Behind the Scenes (lxngdon & MaryGold)

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"Absolutely." Isabelle uttered, nodding her in answer.

It had been a while since she took her five-year-old boy out. And especially not a fair. He would be elated to go and spend time with her. And she was he'd enjoy Bianca's company as well as Ethan's.

"He would love to come. I know he would, just as I am."

She also wanted to see little Bianca too. The little girl was absolutely adorable and sweet.
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Soon, Ethan drove to Jessa's house in Beverly Hills and parked out the front. Bianca came out with her gorgeous model mother.


"Hey, princess," he said happily.

"Who's this?" Jessa asked, looking at Isabelle suspiciously.
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"Oh, we're co-stars. " Isabelle answered her instantly, not wanting to 'cause some unforseen trouble. "My name is Isabelle." She introduced herself.

She knew Jessa was a model and it was clear to see. She was absolutely gorgeous, in contrast Isabelle bland. And clearly their daughter had taken most of her features.

"Hey, Bianca," She waved to the smaller girl happily smiling.
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"Hi, Izzy," chirped the little girl. Ethan got out of the car to help his daughter into the backseat, buckling her up in her carseat securely.

"Co-stars," Jessa mused. She tossed her silky brown hair over her shoulder and quirked an eyebrow at Ethan, looking slightly amused. "What, she's playing your sister or something? Is that why you dyed your hair?"

"Well, I guess you'll just have to wait until season two airs," said Ethan mysteriously.

"Honey, you know I don't watch horror."

"I know. Probably why we broke up."

Jessa rolled her eyes, waved to Bianca with a smile, peered at Isabelle suspiciously and turned to go back inside. Ethan slid back into the car and turned to Isabelle.

"Where're we headed?"
"My place." Isabelle instructed.

Her mother always watched Noah at her house and she would be expecting her return any minute now. It was their basic set up, and her mother had places to be today so Isabelle knew she would be anticipating her arrival. And she was.

Noah and Elizabeth were waiting outside for her when she stepped out the car doors. The five year old, who obviously took after his mother in all except skin shade, ran into his mother's arms and she spun him around, thrilled to see him. "It's been forever since I've seen you!" She kissed his nose.

"It's hardly been a day, mommy." He replied matter of factly as she set him back down.

She grinned and turned to Elizabeth. "Thanks, ma. We're going to the fair with my co-star and his daughter."

"Well," Elizabeth started, tilting her head to look Ethan and Bianca's way. She smiled. "Have a fun time, Izzy."
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Ethan smiled at Isabelle's mother and gave her a polite wave as Noah was buckled into a carseat of his own. Ethan turned around in his seat to look at his daughter.

"Bianca, this is Noah, he's Isabelle's little boy. Say hello."


"Good girl. We're going to take him to the fair too."

"Can we go on the bumper cars?" Bianca asked excitedly.

"Sure. We can go on anything you like."
Isabelle smiled softly, "I think that our last ride for the day should be the Ferris Wheel then. What do you guys think?" She looked at them through the rearview mirror.

Noah only shrugged his shoulders, quietly looking ahead. He wasn't much of a talker, and he was almost mute in front of new company.

"I always think that view is best during sunset or night. It's magnificent."
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"I agree," said Ethan with a nod.

Soon they arrived at the fair, busy with upperclass LA families taking their kids on rides and to get various snacks. Ethan helped Bianca out of the car and onto his shoulders, holding onto her ankles so she didn't fall.

"What do you kids want to do first?"


"Bee, how about we ask Noah." He turned to the little boy. "What do you wanna do, bud?"
"Hm," Isabelle looked down at the brown haired young boy.

Noah let go of Isabelle's hand to wrap his arms around her thigh, and moved a little so he was half hidden behind her. "Carousel?" He mumbled with a small shrug.

"Then that's that, off to the carousel first." She said after her son spoke and pride his arms off of her so she could walk properly with his hand in her own once again.
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"TO THE CAROUSEL!" Ethan announced in a booming voice.

He started trotting lightly, causing Bianca to bounce on his shoulders and the little girl giggled. The carousel was a grand, old artifact with hand-painted horses and twisting bars. It was beautiful.

"Round and round like a horse on the carousel, we go, will I catch up to love, I can never tell," Ethan sang as he approached the man selling tickets. "Four tickets to the carousel, please."

Soon, Bianca was seated on a horse and Ethan climbed onto the one beside her, with Isabelle on his other side.
Isabelle watched Noah carefully, seeing how he sat on the horse in front of her, bouncing in his seat excitably. And that made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but she was just a worrier too.

"Hold on to the pole and please sit still."
She demanded softly.

Noah sighed, but obeyed

"Thank you." She smiled charmingly, very pleased just as the ride startef

And of course he let go of the pole, enjoying himself to remember her instructions.
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Ethan watched Bianca as the carousel moved around, making sure that she didn't slip and she was holding on tightly, because if she slipped, he would probably have a mental breakdown. His parental instincts also caused him to watch Noah a little, to make sure he was alright, too.

When the ride was over he helped Bianca down and bought both children tickets to have a go at the bottle toss stand. He knew it was rigged, but it gave him pleasure to watch the happy children play.

"Your son looks a lot like you, he's very handsome," Ethan told Isabelle, standing beside the woman as their kids had fun.
"Thank you." Isabelle smiled, pricing on her son who she loved more than words could describe.

She watched the two children play with her arms crossed over her chest. "Everyone thinks he takes after me, in appearance anyway. I'm grateful for that, I'm grateful for him."

It didn't matter a lot if he had taken after his father, she still would have loved him all the same. But it was certainly something she swelled in pride that he had taken after her, his mother, the one who chose to keep him regardless of what others advised and what his father demanded.
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Ethan smiled. "Yeah, I know how you feel," he murmured. "I'm so grateful for her, for my daughter. She's the best thing in my life."

That was true. His little girl, his perfect little daughter who he loved more than anything else on the planet. He'd give up anything for Bianca -- his money, his fame, his career. He'd get a job sweeping floors if he needed to do so, anything to provide for her. Even if he had broken up with her mother, he still loved Jessa in a way. Not a romantic one, but she had provided him a beautiful child, so how could he not love her?

"Do you still talk to Noah's dad?" Ethan inquired. He couldn't imagine the pain of growing up with only one parent. He and Jessa both believed that a child needed their two parents, so they went out of their way to make sure Bianca had a relationship with the both of them.
"Not unless it's about child support." Isabelle whispered a little bitterly, tightening her crossed arms over her chest.

She hated talking about Nate when it included Noah, but it always brought up Noah. She sighed deeply, "He doesn't want to be involved with Noah." She shrugged her shoulders.

"But it's been that way since the beginning. He wanted ... "
She paused, watching the kids and lowered her voice more than before. "He wanted to terminate the pregnancy."

Saying it felt horrid, especially when watching the small boy laughing joyously while playing the game. And she didn't like talking about it. The only reason she gave het ex any slack was because they were teens, well, she was anyway. He was entering college.
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Ethan looked at Isabelle in alarm. While Jessa's pregnancy hadn't exactly been the most convenient one, never had he ever considered asking or insisting that Jessa abort their child. He couldn't imagine anyone thinking like that. He couldn't imagine anyone being asked that.

"That's horrible," he said. He gently took her hand and tugged her back a little so they could sit on a bench and watch their kids, who seemed to be getting along, play.

"I ... I don't have an issue with abortion itself, I think it's up to the mother," he told Ethan. He was a known advocate for safe, legal abortion and contraception -- he had ranted against Donald Trump on Twitter about the issue. "What I have an issue with is a male telling a female what to do with her body and then taking his own decisions out on an innocent child."
"But I don't know if I should really be angry any more, it was years ago."

Isabelle traced large circles into her lap with the tip of her finger. At least she didn't want to be, but she was. And not just for Noah who was growing without his second parent, but for her. Because it had been so hard and frankly it still was, and it hurt a little everyday.

"It doesn't help me feel better and it doesn't help Noah either, it doesn't give him the father he deserves."
She huffed, angry to be thinking about it, and she immediately breathed through her mouth as she tried to relax herself.

This was supposed to be a fun day far all and she wasn't going to ruin it with a sour attitude.
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Ethan licked his lips. He was lucky enough to have an ex-girlfriend who only had their daughter's best interest at heart. He felt bad for Noah but also for Isabelle, who was relatively alone in this journey of raising her child.

"He doesn't deserve to know your son, or you," said Ethan adamantly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Really, it's not that much of a loss. You'll find someone who will treat Noah like a son more than his actual father ever could."

Because there was no way that someone as stunning as Isabelle, in more than just a physical sense, could go through life alone.

He let go of her hand. "If you ever need me, call me."
"You don't have to help you know." Isabelle said after a moment, slowly taking back her hand on to her lap. "Outside of the set."

Ethan was so nice, and she knew he was before she had officially meant him. That was one of the many things she loved about him. But she didn't want to put any weight of her problems on him. Because if she ever did need him, it would be a lot. And he wasn't obliged to help her.

Though, it was so comforting to think she'd have someone to call if she needed to.

"Thank you, though. It does mean a lot to me.
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"You're very welcome," said Ethan, smiling happily at Isabelle.


Ethan jumped and immediately began to panic, thinking that something had happened to Bianca or that she had been hurt or something of that variety, but he relaxed when he saw her running over to him with a large purple stuffed butterfly in her hands.

"Oh, wow, princess, that's amazing!" said Ethan happily, wrapping an arm around her tiny waist and kissing her on the cheek affectionately.

He looked at Noah. "What did you win, buddy?"