Blade Masters

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While Lan-Ying was chatting, Long-Wei grabbed three plates, knowing full well his sister would drive him mad if he did not get anything for her new friend. Placing a range of food on each of the plates, used to sharing with his twin, he quickly set off to grab some drinks before resting the multiple items upon his arms and hands before heading off back to the table. By the time he had sat down, he heard the soft whisper from Jun'Hei, causing him to smirk slightly. That was definetely a brand new. He placed the plates between them before turning back to the two. "I brought a mix of everything."

A bright smile came to her lips as she clasped her hands together. "You do?" She asked before sighing happily. Lan-Ying was ecstatic at the fact she had gained a new friend, specially since her original ones were either dead or within their home town. She briefly glanced to her twin before she shifted back so she was leaning agaisnt the male version of herself. Long-Wei despite his usual quietness was seeming to become further lost in their conversation. "It seems we can say the same for you." He paused. "I planned to avoid the people here. However, you are a different case." Lan-Ying nodded in agreement as she grabbed a few grapes, softly eating them every few seconds.

Lan-Ying barely ate anything, having seemed to loose her affection for food after they escaped. Long-Wei however seemed to pick out only the necessary foods for his diet. While Lan-Ying was eating at the fruit every few moments, Long-Wei glanced to him. "Why dont you tell us about yourself Mr.Jun'Hei?" He questioned, green eyes staring at the man with curiousity. His twin paused, glancing between the two before a smirk came to her lips. The grin seemed dark as she stared at her brother, eyes narrowed with a mischievous glint but she remained quiet.

For now.​
The banner wasn't much, it was a the perfect blend of blue and red; upon closer examination it looked to be just common cloth instead of some fancy fabric. When he heard the food was finally ready his natural instinct was to grab a plate and start eating yet he didn't move an inch besides lowering his head back down, instead he plainly grabbed a piece of dried meat from his pocket and absent mindedly gnawed on it. Even though he would be training and learning here for now he'd rather finish off the provisions he provided for himself before even thinking about consuming the academy's food. After finishing his first piece and started on another as he heard bits and pieces of a conversation going on be the set of twins and the fully armored male that entered just after himself, there was no useful information, they were mainly just conversing over some ridiculous topic of having a big heart. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he finished his last strip of meat before hearing the sound of the door opening once again, from his estimate she was about an inch shorter then him and interestingly had a bone tail; before she turned his away he resumed looking around the room to find something to occupy his attention.

Akira's cold gaze focused back on the young woman when she turned his way and began to walk over, he noticed the way she was walking but wasn't impressed in the slightest; 'Just another show of strength,' he thought to himself then was quickly immersed in his mind as he didn't notice her arrival. "Interesting. May I converse with you?" hearing that question he was snapped out of his thoughts then turned his icy gaze to look her in the eyes, though he didn't show it he was genuinely surprised; it wasn't that she caught him off guard it was because normally people when others sense his dark and icy aura they tended to steer clear of him. Suddenly before he could answer...."I... I mean... Uh. Yes. May I?" he could tell that was a failed attempt at recovering and let out an inaudible sigh, usually he'd normally snarl at anyone who approached them and if they weren't phased by his icy glare he'd threaten to evict their head from their body.

"Do what you wish," he replied without his usual malice or sarcastic undertone but still kept the icy demeanor, though he hated people he was a bit nicer to those he was intrigued by or had problems talking to others. Without even moving, the chair by the young woman was pushed back far enough so she could sit; his element had a few particular unique qualities to it which he enjoyed greatly. He said nothing else but was actually mentally preparing himself for the conversation.
Jun'Hei pulled back before nodding at Long-Wei, quite astonished that he even considered himself. These two were truly strange because he knew that he would have not done the same, and would have been completely selfish. Lan-Ying responded to his previous statement by asking if he did and he nodded. He liked their malevolent presence, sensing that there were dark things in their pasts as well as his own. Long-Wei said that they could say the same for him, meaning that they liked him as well. Jun'Hei responded to that statement with a grin before hearing them ask if he could explain a little about himself. As the memories flashed back into his mind, Jun'Hei instinctively unsheathed his sword with his right hand before stabbing it into the wood of the table, going as far as forcing it to come out of the other side. He seethed with rage for a moment as gusts of wind started to encircle his blade in their embrace.

"My parents were killed by bastards from a foreign land. They were never meant to be in my village, and they slaughtered my family. I escaped out the back door of my house, but I will never forget the blood that splattered against the walls. That experience made me into the monster that I am today..."

The gusts of wind began to grow stronger and stronger before they filled the room, blowing the curtains and flags within the room. He pulled his blade out of the table before slashing at air, sending a final 'whoosh' through out the room. The wind traveled everywhere, whipping up the papers and letters of a girl who was within the room and fiddling with the hair of a new coming woman who had a bone tail. The others within the room had their clothes fluttering about mostly. Jun'Hei did not know why he was so enraged, but he came to his senses and sheathed Aria before sighing.

"Sorry for that disrespectful display. It seemed that you two have triggered something within me..."
"Do what you wish,"

Beau thought of doing a fist pump to be more, well, 'normal'? It did seem like a bit much, considering that not every 'normal-er' does that. She decided to raise her fist and give it a small pump without uttering another word, her face blank. She flinched as a strong gust of wind sudden appeared slapped her on the face, making her hair sway wildly for a second. The earth elemental hurriedly tried running her fingers though her hair and to untangle it from the powerful breeze, glancing about for the source. A wind elemental? The man looked more evil if anything, wind could be a feared element if used the right way.

Wow... Beau felt rather overwhelmed by the level of diversity and unique traits in this school, it made her almost feel as old as the green earth. One of the things she wished was that she was not actually bothering the man, considering the frost lacing his tone. Something told her he could be nastier if she annoyed him. She sat on the edge of the chair, trying to position her tail comfortably without it digging into the dimples of her lower back. That was rather painful, and she has been doing well at sitting cautiously. Beau automatically crossed her legs and quickly popped two dark red cherries into her mouth.

"I've never seen anyone handle that element... Electricity, I mean." Beau paused very firmly, not minding she was talking during eating. Skillfully tearing the red flesh from the hard seed with her teeth and tongue, she looked over at the other. "Ah... If your sword actually does handle it..." Didn't lightning spark some fires? It was unheard of for her, a fire elemental handling lightning with such ease or even at all.
The twins looked at him curiously, both of their heads tilted as a hum passed the younger ones lips. This man, was definetely interesting. Both of them were much more relaxed now, Lan-Ying leaning back against her brother's arm, green eyes watching him as Long-Wei did the same, his body facing the table though. The twins looked eerily similar at the moment, their blank expressions matching one another. For a brief moment the twins stared quietly before one spoke, this time it being Lan-Ying. "We see." She mumbled softly, yawning softly before popping another grape into her mouth.

Then the wind came.

Lan-Ying quickly placed her hand quickly moved to be placed over her head as the other reached over to grasp the blazer her brother wore. Snapping her eyes shut, Lan-Ying buried her head to hide her face as the older twin quickly locked his arms around her as he watched the angered man cautiously. They waited for a while until the wind settled down as the two released each other to glanced over at him. Lan-Ying pouted, changing her focus to try and sort out her hair while Long-Wei huffed, standing up to clear up the food that had been messed up.

Once done the two sat back down, The girl smiling happily while Long-Wei just held his usual expression. "Its understandable Mr.Jun'Hei, we feel that way to the enemies that infiltrated our town also." Receiving a nod from Long-Wei, he took over the short story himself. "Agreed. We have already taken our revenge by assassinating the leader of the battalion there. Then we reported the take over to the army who wiped out the remaining soldiers." Once the two were done they were frowning softly, eyes downcast. "Yet we did not gather the courage to do so in time to stop him from publicly executing our mother and father." She pointed, shaking her head softly. "Many died because of our cowardice. It haunts us." He finished before the two seemed to fall into a slight sulk. "We do however plan to kill the overall leader of those enemies""...because they must have ordered that battalion to enter our home and so.." - "They must die." The two finished together, eyes narrowed darkly as they stared with hatred in their eyes at the ground, fingers clenched till they threatened to break the skin of their hands.

Guan walked at a relaxed gait, taking in his surroundings. So this was Elemantium huh? It was pretty nice to look at, if he may think so himself. At least it had that much going for it. Of course, outer appearances were often deceiving. It might be that this place was an utter hell of a training institution. Whether or not that was the case, it made little difference to him. Well...that wasn't entirely true. He actually would be sort of happy if it were hellish. After, the greatest strengths could only be attained through blood, sweat, and tears. Guan sighed. He'd just have to see how it stood up to a prolonged stay.

He eventually reached the mess hall. Oh dear. He was running a bit late wasn't he? That was unfortunate. He hoped he hadn't missed anything too important. Guan stepped forward and opened the door...and promptly got a bunch of wind tossed in his face. After recovering from the unexpected "assault" (rather melodramatic, but he enjoyed being ridiculous every now and again), he looked at the halls current occupants. He found the source of the wind first. My, what a fearsome looking warrior. He was probably at least decent with that blade. And the twins he was sitting with were giving off good vibes as well. Hatred was an excellent motivator, after all. He swept his gaze over to the other students (? He supposed that's what they all were now, regardless of what they had been before), quickly forming his own opinions on them. A "brooder", a bone-tailed girl, and a pink-haired girl? Combine them with the others, and you got a fair amount of youthful exuberance.

Guan smiled pleasantly. He was beginning to believe that he would like it here. Such a varied lot...and having a couple trouble-makers would keep things interesting, for sure. Pushing his glasses into place, he walked into the room and started to gather some breakfast for himself. After he finished foraging, he sat across from the pink-haired girl and began to eat. He didn't really have anything to say to her; he just felt like sitting there. He at cheerfully, either not comprehending or not caring that his actions might be a little...weird.
Bara had gathered her own breakfast once the food had been prepared. She was not one for a heavy, unorganized mess as the beginning meal of the day. A simple medium sized bowl of assorted berries and something to drink will do. The young woman took the bowl and drink back to the small table she occupied by herself. She was just about to sit down before a large gust of wind blew across the whole room. The letters and picture attempted to follow the strong gust, but slender hands whirred quickly and caught the papers and photo before they could go out of arms length. She held onto them tightly until the winds finally surpassed and everything went still. Once she was sure the winds were gone, she placed the papers and photo back onto the table next to her breakfast. She sat down, quickly fixed her wind blown hair, and began to eat. She could hear the jumbled sound of chatter from the people around her, but it did not bother her one bit. Small chatter around her was much better than an uncomfortable silence.

Her gaze was focused down on her mother's letter that she was currently folding to put back into her bag when the table moved. She looked back and was taken aback to see that another had sat in the same table as hers. He possessed long black hair and remarkably tan skin. Resting on the bridge of his nose was a pair of circular glasses that held smaller, magnified circular lenses. The man looked older than the rest of the others, possibly around his thirties or forties. He had begun eating his food once he sat down, as though she was not even there. Crimson eyes blinked a few times as she looked at him, wondering why the man had chose to sit across from her out of all the unoccupied tables that were present.

It wasn't that she minded his presence, she just wasn't expecting it.

'Expect the unexpected, I suppose..' The young woman thought to herself.

She swallowed the berry she was chewing and took a sip of her drink, what in the world could she say to him that could not result in an awkward silence?
Guan continued to eat, blissfully unaware of the confusion he had caused. After eating a waffle, he began to think about his fellow occupants. Well, there was the ninja first of all. His get-up suggested stealth, but the whole wind shenanigans he pulled suggested either an affinity for outward force or an emotional breakdown of some kind. Since he'd only arrived in the middle of it, Guan couldn't be sure, but judging from what he could see of the windja's face at the time, it seemed to lean towards the later.

Next up were the twins. As Guan knew jack shit about them, he couldn't really form an opinion besides that they had some nice hatred going on there. The same went for the brooder, though in his case it was more...coldness? That seemed like the right word. He wondered if that was cultivated or natural. Both options were likely. The former heir of the Yagyu hoped it was the former. Warriors with attitudes like that tended to either die relatively young or die feeble, and what a waste that would be.

Moving on, Bone-tail girl seemed awkward, but that really told him nothing beyond she looked awkward at the moment. For all he knew, that tail was her weapon. Now that would be fun to fight against! He hoped that was the case, even as he knew it wasn't. Ah well. If he couldn't indulge the fantasy of his inner manchild, what could he indulge? Funny and/or interesting random thoughts were a good way to survive the boredom when it wasn't time for training or fighting.

Of course, with her out of the way, that just left the red-haired man and Guan's table-mate. Speaking of said table-mate, she was looking pretty nervous. He wondered at that before remembering that he had just sat down and started eating, and that normal people usually found that strange. He considered things for a moment before turning his pleasant smile to her. "Nice to meet you Miss. My name's Guan. How's you're day been so far?"
Fen sat there alone, minding her own business as she studied her books, ocasionally looking up to see what the others in the room were doing. She had no interest in being friends with any of them, she really just needed to e better then them. A bell rang and she jerked her head in the direction to see breakfast being served. Her stomach rumbled as she watched others get up to recieve their food and she waited, not wanting to have to converse with anyone.

Once there was no one in the line she stood and slowly walked over to examine the quality of the food. Burnt sausages were not to her liking and neither was bacon with no fat. What was wrong with these cooks? She decided on a small piece of toast that had some cheese slapped on it. Cheese, her favourite food.

She walked back over to her tablet and sat down, glad she was once again alone to eat, read, and examine these people in silence.
Crimson eyes looked at the older man for a moment before she lowered her gaze back down to her breakfast. She didn't exactly know what to say to him, and it wasn't like he had kicked her out of the table. He was just enjoying his breakfast, and she might as well do the same with hers. She popped in another berry and chewed silently as the man appeared to be deep in thought. She hated she couldn't read faces, otherwise she would have been able to understand what the other was thinking.

She was nearly startled when the man began to speak to her, "Nice to meet you Miss. My name's Guan. How's you're day been so far?"

She quickly swallowed the berry she had finished chewing. The man held a pleasant smile on his incredibly tan face. How could one be so cheerful like this man? She was almost jealous of him and his positive mood.

"Ah, well.. Nice to meet you as well, sir.. My name is Bara.. So far so good sir, and yours?" The young woman asked politely, taking a sip of her drink as she waited for his response.
Regina paused at the doors to the mess hall. What was she doing here? She needed to be looking for him. Others say this is the best place to grow stronger, and attain allies. She saw the doors shudder a little bit as a blast of wind blew past. Apparently, a wind elemental was within those doors. She always enjoyed wind elementals, their power awed her. Not that she ever showed it. Finally, she started walking forward and pushed open the doors. She paused in the entrance, observing everyone and taking note of their positions in the room. That being done, she headed the least occupied table, a woman with the orangest hair she had ever seen deep into her books, and sat quietly. Observing everyone. She didn't care that all eyes were on her, just that she knew where the closest exit was and to attempt to find any weaknesses in her 'comrades.'
She took note of the two twins, and the man in full armor chatting, the clumsy woman talking to herself, among other things.
"Only long enough to find him, and then I'm out of here." she mutters under her breath.
Oh hey, she's polite. How nice. That lowered the chances of them getting into an argument. This conversation was already off to a good start. "I'm doing quite well, thank you for asking." He ate some grapes before continuing. "To tell you the truth, I'm a bit excited. I must admit that I always enjoy learning new things about swordsmanship." Oh yes, this promised to be fun indeed. It helped that these classes were going to be like no formal training he had ever encountered before...or so the rumors said. Considering the nature of this place, Guan was inclined to believe them. At the very least, it wouldn't be boring. That was really all he could ask for.

He took a sip of his milk and looked down at the katana at his hip for a moment. He loved that blade. It had been his constant companion for almost two decades now, and he couldn't have asked for a better partner. It had saved his life multiple times when he had just started his endless journey. And from the sound of things, it was even more special than he had ever realized. It was truly a blade to be respected.

He looked at the new arrival for a moment, filing away her appearance and attitude for now, and turned back to Bara.
"If I may ask, why are you here?" She didn't seem like the same type of person that he was, but he couldn't rule it out completely. More likely she has some mission to complete, and is simply using this place as a means to an end. It was a shame, really. The Art of the Sword was just that: an art. It was not a mere tool to be used and discarded...although, to be fair, most of those who did see it that way also learned that years of living by the blade were not so easily cast aside once their task was complete.
Regina soon came to realize that she had to talk to people to gain allies. Reluctantly, Regina looked at the red haired girl and attempted a start at conversation.
"Who are you?" she asked curtly. She never was good at conversations. Her muscles started to ache, she was so tense. She forced herself to relax, bit by bit. Breathing deeply to calm herself.
He ran his hand along the handle of his sheathed blade one more before turning his attention back to the twins. They responded to his behavior by saying that they felt the same way about their enemies, and that they killed the leader of the battalion that attacked their town. The next act awed him. They stated that they did not step in in time to stop the enemies from publicly killing their mother and father. Those two were exactly like him. They had their parents killed at well, and he widened his eyes and completely focused his attention on them. They planned to kill the overall leader of their enemies, saying that they must die. He grinned at their words, before leaning back in his chair with glee. Jun'Hei had met some pretty interesting people and he was glad to meet them. He stretched out his arms before popping his knuckles.

"You two are just like me...To do battle with you and test out your skills would truly be amazing."
Most of the text books she had sprawled in front of her were on the ancient Elemental Blades, like the one she had in her possession, one she'd only show to those worthy. A blunt voice interrupted her, making her raise her eyes to the rude girl.

"Who are you?" Her words made Fen frown as she took another bite of her toast, giving her time to formulate a response. "Me? I am Fenikkusu. And who may you be?" Was her nervousness coming through her voice? Was she making a good first impression? Did she look strong? Shut up! She scolded herself before biting off the last piece of her toast.
"Regina." She replied curtly. She kept her face neutral, but she had this nervous habit of her left foot twitching when she was nervous. This girl, Fenikkusu, was driven. She was here to accomplish something. "Why are you here?" she asked, trying to get a conversation going. She never did get the point of talking to people, but knew it must be done. She hasn't had a real conversation since Corinth died....or a friendship for that matter.

Regina looked at the twins and the big man as she overheard them talking.
"You two are just like me...To do battle with you and test out your skills would truly be amazing."
Regina smirked. The big man, although a bit intimidating at first sight, was too trusting, to enthusiastic. Most of all, he was letting his weaknesses known. And that, what is truly dangerous.
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Akira stared blankly at the girl when she raised her fist in the air but inside he was practically on the floor laughing, 'Just what the hell was that?' he thought to himself. Just then, a ferocious blast of air swept against him and everyone in the entire room; almost like an animal he growled as he turned his gaze to the culprit. "Pathetic, an elemental that loses his temper in an instant is nothing but a weak link to the rest. We were not given these powers to use them every time we throw a tantrum," he growled in a low tone only he and the girl sitting with him could hear, the atmosphere surprisingly started to get colder and small electrical pops could be heard before everything went back to normal right before the next arrivals appeared. He only gave them a few seconds to study them before the woman with him started to talk again.

"I've never seen anyone handle that element... Electricity, I mean." Akira arched an eyebrow, "Ah... If your sword actually does handle it..." that actually caused something rare to happen, he let out a small chuckle that was smooth and sweet sounding but instantly stopped when he realized what he did. Acting as if he didn't laugh he replied, "Yes, my sword actually does handle Electricity including various types of lightning, and yes, Lightning Elementals are very rare. Since they all start as Fire Elementals and many years later they finally are able to use lightning," he paused to take a quick breath then also grabbed a cherry from her bowl and place it into his mouth. "I'm the exception to this common knowledge, when I received my blade I started as a Lightning Elemental," he finished taking a moment to look down at his sword before looking back up at her.
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Fen didn't smile at the woman, nore did she approve of her abrupt intrusion. There was a long silence between the two as they observed eachother before she turned her head to look at the other table, a smirk forming on Regina's face. What was that...? There was no doubt in her mind that everybody in this room was eyeing their competition but to have a bit of decency whilst in a converation wouldn't kill Regina.

Feeling she was now uninteresting to this woman she felt no need to reply to her and went back to studying her books.
Turning her attention back to Fenikkusu, Regina tried again. Nodding to the girls books, she asked "What are you reading?" with a little bit of enthusiasm that showed in her voice, though she tried to keep it calm. She was genuinely curious, she had never learned to read, or seen very many books in her lifetime. She had always been interested in books, but couldn't let it show when she grew up for fear that the others would think it a weakness. She couldn't even write.
Fen looked up once more, seeing that this woman was really trying to make conversation. 'I'm reading text books about the ancient Elemental blades and their powers.' She replied with a small smile, attempting to make the woman feel a bit more comfortable. There was no reason for her to be rude and it wouldn't hurt to maybe have at least one friend. 'You can sit down if you like?' She offered, unsure whether this was really what she wanted or if she was just trying to pass the time by talking to her. Either way she didn't care.
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