Caste Game - Who will be the next 'King'?

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I have a question, what will those who are technically not involved the caste game be doing? Like, what is their objective? Or do they not have one? @Clear
Hey, why not let @Clear decide as the Game Master of this role play instead of answering the questions for the host? I know Co-GM and all, but I've to side with @firejay1 and @Cwolf0615 there.

So lets hear what the @Clear has to say first, okay? Maybe that they know another game with another set 'ranks' in them? I'm not too aware. I only played Big Two and there the Spade two was the biggest and the diamond three the lowest. Sooo...
@Karma200 I think someone asked that question earlier and Clear said that they would be able to pick sides, and would have quite a bit of clout, because they're able to rebel against or be separate from everyone else in the rankings, but I could be wrong!
@firejay1 Lol I was wondering if someone asked that but as you can see on the number of pages in this thing, there's no way I'm looking for the question nor the answer xD thanks! Also, pick sides with what? o.o *just woke up, don't judge my cluelessness lol*
@firejay1 Lol I was wondering if someone asked that but as you can see on the number of pages in this thing, there's no way I'm looking for the question nor the answer xD
In response to someone else who asked a similar question to the one you did, Clear replied with exactly this:

"Its true that the 12 main players will have more significant attention through the RP since they're the main role holders but Bad Boys and Floaters can be game changers since they're basically untouchable by anyone but the King. So if you want to support one specific character then go for it but your character will definitely not be ignored."
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[glow=cyan]"You should worry less about your current problems,
and worry more about the fury of a patient man.
As we know, I can be very patient."


Awolnation - Windows

Ah ah!
Ah ah!

F u l l N a m e
Nathan Magnus Hale

N i c k n a m e

A g e
17 years

D a t e O f B i r t h
August 7th​

G e n d e r

S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n
Panromantic bisexual

N a t i o n a l i t y
Born Irish, English immigrant

H o m e t o w n
Birth town is Dublin, but current hometown is London.

O c c u p a t i o n
Student and part-time tutor.



Off in my head, lost off in my head
Off in my head, lost off in my head
Off in my head, lost off in my head
Off in my head, lost off in my head

Lost are my arms, lost lost are my legs
Lost is my heart, but my new soul stays


F a m i l y & R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Parents: Desmond Hale & Colleen Hale.
Desmond is an ambitious CEO at a very prestigious company. He is very busy, rarely at home and tends to buy the favor of his children with gifts. He rarely has the time to have dinner with his family, and his aloofness has made his presence quite nonexistent in the family. He has chosen Nathan as his future successor, and has many expectations of his eldest son, which can be quite stressing at times. Unfortunately for him, Nate has absolutely no plans to ever step in to run the company once his father retires. Desmond just does not know it yet.

Colleen is a faithful housewife, a strict mother and a cunning woman. She keeps her children in check and presents their family as the perfect one to the public, even though they have their own flaws just as any other family and are sad in their own ways and then some. She makes sure to attend all the important social gatherings of their neighborhood and the parties of the elite. She enjoys gossip, yoga and manicures. She loves attention and to be worshiped, and clings to her title as a wife to an elite man with nails and teeth. Even while at home, she wears her ashen blonde hair perfectly, lipstick and high heels, just in case anyone important might drop by unannounced.

Because of his parents, Nate has grown warped as he is and learned from the best to twist people around his fingers. It obvious which traits of his are from who if you study them for a while. Nate enjoys their rich lifestyle, but despises the emptiness that it brings, occasionally finding himself jealous of the working class families who are far less cold like his, and more warm, welcoming and accepting. Neither of Nate's parents know their son too well, and for example they have no idea that he has also interest in boys just as much as girls, and Nate is pretty sure that if he ever revealed that, he would be disowned really fast because he would probably be a public disgrace or something. Sometimes Nate deliberately does things to spite his parents, smoking and drinking being one of the habits he picked up originally simply because it made him all warm and fuzzy inside when he thought what his parents would say if they caught him.

Overall, Nate does not really talk about his family background, and makes sure to avoid any unnecessary probing questions.

Siblings: Twin little brothers Rudy Hale & Rowan Hale.
Rudy and Rowan are identical twins. They are eight years old, but act surprisingly mature for their age; in this kind of world and household the kids are forced to grow fast. Rudy and Rowan are really attached to each other, and seem to do everything together; from mischief to sharing the same friends. They do rather well in school and are showing much promise with their intelligence which is noticeably above their peers.

Rudy and Rowan are probably the only humans in the planet that Nate does not despise by default. Sure, they can be annoying, but with these two he feels more relaxed and actually behaves more freely.

Relatives: Paternal grandparents and maternal grandparents, half a dozen of uncles and aunts, two dozen cousins.
The Hale bloodline is larger than life and rowdy, but thankfully all of them reside all the way in Ireland where they can not cause any trouble for Nate, while his family lives in England. The relatives visit from time to time, and his mother makes sure to visit them in Ireland out of obligation at least once a year. Unfortunately, this tends to mean that she drags her children with her.

Romantic Relationships: There has been few flings in the past couple of years, but nothing serious.
Nate has not been interested in anyone for a good while. At least not enough to bother to flirt.

Partner(s): Not many in the past. He can count them all with one hand.
Nate is capable of sleeping with other people without any romantic feelings included, which he has done few times. However, he does it rarely due to lack of interest on the most part and the older he becomes, the less he has noticed to like people. He has no current partners at this given point.

Friends: Nate has friends, but always seems to kind of keep them at arm's length.
Anyone interested in friendships should contact me!

Acquaintances: He has bit of a problem. He remembers faces, but not names. This tends to cause some awkward situations.
None at the moment. Interested? Contact me!

Allies: His allies and loyalties change according to the ranks of the game.
None at the moment.

Enemies: He keeps friends close, and enemies closer...
None at the moment.



We're singing off in my head
My lost off in my head
Off in my head, lost

Do we really know the way the wind blows? (wind blows)
All we really safe around our shadows? (shadows)
Do we really know the way the wind blows? (wind blows)
All we really safe around our shadows? (through shadows)
Through our windows



P e r s o n a l i t y
From the first glance, Nate seems like your regular friendly bloke who smiles and laughs a lot. He has plenty of friends and acquaintances and is fairly popular in the social circles, attends parties and other social gatherings and events. He treats girls well and all the guys fairly. Among the female population his gentlemanly behavior makes him bit of a heartthrob, and among the male population he is a good friend to have around. Nate is bubbly, reliable and charismatic, and may even appear as naive and far too kind for this school. Nathan Hale is most obviously a kind, harmless boy who would never wish anyone any harm.

This is all a lie.

Under the surface, Nate harbors a cold and calculating personality, and is extremely manipulative. He is a patient opportunist, who will lie low and wait for his moment to strike; and usually, you will not ever find out it was him. If you are lucky, you will be able to pinpoint the deception to him after he is done fucking you up, but he is clever enough to always hide his trail so you can not prove anything. Because who would ever believe you, claiming that the sweet, sweet Nathan Hale was the one sinking a knife in your back? All the while he looks at you with big doe eyes and smiles politely in confusion. No one will believe your word, not when everybody loves him and eats from the palm of his hand. They will simply turn on you and finish the work for him that he started.

He is cunning, clever and ambitious. Nate will deliberately let everyone underestimate him, because the height of one's cleverness is to be able to conceal it. Because if nobody takes you as a threat, you have the higher ground. Once they will learn what you are capable of, it is already too late. Nathan Hale is a fraud, a deception on feet, a delusion of the gullible.

He is a realist, and over the years he has come in terms with his true nature. He accepts that he is a human that is capable of terrible things. This is probably what makes Nate even more dangerous, because this acceptance lowers even more his already questionable morals. He is not afraid to use the most underhanded tricks when the situation calls for it, and maker help you if you stand between him and his goal, because he will sacrifice you without hesitation. The boy's ambition works as a strong drive for him to reach out for things he believes he deserves, and because of it he is willing to go for even the most vilest and violent acts. He is aggressive, and believes the best defense is a strong offense. He enjoys control, and it thrills him to see someone being completely in his mercy. This excites him and makes him feel empowered and in control.

When people stop to think about Nathan Hale, they may come to realize that despite being his friend, they in fact know almost nothing about him. He reveals very little, in paranoia that somebody would somehow end up using the information against himself, like he would do without hesitation were he in their shoes. He trusts no one and treads carefully, making a hole in his fraud friendly personality; because he is nice to everyone and treats everyone equally the same way, it makes him seem oddly aloof. Nate has no actual close friends, which makes him not able to rely on anyone himself. Despite what his strong inner personality makes one think, Nate is not actually a sociopath or a complete hedonist, though he tends to push his own pleasure before anything else. He is able to feel anger and sorrow, happiness and love and understand these feelings. Nor does he always by default betray people; there are few he might take liking to and favors them unconsciously in his mind. See, he is not completely rotten to the core and does hold a sense of humanity. He is able to show genuine kindness, but more than often chooses not to, because he knows that the world and the Caste Game has no room for the weak. In here, in this school, everyone are on their own. It is a dog eat dog world, the survival of the fittest, and Nathan Hale is a survivor.



Off in the red, dance, dance with the dead
Off in the red, dance, dance with the dead
Off in the red, dance, dance with the dead
Off in the red, dance, dance with the dead

Lost are my arms, lost lost are my legs
Lost is my heart, but my new soul stays


L i k e s
The taste of coffee and cigarettes, good quality gin, girls with red hair and boys with brown eyes, genuine people that are easy to read, submissive personalities, interesting scientific articles, people who can hold their liquor.

D i s l i k e s
When someone outsmarts him and beats him in his own game, too clingy and nosy people, being dominated and told to do things.

F a v o r i t e Q u o t e s
"Real life's nasty. It's cruel. It doesn't care about heroes and happy endings and the way things should be. In real life, bad things happen. People die. Fights are lost. Evil often wins."
― Darren Shan

"Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway."
― Robert Downey Jr.

"I have heard there are troubles more than one kind. Some come from ahead. Some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat I'm all ready you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me."
― Dr. Seuss

M o s t P r i z e d P o s s e s s i o n
His authentic Ray Ban glasses. Not only because they are expensive, but because his eyesight is pretty bad without them or his contact lenses.

P l a y l i s t
Simon Curtis - Joshua
Awolnation - Windows
Awolnation - Run
Fever Ray - If I Had A Heart
Sleepwave - Rock And Roll Is Dead And So Am I



We're singing off in my head
My lost off in my head
Off in my head, lost

Do we really know the way the wind blows? (wind blows)
All we really safe around our shadows? (shadows)
Do we really know the way the wind blows? (wind blows)
All we really safe around our shadows? (through our shadows)
Through our windows


I n t e l l e c t u a l / M e n t a l A t t r i b u t e s & A t t i t u d e s

Languages: His native languages are British and Irish English, and Irish Gaelic. But he also studies French, but he is still rather weak at it.

Fears and Phobias: Being ganged up on, that no one will ever be able to love him because of his true personality, lakes with no visible bottom.

Hobbies: Hip-hop and breakdance, observing people from afar, doing low-key rebellious things to spite his parents and especially his father.

Skills: To smile brightly while planning a murder, switch between his personalities fast, emotionally manipulate people, drink strong liqueurs without seeming to become drunk and thus drink others under the table.

Strengths: Strong drive and determination, charisma, formidable cleverness.

Weaknesses: Terrible eyesight, the habit of holding grudges, too much pride that makes him incapable to ask help when he really needs it, addictions to bad habits that will make him feel good but cause harm; such as smoking and binge drinking.

A c a d e m i c I n f o r m a t i on

Class Specialty: Literal Arts; Advanced Literature oriented.

Languages being studied: French

Club Memberships: None.

Room: Not decided yet.

Roommate: Alexander Raid.



Oh, aw man, I can't believe this is happening (ah ah!)
Oh, aw man, I can't believe this is happening (ah ah!)
Oh, aw man, I can't believe this is happening (ah ah!)
Oh, aw man, I can't believe th-

Do we really know the way the
Do we really know the way the wind blows? (wind blows)
All we really safe around our shadows? (shadows)
Do we really know the way the wind blows? (wind blows)
All we really safe around our shadows? (through our shadows)
Through our windows


P h y s i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

Height: 6'1'' / 185cm

Weight: 152 lbs / 69kg

Body Build: Strong, but lithe.

Eye Color: Vivid forest green.

Hair Color: Dark mahogany brown.

Complexion and Skin Tone: Well, this is England, he is a white male and he is an indoor type. He is pale, or like people tend to say, pasty.

Voice: Click for an audio example.

Style: Casual. Nate enjoys clothes that are easy to move in, but also appreciates style. He dresses like your typical city boy and wears street fashion that suits him well. However, it is obvious that he is a young man that is also used to wearing suits, and he wears them dangerously well. This is also the reason why the school uniform seems to suit him better than one would expect. A tie and a button up shirt does miracles for a man.

Nervous Tics: Twitch of fingers, clenching and unclenching of fists, lip nibbling, biting and grinding teeth together which makes his jaw muscles work, neck scratching or rubbing, gaze avoiding.

Stress Habits: Dragging fingers through hair, massaging temples and forehead, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.




Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

But I'm aware, and I don't care
And I'm aware, yeah
And I'm aware, and I don't care
And I'm aware, yeah, yeah


@Clear Alright I'm done. Sorry for taking half a lifetime.​
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In response to someone else who asked a similar question to the one you did, Clear replied with exactly this:

"Its true that the 12 main players will have more significant attention through the RP since they're the main role holders but Bad Boys and Floaters can be game changers since they're basically untouchable by anyone but the King. So if you want to support one specific character then go for it but your character will definitely not be ignored."
Thanks you guys! Saved me time on having to wait for an answer xD
@Wicked As expected, a wonderful character~ All I could do was nod my head when I finished reading. Nate gets the Ace of Clubs - the role of the Messenger. I would say it is a nice fit for an individual such as himself.

@Clear Wait. Wait. Hold the phone.
The last two are @Rin Mico and @gen101394 . I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you two are currently sharing the lowest number in the stack (3). The only roles left are the Brain and of course the Target (Joker). You can either talk it out and see who gets what or I can re-roll. Up to you guys ^^
Clear, Gen's Yuki is supposed to be a Floater. Why did you include them in the roll? o.O It now seems that Rin's Rohan is unanimously the Target.

Now all we have to do is wait for our dear Queen, le @Tart , to arrive and it shall be a full house.

Everyone, the Register is now working on the site. I was planning to add an individual page for every character, but it has gotten quite late and I must be off. Good night to you all!
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@Headphones a spot in the main 12 opened up and I volunteered for it. Also, I believe that Run_Mico and I have decided that I will be the Joker and they the Brain.
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@Headphones @gen101394 had both a spot in the top 12 and a floater spot And we have decided that I'll play a role as the brain and @gen101394 the target
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This is why I don't like leaving Iwaku for hours at a time xP Okay let me just get all the answers answered in one go:

@Headphones Ahhh to be honest...I kind of just went from left starting from the king and then kept going down from there on the Pyramid Picture thing ;P I would change it to something more practical now that I know of all the sets but I'm admittedly lazy so we can just leave it as it is...(le question mark?).

Oh and you're spot ON about that Sephiroth ref xD Also thank you :) I spent literally more than a week cultivating that character and my personality is still under 4 paragraphs ;_;

@un coin de soleil Dude your character was made for that role :D Its awesome that you got it in one roll (especially for your first time too)

@Cwolf0615 Personally I think Cassia would be great for the roll. Since I imagined the messenger to be a kind of either energetic/nosy (in the best of ways ^^;) person or sly/sneaky git who kind of just eavesdrops on everyone ;P We'll go with the first of course.

@WishfulNemo Yeaaa that role is going to clash a bit (a LOT) with her personality. I have a feeling Laura is not the type of person to willingly suck up to most people on the get go. But hey, at least its a challenge! (-slaps self so you don't have to go through the trouble).

@Gladis Your character is all sorts of wonderful so its great that they're going to be out of the immediate limelight for this one. Things tend to get crazy on the first round so hoping that Hideki doesn't get too banged up ;-;

@Tart 102% excited for your character Tarts xD I am definitely rooting for your male Queen :D Let the games begin!

@Rin Mico & @gen101394 Again, apologies guys and extra pixie dust for good luck in whatever happens. Also got your roles counted for now :)

@firejay1 Thank you also! Like I said I tried hard with that one (a little too hard ^^;). I officially can't live without tumblr's transparent dividers and I have @Wicked to thank for getting me addicted ;P.

@Karma200 I know everyone else took the liberty to answer this question (and it was spot on guys ;P) but to clarify further *clears throat*

Like I stated before the Floaters and Bad Boys are exempt from the game and are immune to following orders or being ordered around in anyway. Of course they are still free game to any physical violence inflicted upon by one of the game participants but only in self defense. They cannot be targeted or bullied unless directed by the King. The only person allowed to boss them around is the King and the only person who can demote them to a target is, who would you know, the King.

@Wicked I don't even need to say that your accepted because you already know you are xD Welcome to the game, Nathan ;P Also those green eyes though (♡﹃♡)
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@Clear Well, yeah, I knew that from the get-go, if we're being honest here. *Inspecting nails* I mean, I'm aware that I'm dipped in awesomesauce.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how you take a compliment. Fuck bashfulness, overconfidence is the way to-- *Gets assassinated mid-sentence*

Anyway, you're welcome about your new addiction. I'm glad it's contagious. Now only if I would actually bother more with my own skeletons. But nooo, I just want to get it over with them fast. Maybe I'll get back to it later. Probably not. I find designing skellies for other much more fun.

And yeah, dem green eyes, bruh. Mmm-hmmm!
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So when are we starting, Clear?
-Erupts from a volcano of glitter and awesomeness-

Alright! It's time to finish this dang character sheet! No promises on the prettyness of the sheet (never my strongest factor), but I'll definitely try my best to make it a unique character. Also, @Clear , I got flabbergasted you were excited for my character. I just... -dies- I seriously look at your characters and gaze in wonderment on how they're so perfect, I just... nope.

Wish me luck lol!

"Lose or win darling, we all die in the end."


"A world as foul as this should be destroyed; Don't worry, I'm working on it."



"A mistake, a story, and a little white lie. So, basically my whole life."

Full name:
"Ahah, Care to pick on me some more?"

Benjamin Renee

"A long list of naughty, naughty words."
Some call him Benji, others Ben, and then you have the cruel ones.

"Age.. such a petty little thing.."

17, looks to be a freshmen.

Date of Birth:
"What a horrible day."

August 28th

"Has your curiosity gotten the best of you?"


Sexual Orientation:
"If I show any interest to anybody, feel lucky."

Polysexual, though leans quite a bit towards males.

"A bland mix."

American and Japanese


A small town in Montana.

"I don't work for peasants."




"Family; a word that's tasteless in my mouth."


Shu Renee - 43 - Japanese - Mother - Deceased
Peter Renee - 45 - American - Father - Alive


Lilanna Renee - 8 - Japanese/American - Sister - Deceased



"The little 'goth boy' with friends? What a funny form of words in my mouth.."




"Am I too distasteful for you, sweetheart?"

"Ah, my little facade?"

Benjamin's public persona is that of a helpless, shy, and silent boy.
He won't speak much, won't even make eye contact, and skitters away at the raise of a hand.
But those who know him all too well know his inner personality.
Angry, hateful, lashing out, cruel words and taunts that leave you wondering.

Sometimes he'll slip up, his raging hate getting the best of him and he'll lash out, spilling out a flow of
venomous words that hurt to hear.
His goal is to confuse others, to leave them thinking about him at the backs of their minds.
He loves to toy with people's emotions, dropping hints of displeasure in a subtle but blindingly obvious way.
Benjamin can and will lash out at you.

"When you're away from me.."

Old libraries
Window seats
Big chairs he can curl up in
Poetry books

Confusing others
People's expressions
Tight hugs
Close contact

"Your happiness."

Being ignored
Being looked down upon
The feeling of guilt
When he cries
Feeling weak

Favorite Sayings:
"Your fear only makes my smile grow."
"Don't give me a reason to kill you."
"Awh darling, did I scare you?"

Most Prized Possession:
"The sight of your crying face. Whoops. Too much?"

A teddy bear in which he carries around everywhere.



"Don't let my smallness give you an ease of mind; I'll just sneak up on you easier."




"You're annoying."


Body Build:
"Small, small, small.."

Short, skinny, not much muscle.

Eye Color:
"You really must be blind.."

A nice purple.

Hair Color:

Complexion and Skin Tone:
"I'm as pale as a ghost."

"Like nails on a chalkboard?"


Gothic Lolita Type

Nervous Tics:
"Tics? I have none."

Clenching fists
Sighing heavily
Avoiding any and all eye contact

Intellectual/Mental Attributes & Attitudes


"Your lips look sweet, but your tears are even sweeter."

"English & Japanese."

Fears and Phobias:
"None of your business. What are yours sweetheart?"

Being forgotten
Getting lost


"Watching your pitiful life."

Watching people (Not a stalker, but curious and weird)

Playing piano
Finding ways to make someone's life miserable

"Getting what I want."

Persuading people
Confusing others
Scaring people


Using peoples fears
Sweet talking

"I have none."

When in sappy/lovey moments
Forehead kisses make him melt

When someone brushes away his hair from face
Initial reaction: Oh, no. Please, no. Not another Diabolic brother....
I think the only reason I chose him was due to the fact I love his facial expressions and stuff.

That probably made no sense, but he seemed to capture the personality I wanted.