Blood of the Lamb

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"You won't have to choose either of them, Arith. Calm down." Luke frowned at him slightly. "We can perform the conversion in these last weeks. It might be uncomfortable for him but it will be safe enough if we do it properly. I'll talk to him about it, you go and blow off steam somehow."
Felicity, too weak to get out of bed, laid on his side with a pillow under hisstomach to support the weight of the small child within. And he didn't bother moving when the door opened. He knew it was only Luke. He had learned thedifferenceintheir footsteps. Ariths were heavier and a little louder while Luke's were lighter as he glided over the floor. He didn't want to convert... And he didn't want to give,up their child. And he would tell Lukas as much. He was stubborn to the end...​
Luke sat down and reached out to lightly brush the male's forehead. "You don't know what we mean by converting, do you?" he said softly. His energy reacted to the male's in a softer way than Arith's, like a sigh. He was a creature comfortably between light and dark himself.
No, felicity did nit understand it at all. But in his kind it sounded like a bad thing. So he aighed and shook his head. Looking at Luke through half closed eyes. Feeling tired again. But he would stay awake a little longer

"No... But it doesn't sound nice... I don't want to change..."
"You've already begun to change, Felicity, from the moment you laid with Arith," Luke answered quietly. "Your body took in his essence, and your energy merged with his. If you had spent more time with him before you became pregnant you probablyw ouldn't be having as much trouble. Your body currently has an unbalanced mix of light and dark and that's what's causing this to be difficult for you. The child is mostly dark due to Arith's blood and you don't have enough in you to be compatible."
The little unicorn,blinked a few times, fingers splayed over his stomach and mulling over Lukes words. He,didnt feel any different. But he suspected he would if he converted completely. Or even enough to give birth. He smiffled a little amd curled up under the blankets around his swollen stomach more, protective of hi unborn child.

"Only if I have to... I dont want to change."
"I think it's time you realized that you do have to," Luke sighed. "If you die having this child, Arith will never accept it. He will never be able to love that child if you die because of it." He looked seriously down at the small male, with sympathy in his gaze. "He has enough trouble trying to accept the idea of having a child with you here to help him. What do think he'll do without you?"
Felicity looked at Luke again. And he mumbled something about loving Arith and wanting him to be happy before falling asleep. He couldnt ever stay awake very long anymore. Converting,him would not be easy. But it could be done. He would sleep for a couple more hours into the afternoon and then wake up like usual. Though he wasn't hungry. He did look around for Arith from his spot on the bed.​
Luke began that very evening. When Felicity woke Arith was there, and he pat his head with a sigh. Luke explained that he was going to inject a bit of Arith's blood into Felicity a couple times a day. He obviously couldn't have sex so it was the fastest way.
Felicity was docile, he would glance at Arith but he didn't say anything through the duration of the injection. He hardly felt it. But he would need a bandage of some sort to keep him from bleeding. If his body didn't reject Ariths blood. It wouldnt. But there was no harm in being safe. When the injection was done he looked at Arith and smiled a bit weakly. He wanted Arith to smile back but he wouldnt take it personally if he didn't. He was so frail right now, but he could still do the little things. He felt a little bit odd after having Ariths blood injected into him bjt it wasn't anything serious. Just a little tickle in his arm.​
Arith didn't smile, but he leaned down and lightly kissed Felicity. He was being pushed extremely far out of his comfort zone for this little unicorn. He had never planned on being a father or having a family at all. He hadn't intended to pick a mate or to settle down with someone. Yet here he was, with something he couldn't let go, and a new life he wasn't able to destroy for the sake of that person.
He could always just get over himself and kick Felicity out. Revert to how he had been befire they had ever even met. But that seemed nearly Impossible considering the bond they shared. He turned away from Arith after he recieved a very soft and brief kiss. Which meant a lot in a way. He looked down at his stomach and stroked one small hand over it, feeling a small kick from within that made him smile again. He was so hapoy to have a child. It was something Felicity hadnt realized he had wanted until he had it. How could Arith take that joy away from him? Je could Arith possibly get up the nerve to upset Feliciry so terribly. Felicity doubted that he could.​
After a moment of hesitation, Arith brought his hand down to the male's rounded stomach as well. It was the first time he had really touched him aside from helping him get places and sleeping next to the youth. His expression was unreadable, but then, he felt the tiny kick. In spite of everything, his gaze softened slightly, and his lips curled the smallest amount upwards.
Felicity sighed a little when he felt Ariths hand if the swell of his stomach. And felt another small kick. He smiled again and put his hand atop Arith, lacing their fingers together and hoping that this would all,end well. He hoped quietly that the pregnancy would be easier as these last two weeks went by. And he hoped the birthing would be easy as well... But his hoping would do him little good. The next couple of weeks would be stressful and tiring for everyone. There were no complications in the conversion. And his aura chanhed steadily to a half purplish black haze with gold and white in the center. The pregnancy was coming up fast though. And the day came when Felicity wailed in pain as contractions hit. But it would be a dofficult birth. Unicorns, both male and female, could birth a child naturally. But it was a little harder on the males.​
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Arith had stayed close to Felicity throughout the conversion process, relieved there was no complication with it. Once the day of the birth arrived, he hovered nervously around the bed until Luke finally got fed up with him and ordered him to go wait in the hall, where he paced a path into the carpet.

Luke's hands and voice were gentle, steady and soothing as he used his magic to ease the pain and help coax the new little life out of its mother. "It will be alright," he assured Felicity. "You'll be seeing your child soon, just keep breathing like I showed you."
Felicity was hurting. The child trying to exit him hurt. But he endured. With Luke helping him he only cried out a few times and though he did bleed quite a bit, overall the birthing went well. A healthy little girl came out on a bloody sheet wailing. She had a nubby little horn on her forehead and eyes just like Arith though they were closed at the moment. She had frighteningly pale skin and a whisp of dark hair. But Felicity was enamored with het immeidately. And he had lived through the birthing despite his loss of blood. He would be fine.​
Luke was quick to heal him up and get him tucked in, washing the little girl and swaddling her before he let her mother hold her. "There we go, all fine see?" he said with a smile, the first he had shown to Felicity. His words had always been gentle but his expression hard to read. Now though, Felicity could see his joy in helping to deliver a new life into the world.

He went then to open the door and call Arith in, and the vampire slowly entered the room, his expression as wary as one could be. Then he heard the small cry of the infant, and he drifted over to the bedside.
Felicity was holding the small infant. She was tiny and a little underweight but healthy. And she opened,up her eyes, but they were unfocused and had a hazy cloud over them. Though beneath that they katched Arith eyes exactlly. She made a small sound, and Felicity smiled, holding her close and then looking up at Arith with a soft amile.

"Arith she's perfect..."

Even,though the little girl was blind and,undoubtedly would have problems, Felicity saw no flaws with her. He loved her all the same.​
When the infant was held up to him Arith seemed almost nervous, but he leaned over her, examining the tiny bundle with curiosity. The dark mop of hair and eyes like his, and the little horn. Did she have a tail under those blankets, he wondered. He was entranced, trying to figure out what these strange feelings that hit him when he saw the tiny bundle were.
The infant burbled at Arith and looked at him. Not seeing him but knowing he was there. Her blindness was a magical defect that would never be cured. And then she reached out a tiny hand towards him, bundled up in Felicys arms still. Reaching out to her father. That made Felicity smile and cry a little, just so overwhelmingly happy that this was happening. It was a dream come true for Felicity. And he coddled the infant in his arms, though he would be just as happy if Arith held her.

"Shes so beautiful but I dont knkw what to name her."