Caste Game - Who will be the next 'King'?

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I can't decide on a specialty :/ it's between life sciences and literary arts but i know for sure Rohan's language is going to be Russian. If anybody interested in rooming with her?
I edited my CS, please let me know if I need to add or edit anything else. I'm just not used to such detailed CS. Her major will be Liberal arts.
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Sure no qualms about that! Laura won't be happy with whatever roommate she gets anyway. xD Do you want to discuss how they would treat and be around each other as roommates?

If so: Laura would probably set up all kind of ridiculous rules for Cassia to follow because she values her privacy so much.
Alright, glad to hear it!

And yes, we can discuss how they'll treat each other, if you'd like.

Cassia herself has a tendency to be a bit... well... overzealous, to put it lightly.
I imagine that would be one of the most annoying things about having her as a roommate, simply because she'd always be much too eager to talk about her obsessions, and can be quite hyper and/or loud at times.
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I wonder who will be roommates with Valentina, hopefully they can put up with her x]
Dreda Palmer


♠Full name♠
Etheldreda Mallory Palmer

Dreda, Mal (only family and truly close friends), Thely (Mom only)


♣Date of Birth♣
January 15th


♥Sexual Orientation♥




Parker Palmer | Father - Etheldreda likes her father very much, always having been quite a daddy's girl. He's a very private person, upstanding with a strong sense of morals, but somehow, no matter how strict he tried to be with her, he could never stay angry at her for long. At home he can be goofy, but he also has a strict, blunt side that Dreda has watched with many a sigh, seeing how it makes him butt heads with her brother fairly often. He dotes on her quite a bit, and has encouraged her to express herself freely. Even so, she can rarely talk about anything serious with him. She knows her mother will tell him things anyways, but for some reason she doesn't feel as comfortable telling him about her problems and her worries. It's just not the type of relationship they have.

Danica Palmer | Mother - This woman is not much to look at and doesn't have many accomplishments to tout, but Dreda still knows her to be a woman with nerves of steel. She seems quiet and polite at first, not much of a threat with her calm voice and small frame, but once you get into an argument with her, you'd better watch out, because she can be as stubborn as an ox and loud enough to burst your eardrums. It might also be good to note that she enjoys throwing people to keep up her judo, which she learned for some years when she was a younger woman. She once knocked a man out with a frying pan after they pointed a gun at her. Or maybe she's not fearless so much as reckless and a little crazy, Dreda still hasn't figured out which it is. Despite this, Dreda trusts her mother enough to tell her when things are wrong and ask her for advice. For all that she acts like she has a few screws loose, she usually gives out good advice and is reliable about keeping secrets when they need to be kept.

Leofric Palmer | Younger Brother - Something is seriously wrong with this kid. You can't say he lacks social skills, it's more like he has a human allergy. Like their mother, he can be occasionally prone to violence, but unlike her, he doesn't just do it for fun, but also because he genuinely begins feeling ill if he's around too many people crowding around him being noisy and irritating. This extreme misanthropy has only two exceptions, the first being family, and the second being children. Still, Dreda is very affectionate with Leo. She's probably the only person in this world who has called him cute since he grew out of being a cute little child, bar none. He often complains that he was forced against his will to get used to her hugging him, or he'd've killed her by now. She thinks this is hilarious for some reason no one else understands. He and his father do not get along at all, but as far as Dreda's concerned, that's only because the two of them are extremely similar - bluntly incapable of tact, serious, and protective of their soft inner natures.

Maria Hicks | Maternal Aunt - Unlike Dreda's mother, Maria is a much more carefree and lively person on the outside, and gentle in inherent nature. She doesn't mind violence, but is perhaps the most similar to Etheldreda in her ability to smile, laugh, and somehow still call her slightly marble-less relatives cute. The two of them have often had long talks and enjoy each other's company even when they're not doing much of anything exciting.

Michael Hicks | Uncle by Marriage - It was a bit of a surprise to everyone in the family when Maria brought this particular person into the family. Considering Maria's personality, they always figured she could nab pretty much anyone, but she'd never really expressed an interest in a first place, and of all things no one thought she'd bring in someone even more laid-back than she. Michael basically doesn't interact with the family... at all. When they are in the same room together, he barely speaks two words together, perfectly content to be left in smiling silence.

Audrey Palmer | Paternal Uncle - She has a good relationship with this man. He's much like her aunt in that he's more smiley than her father. Rather than an excited attitude, however, he tends to exude a calm sense of everlasting joy and peace. Considering his past and sexuality has never been easy, she finds this forgiving nature shocking, but admirable, but does not have a close relationship with him. They never really connected in that sense.

Jordan Baker | Uncle by Marriage - Okay, so technically Mr. Baker isn't "married" to her uncle, but they're pretty close to it. He's... well, he's a normal person. He has some quirks, like everyone, but nothing strange like her brother's misanthropy, or her father's lack of tact, or her mother's image vs personality gap. He's as you see him. Much like with her Uncle Audrey, she doesn't entertain a close relationship to him.

Alisa Baker-Palmer | Cousin - This little girl is only six, more than a decade her junior. She's only biologically related to Jordan Baker, but as Audrey treats her like she's his own daughter, so does Dreda treat her like she's her biological cousin. It makes no difference to her. She likes Alisa either way, but since she's not really close to her uncles, she's not really close to the little girl either. This is compounded by the fact that Alisa is already very girly, interested in ponies and make-up, and many things that just never interested Dreda in her life.

None Yet

None Yet

None Yet

None Yet

None Yet

Romantic Relationships

Etheldreda was never really a person with something to prove. She never felt the need to follow social rules, nor the need to break them. Even her participation in the game as a delinquent is something she finds more amusing than anything. But still, she's a bit of a perfectionist. If she's going to do something, then she's all in. So even though she doesn't dress like one, and certainly doesn't look suited to be one, she plays the role of delinquent to perfection, rebelling against the teacher and everyone else except for the King and Queen, causing messes, and swearing people out. As some part of her is naturally gentle, she rarely actually hurts anyone, and especially goes out of her way to screw around with the people bullying the Targets. This works for her, as she is naturally a private person, but that does not mean she's okay without any companionship at all, and sometimes she experiences intense loneliness playing this role. It is only in these moments that her naturally sunny disposition fails her, and she really suits the role of delinquent. Ironic, really, since that bout of loneliness is rare and never lasts long to begin with. If anyone were to find out her real personality, behind the perfect lie of her delinquency, they'd find a cheerful, tolerant, laid-back sort of person, with a general dislike of conformity and violence, and a deep love for the beauty she can see overflowing in the world. She might be a little obsessive about things she becomes interested in, but she's not deeply interested in that many things, so it balances out.

♠Most Prized Possession♠

New Paint Smell
Take-out Chinese Food
Her family!
Traveling to New Places
Old Books

Oriental Tea
Overly Sweet Foods (mainly Cake, Chocolate, Cupcakes)
Restricting Clothes

♣Fears and Phobias♣
Snakes (if you're going to be scared of anything, why not be scared of the one thing Indiana Jones is scared of)

Favorite Sayings
"I'm always okay. It's just the getting there that's not always okay."
"Life is nothing without some pain."
"When life gives you lemons, chuck 'em at people." – Dr. Cal Lightman
"I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the ability to live on earth. I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind." – Fyodor Dostoevsky
"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place." – Iain Thomas
"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong in the broken places." – Ernest Hemingway

Specialty in Linguistics, taking Japanese and Russian

Playing Piano
Poker and other Card Games

Can speak both English and French proficiently

Optimistic and forward-thinking
Surprisingly good liar
Can see the good in everybody
Knows some Judo herself
Never ever panics

A little inconsistent in her decisions, making some logically, and other whimsically
Easily impatient
Sometimes too blunt
Can only concentrate on one thing at a time
Weak lungs and bad depth perception

Face Claim
Sakai Wakana



♦Body Build♦
Petite and looks incapable of building much fat or muscle, but not bone-thin or awkwardly skinny. Still, relatively flat in the chest department.

♣Eye Color♣

♠Hair Color♠

♥Complexion and Skin Tone♥
White skin with only the slightest of olive tans to offset naturally pasty paleness.

Neat and unassuming

♣Nervous Tics♣
Bites her lip when nervous, taps her fingers on the desk or whatever hard surface is available (usually to a rhythm in her head) when bored, shifts her weight from side to side when restless.

Ellie Goulding's Voice

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Alright, glad to hear it!

And yes, we can discuss how they'll treat each other, if you'd like.

Cassia herself has a tendency to be a bit... well... overzealous, to put it lightly.
I imagine that would be one of the most annoying things about having her as a roommate, simply because she'd always be much too eager to talk about her obsessions, and can be quite hyper and/or loud at times.

Haha, I can see Laura bury her head in her pillow when Cassia goes like that. XD at one point I can see her go: "okay, enough. New rule,..."

Laura will most likely put up a façade for her, so she won't treat her all too badly, I imagine. She would act like the lady she is in front of everyone, but have her outbursts when things become too much for her.
Yay! Dreda's been accepted! Relationships anybody?
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ℕicholas Ѵail


Some students have made the habit of calling their History professor "Nico", much to the man's exasperation.


Date of Birth
December 1st, ♐ – Sagittarius


Sexual Orientation
"I hardly see the point in such things"

Its been debated that he is Asexual due to his obvious lack luster towards romance. Although it was rumored that he was engaged at one point but the marriage seemed to have been called off.

British & Half Irish


History Conventions Professor and Vice-Principal





O'Donald Vail - A full fledged Irish man with a beer belly to boot. Anyyone who had ever met Mr. Vail had described him to be a very jolly character reminiscent to that of old Saint Nicholas. And its not just the white beard and rosy cheeks at play.

Elizabeth Montgomery Vail - From a long line of traditional and distinguished British Nobility, Elizabeth is a women of strict morals. A clear opposite of her husband. Although there is no mistaking her love for him. This is a perfect example of the phrase "opposites attract"

A single child with no known brothers or sisters.

A few here and there scattered throughout Ireland. Nicholas had only gotten to meet his grandparents when he was child but the others like to keep in touch with occasional letters.

His mother's side however are a bit more...distant.





Romantic Relationships
Just as previously stated, he once had a fiance. Who the mystery woman (or man) is unknown.

None at the moment

Some say he is close friends with the ever elusive principal but since the two have never been formally seen together it is only considered a rumor.

The other teachers and a very few select pupils.

Currently none.

The students who constantly break the rules. Filing reports and documenting hand written letters to stuffy committee members are an unnecessary headache.





As per requirement for any vice-principal, Nicholas has a strong, authoritative presence. He speaks in a soft, contained voice most of the time, except during the rare instances where he loses his temper. You could say he's the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. To the point where others may view him to be cold and insensitive due to his apparent lack of apathy. Its mostly due to the fact that he's a man oriented towards the future. Always planning one step ahead or several dozen if he had his way. In his mind, things are laid out like a chessboard with all the pieces constantly accounted for. When things don't play out as he anticipated or his plans have been somehow thwarted, he acts out in an in uncharacteristically childish manner masked by a stoic expression.

It may not seem like it but there are lots of ways to get under his skin. One of the negatives things of being a strictly 'proper gentleman' is that anything remotely immoral, indecent, or suggestive can bring the red flag shooting straight up. Depending on the circumstances he may even become flustered. Although he can, for the most part, ignore provocative wear. A breach of personal space and unexpected physical contact however is a different matter altogether. In most cases he'll react in irritation to hide his discomfort.

In spite of his aloof and at times unapproachable character, Nicholas can be very pleasant company depending on his mood. A soft, almost serene quality surrounds his aura and can have a significant influence on others. This is most noticeable during the times of which he spends in the Academy's Tea Garden. Its admittedly harder to notice that apart from his strict formalities, he's also just one for seeking out peace and a bit of quite solitude from time to time.

Novels & Literature
Historical Research
Antique Photographs
Clean, neat, & order
Tea & Scones
Extremely sugary coffee
Quite & Silence
Classical Music
Accuracy & Efficiency
The smell of book pages
Crackling sound of a fire place

Bitter & too sour tasting food
Loud noises
Unexpected surprises
Far too much physical contact
Encroachment of physical space
Cold food
Dusty Spaces
Blindfolds or anything that disrupts his vision
Smoking & Cigarettes

Favorite Sayings
"It is important not to judge a man by the mistakes he has made, but instead by the lessons he has, or has failed to learn from them"

Most Prized Possession
An old pocket watch passed down from generation to generation of his father's side.






185 lbs.

Body Build
Willowy & thin

Eye Color
A light, Cyan green with a bluish undertone.

Hair Color
Extremely platinum blonde to the point of appearing a dusty silver.

Complexion and Skin Tone
Very pale that if he was a few shades lighter, would appear sickly.


Traditional. Donning a suite or tie for most occasions.

Nervous Tics
Scrunching his brows
Removing his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose
Loosening his tie



♙ℐntellectual/ℳental Ѧttributes and Ѧttitudes♙


Irish Gaelic, French, Italian, and dabbles a bit in German

Fears and Phobias
Appearing disheveled or preforming any immoral acts in front of students and superiors.
Tightly enclosed spaces & bound limbs
To be choked or hanged
Extreme public humiliation

Violin & Piano
Cooking & Needlecraft

Organization & Planning
Photographic Memory
Traditional Dance
Money Management

Critical Thinking - Examining situations from all sides; weighing all evidence fairly.

Quick Witted - An ability to think or respond quickly or effectively.

Wise - Having ways of looking at the world that make sense to oneself and to other people.

Integrity - Presenting oneself in a genuine way; taking responsibility for one's feeling and actions.

Social Intelligence - Being aware of the motives and feelings of other people and oneself.

Prudence - Being careful about one's choices; not taking undue risks; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted.

Self Regulation - Regulating what one feels and does; being disciplined; controlling one's appetites and emotions.

Humility - Letting one's accomplishments speak for themselves; not regarding oneself as more special than one is.

Insensitive - Being a brutally honest person, not many may appreciate his blunt observations.

Vague - When he's not teaching or instructing students, he's really not a descriptive fellow.

Short Sighted - Slightly blurry vision ever since he was ten and it escalated from there until only splotches of light and color were visible. Now a days he could have it corrected through laser surgery but he's rather apprehensive about the whole process.

Strict - No special treatment, no mishaps, and especially no rule breaking.

Controlling - He prefers to call it "Authoritative". To be honest he's not really that dominate but instead has a sort of childish disposition over things that don't go as planned.

Indifferent - To a guy who barely has the emotional aptitude of a pin, he could easily overlook a straight up love confession.

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Yay! Dreda's been accepted! Relationships anybody?
Well I can say one thing for sure after reading through your character, we will not be getting along ^^ (from character viewpoint that is)
You mean Dreda and Nicholas? Ahaha, she doesn't needs to get along with a teacher. pwah! :D
You mean Dreda and Nicholas? Ahaha, she doesn't needs to get along with a teacher. pwah! :D
True, but she doesn't want to get on the wrong side of the Vice-Principal ;P Kidding kidding! For the most part I'll just have him wallow in the background unless someone needs to be expelled, demoted, or gets sent to the nurses office with 'unexplainable' injuries.

You know, the usual.
:D 'sokay. I already said she doesn't usually actually hurt anyone. And considering she's not part of the rankings, no chance of getting demoted, unlikely to get expelled. The unexplained injuries thing, well... :D her family has a history of violence, I'm sure she can handle herself.
:D 'sokay. I already said she doesn't usually actually hurt anyone. And considering she's not part of the rankings, no chance of getting demoted, unlikely to get expelled. The unexplained injuries thing, well... :D her family has a history of violence, I'm sure she can handle herself.
I completely forgot to say this before but great character (a little, yea ^^;).

Oh for the injuries thing I meant everyone in general. Well mostly towards the one who becomes a target (or targets depending on the king). By demoted I was leaning more to in-school suspensions. Possible restriction fro certain areas like the swimming pool, tennis court, and all that other gist.

I hope not. Although we do have a few loose screws in the school with chaotic personalities. I'm kind of hoping they'll be king for one round just to see what the heck will happen.
Just a little? :D

Oh I see. That makes sense. Ahaha. I think this will be very interesting, and I think it would be fascinating to have a chaotic personality as king, though perhaps kinda scary. I'm looking forward to this.
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@Clear -
I believe earlier on you said that you'd be rechoosing roles every week, in real time?
How is that going to work if people can't get a lot of RP posts in? :O

Also, do you know when you'll be rolling the dice for the first time?
I'm a bit overly eager. >.>

- Also, did we ever decide on when we'll be starting out the roleplay, school-year wise?
I liked the idea of starting about a week into the school year (was that @Headphones who suggested it? Can't recall) simply because they would have had time to get situated, and learn how things worked, but they wouldn't have really interacted with anyone yet.

Lastly, @WishfulNemo - Yes, I can definitely see something along those lines happening. Cassia can be pretty annoying.
She's the sort of kid who will swirl around in a swivel chair, while going on and on about whatever is currently on her mind.
"Oh my god, Laura! You'll never guess what just happened! So, me and Danny were talking, and - hey! That reminds me of an article I just read! So, you see, it was-"
Once you get her talking, she has a tendency to jump from topic to topic without even realizing she's doing it. She can be pretty bad at realizing people just want her to shut up when she's excited about something, which just makes it worse. :P

Other than the annoyingly overzealous thing, though, Cassia tends to be pretty chill about everything. She grew up with five siblings, in a small house that was usually crawling with cousins. She'll consider sharing a dorm room with one other girl a luxury. Plus, she also has a tendency to internalize unpleasant emotions, which makes her even less likely to be disagreeable.
Just a little? :D

Oh I see. That makes sense. Ahaha. I think this will be very interesting, and I think it would be fascinating to have a chaotic personality as king, though perhaps kinda scary. I'm looking forward to this.
That little part was completely misplaced -.-; By that I had meant I was a little late in saying so.

@Clear -
I believe earlier on you said that you'd be rechoosing roles every week, in real time?
How is that going to work if people can't get a lot of RP posts in? :O

Also, do you know when you'll be rolling the dice for the first time?
I'm a bit overly eager. >.>

- Also, did we ever decide on when we'll be starting out the roleplay, school-year wise?
I liked the idea of starting about a week into the school year (was that @Headphones who suggested it? Can't recall) simply because they would have had time to get situated, and learn how things worked, but they wouldn't have really interacted with anyone yet.

Lastly, @WishfulNemo - Yes, I can definitely see something along those lines happening. Cassia can be pretty annoying.
She's the sort of kid who will swirl around in a swivel chair, while going on and on about whatever is currently on her mind.
"Oh my god, Laura! You'll never guess what just happened! So, me and Danny were talking, and - hey! That reminds me of an article I just read! So, you see, it was-"
Once you get her talking, she has a tendency to jump from topic to topic without even realizing she's doing it. She can be pretty bad at realizing people just want her to shut up when she's excited about something, which just makes it worse. :P

Other than the annoyingly overzealous thing, though, Cassia tends to be pretty chill about everything. She grew up sharing a house with five siblings, that also tended to be crawling with cousins. She'll consider sharing a dorm room with one other girl a luxury. Plus, she also has a tendency to internalize unpleasant emotions, which makes her even less likely to be disagreeable.
I think we're still waiting on one character @Wicked but I can role the dice right now actually. Headphones and I have talked it out and yes we will be starting a week into the semester.

Unless said person is King, there won't be a lot of complications if someone cannot post during the one week limit. If someone is unavailable during that time and they become King then I'll just re-roll the dice.
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That little part was completely misplaced -.-; By that I had meant I was a little late in saying so.

I think we're still waiting on one character @Wicked but I can role the dice right now actually. Headphones and I have talked it out and yes we will be starting a week into the semester.

Unless said person is King, there won't be a lot of complications if someone cannot post during the one week limit. If someone is unavailable during that time and they become King then I'll just re-roll the dice.
Ah, okay. That's good.
I'll be eager for when you finally do roll the dice.

And I see.
I was just worried the roleplay would come off as too fast-paced, and that people wouldn't get enough time to really interact in their roles.
Changing roles so often will keep it interesting though, and if for some reason it didn't work out it's not like you couldn't change it, being the GM and all. (Translation: I worry too much about stupid things.)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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@Cwolf0615 : no, you're not. I'm actually worried that I will be the one who can either get exactly one reply a week in and gets left behind on the story. XD I just hope that this one week rotation will work out with me.

Haha, Cassia is adorable though. Laura won't like her much, being the little sister herself she doesn't like the switch to the older sibling. And sharing a room for her is a horror. XD poor girl will pull her hair out in frustration.

"Just. Shut. Up. Already!" //throws a pillow at Cassia and faceplants into her bed.
Anyone interested in working out relationships between Hideki and their character? XD
I just notice, Hideki is the only older character (in fact the only older student character) that (still) plays the Caste Game. :3