Banished From Equestria (Sign-up and OOC)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
  • Start date
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Don't worry, Ecsy.... I already am... Should see the love.... Infinity Loops I've got back on LoE in the Life in Ponyville thread.... And yet, they all love me still....

"I'm such a bad pony..."

Shut up Farsight, no you're not!
"What are you chuckling at, Freeman?" Fasight asks, a serious look on his face completely at odds with the joking manner in his voice.
HAHAHAHA!!! Wavelength's amusement extended beyond this dimension.
Farsight snorts and punches Wave's shoulder... Momentarily forgetting he was in armor. "Oooowwww..."
Wavelength didn't bother resisting the force of the punch, falling over and just laughing even harder.
The laughter becomes contagious, and before he knows it, Farsight laughing as well. It started as a chuckle but soon evolved into full bellowed guffaws. His legs give out and he falls on top of Wave, pausing only for a second to say "Ouch!" before his fit of laughter continued.
Farsight grabs Fatal by one of her legs and yanks her, literally pulling her leg. "Aaah... C'mon Fatal... Lighten up alittle!"
Wavelength turned his headlamp on and shone it at Fatal. Yeah... lighten up! He rolled over and kept laughing.
"Why do I feel I'm not understading something important?" - Said Arty with a troubled expression after hearing all the double-meaning jokes and apparently funny comments, then seeing some ponies laughing out loud and Tian still blushed at a corner, being too ashamed to say anything.
Fatal wraps her hooves around Farsight in a tight embrace. Then she spreads her wings. She begins to flap, lifting the two of them off of the ground. She easily makes her way up above the forest with Farsight. She nuzzles his neck and then begins to whisper into his ear. "Ever wanted to know what it's like to plummet through the clouds at a dead drop speed, quickly approaching the ground while kissing somepony you really care about? I hear it's extremely romantic. The fear of dying seems to conjure a real appreciation for the moment. They also say it's a once in a lifetime experience, and I'm not sure how to feel about that."
Holy Kissing Kiwis, Batmare! There's so much shipping I could start a cargo company!
Wavelength started wheezing from his laughter at Magus's comment.
Hahahaha, you're the best, Magus! - "Said the narrator of my actions and Tian's, rolling on the floor laughing so hard that he can't even do his job properly"
If you're going to... Make sure to make Farsight the assistant manager... He is the boss at shipping...

-Back in the sky!!!!- (cue old Batmare scene swap music)

"As fun as that sounds... I'd like to live... So we can enjoy more time together..."
Farsight nervously says, his mouth dry as he cautiously eyes the ground below.

(OMFG!!!!! ZM 2 was released and I didn't find out until now!??!??!! Aaaahgghggggggghhhh!!!))