Blood Fang Pack

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Should we be in the forests in the mountains, or in the forest filled valley below the mountains?

  • mountains

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • valley

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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Clyde flinched at the strange barking sound the wolf made before realizing it was some form of laughter, judging by the amusment in the Alpha's voice. "Well, like I said before..." He said, chuckling to himself. "I don't hold the same values as other humans do. I've always been...well...different." He once again scratched the back of his neck, seeming to be one of his nervous tweaks. "Those who cared enough to take the time to get to know me would most likely say I'm shy and timid, yet daring and fearless. It's a weird combination for a single personality, but...that's me. Funny how someone can hunt for his family at the age of eight, yet be very shy around new people."
Blood listens to him... he reminded her more of a wolf than a human.
"Clyde... you remind me of many wolves I've known. You seem to be a wolf inside of that no fur body, though such things are simply not in existence. Then again, I'm hardly one to speak about what things that shouldn't exist... " she starts this happily... though as she reaches the end of her words her voice becomes sad and melancholy.
For some strange reason, this made Clyde beam with pride. "Ah, never know. I could've been a wolf in my past life, and then reincarnated as a human." He chuckled somewhat at the idea, given that he never cared much for religious beliefs such as that. "But yes, I guess I could agree with you. I may not believe it, but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't possible."
Blood looks at him and after a few moments of consideration she speaks.
"Would you rather be a no fur, or a wolf,"she asks him curiously.
She knew not where this question had come from, but she found herself curious as to what his answer would be.
Clyde stopped, completely taken aback by the sudden strange question. "What? Um...I...I'm not really sure..." He looked down. "Part of me doesn't want to give up on humanity, yet...another part tells me to be something else...something very different..." He looked away, not sure how to reply to the Alpha.
Duff was still impatiently waiting for Blood to return but pacing was making it harder for him to wait.So he sat down and sniffed the air for any scent of blood whether it be human or wolf.The smell he caught was the scent of a storm that would would begin soon.He gazed up at the sky,'Since a storm is coming Blood should return soon.If she doesn't...that furless will pay."He thinks trying his best to stay calm.
Blood sniffs the air, catching the scent of the oncoming storm.
"A storm is coming, we must move faster. I'll go slow enough for you to keep up Clyde. Also, you must not speak of this conversation to anyone, " she days, beginning to move at a jog.
"All right..." He said, speeding up his pace to a steady run to keep up with the Alpha
When the cave comes into view Blood howls, telling her pack that she approaches with the human who is a friend and not to be harmed. Blood looks at Clyde and whispers,
"I'm going to be speaking my true language now so just stay quiet and don't make any sudden movements or you'll frighten them, " Blood says before her voice returns to her true wolf tongue.
Blood can see Duff pacing inside the cave and she runs up to him and nuzzles his face lovingly, she was glad to be beside him again.
"The human is a friend, he's going to stay here for the night. I want him to be watched at all times, but unless I say so he's not to be harmed. I promise you... he's the strangest no fur I've ever come upon. I can learn from this strange creature, and he can learn from us, " she tells her mate, then she repeats her orders to the entire pack.
As soon as Duff hears Blood howl his ears perk up and looks around until he sees her,'Thank goodness...she's okay.'He thinks.Not wanting to disobey orders he waits until she rubs up to him and nuzzles him.He smiles and lovingly nuzzles her back,"Welcome back...I missed you Blood."He says then licks her snout happy to see her.Just then he sees the male again and his posture changes to show suspicion,"What is he doing here?"He asks watching the male.

Upon hearing what Blood said he relaxed a little,"Okay.I'll watch him."He says still feeling afraid of the male.Then he slowly takes a few steps toward him and lets out a low faint warning growl before walking up to him.He curiously yet cautiously sniffs his right hand then he walks around behind him looking at him.Afterwards he walks around to his left side watching him,"So far his hands don't smell like the boom sticks his kind I guess he's ok.He's pretty scrawny for one of his kind though.Has he eaten anything?"He asks then looks at Blood.
Blood shakes her head in reply to her mate.
"I doubt it, he's very skinny. We'll have to wait until after the storm to hunt though, "she says to him.
Blood looks at Clyde and gives him the tiniest of smiles to assure him that Duff wasn't going to hurt him.
Clyde froze as the male wolf examined him, sniffing his hand. For a second, he felt like he was on display for a buffet, until the smile from Blood reassured him. He let out a heavy sigh as his stomach growled and once again cursed himself for leaving his bag of supplies in the village. It would have ended badly if the wolves decided to attack without warning, instead of offering him to stay. He opened his mouth to thank Blood for her offer, but decided to stay quiet, remembering her warning. He would save his thanks and questions for later.

A roar of distant thunder pulled his attention to the horizon...
When Blood hears the thunder in the distance she perks her ears. She barks and tells Duff to go into the cave and warn the pack of the oncoming storm.
Blood pads over to Clyde and using her powers she links her thoughts with his.
"The black male that just approachd you is my mate, Duff. He and the pack won't harm you unless I say so, or you threaten the pack. Simply stay behind me, and don't make any sudden movements. Do not worry, Clyde, I will take you aside later and we shall speak, " she tells him through her thoughts.
To Duff, who was watching, it appeared that Blood had simply gone over to the no fur and circled him.
She flicks her tail and begins to pad towards the cave entrance. She looks at Clyde and nods towards the cave to tell him to follow her.
After glancing behind him, Clyde gave a slight nod and followed Blood and Duff inside the cave, taking cautious steps.
Blood pads in front of Clyde and as she enters the cave she looks at her pack. She pads to a large boulder in the center of the cave and jump onto it.
Once on the boulder she howls to gather the packs attention. She orders the pack to gather at the base of the boulder.
"Come the the side of the boulder, " she tells Clyde through her mind.
Duff looks at Blood,"I see.Well...he can't eat raw meat like us.Does he know to summon the orange dancing demon I've seen his kind use to cook?If he doesn't I can help find berries and other wild fruits for him."He says.Duff nods then goes into the cave and tells the others that a storm is coming.Then when Blood howls he walks up to the boulder and waits listening.
Clyde flinched a bit as Blood's voice echoed through his mind. It was a strange feeling, but very new and unique to him. Nodding without a word, he walked over to the boulder, casting a glance at Duff, who seemed to be speaking to Blood in his own native tongue. He was about to ask what he was saying, but kept silent, remembering the crimson wolf's warning.
Blood looks at Duff and replies,
"You can not go outside with a storm approaching. I shall see if the no fur can create the dancing red flowers, but if he is unable to do so he must wait for the storm to pass to be fed," she says.
Blood was not going to allow her mate to risk his safety for the no fur,her pack came before anything else.As alpha female, Blood's responsibility was to protect her pack at all costs.She would make sure the no fur was fed, but she simply couldn't afford to allow her own mate risk himself to do so.
Unable to resist his curiosity any longer, Clyde waited until the attention was no longer focused on him before glancing at Blood. "What's going on? What is he saying?" He whispered to her under his breath.
Duff smiles,"Yes you're right.I meant after the storm has pasted.My apologies for not mentioning that."He blushes and laughs a little.He sits,"Okay,hopefully he can."He says.His ears twitch hearing a faint sound and he looks at the male before looking back to Blood.He suddenly starts scratching at his right ear with his right back paw,"Blood...why does he think I can't hear him?My ears are to keen not to hear him...and anything else...within a hundred feet of me."He says hinting since he and Blood aren't alone to talk about it.Finally he stops scratching and stands to shake his fur.
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