on all those series I was meaning to watch.
Though, there may be a problem in the fact that there are several trillion hours of things people want me to watch.
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

All you can eat sushi. I will be able to afford this treat, soon!
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

The Beach Boys, dammit. I cannot listen to either this song or "Good Vibrations" without smiling.

Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

Nothing brightens my day of frustrations and strep throat nastiness like a random gift of cute stickers and buttons. I <3 my boyfriend.
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

[Cammy]After having pretty crap and cloudy weather for about a week, the sun came out today, brilliantly, and it really felt like spring! I had such a good day today! <3[/Cammy]
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

I have a pretty shiny thing and I like this pretty shiny thing.
I don't wear much jewelry, but this is a nice pretty shiny thing.
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

Logging on to see Iwaku's new background! :)
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

Day 12

Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

Nights like this, staying up late and working side by side with my husband on things we are passionate about are just wonderful. Whether it is with the tv on in the background or in companionable silence or helping one another with stuff, it is all great!
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

That wonderful feeling when you've been working hard at something and the pieces start falling into place.
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

I too love when I spend all day working on something, and then it all starts to look so lovely!
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

Movie nights with friends always brighten my day!
Re: CHALLENGE! 31 Days of Happy Things!

[Cammy]I love unexpectedly running into old HS friends! Always great to catch up IRL as opposed to FB![/Cammy]