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Speaking from an in-universe research standpoint, it's better if they aren't. One always wants as much accurate data as possible after all, but if powers prove useless, then there's no need to keep wasting resources on them.
Death threats could be a thing then. If you don't comply, you die.
True. Maybe scaled-up death threats, just in case of any characters who don't fear for their lives (e.g. "we wipe out five blocks for every day that passes without a fight")? Is that too much? Is that even enough?
Or just make those that don't fear for their lives the first to go.
but how are we going to science with them if they're ded q.q
You can't science with people who won't comply anyway. :^)
They might comply if they get approached one by one, now I think about it.

They might trust themselves to not kill anyone, but do they trust a bunch of strangers to not attack them?
That's true. Just create an aura of distrust.
Nice. So that works out well enough on the free-for-all side.

For the moment, that closes off things that need working doing to exclusively the setting, which is what I'm mostly stuck on. I want a city, of course, but I'm not completely sure where to start in terms of giving it life and character.
Maybe make it the type of city that wouldn't be unused to something as zany as a free-for-all, sorta like what's seen in The Running Man. A pop culture hub with all the hippest happenings.
Hey, that's pretty good. inb4 literally akihabara

Considering the time jump it's probably going to be completely fictional, but that gives me a foundation to work with. I'm thinking about drawing a map of some sort, though I'm not sure if that's too much.
Map would be good if we're fighting in the city. Less so otherwise.
Status report: Working on a map. In the words of Captain Oates, "I may be some time".