Broken Mirrors - OOC

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Lap dances?! What the hell?! When do I get one? ;-; Nothing good ever happens to cancer patients except they dont die.. "Ive been shot seventeen times, blown, had my brain rupture--Im tired of saying "Gee, thanks for letting me live long enough to go get shot or blown up or run over. I appreciate thought. Buuuut, thoughts arent really my forte here.

I love you motherfucker, Will."

That's strange :|

Also, Sin. I don't get it. Is there a reason your reply was in italics or am I missing something? (im confused. dont worry ive just been studying all day)
i think it was supposed to be a quote from a show or sth.
That's... actually really good advice. Thank you!!! I'll figure something new and exciting out, I'm sure. (I've always wanted to go skydiving ;))

You're forgiven, but only because I laughed. I was pretty surprised, though! I mean, of Tanz and I, I never would have guessed that I would be the assumed guy! Does make one wonder about the lap dances, though... :P
I honestly think we should save money for skydiving and do it some time soon. It would be fricking awesome.

As for lap dances, I'm sure I could arrange for a hot man to do the honours :P
And great advice Buio. I could also use a little help in that department.

And Kuroh, Lucas is waiting
Okay yeah. That's what I thought, but, like I said, confused.

Tanz. Yes. A very huge yes. (To the skydiving, not the lap dance.) :D
Okay yeah. That's what I thought, but, like I said, confused.

Tanz. Yes. A very huge yes. (To the skydiving, not the lap dance.) :D

It truly must happen
You can't put "nightwing's best asset" under your profile pic if it doesn't feature his butt you know
It's always on the mind, though. I don't need a picture of it to "picture it" ;)
It's not the same... I liked my old one. His asset will have to be imagined
Current one. Might change it to something a little less depressing haha. It's adorable, but sad
well, being black, i can;t really pull off nightwing, but i'm always willing to put on a Falcon outfit and be your lap dancer that way ^_^
That depends black you are

Cuz Dick Grayson is rom, so dark hair and skin is a requirement, but just not that dark

I guess I'll need to find Kuroh a pretty Mediterranean boy
You know what? Find me a pretty Mediterranean boy and I mayyyy just thank you :P
That depends black you are

Cuz Dick Grayson is rom, so dark hair and skin is a requirement, but just not that dark

I guess I'll need to find Kuroh a pretty Mediterranean boy

... I don;t even...
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