Battle of the Bands (MaryGold x lxngdon)

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Once Jace was clean, he dressed in his black tank top that showed off his tattoos and dark grey skinny jeans. He quickly towel-dried his black hair, and, because he felt like it, added some inky black eyeliner in the waterline of his piercing blue eyes.

"Kidnap the Sandy Claws. See what we will see. Lock him in a cage and then throw away the key." Jace came up behind Embry and wrapped his arms around her waist before dropping a kiss on her head.

"I've been thinking about dyeing my hair blond again. What do you think?"
"I am a firm believer in the hair shade blonde, having it myself and all." Embry switched off the eye to the stove and twister around in arms to face him, chest to chest.

"I would be just as fond of it as I am now. You should do it." She brushed her fingers through his dark tresses.
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Glad that he had her approval, Jace kissed her on the nose and played with her own blonde hair. "Awesome," he said with a smile. "I'll do it tonight. I may or may not have a secret stash of hair dye in my bathroom."

Jace dished out the breakfast she had made and sat with her at the bench as they ate. The prospect of confronting millions of angry fans was intimidating to Jace but he knew he would have to do it sooner or later.

"So how do you want to tell them?"
"I have, just a little." Embry twirled her fork on her plate as she spoke, pondering half way through it."Maybe we should just do Instagram, especially if we're posting on mine. I mainly upload there and Youtube."

"I'm more concerned on all that we should say and how. Should our opening statement 'Ice-cream brought us together'?" She said lightening the mood on the subject."It's ironic, seeing how it also got us caught, but it's true."
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"I am content with Instagram," said Jace in a posh voice. "We should take a beautiful black-and-white selfie of us kissing or something. You can write your ice-cream bit and I will post an inspirational quote."

He was only half-joking. He would probably post one of his own song lyrics, just to fuck with Jasper.

"Actually, I will post a Collar Full lyric."
Embry choked on her glass of water, laughing. It was a short burst because of the water dripping down her. Quickly wiping it away from her chin with her sleeve, blushing lightly, she mumbled underneath her breath."That was mildly unattractive."

"Are you serious?" She leaned over the table, laying down her arms folded."Which line would you use?" She was obviously indulging this.​
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"Actually, I found that quite endearing," Jace countered. Then, he looked up at her, right in the eyes. He had a serious expression on his sharp face because this was a serious matter to him.

"If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go," he replied softly. He could remember Jasper writing that lyric, back when he used to do things, and how much he had loved it when he had first heard it.​
"...Really?" Embry murmured barely audible. Maybe if he was looking at her so earnestly she would have smiled or laughed it off. This was one thing she couldn't do that with, she couldn't even move. All she heard was the pounding of her own heart and feel the charge in the air.

Never, not even once, had she been in a relationship with anyone who would dare to say anything like that and not be flat out lying to her face. And never had she been so wooed, so in love, as well of how strong his feelings for her. She wanted it, but it terrified her.

"That's something..." She swallowed hard and bit the inside of her cheek."Well, I need to get back and pretty up or whatever." She stood up from her seat.​
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Jace couldn't gauge her reaction but he guessed -- no, he hoped -- that she liked his idea. He nodded and got to work on cleaning up the remnants of breakfast as Embry went to go freshen up a little.

He was nervous, mainly of how his fans, and hers, would treat her. Almost every Beautiful Pain fan was still mad at Embry and the rest of Insanity Not Sound for taking Orion off Jace and the others. Jace didn't care, at all, of how he was treated by Embry's fans. You had to have a thick skin to make the kind of music videos he made.

But he didn't know how Embry would be able to handle it.​
"I borrowed one of your shirts."

Embry came back after washing up, wearing a white long T-shirt, or what appeared to be long. It was simply that he was taller than her, so it only made sense that it'd it appear long on her. And she tied her hair back.

"I didn't bring any real make-up, so most of this natural, yes." She gestured to her mostly bare face.

Though,she didn't care too much because she was more anxious about everything else. To be honest, she would have preferred for them to wait a month, then she wouldn't have to worry about others opinions just yet. Still, it would all lead to this in the end. Better sooner than later.

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Jace looked up at her and smiled at her gently when he saw her beautiful, natural, clean appearance. "You look gorgeous," he told her softly, holding his arms out for her.

He held her close to his chest for a few moments as he rubbed her back. He knew she was nervous about this situation because he was, too. He was very nervous. More nervous than he had ever been. Jace had been more confident performing on stage for the first time.

Jace kissed her neck and pulled back to look at her. "We're going to be fine," he assured her. "I love you."
"That's all I really need to hear." Embry remarked very sincerely, hugging him back and burying her face in his chest. Whatever the outcome was, fuck it. He was worth it, and she wanted just a as much as he did her. It was especially comforting to know now

And at this point, there was really no good in holding back and not saying that she loved him. Even if she was scared to be admit how fast she fell for him, It would be just cruel when he put himself out there already. It swelled her heart.

She pulled away just a little to look him in the face, but kept her arms securely around him."I love you too."
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Those three words, strung together in that order, coming from Embry's mouth, directed at him. The arrangement was more beautiful, so much more perfect than any lyric he could have ever written. Any song anyone could have penned.

Jace kissed her softly, his lip ring pressing against her lips and his left hand coming up to cradle the back of her head. He candidly took the picture as he kissed her, before putting his phone on the bench and wrapping his other arm around her waist. The photo meant nothing. Sure, it was an explanation of everything to their fans, but this, the physical touch with the girl he loved, worth so much more than any photo, than anything.

He pulled her closer so she was standing between his legs. Jace rubbed small circles into her lower back. This was bliss. He had never even known he had needed her, or this, until he had her in his arms.

Now, he didn't know what he would do if he lost her.​
Enveloped in the warmth of his arms and deep affection, Embry was so far gone there was no coming back for her. It was easier on her heart now that she let herself fall like this. He had already caught her long before she realized it, she was only really seeing, feeling, it now.

She had been hurt too much in the past when it came to romantic connections. However, with Jace, things were different, better and she trusted him. With that in her, she was sure she'd endure it. There was no way she'd let this person slip through her fingers because of others, or even herself.

She grasped the back of his top tightly as if holding on for her life. And maybe he was, her sentiments had registered him as so.

Gradually, she pulled back from his lips and took his face in both of her hands."I thought about it and I do think it would be super sweet if you did put that quote on." She smiled, her thumb stroking his face.

"But, If you ever say that to any other woman, I'll break your nose." Regardless of her statement, she leaned in and kissed his nose gingerly.​
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Jace continued to hold her close, with his hand in her hair and his arm around her waist. He smiled when she agreed to the lyric he had selected and closed his eyes for a moment when she kissed his nose.

"I wouldn't dare say that to anyone but you," he murmured against her soft skin. "Ever. You're all I need."

He pulled back, picked up his phone and sent it to Embry over text messages. He then opened an app to edit the photo and add black and white filters.

"Have you thought of what you're writing?"
Embry moved over to stand beside him and swiped up her phone after seeing it vibrate, indicating she received a message. She bit down the nail of her her thumb, smiling when gazing at the photo she received. Technically speaking, it was their first couple photo. She couldn't seriously count the one taken by the paparazzi.

"I have." She set down her phone after scrolling through the filters."I'm going to be completely honest with them. I'm seriously in love with the best person on the motherfuckin' planet and galaxy."

She paused."Is it too much?"
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Jace shook his head. "It's perfect," he said with a smile, keeping one arm around her slender waist while he operated his phone with the other hand. Jace had mastered the art of texting with one thumb, so he opened Instagram, selected the photo and typed out his caption.

"If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go."

It was very apt. Not necessarily relating to life, but it meant that if his relationship with Embry was going to be the end of his career, his fanbase ... he would be fine with it.

He tagged Embry, posted the photo and locked his phone.

"It's done," he murmured, resting his head against her shoulder. "YOLO, as the kids say."
"Do they still say that?" Embry question, somewhat rhetorically.

She set up her post after changing the filter to Walden. It was done and set, but she didn't quite click post yet. Her finger only hovered over the button as she mused about something ."You know, as soon as I post this, I'm going to get a phone call."
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"From Isaac, I'm guessing," he said softly. "You can take it. It's fine. I'll be here for you."

He took her hand and looked up at her. "I'll always be here for you, as long as you want me around."

He hoped that would be somewhere close to forever. He really loved her. Jace hadn't known what love truly was until he met Embry Ashford, and now he didn't know how he had lived with her before.

"Just post it," he encouraged her gently. "Get it over with."
"Alright." Embry squeezed his hand lightly before posting. She let out a shallow sigh, breathing more relaxed now that that was done and off her chest.

Not a minute had passed before her phone rang. It was Isaac.

"What the fuck are you doing?" His voice was dangerously low, like the quiet before the storm."Have you lost your mind? Did you forget who the hell Jace Lesecki is? You must have forgotten to take your medication and now you're having an episode."

"I'm diabetic not dissociative you asshole."


Embry pulled away from the device to save her eardrums.
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