Behind the Scenes (lxngdon & MaryGold)

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Isabelle smiled faintly, but it was a lovely smile all the same. She was clearly happy to receive such a compliment, and from Ethan too. The only people she knew to say or suggest anything on those lines were her parents. And so they didn't count, because parents were almost obliged to say things like that. Even if she doubted that she was as good as he claimed her to be.

Naturally, it meant a lot more coming from him. Ethan Carstairs.

"Thank you. I'm no Ethan Carstairs, but I try my best." Isabelle responded somewhat jokingly.
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Ethan snickered and rolled his eyes. "Sure."

Soon the group had dispersed and Ethan had offered to drive Isabelle home, so he held the door for her like a gentleman and slid into the driver's seat.

"How're you finding the lines?" he asked in order to make conversation since he didn't particularly fancy a boring car ride. And, besides, learning lines was important.
"Memorizing them is easy. I only have slight difficulty when saying them in the accent while trying to deliver the precise emotions." Isabelle furrowed her eyebrows as she answered. That frown vanished after she finished her point, however.

"But besides that, it's been fun, playing as Grace. I like her frank attitude." Something she could relate to. Though, she liked to think of herself as a tactfully, softer honest person.
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"Yeah, I like Grace," said Ethan with a nod as he pulled into Isabelle's street. "She's an interesting character and I like how blunt she is. She's a good match for Kit."

Kit. "Kit's interesting, too, because he starts out innocent but he turns out to be quite aggressive later. Not as big of a plot twist as Tate, but interesting as well." He wondered what Eden would think of it.

"Here you are, m'lady," he said pompously as he parked in front of her house. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Isabelle unbuckled her seatbelt and reached her hand out to the car before stopping for a moment. "Thanks for the ride." She offered him a tiny smile and rising from her seat, but just a little, to kiss his cheek. A common greeting and parting she had brought with her from Spain.

Still, she only ever used it with people she felt comfortable with. And she though she was comfortable with Ethan, it still embarrassed her somewhat. And had her wondering if it was okay to just beso him.

"See you tomorrow."
She pulled back, not bothering to plant the other kiss on his opposite cheek before leaving him.
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The next day, filming rolled around and Ethan wasn't nervous, but rather apprehensive, for Isabelle's sake. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable but he wanted to deliver.

He tied an apron around his waist and filming began.

Kit discreetly put his hands on Grace's waist, steadying her as he passed.

"Okay, Isabelle, kiss him now," the director called.
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Isabelle was a pile of ragged nerves and anxiety. She realized from the beginning that it would not go smoothly, that she would feel skittish, but she didn't know the feeling would be overwhelming. Specifically when the moment came for to perform the act.

Subtly breathing in and out deeply, Isabelle slipped into her role as Grace. For it was Grace and Kit that would be doing the kissing and not herself and Ethan. At least, that's what she tried to convincing herself with.

She leaned in, her eyes wandered to Ethan's - no, Kit's lips. Her nose gently bumped against his face and her lips barely brushed against his before she pulled back abruptly.

She couldn't.

"I'm sorry." It was for both the director and Ethan, but she mumbled it so quietly as she wrung her hands.
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"You okay?" Ethan asked Isabelle softly. He only cared about her wellbeing.

"What's the issue?" Brad demanded, walking over to the two.

"She's never done a sex scene," said Ethan, frowning at the director's lack of empathy.

Brad sighed through his nose. "Ethan, take her backstage and talk to her." He turned back to the rest of the cast. "Right, we'll film a scene with Lana. Bailey, get ready."

Ethan put his hand on Isabelle's back and lead her backstage to her dressing room. "You okay?" he asked again, genuinely concerned.
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Isabelle plopped down in her seat, sighing sadly. Clearly, frustrated with herself for failing to deliver, but at the same time, she was relieved to not have to retry immediately. She wasn't prepared, or as prepared as she thought she would be.

"Yeah." She nodded her head in reply and buried her face in her hands to avoid having to look him in the face.

"I just need a moment. I know it's not real, but ... " She groaned.
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Ethan licked his lips and nodded as he explained. "I get it," he said. "I was so nauseous filming some of my Tate scenes."

And while shooting up a school is very different to having sex, he could understand her nerves.

"Is it the kiss itself that you're worried about?" He meant a kiss with him, but he wouldn't say that. "Or that you've never done a kissing scene?"

He had half a mind to offer to practice but that would come off weird, and would definitely make her uncomfortable.
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"Both, I guess."

There was no guess about it. She had never done a real kissing scene yet alone sex scene. And on top of that, the person she was kissing was him, Ethan. It was a lot at once.

Not to mention...

"I also, well, it sounds stupid, but .
She hesitated, wondering if she should go on. It wasn't necessarily embarrassing, but for some reason she felt that way.

Isabelle took her face out of her hands, but still averted looking his way.

"I've never truly kissed anyone but one person."
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Ethan blinked. She had only kissed one person? While he realised that wasn't very surprising, he did find it difficult to believe that such a beautiful girl hadn't had a couple of boyfriends.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of," he said, squeezing her forearm reassuringly. "It means you're loyal, actually. I'm rather impressed."

That wasn't a lie.

"Look ... I'm not going to lie, if you can't do the scene they'll probably recast Grace because it's a pivotal point of the plot." Grace was meant to have Kit's baby later in the show. "But ... we can postpone it so you can prepare."
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"I can do it." Said Isabelle firmly. She said it more for her own sake than to confirm it for Ethan. Failing this and being replaced wasn't on her agenda. And anyway, talking about it with Ethan had made her feel better if only a little."I just needed a moment."

She set her hands on top of her lap and curled her fingers. "I'm okay, I don't want to make Brad impatient."

And she didn't want to get replaced either. It was only one scene, if she could get done and pass it, then she would be fine with everything else down the line. Failure was unacceptable.
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Ethan would be lying if he said he wasn't happy that she was going to go through with the scene. He liked her -- in a platonic way. She was nice. She was talented, too, and he hated seeing talent go to waste.

Ethan rubbed her back soothingly. "Take all the time you need," he told her gently. "I'm proud of you."

Overcoming your fears was not a simple feat and Ethan was glad that Isabelle had done so.
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"Thank you." Isabelle breathed softly. And she meant it.

Having his support was the most comforting thing that she could have right now. She couldn't remember the last time anyone gave her encouragement besides her father and her little boy. So, it was more helpful than he'd know.

She was nervous, but not a nervous mess anymore. And though she wasn't too confident still, she was determined enough to get it done.

"Should we go back out?"
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"If you're ready."

Soon, they stood back in the same place, on stage with their aprons on as Kit and Grace made bread for the asylum. Brad called quiet on set and the scene commenced.

"I didn't kill her," said Kit, referencing his missing wife Alma, whom he was accused of murdering and skinning. "I didn't kill her, Grace, you gotta believe me."

Brad instructed Isabelle to kiss him and Ethan stood relaxed but ready.
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Isabelle didn't hesitate, nor did she tremble because then they would have to start again. She was still edgy, but refused to let it show as she leaned in and did as instructed despite the feeling of her racing heart. She pressed her lips against Ethan's.

Grace kissed Kit.

The racing of her heart only picked up, but she was still proud of herself for doing what needed to be done without tearing away. She was able to smooth into the flow of the progressing scene.
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Ethan was proud of Isabelle.

Kit kissed her back fervently, because being cooped up in an asylum for months made a man deprived of certain things. He reached down and picked up Grace, laying her back down on the bench and leaning over to kiss her again as the cameras moved to capture their movements.

This was all business, Ethan had to remind himself as he pulled back. This didn't mean anything.

The scene had originally been written as rather aggressive but the writers had made changes upon learning of Isabelle's inexperience. Still, it was rather ... fervent, in a way. Ethan made sure to be careful until the guards came in, pulled them away and the scene ended.

"Good. That's a wrap."
Isabelle bit her bottom lip gently and resisted the urge to touch her lips.

She was happy to have successfully complete the scene. It wasn't a very long one, but it had definitely left an impact. She had shared a kiss withe someone else besides Nate and it was with Ethan.

Naturally, she didn't let it show. It wasn't supposed to mean anything to either of them. And he had done it so many times by now she knew he had to be numb to it. Much unlike her.

"I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to say after that."
Her tone was lighthearted, but she was serious.
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"You don't have to say anything." Ethan gave her a reassuring smile licked his lips.

"You did good."

They were finished for the day so Ethan changed into casual clothes and came out to meet Isabelle. He touched her on the arm gently.

"I'm going to pick up Bianca and take her to the fair," he told her. "Would you like to bring Noah?"
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