Blood of the Lamb

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Arith pat the male's head when he was done, fingers running through his hair, and then brushing lightly against his horn. "There now," he said, "that wasn't so bad, was it." He nudged Felicity off of him and took him by the hand out to the kitchen, where he got out a little dish of ice cream and a spoon, showing him how to use it and then handing it over.
Felicity closed his eyes when Arith pet him, sort of. And He let out a soft sigh, leaving the others lap and trailing behind him, gliding over the carpets and rugs to the kitchen. He had no idea what ice cream was but he liked it. And once he figured out how a spoon worked he dug into the ice cream, munching on it and licking the spoon clean over and over again. His tongue small and pastel pink in color. Then he sucked I the spoon and age more ice cream. Not even thinking to share, he was sulking a little still, and ice cream seemed to cure his sullen mood.​
Arith didn't mind, most of the things in the house were for his containers anyway. Though he did keep them healthy he also liked them to have high blood sugar, because he liked the taste, so there were plenty of sweets he could use to reward Felicity for good behavior, even though it wasn't like he needed his blood to be any sweeter.
Felicity paused halfway through the bowl of,ice cream. Looking up at Jaax with big innocent eyes, and he then blushed slightly and looked at the sweet treat again.

"They smell nice... Your pillows... And the blanket."

He wasn't sure why he was telling Arith that he basically smelled,good. And letting other undoubtedly known that little Felicity had been smelling the pillows. And the blanket too apparently.​
Arith raised one eyebrow slightly. "I see," he answered simply. "That's good, perhaps you'll actually sleep in the bed then." He would have to let them know to not switch the detergent he supposed. He doubted Felicity knew what detergent even was, since he hadn't known about soap or shampoo.
Felicity set the bowl,down and wakes right up to Arith, grabbing the man's hand and lifting it to his face, but instead of perhaps kissing it, he sniffed his skin. Confirming his suspicions. He smiled brightly up at Arith now, ice cream forgotten.

"They smell like you."

He then let go of Ariths hand, and he rushed,out to the rolm, face bright pink and warm with his blush. He was embarassed now that he'd realized what he had just done and admitted to.​
Arith raised his eyebrow again. "Hmm." Perhaps not so innocent, or at least stepping away now from being so. He would be interested in seeing how this developed, and might possibly nudge it along if it pleased him to do so. He walked after the other, looking to see where he had run to. As he left the kitchen, there was a heavy clap of thunder overhead.
Felicity,,oblivious to the fact that he was being followed, went upstairs to find his big floor to ceiling window. The rain was starting to come down now. And it pelted against the glass. Felicity out his slender and dainty,little hands on the glass panes and watched the rain call and seeing sparks of lightning and hearing the thunder clap. He was mezmerized, and he stared out the window with a soft smile and wide eyes. He had always liked the rain.​
Arith stood a bit away from him, arms crossed as he watched the smaller male. He would admit to being slightly surprised, he would have thought such a tiny creature would be afraid of thunder, but he seemed rather to be enjoying it. A stubborn and foolish, fearless little thing. He would get himself killed or recaptured in a heartbeat if he let him go. Best to keep him close.
Fearless indeed. Felicity would run around in the rain if Arith would leave let him. But he was content for now with watching it through the window, the rain. Listening to the steady thrum against the glass and seeing lighting strike far away. Heading the thunder. He was quite happy right now. But he felt a,shiver run down his spine and so he turned around to see if anyone was watching or behind him.​
Arith inclined his head slightly when the other turned and looked at him. "You like the rain," he said, not so much a question as an observation. He didn't. Rain irritated him, because it made the air damp and heavy. It tended to give him a headache. He much preferred when it was clear.
Felicity jumped to his feet when he saw Arith back there, watching him. And then hebhuffed and stomped his tiny foot in the carpet, folding his arms over his small chest and pouting at Arith. He didn't much care,to being spied on or watched without knowing he was being watched. He wasn't a pet. Though sometimes he may behave like one.

"Yes... It sounds nice."​
"Hm." Arith tilted his head slightly, listening. "I suppose," he answered. "Though I prefer music." He looked over the other as he often did, thinking about something. "What do you usually do to entertain yourself, Felicity?" He didn't know much about the boy's life before he was captured, and figuring it out might help him know what to do in order to better tame him.
Felicity thought for a moment. Then he amiled, recalling all the fun things he had done in the,forest he had called home so many months ago. He has nearly,forgotten he had,never there by now, spending so long abused and trapped in a cage.

"Well. J liked to chase minnows in the ruver, and there were the fawns to play with. They were fun. I had a rabbit I fed every morning. A fluffy little white one. And J liked to climglb around in the trees and nap in the shade."​
"I see," Arith answered. Very much like a child. "Most animals don't like me, so there will be no rabbits.There is a cat around here somewhere but," he glanced around and shrugged. "You'll see her if she decides to come visit." It was a demonic cat of course, but she was docile enough and would probably find Felicity interesting.
Felicity cocked his head at Arith, thinking about if he had ever even l seen a cat. It sounded familiar, and then he remembered he had seen a cat one. An orange one with tabby pew and a no nose. It had,been no bigger than a trout, small in truth, a kitten perhaps. The though made him smile again.

"A cat sounds fun."

He rocked back and forth on his slender heels, and the,he turned,back to the window,,putting his hand on the glass and feeling the vibrations from the rain. He wanted to go back up the garden.
Arith wouldn't allow that of course, it was dangerous to be on the roof during a thunderstorm, and this little thing with no common sense probably didn't know that. So, in order to distract him, he let out a high-pitched whistle. Whether or not she responded depended on her mood of course.

Then, melting out of the shadows on the wall, came a delicate black and silver cat, who padded across the floor and looked up at Arith as reproachfully as a cat could.
Leon whirled around at the whistle, looking at Arith again only to see a,speeder cat come lot,of the shadows. He was curious as to,him that had happened. Of course the cat, like Arith, could come close to Felicity and even,touch him. But any pure darkness would be forced away and out of reach to the unicorn. He was a creature of the light after all.​
Demonic or not, cats were about as neutral as a creature could get. Artith nodded towards Felicity, and she looked over at him, and then padded over, sniffing at him before giving a quiet meow and winding around his feet. Like Arith, her touch caused a faint tingle, though not as strong or pleasant as the male's.
Felicity,giggled when the cat plodded over to,him and began wiring about his legs. So, very carefully, he let the fluffy creature. Stroking the soft mottled fur,it had and smiling warmly at te slender,thing. He could relate,today's on a level, the lazing about and desire to be independent. It fit Felicity well enough. But alas he was no cat. He was unicorn, delicate and fragile.

"She's pretty."​