Broken Mirrors - OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Haha. You're really stuck on the Sasuke thing aren't you? :P
lol, hey, if the shoe fits.
I call it stereotyping. >.>

*mumbles* racist bigot... *mumbles*

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All of this made funnier by the fact that I'm black and until now you had no idea.
Lmao! How's it feel to be on the giving end of propgated hate crime? LOL
Well there's my post for you guys. Hope you guys enjoy it! Also Buio just cause your black doesn't mean you can't be a racist fuck, remember that. :lol:
And Valerium makes my point in a much more decisive way than I ever could...
So should I post? I have like three people saying hi. lol

Do you want to go first Buio?

Edit: Good post by the way Vale.
So should I post? I have like three people saying hi. lol

Do you want to go first Buio?

Edit: Good post by the way Vale.

I think it's a safe assumption that you can post again but it all depends on if Buio want to make a post replying to me first or not. Also we're still waiting on two more people from what I can remember to join us in the meeting, so it's best to keep that in mind.

Also thanks I decided to shorten it down significantly because it seemed like it may be getting a bit too long and just because I'm generally lazy about these types of things. :lol:
lol, yeah, go ahead and give them all a short reply Sin.

And i know black people can be racist. I just always find it funny when I come acriss white people who seem to be under the opposute impression and get all awkward around me.

I mostly find it hilarious because anyone who knows me also knows I'm probably the biggest oreo since steve urkel

also, as your GM, i order all of you guys to watch this video. Had me in god damn tears.
lol, oreo - black on the outside, white on the inside
lol, you never heard it before?
Nope. Not once. But I guess I grew up in a town where the biggest minority was Middle Eastern or Indian (do I have to specify EAST Indian?)
lol, maybe it's because I watch a lot of Russel Peters' stuff but i've pretty much entirely stopped associating 'indian' with first nation's peoples. so unless you were talking specfically about indian immigrants coming from West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand or Odisha, no, the specification was not required lol.
I have to check haha. Some people still call First Nations Indians. Also, I enjoy Russel Peters
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