• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

Cascade Falls

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One day, I'll learn to put everything into one post >__>

Anyway, I've updated the cast list to reflect our current members, and re-opened the jobs of the people who dropped. If anyone wants to take on a second character, that option is still on the table but it's not all that necessary currently, we've got a pretty nicely sized group here. And @ShadyoFayx were you still thinking about joining us?
I'm about to sit down and work on a post, so expect that soon. I'm not sure how working in @upscalerat 's character will go since she didn't actually say she was at Jean's, merely on her way, but I will endeavor to work it in without moving her.

Edit: I just re-read with an eye for replying and realized only Josh and Eric have actually shown up, so I'll wait for the second wave of guests before including her. :violet:
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Well, Josh and Eric are there already. I'm sure Lee, Casey and Riley will be along shortly and Alison will probably show up when La Reina gets a chance to post.

Also, the arc slides in the OP are broken again and I'm not sure how when I used the BBCode Editor and only messed with the cast list. I might just do away with them and stick the information into the first post of the IC.
Yeah, when I re-read I realized that all the people I thought were there, aren't quite there (it's been a crazy-busy few days!!!) so I'll just reply to the ones Actually there, not the ones I imagined were there. :blush:
Whatever you need to do c:

PS. Arc slides are gone from the OP. It's annoying me, so I'll figure out what to do with the picture and blurb later I: but you all know what this first part is about by now.
Finally got something up! Yay!
Sorry guys. Studying for the CPA exam and it is NOT easy.
hfs, am I frazzled. This has been a hellish week for me. I think it's my turn to post, so I'll get something up tonight/tomorrow. I have some 1x1s to catch up with first.
I'm so sorry to hear that, though I think something is in the air. My week has been much the same.
hfs, am I frazzled. This has been a hellish week for me. I think it's my turn to post, so I'll get something up tonight/tomorrow. I have some 1x1s to catch up with first.
Waaaaait I'm at work I want to post tonight :p
Update: Cast list and player count has been edited.

Still working on where to fit in those arc slides >__>
Hey everyone,

Just letting y'all know I likely won't be posting from now until the 25th of September (or slightly later than that, factoring in post-vacation recovery time), as I'll be on a very, very long (and likely internet-less) vacation (and this week leading up to my departure is absolutely packed). Therefore, feel free to write for Josh as necessary (he'll be an NPC of sorts until my return, as I've already discussed with neptune). Thanks guys, and have fun with the story while I'm away! <3
So, guys.

Guess who is finally back to the world of the online living? With an actual computer of my own again! Uni started back last week, but now that I am not severely limited with online time (yay new laptop), I can actually participate. That is, if you'll have me. :)
Ofc we'll have you c: Everyone is pretty much at Jean's, so come in however you like and I'll get you back on the cast list.
Alrighty! :) I'll get right on it as soon as I finish eating supper. I've been watching too much Food Network and have started to cook most things from scratch... Can't help but have seconds! xD

Super excited to be back and actually start. I was so sad when I said that I would have to drop. Luckily, we were able to get enough money to cash in on a new laptop, so here I am. Lol
Aww yiss, cooking ;D

I was sad that you had to drop too because I was really looking forward to seeing you IC, but I'm totally glad you're back c:
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