Bleach: A New Beginning

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Nooooo I want experience to build stats maaan! Fair is fair though D:
Lol. Don't worry. Quincys = gods anyway under this stat system because the noobs would cry if they weren't. If you were to discard plot and fight with the nice boy gloves off quincys vs anything else in an equal RPer skill match, they'd have to have at least 50% more average stats just to hold their own. There's a reason why traditional quincys are squishy humans with comparatively low reiatsu.
Are Quincy's really THAT powerful?
most def. They destroy your reincarnation...nuff sed.
Yeah. I suggested that we get rid of neoquincys because they're stupid... but traditional quincys win in everything... except stats. One little problem. The GM wanted the stats equalish which makes a fair amount of sense from an administrative point of view. Would the average Bleach fan go with the race that has half the stats of most other races? No way.

Hirenkyaku is superior to shunpo because you can do it while paralyzed and don't need to actually move. Normal physics get cheated by it, allowing for erratic movements that normally could not happen. Maneuverability is also better.

Multiply every quincy's reiatsu storage (not maximum level) by at least 3-5 and you'll have an accurate comparison. Shinigami have to use their actual stores for everything. Quincys just use a little to control reishi which they actually shoot and do stuff with. This makes everything they do absurdly more efficient from hirenkyaku to shooting arrows. How else do you think a normal human can fight large numbers of hollows at once and gun down out whole swarms while it'd take tons of shinigami and much more time to accomplish the same?

Now let's look at stamina. Comparatively, a quincy sporting ransotengai can fight beyond when they normally could. Broken arm? No problem. You could even cut a quincy's arm off and SEVERED ARM could draw the bowstring back. Before we could just chalk this up to props because humans are squishy. But now their stats are approximately on par to begin with. Did I also mention that no muscle exertion is necessary for hirenkyaku?

Now let's look at ginto. Ginto spells are literally free kido spells with limited ammo. They literally cost no reiatsu to use because quincys bring bottled reiatsu to battle. That's what ginto are. They're not super high level like a big shinigami kido but they're free. Teeeechnically with that much reiatsu a quincy could probably fire some of those spells without ginto but let's not go there...

The Seele Schneider is a long term weapon that basically cuts stuff apart on a molecular level. Can't beat a quincy quickly? Well, then your weapon will likely get eaten. On top of that, it is absurdly efficient. Did I mention that they can also be as physically strong as the shinigami here?

Range-wise, quincys are extremely powerful for obvious reasons. Most shinigami do not share this.

So quincys are as strong as you... but they're more mobile than you, get junk for free, are more efficient than you, have a weapon that punishes drawn out fights, can fight past more damage than you, and probably can fight further away than you too. Let's not even get into final form talk.
Hooolyyy shiiiit. See i stopped watching after fullbringer arc so i didn't ANY of that. I knew Ishida was kind of cheap, and some of his abilities up to that point, but they honestly made it seem liek shinigami were superior given all the talk about how they killed off the quincy. "Logic" dictates Shinigami as superior because of that fact alone. PLus Ishida was always only just barely passing mustard in most cases.

The quincy arc just seemed like quincy who were upgraded to me, so i ddn't count them as actual quincy in my head cause you know Shounen Jump anime. "This isn't even my final form!" or in Bleach "This isn't our race's final form!"

Now i see what you meant when you said Quincy are Default OP. Thinking about it, the ability to FREELY pull reiatsu from your surroundings indefinitely should have been a clear hint of quincy op for me though lol
Nah. Most of this we could ascertain from the SS arc. The rest we could get by the time Ishida got his powers back before going to Las Noches. You just have to think about it. All the post fullbring arc junk I'm discarding and treating like it doesn't exist. The only thing that I think I might be kosher with is Blut which adds a whole new can of worms for calling the quincys superior to everyone else. That's only because they show blut being used by people other than neoquincys.

The main edges that shinigami have over quincys are raw numbers, lifespan, and stats. A human is going to have less base stats than a shinigami naturally. They're more squishy, have less reiatsu, etc. Imo, a quincy bow is their dormant zanpakuto (as a living human) channeled through a medium (the quincy cross or sanrei shuto). Does Ishida's regaining of power remind you of something? Why, certainly it does. It is almost exactly the same place as the soul chain which we see in two places, once cut by Byakuya to take away powers and once stabbed by Rukia where she jams reiatsu into it... to make Ichigo a shinigami. Transplant of powers to kickstart into shinigami and the method to reactivate a quincy's lost powers are nearly identical. So why does a quincy get more powerful after? Why, it is because the process is almost like dying once.
Blut's the skin hardening thing right? doesn't...shit.... EVERYONE use that? Even the Arrancar? only that call it Heiro or something like that? (I feel REALLY Bleach Noob right now and it causes me physical pain as i used to be hella savvy Lol)

And I guess you're right. I suppose I just never really paid much attention to Ishida
Arrancar have hierro which is actually hard skin. Quincys have blut which is an ability they activate to increase defense or attack power but not both at once. Blut is a quincy only ability.
but isn't it just different names for the same thing basically? o.o

Actually no i don't think it is.. blut is kinda of like a barrier where as Heirro is just their skin being hard as hell
Blut is a defensive or offensive buff type ability. Hierro is a constant state of just having hard skin.
Quincy are Op. lmao

well since the races are starting over, maybe we can use that as a viable reason why the quincy aren't as powerful? maybe it simply hasn't been long enough for them to reach their potential a second time?

The gimp makes sense cause noob-bwee'ing, but it could work out via storyline too if we really wanted to. Also we all know how Seireitei likes to manipulate history so we're not wanting in explainations.
Actually, quincys would be comparatively stronger probably after a complete smackdown. Quincys could reasonably reach peak strength in 10-15 years because they're humans. As long as the teachings survive, they can get there. Shinigami aren't so lucky. It'll take them much longer to gain power on average.

Not that we can really nerf quincys, though. While correct, if we did, we'd probably remain the only quincys in the RP because any random noob who tried for some odd reason would get steamrolled. Blindly going pew, pew, pew with half the stats of everyone else equals a quick death.
That... makes sense. Shinigami have to actually grow and get stronger, while Quincy simply... well manipulate the power around them.

shiiiiiiiiit I'm slowly gaining a new found respect. but wtf ishida
Jesus stop getting alerts for a while and you get an entire curveball of news..oh well at least I have the main points down enough.
Lol Welcome back solar :D
Good to be back and my first action back was to let my little monster loose..oh yeah i'm gonna have some fun again now.
Oh my gosh - sorry I've been so slow in picking up these points ahaha - I've got it now - and checked them to double make sure, didn't mean to cause so much hassle!
Lol its ok jessikka, looking forward to seeing you IC :D
I'm just used to being a hollow anyway. XP

Being a Quincy seems too scary.
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