Blood of the Lamb

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Arith led the male back out of the bakery, and no he had no intention of eating any of the bread. Felicity could have both. They continued on down the sidewalk towards the large building where his 'friend's' business was housed. Sunglasses on again of course.
Felicity couldn't exactly hide his horn and tail, so he just strutted and showed off instead. Attracting attention to himself but not to Arith so much. Someone pointed at Felicity and whispered to a friend who whispered to another friend. And so forth. Felicity wasn't really showing off so much as he was just being himself dancing as he walked and humming to himself as he ate the bread making sure Arith didn't want the other slice before he started eating it too. But people were noticing him. And unicorns weren't exactly common. They were a rare commodity. And Felicity had been the last in their forest too. As far as he knew anyway.​
Arith kept him going in the right direction but other than that let him be. Once they got to the tall building of steel and glass however, after making sure he was done his bread, he took the male by the hand and told him to be quiet and stay close. They stepped inside to an impressive lobby where many people in suits and fine clothes milled about, and walking to the counter he asked that Maximillian be told he was here.
Felicity got quiet when they went into the big fancy building. It was so shiny in here he looked at his reflection in the floor wiggling his toes and realizing that everyone else had things on their feet. he had no idea what they were but they looked horridly uncomfortable. S he just wrinkled his nose at the things and continued to look around. Seeing the nice plants but resisting the urge to go over to them. he had to stay with Arith so he padded along quietly next to him and was as patient as he could be.​
They were brought into a separate waiting room, where Arith sat down, legs crossed as he waited. After a few minutes, a tall male in a grey dress shirt and black slacks came in, red hair dancing about pale blue eyes as he smirked. "Arith, you have to all but be threatened to come and see me. You're terribly rude."

"I wonder why," Arith answered dryly, standing to shake his hand.

Felicity kicked his little feet ad he sat in the chair right next to Ariths, holding onto his hand just because he wanted to. And in case anyone tried to get between them, Arith had a hold on Felicity. She the slender and tall redheaded male came in, Felicity looked him up and down from his chair, all big pretty eyes and fair skin. Hedidnt utter a sound,but he did give a sweet smile to the man. He gave smiles freely, affection not so much. He was still debating his thoughts in the man. He seemed alright. Felicity had no reason not to trust him yet.​
"A new donor?" Max asked, nodding at the unicorn. "You didn't get that one through us."

Arith sat back down and ruffled the youth's hair. "This is Felicity. Got him through Markus, idiots who found him where going to sell him to one of those whorehouses. He snatched him up for me."

"Very good. Nice to meet you Felicity," Max said with a small smirk.
Felicity watched the short exchange and giggled a bit when Arith ruffled his hair, matting it back down just to make a point. Then he heard the ither man talk and he heard his name, so he looked and smiled again. Nodding once In greeting, horn following the movement of his head as it was firmly attached to him after all. He wasnt much interested in Max anymore unless he did something interesting, but Felicity got upand moved into Ariths lap. Feeling much more comfortable there.​
Max raised an eyebrow and sat down across from them. "As I said, I wanted to talk to you about having you manage my new section."

"Haven't I declined this offer twice before?" Arith answered with a sigh, shifting Felicity so he could easily see around him and not telling him to get off. He was used to this already at this point. "I like having nothing to do."

"You can't live without working forever- well you can, but it isn't good for you to spend all your time cooped up in that apartment. The world's bigger now Arith. We can walk where we please."
Felicity let himself be moved but remained in Ariths lap, uncaring what Max thought of him. He smiled softly and playing with Arith shirt sleeve, piching it up on the cuff and waching it fall down only to havr him lift it up again. He was so easily entertained. He giggled a couple of times and messed with Arith in the cutst ways but was careful not to distract him too much. And finally, he toon Ariths hand and decided he wanted to be oet so he put that hand on his head.

"Pet me Please?"

He was learning quick. But he was really only cofortable speaking so freely because Arith was around. If it had been just him and max he wouldnt have uttered a word.​
Arith's eyebrows went up slightly in amusement, and he pet the male with a small smile on his lips as he and Max argued- if it could be called that. They both weren't really being aggressive about it though they clearly disagreed. They got along fairly well, the two of them, both proud and private. Max had learned how to interact with others in the recent decades however, and Arith still kept to himself.
Felicity actually purred when Arith pet him, and he rubbed his head into that warm hand on his head. Then he listened to them putter back and forth with each other while little Felicity got pet. Then he got up from Ariths lap and wandered around the room, eventually sitting at the foot of Maxs desk and inspecting the fine polished engravings on the legs.​
"Are you sure you won't do it?" Max said, disappointed.

Arith glanced away from watching Felicity. "I'm sure, and you knew that," he answered with mild bemusement. "As usual, you simply insisted it was urgent so you could get me out of the house."

"Well you'd never leave otherwise," Max chuckled.
Felicity huffed and accidentally bumped his horn on the table which made him wince and get up, traipsing elegantly back over to Arith and draping himself dramatically across the mans lap on his stomach. Managing somehow tobe comfortable like that kicking his little feet and wiggling his toes. He seemed very happy today. Simply because he was out of the house. It vastly improved his mood, being outside. And it was still early, they had all day. He wasnt much paying attention to their conversation but he understood just as well what was being said,and he made a thoughtful sound at that last bit, lookig at Arith musingly. Did he really never leave the house, he thought. Or was this man simply making accusations?​
Arith shook his head slightly in amusement and pet the male as he and Max exchanged a few more pleasantries. "There's a small music festival downtown. You should go," the red-headed vampire prompted his old friend.

Arith grimaced.

"Don't make that face. Being cooped up all the time may be fine for you, but I doubt that little one will be so enthused," he nodded at Felicity. "Give it a look, is all I suggest."

"... I'll walk by," Arith sighed after a moment. He and Max said their farewells, the other vampire giving the unicorn a pat on the head, and then Arith led Felicity back outside.
Felicity got up when Arith nudged him and he gave a little huff when the other man patted his head, ears flixking in annoyance. Unicorns were prideful and trusting creatures, but that didnt mean just anyone could pet them. So he matted his pure white hair back down, some blackish gray smooth tuft on the opposite side of his head. He grasped Ariths had again and smiled at him. He did trust Arith, because Arith had earned that trust by treating Felicity well and keeping him safe. Making him happy. He had earned the unicorns trust and earned his smiles. His happiness. Arith was doing a good job maintaining it too.

On the way out of the building, a small cluster if suited men would murmur amongst themselves, Felciity mentioned several times as 'the unicorn'. It seemed that little Felicity had a target on his back as a prize. And Arith was named his defender. They were attracting unwanted attention simply by being out.​
Arith noted this, but he had expected it. Most people were not brave or stupid enough to cross him, with the support of both Max's coven and the Fallen behind him. He was not considered abhorrent by either of the bloodlines he shared, but they were wary of him due to his power. So they let him alone, save for his stubborn friend, but still claimed him as one of their own. Though they would for the most part not move to aid him, their names alone were enough to keep most from trifling with him.
That wouldntkeep the idiots away however. Some were just stupid,and some were too prideful. Some were greedy. Felicity was completely oblivious to the dangers the world posed, mostly. And when he was with Arith he didn't care. He just pranced along at his side and looked curiously at everything. Amazed at how shiny this building was, and he still didn't quite understand glass sometimes. Thinking he could walk through it on occasion. He tried to avoid glass walls. They didn't feel good when you walked into them. But he was hnderstanding more every day, learning, growing. He was really something else.​
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Arith headed out, and mostly just to pacify Max, who would surely check in on whether he had gone, he led Felicity down the street towards the lower blocks, where a lighthearted festival was taking place showcasing local craftsmen and artists. It was noisy, crowded, and brightly colored. All the things Arith quite honestly hated about human gatherings. He grimaced, putting his sunglasses back on.
Felicity was excited by the colors and the lights at first, but it was too crowded for him and far too noisy. So he stayed for a while,tugging Arith around until he found something he really really liked. A little wind chime with birds on it,crafted from glass and eacha different color.light passing through it and showering the ground with colorful spots of light. Felicity bounced around and giggled when he saw it. Pokingit sothe birds clinked together and made pretty sounds.

"Ooooooo I want it! Can I have it!? Pleeeease?"