Can dreams really come true?

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By the time morning rolled around, Nova could bearly keep her eyes open enough to get ready. She was at her locker as usual in the morning, but Jacey wasn't anywhere around, which was just fine with her. She lazily gathered up her neccessary books for her morning classes.
Kurt sat at his desk waiting for Nova to walk in. Last night he didn't dream at all which was odd for him. It was almost time for class give or take a minute when Nova walked in.
She looked exhausted.
"Are you okay?" Kurt asked when she sat down.
She let out a long sigh. "I'm fine." She lied. Her side still ached like hell from where she had gotten stabbed in her dream the other night, though the bite wound on her wrist had healed at least. Tonight she would have to sleep, which she wasn't looking foward to. Thankfully though, it was the weekend after today so she would be able to sleep as long as she wanted.
Kutiel looked at her disbelievingly.
"are you busy this weekend?" he asked looking at her from where he sat.
She blinked in surprise and looked up at him. "No...why?" She wondered, curious. She raised an eyebrow slightly.
Kurt took a deep breath in, "Would you be willing to go somewhere with me perhaps?"
She straightened a bit in surprise, forgetting her stab wound for a moment and it flared up in pain when she moved. She grunted and clutched at her side. Thank God it wasn't a real stab wound. She thought, and leaned back in her seat, opening her eyes and letting out a long breath. She glanced over at Jacey, who was talking with someone else, pointedly ignoring them. What was her deal with this guy? Nova wondered. She looked back over at Kurt and tucked a loose piece of her honey blonde hair behind her ear. "Yeah sure. Where do you wanna go?"
"Well how are you on shopping? Moms mad about the whole dress in nothing but black, and was wondering if you could possible help. We could stop for ice cream or something to." Kurt said sheepishly feeling his ears go red.
Shoppping. She hated shopping. She looked down at her nails. "Actually I'm not really one for shopping." She looked back up at him. "Perhaps a movie?" She suggested.
"Okay. " Kurt said with a faint smile, "You pick the movie I'll buy"
She frowned but didn't argue, knowing it would likely be pointless to. "Sure." She said instead, smiling. No one had ever bothered to ask her out before. Well, a couple had but they weren't her type, let alone she hadn't been ready to date back then. So what was so different about this boy? She wondered as the teacher walked in and called the class to order.
Kurt felt his heart leap into his throat, and for the rest of the day (except lunch) he couldn't quite smiling about to himself.
What was so different about this girl that made him all lovey dovey for her? He didn't know.


He found himself driving home that night and everything seemed to make him smile. he wanted to know what Nova thought of this whole deal, and what she was going to pick for a movie to.
His cell phone rang suddenly.
"Hello?" Kurt said into his phone.
"Hi is this Kurt?" A voice replied.
"Yeah... who's this?" He said back.
"The one who put a dent in your chest. Haven't you shown your little human friend yet?"
She felt slightly nervous as she waited for Kurt to call her. She was on her laptop that she had gotten for Christmas a few years back, searching for a good movie at one of the local theaters. She was dressed a little nicer then usual, though still casual, since it wasn't a fancy dinner date or anything. She knew Jacey was jelous because the boy had chosen her and not him. It was just how Jacey worked and she was going have to put up with it, like it or lump it. She had told her mother she was going out to a movie, but she hadn't said anything about her realistic dreams. Like her mother would believe her. Nova couldn't believe it herself. Even if she did talk to someone, they would just give her the are-you-crazy-look and she'd end up in a loony bin. She sighed as she searched through the movies that were playing.
Kurt felt a shiver run down his spine as the line suddenly went dead. He would've called his mom right away but she wasn't a vampire like him, and she didn't have to worry. Instead he dialed Nova and wait for her to answer.
She jumped a little when her cellphone suddenly vibrated in her pocket. She quickly fished it out and answered. "Hello?" She questioned, leaning back in her computer chair.
"Hey Nova, its Kurt. Kinda lost. Help?" Kurt replied voice shaking slightly as he pulled over a few streets from her house.
She chuckled a little and turned off her laptop and headed outside as she gave him directions. It was a little cool out so she wore a light gray jacket. As she waited for him she noticed a rusty old red truck. The muffler was smoking black smoke and the driver had binoculars and was peering right at her house. She froze in surprise.
When Kurt pulled up in his black Mercedes he saw Nova standing on the curb and boy did she take his breath away. He also noticed the old pickup he was once stabbed in. He took a deep breath and looked out at Nova.
"You ready?" Kurt asked smiling trying to hide the fear of the slayer sitting not far off with his dorky binoculars.
It took her a moment to take her eyes of the strange man in the truck starring at her house. "Yes, I'm ready." She slid into the passenger seat. "Thanks for picking me up. The theater isn't to far from here." She gave him a shy smile.
"Thank you for doing this. To be completely honest this is my first date with a girl ever. Moms don't count especially when you're two ango to a carnival." Kurt said blushing.
He looked over at her as he drove off, "You look beautiful by the way."